# This code is part of Ansible, but is an independent component. # This particular file snippet, and this file snippet only, is BSD licensed. # Modules you write using this snippet, which is embedded dynamically by Ansible # still belong to the author of the module, and may assign their own license # to the complete work. # # Copyright 2019 Red Hat, Inc. # Copyright (c) 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE # USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. import abc import copy from distutils.version import StrictVersion import importlib import os from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems OVERRIDES = {'os_client_config': 'config', 'os_endpoint': 'catalog_endpoint', 'os_flavor': 'compute_flavor', 'os_flavor_info': 'compute_flavor_info', 'os_group': 'identity_group', 'os_group_info': 'identity_group_info', 'os_ironic': 'baremetal_node', 'os_ironic_inspect': 'baremetal_inspect', 'os_ironic_node': 'baremetal_node_action', 'os_keystone_domain': 'identity_domain', 'os_keystone_domain_info': 'identity_domain_info', 'os_keystone_endpoint': 'endpoint', 'os_keystone_identity_provider': 'federation_idp', 'os_keystone_identity_provider_info': 'federation_idp_info', 'os_keystone_mapping': 'federation_mapping', 'os_keystone_mapping_info': 'federation_mapping_info', 'os_keystone_role': 'identity_role', 'os_keystone_service': 'catalog_service', 'os_listener': 'lb_listener', 'os_member': 'lb_member', 'os_nova_flavor': 'compute_flavor', 'os_nova_host_aggregate': 'host_aggregate', 'os_pool': 'lb_pool', 'os_user': 'identity_user', 'os_user_group': 'group_assignment', 'os_user_info': 'identity_user_info', 'os_user_role': 'role_assignment', 'os_zone': 'dns_zone'} CUSTOM_VAR_PARAMS = ['min_ver', 'max_ver'] MINIMUM_SDK_VERSION = '0.12.0' def openstack_argument_spec(): # DEPRECATED: This argument spec is only used for the deprecated old # OpenStack modules. It turns out that modern OpenStack auth is WAY # more complex than this. # Consume standard OpenStack environment variables. # This is mainly only useful for ad-hoc command line operation as # in playbooks one would assume variables would be used appropriately OS_AUTH_URL = os.environ.get('OS_AUTH_URL', '') OS_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('OS_PASSWORD', None) OS_REGION_NAME = os.environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME', None) OS_USERNAME = os.environ.get('OS_USERNAME', 'admin') OS_TENANT_NAME = os.environ.get('OS_TENANT_NAME', OS_USERNAME) spec = dict( login_username=dict(default=OS_USERNAME), auth_url=dict(default=OS_AUTH_URL), region_name=dict(default=OS_REGION_NAME), availability_zone=dict(), ) if OS_PASSWORD: spec['login_password'] = dict(default=OS_PASSWORD) else: spec['login_password'] = dict(required=True) if OS_TENANT_NAME: spec['login_tenant_name'] = dict(default=OS_TENANT_NAME) else: spec['login_tenant_name'] = dict(required=True) return spec def openstack_find_nova_addresses(addresses, ext_tag, key_name=None): ret = [] for (k, v) in iteritems(addresses): if key_name and k == key_name: ret.extend([addrs['addr'] for addrs in v]) else: for interface_spec in v: if 'OS-EXT-IPS:type' in interface_spec and interface_spec['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == ext_tag: ret.append(interface_spec['addr']) return ret def openstack_full_argument_spec(**kwargs): spec = dict( cloud=dict(default=None, type='raw'), auth_type=dict(default=None), auth=dict(default=None, type='dict', no_log=True), region_name=dict(default=None), availability_zone=dict(default=None), validate_certs=dict(default=None, type='bool', aliases=['verify']), ca_cert=dict(default=None, aliases=['cacert']), client_cert=dict(default=None, aliases=['cert']), client_key=dict(default=None, no_log=True, aliases=['key']), wait=dict(default=True, type='bool'), timeout=dict(default=180, type='int'), api_timeout=dict(default=None, type='int'), interface=dict( default='public', choices=['public', 'internal', 'admin'], aliases=['endpoint_type']), ) # Filter out all our custom parameters before passing to AnsibleModule kwargs_copy = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) for v in kwargs_copy.values(): for c in CUSTOM_VAR_PARAMS: v.pop(c, None) spec.update(kwargs_copy) return spec def openstack_module_kwargs(**kwargs): ret = {} for key in ('mutually_exclusive', 'required_together', 'required_one_of'): if key in kwargs: if key in ret: ret[key].extend(kwargs[key]) else: ret[key] = kwargs[key] return ret # for compatibility with old versions def openstack_cloud_from_module(module, min_version=None): try: # Due to the name shadowing we should import other way sdk = importlib.import_module('openstack') sdk_version = importlib.import_module('openstack.version') except ImportError: module.fail_json(msg='openstacksdk is required for this module') if min_version: min_version = max(StrictVersion(MINIMUM_SDK_VERSION), StrictVersion(min_version)) else: min_version = StrictVersion(MINIMUM_SDK_VERSION) if StrictVersion(sdk_version.__version__) < min_version: module.fail_json( msg="To utilize this module, the installed version of " "the openstacksdk library MUST be >={min_version}.".format( min_version=min_version)) cloud_config = module.params.pop('cloud', None) try: if isinstance(cloud_config, dict): fail_message = ( "A cloud config dict was provided to the cloud parameter" " but also a value was provided for {param}. If a cloud" " config dict is provided, {param} should be" " excluded.") for param in ( 'auth', 'region_name', 'validate_certs', 'ca_cert', 'client_key', 'api_timeout', 'auth_type'): if module.params[param] is not None: module.fail_json(msg=fail_message.format(param=param)) # For 'interface' parameter, fail if we receive a non-default value if module.params['interface'] != 'public': module.fail_json(msg=fail_message.format(param='interface')) return sdk, sdk.connect(**cloud_config) else: return sdk, sdk.connect( cloud=cloud_config, auth_type=module.params['auth_type'], auth=module.params['auth'], region_name=module.params['region_name'], verify=module.params['validate_certs'], cacert=module.params['ca_cert'], key=module.params['client_key'], api_timeout=module.params['api_timeout'], interface=module.params['interface'], ) except sdk.exceptions.SDKException as e: # Probably a cloud configuration/login error module.fail_json(msg=str(e)) class OpenStackModule: """Openstack Module is a base class for all Openstack Module classes. The class has `run` function that should be overriden in child classes, the provided methods include: Methods: params: Dictionary of Ansible module parameters. module_name: Module name (i.e. server_action) sdk_version: Version of used OpenstackSDK. results: Dictionary for return of Ansible module, must include `changed` keyword. exit, exit_json: Exit module and return data inside, must include changed` keyword in a data. fail, fail_json: Exit module with failure, has `msg` keyword to specify a reason of failure. conn: Connection to SDK object. log: Print message to system log. debug: Print debug message to system log, prints if Ansible Debug is enabled or verbosity is more than 2. check_deprecated_names: Function that checks if module was called with a deprecated name and prints the correct name with deprecation warning. check_versioned: helper function to check that all arguments are known in the current SDK version. run: method that executes and shall be overriden in inherited classes. Args: deprecated_names: Should specify deprecated modules names for current module. argument_spec: Used for construction of Openstack common arguments. module_kwargs: Additional arguments for Ansible Module. """ deprecated_names = () argument_spec = {} module_kwargs = {} module_min_sdk_version = None def __init__(self): """Initialize Openstack base class. Set up variables, connection to SDK and check if there are deprecated names. """ self.ansible = AnsibleModule( openstack_full_argument_spec(**self.argument_spec), **self.module_kwargs) self.params = self.ansible.params self.module_name = self.ansible._name self.sdk_version = None self.results = {'changed': False} self.exit = self.exit_json = self.ansible.exit_json self.fail = self.fail_json = self.ansible.fail_json self.sdk, self.conn = self.openstack_cloud_from_module() self.check_deprecated_names() def log(self, msg): """Prints log message to system log. Arguments: msg {str} -- Log message """ self.ansible.log(msg) def debug(self, msg): """Prints debug message to system log Arguments: msg {str} -- Debug message. """ if self.ansible._debug or self.ansible._verbosity > 2: self.ansible.log( " ".join(['[DEBUG]', msg])) def check_deprecated_names(self): """Check deprecated module names if `deprecated_names` variable is set. """ new_module_name = OVERRIDES.get(self.module_name) if self.module_name in self.deprecated_names and new_module_name: self.ansible.deprecate( "The '%s' module has been renamed to '%s' in openstack " "collection: openstack.cloud.%s" % ( self.module_name, new_module_name, new_module_name), version='2.0.0', collection_name='openstack.cloud') def openstack_cloud_from_module(self): """Sets up connection to cloud using provided options. Checks if all provided variables are supported for the used SDK version. """ try: # Due to the name shadowing we should import other way sdk = importlib.import_module('openstack') sdk_version_lib = importlib.import_module('openstack.version') self.sdk_version = sdk_version_lib.__version__ except ImportError: self.fail_json(msg='openstacksdk is required for this module') # Fail if the available SDK version doesn't meet the minimum version # requirements if self.module_min_sdk_version: min_version = max(StrictVersion(MINIMUM_SDK_VERSION), StrictVersion(self.module_min_sdk_version)) else: min_version = StrictVersion(MINIMUM_SDK_VERSION) if StrictVersion(self.sdk_version) < min_version: self.fail( msg="To utilize this module, the installed version of " "the openstacksdk library MUST be >={min_version}.".format( min_version=min_version)) # Fail if there are set unsupported for this version parameters # New parameters should NOT use 'default' but rely on SDK defaults for param in self.argument_spec: if (self.params[param] is not None and 'min_ver' in self.argument_spec[param] and StrictVersion(self.sdk_version) < self.argument_spec[param]['min_ver']): self.fail_json( msg="To use parameter '{param}' with module '{module}', the installed version of " "the openstacksdk library MUST be >={min_version}.".format( min_version=self.argument_spec[param]['min_ver'], param=param, module=self.module_name)) if (self.params[param] is not None and 'max_ver' in self.argument_spec[param] and StrictVersion(self.sdk_version) > self.argument_spec[param]['max_ver']): self.fail_json( msg="To use parameter '{param}' with module '{module}', the installed version of " "the openstacksdk library MUST be <={max_version}.".format( max_version=self.argument_spec[param]['max_ver'], param=param, module=self.module_name)) cloud_config = self.params.pop('cloud', None) if isinstance(cloud_config, dict): fail_message = ( "A cloud config dict was provided to the cloud parameter" " but also a value was provided for {param}. If a cloud" " config dict is provided, {param} should be" " excluded.") for param in ( 'auth', 'region_name', 'validate_certs', 'ca_cert', 'client_key', 'api_timeout', 'auth_type'): if self.params[param] is not None: self.fail_json(msg=fail_message.format(param=param)) # For 'interface' parameter, fail if we receive a non-default value if self.params['interface'] != 'public': self.fail_json(msg=fail_message.format(param='interface')) else: cloud_config = dict( cloud=cloud_config, auth_type=self.params['auth_type'], auth=self.params['auth'], region_name=self.params['region_name'], verify=self.params['validate_certs'], cacert=self.params['ca_cert'], key=self.params['client_key'], api_timeout=self.params['api_timeout'], interface=self.params['interface'], ) try: return sdk, sdk.connect(**cloud_config) except sdk.exceptions.SDKException as e: # Probably a cloud configuration/login error self.fail_json(msg=str(e)) # Filter out all arguments that are not from current SDK version def check_versioned(self, **kwargs): """Check that provided arguments are supported by current SDK version Returns: versioned_result {dict} dictionary of only arguments that are supported by current SDK version. All others are dropped. """ versioned_result = {} for var_name in kwargs: if ('min_ver' in self.argument_spec[var_name] and StrictVersion(self.sdk_version) < self.argument_spec[var_name]['min_ver']): continue if ('max_ver' in self.argument_spec[var_name] and StrictVersion(self.sdk_version) > self.argument_spec[var_name]['max_ver']): continue versioned_result.update({var_name: kwargs[var_name]}) return versioned_result @abc.abstractmethod def run(self): """Function for overriding in inhetired classes, it's executed by default. """ pass def __call__(self): """Execute `run` function when calling the class. """ try: results = self.run() if results and isinstance(results, dict): self.ansible.exit_json(**results) except self.sdk.exceptions.OpenStackCloudException as e: params = { 'msg': str(e), 'extra_data': { 'data': getattr(e, 'extra_data', 'None'), 'details': getattr(e, 'details', 'None'), 'response': getattr(getattr(e, 'response', ''), 'text', 'None') } } self.ansible.fail_json(**params) # if we got to this place, modules didn't exit self.ansible.exit_json(**self.results)