From 124e174d27cd0befd50f3cf2bc6f89f35c4151ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Balazs Pokoradi <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2023 11:05:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Added parameter for managing rules in security_group module

Co-Authored-By: Jakob Meng <>

Change-Id: I571955e8f4023293cce325604de5f1689b855416
 ci/roles/security_group/tasks/main.yml  |   2 +
 ci/roles/security_group/tasks/rules.yml | 350 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 plugins/modules/       | 281 ++++++++++++++++++-
 plugins/modules/  |   8 +
 4 files changed, 640 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 ci/roles/security_group/tasks/rules.yml

diff --git a/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/main.yml b/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/main.yml
index 0aec2590..5ef8a65f 100644
--- a/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/main.yml
@@ -71,3 +71,5 @@
      cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
      name: ansible_security_group
      state: absent
+- include_tasks: rules.yml
diff --git a/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/rules.yml b/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/rules.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dbcc7393
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/roles/security_group/tasks/rules.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+- name: Create security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: present
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is changed
+- name: Create security group again
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: present
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is not changed
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 0
+- name: Delete security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: absent
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is changed
+- name: Delete security group again
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: absent
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is not changed
+- name: Create security group including security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules:
+      - ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: egress
+      - ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: egress
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is changed
+- name: Create security group including security group rules again
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules:
+      - ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: egress
+      - ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: egress
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is not changed
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 2
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | map(attribute='ether_type') | list | sort == ['IPv4', 'IPv6']
+- name: Update security group with new set of security group rules, dropping egress rules for IPv4 and IPv6
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules:
+      - protocol: udp
+        ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 547
+        port_range_max: 547
+      - protocol: tcp
+        ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 22
+        port_range_max: 22
+        remote_ip_prefix:
+      - protocol: tcp
+        ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 22
+        port_range_max: 22
+        remote_ip_prefix:
+      - protocol: tcp
+        ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 22
+        port_range_max: 22
+        remote_ip_prefix:
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 4
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | map(attribute='direction') | list | unique == ['ingress']
+- name: Remove all security group rules from security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules: []
+  register: security_group
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 0
+- name: Delete security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: absent
+- name: Create security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules:
+      - ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: egress
+      - ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: egress
+    state: present
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group.security_group.security_group_rules | length == 2
+- name: Define set of additional security group rules
+  set_fact:
+    security_group_rules:
+      - protocol: udp
+        ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 547
+        port_range_max: 547
+      - protocol: tcp
+        ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 22
+        port_range_max: 22
+        remote_ip_prefix:
+- name: Prepare existing security group rules for appending
+  loop: '{{ security_group.security_group.security_group_rules | default([]) }}'
+  set_fact:
+    security_group_rule:
+      description: '{{ item.description or omit }}'
+      direction: '{{ item.direction or omit }}'
+      ether_type: '{{ item.ethertype or omit }}'
+      port_range_max: '{{ item.port_range_max or omit }}'
+      port_range_min: '{{ item.port_range_min or omit }}'
+      protocol: '{{ item.protocol or omit }}'
+      remote_group: '{{ item.remote_group_id or omit }}'
+      remote_ip_prefix: '{{ item.remote_ip_prefix or omit }}'
+  register: previous_security_group_rules
+- name: Flatten existing security group rules
+  set_fact:
+    previous_security_group_rules: "{{
+        previous_security_group_rules.results
+        | map(attribute='ansible_facts.security_group_rule')
+        | flatten(levels=1)
+    }}"
+- name: Append security group rules to security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules: '{{ previous_security_group_rules + security_group_rules }}'
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is changed
+- name: Append security group rules to security group again
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules: '{{ previous_security_group_rules + security_group_rules }}'
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is not changed
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      # 2 ingress rules and egress rules for IPv4 and IPv6
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 4
+- name: Delete security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: absent
+- name: Create security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: present
+  register: security_group
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 0
+- name: Define dense representation of security group rules with multiple remote ip prefixes per rule
+  set_fact:
+    security_group_rules:
+      - protocol: udp
+        ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 547
+        port_range_max: 547
+      - protocol: tcp
+        ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: ingress
+        port_range_min: 22
+        port_range_max: 22
+        remote_ip_prefixes:
+          -
+          -
+          -
+- name: Convert dense representation into default representation of security group rules
+  loop: '{{ security_group_rules }}'
+  set_fact:
+    security_group_rules: >-
+      {{ [item]
+         if 'remote_ip_prefixes' not in item
+         else item.remote_ip_prefixes
+              | map('community.general.dict_kv', 'remote_ip_prefix')
+              | map('combine', item | dict2items | rejectattr('key', 'eq', 'remote_ip_prefixes') | list | items2dict)
+              | list
+      }}
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Flatten security group rules
+  set_fact:
+    security_group_rules: "{{
+        security_group_rules.results
+        | map(attribute='ansible_facts.security_group_rules')
+        | flatten(levels=1) | list
+      }}"
+- name: Update security group with set of security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    security_group_rules: '{{ security_group_rules }}'
+  register: security_group
+- name: Assert return values of security_group module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group is changed
+- name: Fetch security group rules
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    security_group: ansible_security_group
+  register: security_group_rules
+- name: Assert return values of security_group_rule_info module
+  assert:
+    that:
+      - security_group_rules.security_group_rules | length == 4
+- name: Delete security group
+    cloud: "{{ cloud }}"
+    name: ansible_security_group
+    state: absent
diff --git a/plugins/modules/ b/plugins/modules/
index 19be936f..ebdc2f92 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/
+++ b/plugins/modules/
@@ -27,6 +27,83 @@ options:
       - Unique name or ID of the project.
     type: str
+  security_group_rules:
+    description:
+      - List of security group rules.
+      - When I(security_group_rules) is not defined, Neutron might create this
+        security group with a default set of rules.
+      - Security group rules which are listed in I(security_group_rules)
+        but not defined in this security group will be created.
+      - Existing security group rules which are not listed in
+        I(security_group_rules) will be deleted.
+      - When updating a security group, one has to explicitly list rules from
+        Neutron's defaults in I(security_group_rules) if those rules should be
+        kept. Rules which are not listed in I(security_group_rules) will be
+        deleted.
+    type: list
+    elements: dict
+    suboptions:
+      description:
+        description:
+          - Description of the security group rule.
+        type: str
+      direction:
+        description:
+          - The direction in which the security group rule is applied.
+          - Not all providers support C(egress).
+        choices: ['egress', 'ingress']
+        default: ingress
+        type: str
+      ether_type:
+        description:
+          - Must be IPv4 or IPv6, and addresses represented in CIDR must
+            match the ingress or egress rules. Not all providers support IPv6.
+        choices: ['IPv4', 'IPv6']
+        default: IPv4
+        type: str
+      port_range_max:
+        description:
+          - The maximum port number in the range that is matched by the
+            security group rule.
+          - If the protocol is TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP or UDP-Lite this value must
+            be greater than or equal to the I(port_range_min) attribute value.
+          - If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP code.
+        type: int
+      port_range_min:
+        description:
+          - The minimum port number in the range that is matched by the
+            security group rule.
+          - If the protocol is TCP, UDP, DCCP, SCTP or UDP-Lite this value must
+            be less than or equal to the port_range_max attribute value.
+          - If the protocol is ICMP, this value must be an ICMP type.
+        type: int
+      protocol:
+        description:
+          - The IP protocol can be represented by a string, an integer, or
+            null.
+          - Valid string or integer values are C(any) or C(0), C(ah) or C(51),
+            C(dccp) or C(33), C(egp) or C(8), C(esp) or C(50), C(gre) or C(47),
+            C(icmp) or C(1), C(icmpv6) or C(58), C(igmp) or C(2), C(ipip) or
+            C(4), C(ipv6-encap) or C(41), C(ipv6-frag) or C(44), C(ipv6-icmp)
+            or C(58), C(ipv6-nonxt) or C(59), C(ipv6-opts) or C(60),
+            C(ipv6-route) or C(43), C(ospf) or C(89), C(pgm) or C(113), C(rsvp)
+            or C(46), C(sctp) or C(132), C(tcp) or C(6), C(udp) or C(17),
+            C(udplite) or C(136), C(vrrp) or C(112).
+          - Additionally, any integer value between C([0-255]) is also valid.
+          - The string any (or integer 0) means all IP protocols.
+          - See the constants in neutron_lib.constants for the most up-to-date
+            list of supported strings.
+        type: str
+      remote_group:
+        description:
+          - Name or ID of the security group to link.
+          - Mutually exclusive with I(remote_ip_prefix).
+        type: str
+      remote_ip_prefix:
+        description:
+          - Source IP address(es) in CIDR notation.
+          - Mutually exclusive with I(remote_group).
+        type: str
       - Should the resource be present or absent.
@@ -137,17 +214,51 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
     state: present
     name: foo
     project: myproj
+- name: Create (or update) a security group with security group rules
+    cloud: mordred
+    state: present
+    name: foo
+    security_group_rules:
+      - ether_type: IPv6
+        direction: egress
+      - ether_type: IPv4
+        direction: egress
+- name: Create (or update) security group without security group rules
+    cloud: mordred
+    state: present
+    name: foo
+    security_group_rules: []
 from import OpenStackModule
 class SecurityGroupModule(OpenStackModule):
+    # NOTE: Keep handling of security group rules synchronized with
+    #!
     argument_spec = dict(
+        security_group_rules=dict(
+            type="list", elements="dict",
+            options=dict(
+                description=dict(),
+                direction=dict(default="ingress",
+                               choices=["egress", "ingress"]),
+                ether_type=dict(default="IPv4", choices=["IPv4", "IPv6"]),
+                port_range_max=dict(type="int"),
+                port_range_min=dict(type="int"),
+                protocol=dict(),
+                remote_group=dict(),
+                remote_ip_prefix=dict(),
+            ),
+        ),
         state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
@@ -190,6 +301,11 @@ class SecurityGroupModule(OpenStackModule):
     def _build_update(self, security_group):
+        return {
+            **self._build_update_security_group(security_group),
+            **self._build_update_security_group_rules(security_group)}
+    def _build_update_security_group(self, security_group):
         update = {}
         # module options name and project are used to find security group
@@ -213,6 +329,80 @@ class SecurityGroupModule(OpenStackModule):
         return update
+    def _build_update_security_group_rules(self, security_group):
+        def find_security_group_rule_match(prototype, security_group_rules):
+            matches = [r for r in security_group_rules
+                       if is_security_group_rule_match(prototype, r)]
+            if len(matches) > 1:
+                self.fail_json(msg='Found more a single matching security'
+                                   ' group rule which match the given'
+                                   ' parameters.')
+            elif len(matches) == 1:
+                return matches[0]
+            else:  # len(matches) == 0
+                return None
+        def is_security_group_rule_match(prototype, security_group_rule):
+            skip_keys = ['ether_type']
+            if 'ether_type' in prototype \
+               and security_group_rule['ethertype'] != prototype['ether_type']:
+                return False
+            if 'protocol' in prototype \
+               and prototype['protocol'] in ['any', '0']:
+                if security_group_rule['protocol'] is not None:
+                    return False
+                skip_keys.append('protocol')
+            if 'protocol' in prototype \
+               and prototype['protocol'] in ['tcp', 'udp']:
+                # Check if the user is supplying -1, 1 to 65535 or None values
+                # for full TPC or UDP port range.
+                # (None, None) == (1, 65535) == (-1, -1)
+                if 'port_range_max' in prototype \
+                   and prototype['port_range_max'] in [-1, 65535]:
+                    if security_group_rule['port_range_max'] is not None:
+                        return False
+                    skip_keys.append('port_range_max')
+                if 'port_range_min' in prototype \
+                   and prototype['port_range_min'] in [-1, 1]:
+                    if security_group_rule['port_range_min'] is not None:
+                        return False
+                    skip_keys.append('port_range_min')
+            if all(security_group_rule[k] == prototype[k]
+                   for k in (set(prototype.keys()) - set(skip_keys))):
+                return security_group_rule
+            else:
+                return None
+        update = {}
+        keep_security_group_rules = {}
+        create_security_group_rules = []
+        delete_security_group_rules = []
+        for prototype in self._generate_security_group_rules(security_group):
+            match = find_security_group_rule_match(
+                prototype, security_group.security_group_rules)
+            if match:
+                keep_security_group_rules[match['id']] = match
+            else:
+                create_security_group_rules.append(prototype)
+        for security_group_rule in security_group.security_group_rules:
+            if (security_group_rule['id']
+               not in keep_security_group_rules.keys()):
+                delete_security_group_rules.append(security_group_rule)
+        if create_security_group_rules:
+            update['create_security_group_rules'] = create_security_group_rules
+        if delete_security_group_rules:
+            update['delete_security_group_rules'] = delete_security_group_rules
+        return update
     def _create(self):
         kwargs = dict((k, self.params[k])
                       for k in ['description', 'name']
@@ -224,7 +414,14 @@ class SecurityGroupModule(OpenStackModule):
                 name_or_id=project_name_or_id, ignore_missing=False)
             kwargs['project_id'] =
-        return**kwargs)
+        security_group =**kwargs)
+        update = self._build_update_security_group_rules(security_group)
+        if update:
+            security_group = self._update_security_group_rules(security_group,
+                                                               update)
+        return security_group
     def _delete(self, security_group):
@@ -240,7 +437,71 @@ class SecurityGroupModule(OpenStackModule):
+    def _generate_security_group_rules(self, security_group):
+        security_group_cache = {}
+        security_group_cache[] = security_group
+        security_group_cache[] = security_group
+        def _generate_security_group_rule(params):
+            prototype = dict(
+                (k, params[k])
+                for k in ['direction', 'protocol', 'remote_ip_prefix']
+                if params[k] is not None)
+            prototype['project_id'] = security_group.project_id
+            prototype['security_group_id'] =
+            remote_group_name_or_id = params['remote_group']
+            if remote_group_name_or_id is not None:
+                if remote_group_name_or_id in security_group_cache:
+                    remote_group = \
+                        security_group_cache[remote_group_name_or_id]
+                else:
+                    remote_group =
+                        remote_group_name_or_id, ignore_missing=False)
+                    security_group_cache[remote_group_name_or_id] = \
+                        remote_group
+                prototype['remote_group_id'] =
+            ether_type = params['ether_type']
+            if ether_type is not None:
+                prototype['ether_type'] = ether_type
+            protocol = params['protocol']
+            port_range_max = params['port_range_max']
+            port_range_min = params['port_range_min']
+            if protocol in ['icmp', 'ipv6-icmp']:
+                # Check if the user is supplying -1 for ICMP.
+                if port_range_max is not None and int(port_range_max) != -1:
+                    prototype['port_range_max'] = int(port_range_max)
+                if port_range_min is not None and int(port_range_min) != -1:
+                    prototype['port_range_min'] = int(port_range_min)
+            elif protocol in ['tcp', 'udp']:
+                if port_range_max is not None and int(port_range_max) != -1:
+                    prototype['port_range_max'] = int(port_range_max)
+                if port_range_min is not None and int(port_range_min) != -1:
+                    prototype['port_range_min'] = int(port_range_min)
+            elif protocol in ['any', '0']:
+                # Rules with 'any' protocol do not match ports
+                pass
+            else:
+                if port_range_max is not None:
+                    prototype['port_range_max'] = int(port_range_max)
+                if port_range_min is not None:
+                    prototype['port_range_min'] = int(port_range_min)
+            return prototype
+        return [_generate_security_group_rule(r)
+                for r in (self.params['security_group_rules'] or [])]
     def _update(self, security_group, update):
+        security_group = self._update_security_group(security_group, update)
+        return self._update_security_group_rules(security_group, update)
+    def _update_security_group(self, security_group, update):
         attributes = update.get('attributes')
         if attributes:
             security_group =
@@ -248,6 +509,24 @@ class SecurityGroupModule(OpenStackModule):
         return security_group
+    def _update_security_group_rules(self, security_group, update):
+        create_security_group_rules = update.get('create_security_group_rules')
+        if create_security_group_rules:
+  \
+                create_security_group_rules(create_security_group_rules)
+        delete_security_group_rules = update.get('delete_security_group_rules')
+        if delete_security_group_rules:
+            for security_group_rule in delete_security_group_rules:
+      \
+                    delete_security_group_rule(security_group_rule['id'])
+        if create_security_group_rules or delete_security_group_rules:
+            # Update security group with created and deleted rules
+            return
+        else:
+            return security_group
     def _will_change(self, state, security_group):
         if state == 'present' and not security_group:
             return True
diff --git a/plugins/modules/ b/plugins/modules/
index d302a30a..f897192c 100644
--- a/plugins/modules/
+++ b/plugins/modules/
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ author: OpenStack Ansible SIG
   - Add or remove security group rule to/from OpenStack network (Neutron)
+  - Use I(security_group_rules) in M( to define
+    a set of security group rules. It will be much faster than using this
+    module when creating or removing several security group rules because the
+    latter will do individual calls to OpenStack network (Neutron) API for each
+    security group rule.
@@ -243,6 +248,9 @@ from import (
 class SecurityGroupRuleModule(OpenStackModule):
+    # NOTE: Keep handling of security group rules synchronized with
+    #!
     argument_spec = dict(
         direction=dict(default='ingress', choices=['egress', 'ingress']),