#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2019, Phillipe Smith # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: identity_group_info short_description: Retrieve info about one or more OpenStack groups author: OpenStack Ansible SIG description: - Retrieve info about a one or more OpenStack groups. options: name: description: - Name or ID of the group. type: str domain: description: - Name or ID of the domain containing the group if the cloud supports domains type: str filters: description: - A dictionary of meta data to use for further filtering. Elements of this dictionary may be additional dictionaries. type: dict requirements: - "python >= 3.6" - "openstacksdk" extends_documentation_fragment: - openstack.cloud.openstack ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Gather info about previously created groups - name: gather info hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Gather info about previously created groups openstack.cloud.identity_group_info: cloud: awesomecloud register: openstack_groups - debug: var: openstack_groups # Gather info about a previously created group by name - name: gather info hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Gather info about a previously created group by name openstack.cloud.identity_group_info: cloud: awesomecloud name: demogroup register: openstack_groups - debug: var: openstack_groups # Gather info about a previously created group in a specific domain - name: gather info hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Gather info about a previously created group in a specific domain openstack.cloud.identity_group_info: cloud: awesomecloud name: demogroup domain: admindomain register: openstack_groups - debug: var: openstack_groups # Gather info about a previously created group in a specific domain with filter - name: gather info hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Gather info about a previously created group in a specific domain with filter openstack.cloud.identity_group_info: cloud: awesomecloud name: demogroup domain: admindomain filters: enabled: False register: openstack_groups - debug: var: openstack_groups ''' RETURN = ''' groups: description: Dictionary describing all the matching groups. returned: always, but can be an empty list type: list elements: dict contains: name: description: Name given to the group. returned: success type: str description: description: Description of the group. returned: success type: str id: description: Unique UUID. returned: success type: str domain_id: description: Domain ID containing the group (keystone v3 clouds only) returned: success type: bool ''' from ansible_collections.openstack.cloud.plugins.module_utils.openstack import OpenStackModule class IdentityGroupInfoModule(OpenStackModule): argument_spec = dict( name=dict(), domain=dict(), filters=dict(type='dict'), ) module_kwargs = dict( supports_check_mode=True ) def run(self): name = self.params['name'] domain = self.params['domain'] filters = self.params['filters'] or {} args = {} if domain: dom = self.conn.identity.find_domain(domain) if dom: args['domain_id'] = dom['id'] else: self.fail_json(msg='Domain name or ID does not exist') groups = self.conn.search_groups(name, filters, **args) groups = [g.to_dict(computed=False) for g in groups] self.exit_json(changed=False, groups=groups) def main(): module = IdentityGroupInfoModule() module() if __name__ == '__main__': main()