Migrating routers from AnsibleModule to OpenStackModule

Change-Id: I6a444c33f2260b79a4f8f75ed5fe73d64fc85c06
This commit is contained in:
frenzy_friday 2020-11-26 20:23:42 +01:00 committed by Shnaidman Sagi (Sergey)
parent 981d268039
commit b87e474192

@ -210,10 +210,8 @@ router:
type: list
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
from ansible_collections.openstack.cloud.plugins.module_utils.openstack import (openstack_full_argument_spec,
from ansible_collections.openstack.cloud.plugins.module_utils.openstack import OpenStackModule
@ -222,160 +220,8 @@ ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS = set([
def _router_internal_interfaces(cloud, router):
for port in cloud.list_router_interfaces(router, 'internal'):
if port['device_owner'] in ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS:
yield port
def _needs_update(cloud, module, router, network, internal_subnet_ids, internal_port_ids, filters=None):
"""Decide if the given router needs an update.
if router['admin_state_up'] != module.params['admin_state_up']:
return True
if router['external_gateway_info']:
# check if enable_snat is set in module params
if module.params['enable_snat'] is not None:
if router['external_gateway_info'].get('enable_snat', True) != module.params['enable_snat']:
return True
if network:
if not router['external_gateway_info']:
return True
elif router['external_gateway_info']['network_id'] != network['id']:
return True
# check external interfaces
if module.params['external_fixed_ips']:
for new_iface in module.params['external_fixed_ips']:
subnet = cloud.get_subnet(new_iface['subnet'], filters)
exists = False
# compare the requested interface with existing, looking for an existing match
for existing_iface in router['external_gateway_info']['external_fixed_ips']:
if existing_iface['subnet_id'] == subnet['id']:
if 'ip' in new_iface:
if existing_iface['ip_address'] == new_iface['ip']:
# both subnet id and ip address match
exists = True
# only the subnet was given, so ip doesn't matter
exists = True
# this interface isn't present on the existing router
if not exists:
return True
# check internal interfaces
if module.params['interfaces']:
existing_subnet_ids = []
for port in _router_internal_interfaces(cloud, router):
if 'fixed_ips' in port:
for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
for iface in module.params['interfaces']:
if isinstance(iface, dict):
for p_id in internal_port_ids:
p = cloud.get_port(name_or_id=p_id)
if 'fixed_ips' in p:
for fip in p['fixed_ips']:
if set(internal_subnet_ids) != set(existing_subnet_ids):
internal_subnet_ids = []
return True
return False
def _system_state_change(cloud, module, router, network, internal_ids, internal_portids, filters=None):
"""Check if the system state would be changed."""
state = module.params['state']
if state == 'absent' and router:
return True
if state == 'present':
if not router:
return True
return _needs_update(cloud, module, router, network, internal_ids, internal_portids, filters)
return False
def _build_kwargs(cloud, module, router, network):
kwargs = {
'admin_state_up': module.params['admin_state_up'],
if router:
kwargs['name_or_id'] = router['id']
kwargs['name'] = module.params['name']
if network:
kwargs['ext_gateway_net_id'] = network['id']
# can't send enable_snat unless we have a network
if module.params.get('enable_snat') is not None:
kwargs['enable_snat'] = module.params['enable_snat']
if module.params['external_fixed_ips']:
kwargs['ext_fixed_ips'] = []
for iface in module.params['external_fixed_ips']:
subnet = cloud.get_subnet(iface['subnet'])
d = {'subnet_id': subnet['id']}
if 'ip' in iface:
d['ip_address'] = iface['ip']
return kwargs
def _validate_subnets(module, cloud, filters=None):
external_subnet_ids = []
internal_subnet_ids = []
internal_port_ids = []
existing_port_ips = []
if module.params['external_fixed_ips']:
for iface in module.params['external_fixed_ips']:
subnet = cloud.get_subnet(iface['subnet'])
if not subnet:
module.fail_json(msg='subnet %s not found' % iface['subnet'])
if module.params['interfaces']:
for iface in module.params['interfaces']:
if isinstance(iface, str):
subnet = cloud.get_subnet(iface, filters)
if not subnet:
module.fail_json(msg='subnet %s not found' % iface)
elif isinstance(iface, dict):
subnet = cloud.get_subnet(iface['subnet'], filters)
if not subnet:
module.fail_json(msg='subnet %s not found' % iface['subnet'])
net = cloud.get_network(iface['net'])
if not net:
module.fail_json(msg='net %s not found' % iface['net'])
if "portip" not in iface:
elif not iface['portip']:
module.fail_json(msg='put an ip in portip or remove it from list to assign default port to router')
for existing_port in cloud.list_ports(filters={'network_id': net.id}):
for fixed_ip in existing_port['fixed_ips']:
if iface['portip'] == fixed_ip['ip_address']:
if iface['portip'] not in existing_port_ips:
p = cloud.create_port(network_id=net.id, fixed_ips=[{'ip_address': iface['portip'], 'subnet_id': subnet.id}])
if p:
return external_subnet_ids, internal_subnet_ids, internal_port_ids
def main():
argument_spec = openstack_full_argument_spec(
class RouterModule(OpenStackModule):
argument_spec = dict(
state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
admin_state_up=dict(type='bool', default=True),
@ -386,65 +232,210 @@ def main():
module_kwargs = openstack_module_kwargs()
module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec,
def _router_internal_interfaces(self, router):
for port in self.conn.list_router_interfaces(router, 'internal'):
if port['device_owner'] in ROUTER_INTERFACE_OWNERS:
yield port
state = module.params['state']
name = module.params['name']
network = module.params['network']
project = module.params['project']
def _needs_update(self, router, network, internal_subnet_ids, internal_port_ids, filters=None):
"""Decide if the given router needs an update.
if router['admin_state_up'] != self.params['admin_state_up']:
return True
if router['external_gateway_info']:
# check if enable_snat is set in module params
if self.params['enable_snat'] is not None:
if router['external_gateway_info'].get('enable_snat', True) != self.params['enable_snat']:
return True
if network:
if not router['external_gateway_info']:
return True
elif router['external_gateway_info']['network_id'] != network['id']:
return True
if module.params['external_fixed_ips'] and not network:
module.fail_json(msg='network is required when supplying external_fixed_ips')
# check external interfaces
if self.params['external_fixed_ips']:
for new_iface in self.params['external_fixed_ips']:
subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(new_iface['subnet'], filters)
exists = False
# compare the requested interface with existing, looking for an existing match
for existing_iface in router['external_gateway_info']['external_fixed_ips']:
if existing_iface['subnet_id'] == subnet['id']:
if 'ip' in new_iface:
if existing_iface['ip_address'] == new_iface['ip']:
# both subnet id and ip address match
exists = True
# only the subnet was given, so ip doesn't matter
exists = True
# this interface isn't present on the existing router
if not exists:
return True
# check internal interfaces
if self.params['interfaces']:
existing_subnet_ids = []
for port in self._router_internal_interfaces(router):
if 'fixed_ips' in port:
for fixed_ip in port['fixed_ips']:
for iface in self.params['interfaces']:
if isinstance(iface, dict):
for p_id in internal_port_ids:
p = self.conn.get_port(name_or_id=p_id)
if 'fixed_ips' in p:
for fip in p['fixed_ips']:
if set(internal_subnet_ids) != set(existing_subnet_ids):
return True
return False
def _system_state_change(self, router, network, internal_ids, internal_portids, filters=None):
"""Check if the system state would be changed."""
state = self.params['state']
if state == 'absent' and router:
return True
if state == 'present':
if not router:
return True
return self._needs_update(router, network, internal_ids, internal_portids, filters)
return False
def _build_kwargs(self, router, network):
kwargs = {
'admin_state_up': self.params['admin_state_up'],
if router:
kwargs['name_or_id'] = router['id']
kwargs['name'] = self.params['name']
if network:
kwargs['ext_gateway_net_id'] = network['id']
# can't send enable_snat unless we have a network
if self.params.get('enable_snat') is not None:
kwargs['enable_snat'] = self.params['enable_snat']
if self.params['external_fixed_ips']:
kwargs['ext_fixed_ips'] = []
for iface in self.params['external_fixed_ips']:
subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(iface['subnet'])
d = {'subnet_id': subnet['id']}
if 'ip' in iface:
d['ip_address'] = iface['ip']
return kwargs
def _validate_subnets(self, filters=None):
external_subnet_ids = []
internal_subnet_ids = []
internal_port_ids = []
existing_port_ips = []
if self.params['external_fixed_ips']:
for iface in self.params['external_fixed_ips']:
subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(iface['subnet'])
if not subnet:
self.fail_json(msg='subnet %s not found' % iface['subnet'])
if self.params['interfaces']:
for iface in self.params['interfaces']:
if isinstance(iface, str):
subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(iface, filters)
if not subnet:
self.fail(msg='subnet %s not found' % iface)
elif isinstance(iface, dict):
subnet = self.conn.get_subnet(iface['subnet'], filters)
if not subnet:
self.fail(msg='subnet %s not found' % iface['subnet'])
net = self.conn.get_network(iface['net'])
if not net:
self.fail(msg='net %s not found' % iface['net'])
if "portip" not in iface:
elif not iface['portip']:
self.fail(msg='put an ip in portip or remove it from list to assign default port to router')
for existing_port in self.conn.list_ports(filters={'network_id': net.id}):
for fixed_ip in existing_port['fixed_ips']:
if iface['portip'] == fixed_ip['ip_address']:
if iface['portip'] not in existing_port_ips:
p = self.conn.create_port(network_id=net.id, fixed_ips=[
'ip_address': iface['portip'],
'subnet_id': subnet.id
if p:
return external_subnet_ids, internal_subnet_ids, internal_port_ids
def run(self):
state = self.params['state']
name = self.params['name']
network = self.params['network']
project = self.params['project']
if self.params['external_fixed_ips'] and not network:
self.fail_json(msg='network is required when supplying external_fixed_ips')
sdk, cloud = openstack_cloud_from_module(module)
if project is not None:
proj = cloud.get_project(project)
proj = self.conn.get_project(project)
if proj is None:
module.fail_json(msg='Project %s could not be found' % project)
self.fail(msg='Project %s could not be found' % project)
project_id = proj['id']
filters = {'tenant_id': project_id}
project_id = None
filters = None
router = cloud.get_router(name, filters=filters)
router = self.conn.get_router(name, filters=filters)
net = None
if network:
net = cloud.get_network(network)
net = self.conn.get_network(network)
if not net:
module.fail_json(msg='network %s not found' % network)
self.fail(msg='network %s not found' % network)
# Validate and cache the subnet IDs so we can avoid duplicate checks
# and expensive API calls.
external_ids, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids = _validate_subnets(module, cloud, filters)
if module.check_mode:
changed=_system_state_change(cloud, module, router, net, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids, filters)
external_ids, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids = self._validate_subnets(filters)
if self.ansible.check_mode:
changed=self._system_state_change(router, net, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids, filters)
if state == 'present':
changed = False
if not router:
kwargs = _build_kwargs(cloud, module, router, net)
kwargs = self._build_kwargs(router, net)
if project_id:
kwargs['project_id'] = project_id
router = cloud.create_router(**kwargs)
router = self.conn.create_router(**kwargs)
for int_s_id in subnet_internal_ids:
cloud.add_router_interface(router, subnet_id=int_s_id)
changed = True
self.conn.add_router_interface(router, subnet_id=int_s_id)
# add interface by port id as well
for int_p_id in internal_portids:
cloud.add_router_interface(router, port_id=int_p_id)
self.conn.add_router_interface(router, port_id=int_p_id)
changed = True
if _needs_update(cloud, module, router, net, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids, filters):
kwargs = _build_kwargs(cloud, module, router, net)
updated_router = cloud.update_router(**kwargs)
if self._needs_update(router, net, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids, filters):
kwargs = self._build_kwargs(router, net)
updated_router = self.conn.update_router(**kwargs)
# Protect against update_router() not actually
# updating the router.
@ -455,38 +446,38 @@ def main():
# just detach all existing internal interfaces and attach the new.
if internal_portids or subnet_internal_ids:
router = updated_router
ports = _router_internal_interfaces(cloud, router)
ports = self._router_internal_interfaces(router)
for port in ports:
cloud.remove_router_interface(router, port_id=port['id'])
self.conn.remove_router_interface(router, port_id=port['id'])
if internal_portids:
external_ids, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids = _validate_subnets(module, cloud, filters)
external_ids, subnet_internal_ids, internal_portids = self._validate_subnets(filters)
for int_p_id in internal_portids:
cloud.add_router_interface(router, port_id=int_p_id)
self.conn.add_router_interface(router, port_id=int_p_id)
changed = True
if subnet_internal_ids:
for s_id in subnet_internal_ids:
cloud.add_router_interface(router, subnet_id=s_id)
self.conn.add_router_interface(router, subnet_id=s_id)
changed = True
self.exit(changed=changed, router=router, id=router['id'])
elif state == 'absent':
if not router:
# We need to detach all internal interfaces on a router before
# we will be allowed to delete it.
ports = _router_internal_interfaces(cloud, router)
ports = self._router_internal_interfaces(router)
router_id = router['id']
for port in ports:
cloud.remove_router_interface(router, port_id=port['id'])
self.conn.remove_router_interface(router, port_id=port['id'])
except sdk.exceptions.OpenStackCloudException as e:
def main():
module = RouterModule()
if __name__ == '__main__':