#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2015, Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: floating_ip author: OpenStack Ansible SIG short_description: Add/Remove floating IP from an instance description: - Add or Remove a floating IP to an instance. - Returns the floating IP when attaching only if I(wait=true). - When detaching a floating IP there might be a delay until an instance does not list the floating IP any more. options: fixed_address: description: - To which fixed IP of server the floating IP address should be attached to. type: str floating_ip_address: description: - A floating IP address to attach or to detach. When I(state) is present can be used to specify a IP address to attach. I(floating_ip_address) requires I(network) to be set. type: str nat_destination: description: - The name or id of a neutron private network that the fixed IP to attach floating IP is on aliases: ["fixed_network", "internal_network"] type: str network: description: - The name or ID of a neutron external network or a nova pool name. type: str purge: description: - When I(state) is absent, indicates whether or not to delete the floating IP completely, or only detach it from the server. Default is to detach only. type: bool default: 'no' reuse: description: - When I(state) is present, and I(floating_ip_address) is not present, this parameter can be used to specify whether we should try to reuse a floating IP address already allocated to the project. - When I(reuse) is C(true), I(network) is defined and I(floating_ip_address) is undefined, then C(nat_destination) and C(fixed_address) will be ignored. type: bool default: 'no' server: description: - The name or ID of the instance to which the IP address should be assigned. required: true type: str state: description: - Should the resource be present or absent. choices: [present, absent] default: present type: str requirements: - "python >= 3.6" - "openstacksdk" extends_documentation_fragment: - openstack.cloud.openstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Assign a floating IP to the first interface of `cattle001` from an existing # external network or nova pool. A new floating IP from the first available # external network is allocated to the project. - openstack.cloud.floating_ip: cloud: dguerri server: cattle001 # Assign a new floating IP to the instance fixed ip `` of # `cattle001`. If a free floating IP is already allocated to the project, it is # reused; if not, a new one is created. - openstack.cloud.floating_ip: cloud: dguerri state: present reuse: yes server: cattle001 network: ext_net fixed_address: wait: true timeout: 180 # Assign a new floating IP from the network `ext_net` to the instance fixed # ip in network `private_net` of `cattle001`. - openstack.cloud.floating_ip: cloud: dguerri state: present server: cattle001 network: ext_net nat_destination: private_net wait: true timeout: 180 # Detach a floating IP address from a server - openstack.cloud.floating_ip: cloud: dguerri state: absent floating_ip_address: server: cattle001 ''' RETURN = ''' floating_ip: description: Dictionary describing the floating ip address. type: dict returned: success contains: created_at: description: Timestamp at which the floating IP was assigned. type: str description: description: The description of a floating IP. type: str dns_domain: description: The DNS domain. type: str dns_name: description: The DNS name. type: str fixed_ip_address: description: The fixed IP address associated with a floating IP address. type: str floating_ip_address: description: The IP address of a floating IP. type: str floating_network_id: description: The id of the network associated with a floating IP. type: str id: description: Id of the floating ip. type: str name: description: Name of the floating ip. type: str port_details: description: | The details of the port that this floating IP associates with. Present if C(fip-port-details) extension is loaded. type: dict port_id: description: The port ID floating ip associated with. type: str project_id: description: The ID of the project this floating IP is associated with. type: str qos_policy_id: description: The ID of the QoS policy attached to the floating IP. type: str revision_number: description: Revision number. type: str router_id: description: The id of the router floating ip associated with. type: str status: description: | The status of a floating IP, which can be 'ACTIVE' or 'DOWN'. type: str subnet_id: description: The id of the subnet the floating ip associated with. type: str tags: description: List of tags. type: list elements: str updated_at: description: Timestamp at which the floating IP was last updated. type: str ''' from ansible_collections.openstack.cloud.plugins.module_utils.openstack import OpenStackModule class NetworkingFloatingIPModule(OpenStackModule): argument_spec = dict( fixed_address=dict(), floating_ip_address=dict(), nat_destination=dict(aliases=['fixed_network', 'internal_network']), network=dict(), purge=dict(type='bool', default=False), reuse=dict(type='bool', default=False), server=dict(required=True), state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']), ) module_kwargs = dict( required_if=[ ['state', 'absent', ['floating_ip_address']] ], required_by={ 'floating_ip_address': ('network'), } ) def run(self): self._init() if self.params['state'] == 'present': self._create_and_attach() else: # self.params['state'] == 'absent' self._detach_and_delete() def _create_and_attach(self): changed = False fixed_address = self.params['fixed_address'] floating_ip_address = self.params['floating_ip_address'] nat_destination_name_or_id = self.params['nat_destination'] network_id = self.network['id'] if self.network else None ips = self._find_ips( server=self.server, floating_ip_address=floating_ip_address, network_id=network_id, fixed_address=fixed_address, nat_destination_name_or_id=nat_destination_name_or_id) # First floating ip satisfies our requirements ip = ips[0] if ips else None if floating_ip_address: # A specific floating ip address has been requested if not ip: # If a specific floating ip address has been requested # and it does not exist yet then create it # openstacksdk's create_ip requires floating_ip_address # and floating_network_id to be set self.conn.network.create_ip( floating_ip_address=floating_ip_address, floating_network_id=network_id) changed = True else: # ip # Requested floating ip address exists already if ip.port_details and (ip.port_details.status == 'ACTIVE') \ and (floating_ip_address not in self._filter_ips( self.server)): # Floating ip address exists and has been attached # but to a different server # Requested ip has been attached to different server self.fail_json( msg="Floating ip {0} has been attached to different " "server".format(floating_ip_address)) if not ip \ or floating_ip_address not in self._filter_ips(self.server): # Requested floating ip address does not exist or has not been # assigned to server self.conn.add_ip_list( server=self.server, ips=[floating_ip_address], wait=self.params['wait'], timeout=self.params['timeout'], fixed_address=fixed_address) changed = True else: # Requested floating ip address has been assigned to server pass elif not ips: # and not floating_ip_address # No specific floating ip has been requested and none of the # floating ips which have been assigned to the server matches # requirements # add_ips_to_server() will handle several scenarios: # # If a specific floating ip address has been requested then it # will be attached to the server. The floating ip address has # either been created in previous steps or it already existed. # Ref.: https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/ # 9d3ee1d32149ba2a8bb3dc894295e180746cdddc/openstack/cloud # /_floating_ip.py#L985 # # If no specific floating ip address has been requested, reuse # is allowed and a network has been given (with ip_pool) from # which floating ip addresses will be drawn, then any existing # floating ip address from ip_pool=network which is not # attached to any other server will be attached to the server. # If no such floating ip address exists or if reuse is not # allowed, then a new floating ip address will be created # within ip_pool=network and attached to the server. # Ref.: https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/ # 9d3ee1d32149ba2a8bb3dc894295e180746cdddc/openstack/cloud/ # _floating_ip.py#L981 # # If no specific floating ip address has been requested and no # network has been given (with ip_pool) from which floating ip # addresses will be taken, then a floating ip address might be # added to the server, refer to _needs_floating_ip() for # details. # Ref.: # * https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/ # 9d3ee1d32149ba2a8bb3dc894295e180746cdddc/openstack/cloud/\ # _floating_ip.py#L989 # * https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/ # 9d3ee1d32149ba2a8bb3dc894295e180746cdddc/openstack/cloud/ # _floating_ip.py#L995 # # Both floating_ip_address and network are mutually exclusive # in add_ips_to_server(), i.e.add_ips_to_server will ignore # floating_ip_address if network is not None. To prefer # attaching a specific floating ip address over assigning any # fip, ip_pool is only defined if floating_ip_address is None. # Ref.: https://github.com/openstack/openstacksdk/blob/ # a6b0ece2821ea79330c4067100295f6bdcbe456e/openstack/cloud/ # _floating_ip.py#L987 self.conn.add_ips_to_server( server=self.server, ip_pool=network_id, ips=None, # No specific floating ip requested reuse=self.params['reuse'], fixed_address=fixed_address, wait=self.params['wait'], timeout=self.params['timeout'], nat_destination=nat_destination_name_or_id) changed = True else: # Found one or more floating ips which satisfy requirements pass if changed: # update server details such as addresses self.server = self.conn.compute.get_server(self.server) # Update the floating ip resource ips = self._find_ips( self.server, floating_ip_address, network_id, fixed_address, nat_destination_name_or_id) # ips can be empty, e.g. when server has no private ipv4 # address to which a floating ip address can be attached self.exit_json( changed=changed, floating_ip=ips[0].to_dict(computed=False) if ips else None) def _detach_and_delete(self): ips = self._find_ips( server=self.server, floating_ip_address=self.params['floating_ip_address'], network_id=self.network['id'] if self.network else None, fixed_address=self.params['fixed_address'], nat_destination_name_or_id=self.params['nat_destination']) if not ips: # Nothing to detach self.exit_json(changed=False) changed = False for ip in ips: if ip['fixed_ip_address']: # Silently ignore that ip might not be attached to server self.conn.compute.remove_floating_ip_from_server( self.server, ip['floating_ip_address']) # OpenStackSDK sets {"port_id": None} to detach a floating # ip from an instance, but there might be a delay until a # server does not list it in addresses any more. changed = True if self.params['purge']: self.conn.network.delete_ip(ip['id']) changed = True self.exit_json(changed=changed) def _filter_ips(self, server): # Extract floating ips from server def _flatten(lists): return [item for sublist in lists for item in sublist] if server['addresses'] is None: # fetch server with details server = self.conn.compute.get_server(server) if not server['addresses']: return [] # Returns a list not an iterator here because # it is iterated several times below return [address['addr'] for address in _flatten(server['addresses'].values()) if address['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'] def _find_ips(self, server, floating_ip_address, network_id, fixed_address, nat_destination_name_or_id): # Check which floating ips matches our requirements. # They might or might not be attached to our server. if floating_ip_address: # A specific floating ip address has been requested ip = self.conn.network.find_ip(floating_ip_address) return [ip] if ip else [] elif (not fixed_address and nat_destination_name_or_id): # No specific floating ip and no specific fixed ip have been # requested but a private network (nat_destination) has been # given where the floating ip should be attached to. return self._find_ips_by_nat_destination( server, nat_destination_name_or_id) else: # not floating_ip_address # and (fixed_address or not nat_destination_name_or_id) # An analysis of all floating ips of server is required return self._find_ips_by_network_id_and_fixed_address( server, fixed_address, network_id) def _find_ips_by_nat_destination(self, server, nat_destination_name_or_id): if not server['addresses']: return None # Check if we have any floating ip on # the given nat_destination network nat_destination = self.conn.network.find_network( nat_destination_name_or_id, ignore_missing=False) fips_with_nat_destination = [ addr for addr in server['addresses'].get(nat_destination['name'], []) if addr['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'floating'] if not fips_with_nat_destination: return None # One or more floating ip addresses have been assigned # to the requested nat_destination; return the first. return [self.conn.network.find_ip(fip['addr'], ignore_missing=False) for fip in fips_with_nat_destination] def _find_ips_by_network_id_and_fixed_address(self, server, fixed_address=None, network_id=None): # Get any of the floating ips that matches fixed_address and/or network ips = [ip for ip in self.conn.network.ips() if ip['floating_ip_address'] in self._filter_ips(server)] matching_ips = [] for ip in ips: if network_id and ip['floating_network_id'] != network_id: # Requested network does not # match network of floating ip continue if not fixed_address: # and not nat_destination_name_or_id # Any floating ip will fullfil these requirements matching_ips.append(ip) if (fixed_address and ip['fixed_ip_address'] == fixed_address): # A floating ip address has been assigned that # points to the requested fixed_address matching_ips.append(ip) return matching_ips def _init(self): server_name_or_id = self.params['server'] server = self.conn.compute.find_server(server_name_or_id, ignore_missing=False) # fetch server details such as addresses self.server = self.conn.compute.get_server(server) network_name_or_id = self.params['network'] if network_name_or_id: self.network = self.conn.network.find_network( name_or_id=network_name_or_id, ignore_missing=False) else: self.network = None def main(): module = NetworkingFloatingIPModule() module() if __name__ == '__main__': main()