[![OpenDev Zuul Builds - Ansible OpenStack Collection](https://zuul-ci.org/gated.svg)]( http://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?project=openstack%2Fansible-collections-openstack) # Ansible OpenStack Collection Ansible OpenStack collection aka `openstack.cloud` provides Ansible modules and Ansible plugins for managing OpenStack clouds. It is supported and maintained by the OpenStack community. **NOTE:** We need and value your contributions! Maintaining this collection is a community effort. We are all both users and developers of this collection at the same time. If you find a bug, please report it. If you have fixed a bug, please submit a patch. If you need new functionality which is not covered by this collection yet, please extend an existing module or submit a new one. Our [Contributing](#contributing) section below has tons of docs to check out. Please get in touch! ## Branches and Non Backward Compatibility ⚠️ Our codebase has been split into two separate release series, `2.x.x` and `1.x.x`: * `2.x.x` releases of Ansible OpenStack collection are compatible with [OpenStack SDK][openstacksdk] `1.x.x` and its release candidates `0.99.0` and later *only* (OpenStack Zed and later). Our `master` branch tracks our `2.x.x` releases. * `1.x.x` releases of Ansible OpenStack collection are compatible with [OpenStack SDK][openstacksdk] `0.x.x` prior to `0.99.0` *only* (OpenStack Yoga and earlier). Our `stable/1.0.0` branch tracks our `1.x.x` releases. * `2.x.x` releases of Ansible OpenStack collection are not backward compatible to `1.x.x` releases ⚠️ For rationale and details please read our [branching docs](docs/branching.md). Both branches will be developed in parallel for the time being. Patches from `master` will be backported to `stable/1.0.0` on a best effort basis but expect new features to be introduced in our `master` branch only. Contributions are welcome for both branches! [openstacksdk]: https://opendev.org/openstack/openstacksdk ## Installation For using this collection, first you have to install both Python packages `ansible` and `openstacksdk` on your Ansible controller: ```sh pip install "ansible>=2.9" "openstacksdk>=1.0.0" ``` [OpenStack SDK][openstacksdk] has to be available on the Ansible host running the OpenStack modules. Depending on the Ansible playbook and roles you use, this host is not necessarily the Ansible controller. Sometimes Ansible might invoke a non-standard Python interpreter on the target Ansible host. Using Python 3.6 is required for modules in this collection. Always use the last stable version of [OpenStack SDK][openstacksdk] if possible, also when running against older OpenStack deployments. OpenStack SDK is backward compatible to older OpenStack deployments, so its safe to run last version of the SDK against older OpenStack clouds. The installed version of the OpenStack SDK does not have to match your OpenStack cloud, but it has to match the release series of this collection which you are using. For notes about our release series and branches please read the introduction above. Before using this collection, you have to install it with `ansible-galaxy`: ```sh ansible-galaxy collection install openstack.cloud ``` You can also include it in a `requirements.yml` file: ```yaml collections: - name: openstack.cloud ``` And then install it with: ```sh ansible-galaxy collection install -r requirements.yml ``` ## Usage To use a module from the Ansible OpenStack collection, call them by their Fully Qualified Collection Name (FQCN), composed of their namespace, collection name and module name: ```yaml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Create server in an OpenStack cloud openstack.cloud.server: name: vm state: present cloud: openstack region_name: ams01 image: Ubuntu Server 14.04 flavor_ram: 4096 boot_from_volume: True volume_size: 75 ``` Or you can add the full namespace and collection name in the `collections` element: ```yaml --- - hosts: localhost collections: - openstack.cloud tasks: - name: Create server in an OpenStack cloud server_volume: state: present cloud: openstack server: Mysql-server volume: mysql-data device: /dev/vdb ``` For powerful generic [CRUD][crud]-style resource management use Ansible module [`openstack.cloud.resource`](plugins/modules/resource.py): ```yaml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Create security group openstack.cloud.resource: cloud: openstack service: network type: security_group attributes: name: ansible_security_group description: 'ansible security group' - name: Update security group description openstack.cloud.resource: cloud: openstack service: network type: security_group attributes: name: ansible_security_group description: 'ansible neutron security group' - name: Delete security group openstack.cloud.resource: cloud: openstack service: network type: security_group attributes: name: ansible_security_group state: absent ``` For generic resource listing use Ansible module [`openstack.cloud.resources`](plugins/modules/resources.py): ```yaml --- - hosts: localhost tasks: - name: List images openstack.cloud.resources: cloud: openstack service: image type: image - name: List compute flavors openstack.cloud.resources: cloud: openstack service: compute type: flavor - name: List networks with name 'public' openstack.cloud.resources: cloud: openstack service: network type: network parameters: name: public ``` [Ansible module defaults][ansible-module-defaults] are supported as well: ```yaml --- - module_defaults: group/openstack.cloud.openstack: cloud: devstack-admin # # # Listing modules individually is required for # backward compatibility with Ansible 2.9 only openstack.cloud.compute_flavor_info: cloud: devstack-admin openstack.cloud.server_info: cloud: devstack-admin block: - name: List compute flavors openstack.cloud.compute_flavor_info: - name: List servers openstack.cloud.server_info: ``` [ansible-module-defaults]: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_module_defaults.html [crud]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CRUD ## Documentation See collection docs at Ansible's main page: * [openstack.cloud collection docs (version released in Ansible package)]( https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/openstack/cloud/index.html) * [openstack.cloud collection docs (devel version)]( https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/devel/collections/openstack/cloud/index.html) ## Contributing Thank you for your interest in our Ansible OpenStack collection ☺️ There are many ways in which you can participate in the project, for example: - [Report and verify bugs and help with solving issues]( https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/ansible-collections-openstack). - [Submit and review patches]( https://review.opendev.org/#/q/project:openstack/ansible-collections-openstack). - Follow OpenStack's [How To Contribute](https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/How_To_Contribute) guide. Please read our [Contributions and Development Guide](docs/contributing.md) (⚠️) and our [Review Guide]( docs/reviewing.md) (⚠️) before sending your first patch. Pull requests submitted through GitHub will be ignored. ## Communication We have a Special Interest Group for the Ansible OpenStack collection. Join us in `#openstack-ansible-sig` on [OFTC IRC](https://www.oftc.net/) 🍪 ## License GNU General Public License v3.0 or later See [LICENCE](COPYING) to see the full text.