#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2014, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = r''' --- module: baremetal_node short_description: Create/Delete Bare Metal Resources from OpenStack author: OpenStack Ansible SIG description: - Create or Remove Ironic nodes from OpenStack. options: bios_interface: description: - The bios interface for this node, e.g. C(no-bios). type: str boot_interface: description: - The boot interface for this node, e.g. C(pxe). type: str chassis_id: description: - Associate the node with a pre-defined chassis. type: str aliases: ['chassis_uuid'] console_interface: description: - The console interface for this node, e.g. C(no-console). type: str deploy_interface: description: - The deploy interface for this node, e.g. C(iscsi). type: str driver: description: - The name of the Ironic Driver to use with this node. - Required when I(state) is C(present) type: str driver_info: description: - Information for this node's driver. Will vary based on which driver is in use. Any sub-field which is populated will be validated during creation. For compatibility reasons sub-fields `power`, `deploy`, `management` and `console` are flattened. required: true type: dict id: description: - ID to be given to the baremetal node. Will be auto-generated on creation if not specified, and I(name) is specified. - Definition of I(id) will always take precedence over I(name). type: str aliases: ['uuid'] inspect_interface: description: - The interface used for node inspection, e.g. C(no-inspect). type: str management_interface: description: - The interface for out-of-band management of this node, e.g. "ipmitool". type: str name: description: - unique name identifier to be given to the resource. type: str network_interface: description: - The network interface provider to use when describing connections for this node. type: str nics: description: - 'A list of network interface cards, eg, C( - mac: aa:bb:cc:aa:bb:cc)' - This node attribute cannot be updated. required: true type: list elements: dict suboptions: mac: description: The MAC address of the network interface card. type: str required: true power_interface: description: - The interface used to manage power actions on this node, e.g. C(ipmitool). type: str properties: description: - Definition of the physical characteristics of this node - Used for scheduling purposes type: dict suboptions: cpu_arch: description: - CPU architecture (x86_64, i686, ...) type: str cpus: description: - Number of CPU cores this machine has type: str memory_mb: description: - Amount of RAM in MB this machine has aliases: ['ram'] type: str local_gb: description: - Size in GB of first storage device in this machine (typically /dev/sda) aliases: ['disk_size'] type: str capabilities: description: - Special capabilities for this node such as boot_option etc. - For more information refer to U(https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/install/advanced.html). type: str root_device: description: - Root disk device hints for deployment. - For allowed hints refer to U(https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/install/advanced.html). type: dict raid_interface: description: - Interface used for configuring raid on this node. type: str rescue_interface: description: - Interface used for node rescue, e.g. C(no-rescue). type: str resource_class: description: - The specific resource type to which this node belongs. type: str skip_update_of_masked_password: description: - Deprecated, no longer used. - Updating or specifing a password has not been supported for a while. type: bool state: description: - Indicates desired state of the resource choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present type: str storage_interface: description: - Interface used for attaching and detaching volumes on this node, e.g. C(cinder). type: str timeout: description: - Number of seconds to wait for the newly created node to reach the available state. type: int default: 1800 vendor_interface: description: - Interface for all vendor-specific actions on this node, e.g. C(no-vendor). type: str extends_documentation_fragment: - openstack.cloud.openstack ''' EXAMPLES = r''' - name: Enroll a node with some basic properties and driver info openstack.cloud.baremetal_node: chassis_id: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001" cloud: "devstack" driver: "pxe_ipmitool" driver_info: ipmi_address: "" ipmi_username: "admin" ipmi_password: "adminpass" id: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002" nics: - mac: "aa:bb:cc:aa:bb:cc" - mac: "dd:ee:ff:dd:ee:ff" properties: capabilities: "boot_option:local" cpu_arch: "x86_64" cpus: 2 local_gb: 64 memory_mb: 8192 root_device: wwn: "0x4000cca77fc4dba1" ''' RETURN = r''' node: description: Dictionary describing the Bare Metal node. type: dict returned: On success when I(state) is 'present'. contains: allocation_id: description: The UUID of the allocation associated with the node. If not null, will be the same as instance_id (the opposite is not always true). Unlike instance_id, this field is read-only. Please use the Allocation API to remove allocations. returned: success type: str bios_interface: description: The bios interface to be used for this node. returned: success type: str boot_interface: description: The boot interface for a node, e.g. "pxe". returned: success type: str boot_mode: description: The boot mode for a node, either "uefi" or "bios" returned: success type: str chassis_id: description: UUID of the chassis associated with this node. May be empty or None. returned: success type: str clean_step: description: The current clean step. returned: success type: str conductor: description: | The conductor currently servicing a node. returned: success type: str conductor_group: description: The conductor group for a node. returned: success type: str console_interface: description: The console interface for a node, e.g. "no-console". returned: success type: str created_at: description: Bare Metal node created at timestamp. returned: success type: str deploy_interface: description: The deploy interface for a node, e.g. "direct". returned: success type: str deploy_step: description: The current deploy step. returned: success type: str driver: description: The name of the driver. returned: success type: str driver_info: description: All the metadata required by the driver to manage this node. List of fields varies between drivers, and can be retrieved from the /v1/drivers//properties resource. returned: success type: dict driver_internal_info: description: Internal metadata set and stored by the node's driver. returned: success type: dict extra: description: A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs. returned: success type: dict fault: description: The fault indicates the active fault detected by ironic, typically the node is in "maintenance mode". None means no fault has been detected by ironic. "power failure" indicates ironic failed to retrieve power state from this node. There are other possible types, e.g., "clean failure" and "rescue abort failure". returned: success type: str id: description: The UUID for the resource. returned: success type: str inspect_interface: description: The interface used for node inspection. returned: success type: str instance_id: description: UUID of the Nova instance associated with this node. returned: success type: str instance_info: description: Information used to customize the deployed image. May include root partition size, a base 64 encoded config drive, and other metadata. Note that this field is erased automatically when the instance is deleted (this is done by requesting the node provision state be changed to DELETED). returned: success type: dict is_automated_clean_enabled: description: Indicates whether the node will perform automated clean or not. returned: success type: bool is_console_enabled: description: Indicates whether console access is enabled or disabled on this node. returned: success type: bool is_maintenance: description: Whether or not this node is currently in "maintenance mode". Setting a node into maintenance mode removes it from the available resource pool and halts some internal automation. This can happen manually (eg, via an API request) or automatically when Ironic detects a hardware fault that prevents communication with the machine. returned: success type: bool is_protected: description: Whether the node is protected from undeploying, rebuilding and deletion. returned: success type: bool is_retired: description: Whether the node is retired and can hence no longer be provided, i.e. move from manageable to available, and will end up in manageable after cleaning (rather than available). returned: success type: bool is_secure_boot: description: Indicates whether node is currently booted with secure_boot turned on. returned: success type: bool last_error: description: Any error from the most recent (last) transaction that started but failed to finish. returned: success type: str links: description: A list of relative links, including self and bookmark links. returned: success type: list maintenance_reason: description: User-settable description of the reason why this node was placed into maintenance mode returned: success type: str management_interface: description: Interface for out-of-band node management. returned: success type: str name: description: Human-readable identifier for the node resource. May be undefined. Certain words are reserved. returned: success type: str network_interface: description: Which Network Interface provider to use when plumbing the network connections for this node. returned: success type: str owner: description: A string or UUID of the tenant who owns the object. returned: success type: str ports: description: List of ironic ports on this node. returned: success type: list port_groups: description: List of ironic port groups on this node. returned: success type: list power_interface: description: Interface used for performing power actions on the node, e.g. "ipmitool". returned: success type: str power_state: description: The current power state of this node. Usually, "power on" or "power off", but may be "None" if Ironic is unable to determine the power state (eg, due to hardware failure). returned: success type: str properties: description: Physical characteristics of this node. Populated by ironic-inspector during inspection. May be edited via the REST API at any time. returned: success type: dict protected_reason: description: The reason the node is marked as protected. returned: success type: str provision_state: description: The current provisioning state of this node. returned: success type: str raid_config: description: Represents the current RAID configuration of the node. Introduced with the cleaning feature. returned: success type: dict raid_interface: description: Interface used for configuring RAID on this node. returned: success type: str rescue_interface: description: The interface used for node rescue, e.g. "no-rescue". returned: success type: str reservation: description: The name of an Ironic Conductor host which is holding a lock on this node, if a lock is held. Usually "null", but this field can be useful for debugging. returned: success type: str resource_class: description: A string which can be used by external schedulers to identify this node as a unit of a specific type of resource. For more details, see https://docs.openstack.org/ironic/latest/install/configure-nova-flavors.html returned: success type: str retired_reason: description: The reason the node is marked as retired. returned: success type: str states: description: Links to the collection of states. returned: success type: list storage_interface: description: Interface used for attaching and detaching volumes on this node, e.g. "cinder". returned: success type: str target_power_state: description: If a power state transition has been requested, this field represents the requested (ie, "target") state, either "power on" or "power off". returned: success type: str target_provision_state: description: If a provisioning action has been requested, this field represents the requested (ie, "target") state. Note that a node may go through several states during its transition to this target state. For instance, when requesting an instance be deployed to an AVAILABLE node, the node may go through the following state change progression, AVAILABLE -> DEPLOYING -> DEPLOYWAIT -> DEPLOYING -> ACTIVE returned: success type: str target_raid_config: description: Represents the requested RAID configuration of the node, which will be applied when the node next transitions through the CLEANING state. Introduced with the cleaning feature. returned: success type: dict traits: description: List of traits for this node. returned: success type: list updated_at: description: Bare Metal node updated at timestamp. returned: success type: str vendor_interface: description: Interface for vendor-specific functionality on this node, e.g. "no-vendor". returned: success type: str ''' from ansible_collections.openstack.cloud.plugins.module_utils.openstack import ( OpenStackModule ) class BaremetalNodeModule(OpenStackModule): argument_spec = dict( bios_interface=dict(), boot_interface=dict(), chassis_id=dict(aliases=['chassis_uuid']), console_interface=dict(), deploy_interface=dict(), driver=dict(), driver_info=dict(type='dict', required=True), id=dict(aliases=['uuid']), inspect_interface=dict(), management_interface=dict(), name=dict(), network_interface=dict(), nics=dict(type='list', required=True, elements='dict'), power_interface=dict(), properties=dict( type='dict', options=dict( cpu_arch=dict(), cpus=dict(), memory_mb=dict(aliases=['ram']), local_gb=dict(aliases=['disk_size']), capabilities=dict(), root_device=dict(type='dict'), ), ), raid_interface=dict(), rescue_interface=dict(), resource_class=dict(), skip_update_of_masked_password=dict( type='bool', removed_in_version='3.0.0', removed_from_collection='openstack.cloud', ), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']), storage_interface=dict(), timeout=dict(default=1800, type='int'), # increased default value vendor_interface=dict(), ) module_kwargs = dict( required_if=[ ('state', 'present', ('driver',)), ], required_one_of=[ ('id', 'name'), ], supports_check_mode=True, ) def run(self): name_or_id = \ self.params['id'] if self.params['id'] else self.params['name'] node = self.conn.baremetal.find_node(name_or_id) state = self.params['state'] if self.ansible.check_mode: self.exit_json(changed=self._will_change(state, node)) if state == 'present' and not node: node = self._create() self.exit_json(changed=True, node=node.to_dict(computed=False)) elif state == 'present' and node: update = self._build_update(node) if update: node = self._update(node, update) self.exit_json(changed=bool(update), node=node.to_dict(computed=False)) elif state == 'absent' and node: self._delete(node) self.exit_json(changed=True) elif state == 'absent' and not node: self.exit_json(changed=False) def _build_update(self, node): update = {} # TODO(TheJulia): Presently this does not support updating nics. # Support needs to be added. # Update all known updateable attributes node_attributes = dict( (k, self.params[k]) for k in [ 'bios_interface', 'boot_interface', 'chassis_id', 'console_interface', 'deploy_interface', 'driver', 'driver_info', 'inspect_interface', 'management_interface', 'name', 'network_interface', 'power_interface', 'raid_interface', 'rescue_interface', 'resource_class', 'storage_interface', 'vendor_interface', ] if k in self.params and self.params[k] is not None and self.params[k] != node[k]) properties = self.params['properties'] if properties is not None: properties = dict( (k, v) for k, v in properties.items() if v is not None) if properties and properties != node['properties']: node_attributes['properties'] = properties # name can only be updated if id is given if self.params['id'] is None and 'name' in node_attributes: self.fail_json(msg='The name of a node cannot be updated without' ' specifying an id') if node_attributes: update['node_attributes'] = node_attributes return update def _create(self): kwargs = {} for k in ('bios_interface', 'boot_interface', 'chassis_id', 'console_interface', 'deploy_interface', 'driver', 'driver_info', 'id', 'inspect_interface', 'management_interface', 'name', 'network_interface', 'power_interface', 'raid_interface', 'rescue_interface', 'resource_class', 'storage_interface', 'vendor_interface'): if self.params[k] is not None: kwargs[k] = self.params[k] properties = self.params['properties'] if properties is not None: properties = dict( (k, v) for k, v in properties.items() if v is not None) if properties: kwargs['properties'] = properties node = self.conn.register_machine( nics=self.params['nics'], wait=self.params['wait'], timeout=self.params['timeout'], **kwargs) self.exit_json(changed=True, node=node.to_dict(computed=False)) def _delete(self, node): self.conn.unregister_machine( nics=self.params['nics'], uuid=node['id']) def _update(self, node, update): node_attributes = update.get('node_attributes') if node_attributes: node = self.conn.baremetal.update_node( node['id'], **node_attributes) return node def _will_change(self, state, node): if state == 'present' and not node: return True elif state == 'present' and node: return bool(self._build_update(node)) elif state == 'absent' and node: return True else: # state == 'absent' and not node: return False def main(): module = BaremetalNodeModule() module() if __name__ == "__main__": main()