# (c) 2015, Kevin Carter # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . try: import ConfigParser except ImportError: import configparser as ConfigParser import datetime try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO import base64 import json import os import pwd import re import time import yaml import tempfile as tmpfilelib from collections import OrderedDict from ansible.plugins.action import ActionBase from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_text from ansible.module_utils.parsing.convert_bool import boolean from ansible import constants as C from ansible import errors from ansible.parsing.yaml.dumper import AnsibleDumper from distutils.version import LooseVersion from ansible import __version__ as __ansible_version__ __metaclass__ = type CONFIG_TYPES = { 'ini': 'return_config_overrides_ini', 'json': 'return_config_overrides_json', 'yaml': 'return_config_overrides_yaml' } STRIP_MARKER = '__MARKER__' # Py3 vs Py2 error handling. When Py2 is no longer supported, remove this. try: PermissionError = PermissionError except NameError: PermissionError = (IOError, OSError) try: FileNotFoundError = FileNotFoundError except NameError: FileNotFoundError = OSError if yaml.SafeDumper not in AnsibleDumper.__bases__: AnsibleDumper.__bases__ = (yaml.SafeDumper,) + AnsibleDumper.__bases__ class IDumper(AnsibleDumper): def increase_indent(self, flow=False, indentless=False): return super(IDumper, self).increase_indent(flow, False) class MultiKeyDict(OrderedDict): """Dictionary class which supports duplicate keys. This class allows for an item to be added into a standard python dictionary however if a key is created more than once the dictionary will convert the singular value to a python tuple. This tuple type forces all values to be a string. Example Usage: >>> z = MultiKeyDict() >>> z['a'] = 1 >>> z['b'] = ['a', 'b', 'c'] >>> z['c'] = {'a': 1} >>> print(z) ... {'a': 1, 'b': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'c': {'a': 1}} >>> z['a'] = 2 >>> print(z) ... {'a': tuple(['1', '2']), 'c': {'a': 1}, 'b': ['a', 'b', 'c']} """ def index(self, key): index_search = [ i for i, item in enumerate(self) if item.startswith(key) ] if len(index_search) > 1: raise SystemError('Index search returned more than one value') return index_search[0] def insert(self, index, key, value): list(self)[index] # Validates the index shadow = MultiKeyDict() counter = 0 for k, v in self.items(): if counter == index: shadow[k] = v shadow[key] = value else: shadow[k] = v counter += 1 else: return shadow def update(self, E=None, **kwargs): for key, value in E.items(): super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, value) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self: if isinstance(self[key], tuple): items = self[key] if str(value) not in items: items += tuple([str(value)]) super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, items) elif isinstance(self[key], MultiKeyDict): pass else: if str(self[key]) != str(value): items = tuple([str(self[key]), str(value)]) super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, items) else: return super(MultiKeyDict, self).__setitem__(key, value) class ConfigTemplateParser(ConfigParser.RawConfigParser): """ConfigParser which supports multi key value. The parser will use keys with multiple variables in a set as a multiple key value within a configuration file. Default Configuration file: [DEFAULT] things = url1 url2 url3 other = 1,2,3 [section1] key = var1 key = var2 key = var3 Example Usage: >>> cp = ConfigTemplateParser(dict_type=MultiKeyDict) >>> cp.read('/tmp/test.ini') ... ['/tmp/test.ini'] >>> cp.get('DEFAULT', 'things') ... \nurl1\nurl2\nurl3 >>> cp.get('DEFAULT', 'other') ... '1,2,3' >>> cp.set('DEFAULT', 'key1', 'var1') >>> cp.get('DEFAULT', 'key1') ... 'var1' >>> cp.get('section1', 'key') ... {'var1', 'var2', 'var3'} >>> cp.set('section1', 'key', 'var4') >>> cp.get('section1', 'key') ... {'var1', 'var2', 'var3', 'var4'} >>> with open('/tmp/test2.ini', 'w') as f: ... cp.write(f) Output file: [DEFAULT] things = url1 url2 url3 key1 = var1 other = 1,2,3 [section1] key = var4 key = var1 key = var3 key = var2 """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.ignore_none_type = bool(kwargs.pop('ignore_none_type', True)) self.default_section = str(kwargs.pop('default_section', 'DEFAULT')) self.yml_multilines = bool(kwargs.pop('yml_multilines', False)) self._comment_prefixes = kwargs.pop('comment_prefixes', '/') self._empty_lines_in_values = kwargs.get('allow_no_value', True) self._strict = kwargs.get('strict', False) self._allow_no_value = self._empty_lines_in_values ConfigParser.RawConfigParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def set(self, section, option, value=None): if not section or section == 'DEFAULT': sectdict = self._defaults use_defaults = True else: try: sectdict = self._sections[section] except KeyError: raise SystemError('Section %s not found' % section) else: use_defaults = False option = self.optionxform(option) if use_defaults: try: index = sectdict.index('#%s' % option) except (ValueError, IndexError): sectdict[option] = value else: self._defaults = sectdict.insert(index, option, value) else: sectdict[option] = value def _write(self, fp, section, key, item, entry): if section: # If we are not ignoring a none type value, then print out # the option name only if the value type is None. if not self.ignore_none_type and item is None: fp.write(key + '\n') return fp.write(entry) def _write_check(self, fp, key, value, section=False): def _return_entry(option, item): # If we have item, we consider it as a config parameter with value if item is not None: return "%s = %s\n" % (option, str(item).replace('\n', '\n\t')) elif not option: return option else: return "%s\n" % option key = key.split(STRIP_MARKER)[0] if isinstance(value, (tuple, set)): for i in sorted(value): entry = _return_entry(option=key, item=i) self._write(fp, section, key, i, entry) elif isinstance(value, list): _value = [str(i.replace('\n', '\n\t')) for i in value] entry = '%s = %s\n' % (key, ','.join(_value)) self._write(fp, section, key, value, entry) else: entry = _return_entry(option=key, item=value) self._write(fp, section, key, value, entry) def write(self, fp, **kwargs): def _do_write(section_name, section, section_bool=False): fp.write("[%s]\n" % section_name) for key, value in section.items(): self._write_check( fp, key=key, value=value, section=section_bool ) fp.write("\n") if self.default_section != 'DEFAULT': if not self._sections.get(self.default_section, False): _do_write( section_name=self.default_section, section=self._sections[self.default_section], section_bool=True ) elif self._defaults: _do_write('DEFAULT', self._defaults) for i in self._sections: _do_write(i, self._sections[i], section_bool=True) def _read(self, fp, fpname): def _temp_set(): _temp_item = [cursect[optname]] cursect.update({optname: _temp_item}) optname = None cursect = {} marker_counter = 0 for lineno, line in enumerate(fp, start=0): marker_counter += 1 mo_match = self.SECTCRE.match(line) mo_optcre = self._optcre.match(line) if mo_match: sectname = mo_match.group('header') if sectname in self._sections: cursect = self._sections[sectname] elif sectname == 'DEFAULT': cursect = self._defaults else: cursect = self._dict() self._sections[sectname] = cursect elif mo_optcre: optname, vi, optval = mo_optcre.group('option', 'vi', 'value') optname = self.optionxform(optname.rstrip()) if optname and not optname.startswith('#') and optval: if vi in ('=', ':') and ';' in optval: pos = optval.find(';') if pos != -1 and optval[pos - 1].isspace(): optval = optval[:pos] optval = optval.strip() if optval == '""': optval = '' else: optname = '%s%s-%d' % ( optname, STRIP_MARKER, marker_counter ) cursect[optname] = optval else: optname = '%s-%d' % ( STRIP_MARKER, marker_counter ) cursect[optname] = None class DictCompare(object): """ Calculate the difference between two dictionaries. Example Usage: >>> base_dict = {'test1': 'val1', 'test2': 'val2', 'test3': 'val3'} >>> new_dict = {'test1': 'val2', 'test3': 'val3', 'test4': 'val3'} >>> dc = DictCompare(base_dict, new_dict) >>> dc.added() ... ['test4'] >>> dc.removed() ... ['test2'] >>> dc.changed() ... ['test1'] >>> dc.get_changes() ... {'added': ... {'test4': 'val3'}, ... 'removed': ... {'test2': 'val2'}, ... 'changed': ... {'test1': {'current_val': 'vol1', 'new_val': 'val2'} ... } """ def __init__(self, base_dict, new_dict): self.new_dict, self.base_dict = new_dict, base_dict self.base_items, self.new_items = set( self.base_dict.keys()), set(self.new_dict.keys()) self.intersect = self.new_items.intersection(self.base_items) def added(self): return self.new_items - self.intersect def removed(self): return self.base_items - self.intersect def changed(self): return set( x for x in self.intersect if self.base_dict[x] != self.new_dict[x]) def get_changes(self): """Returns dict of differences between 2 dicts and bool indicating if there are differences :param base_dict: ``dict`` :param new_dict: ``dict`` :returns: ``dict``, ``bool`` """ changed = False mods = {'added': {}, 'removed': {}, 'changed': {}} for s in self.changed(): changed = True if type(self.base_dict[s]) is not dict: mods['changed'] = { s: {'current_val': self.base_dict[s], 'new_val': self.new_dict[s]}} continue diff = DictCompare(self.base_dict[s], self.new_dict[s]) for a in diff.added(): if s not in mods['added']: mods['added'][s] = {a: self.new_dict[s][a]} else: mods['added'][s][a] = self.new_dict[s][a] for r in diff.removed(): if s not in mods['removed']: mods['removed'][s] = {r: self.base_dict[s][r]} else: mods['removed'][s][r] = self.base_dict[s][r] for c in diff.changed(): if s not in mods['changed']: mods['changed'][s] = { c: {'current_val': self.base_dict[s][c], 'new_val': self.new_dict[s][c]}} else: mods['changed'][s][c] = { 'current_val': self.base_dict[s][c], 'new_val': self.new_dict[s][c]} for s in self.added(): changed = True mods['added'][s] = self.new_dict[s] for s in self.removed(): changed = True mods['removed'][s] = self.base_dict[s] return mods, changed class ActionModule(ActionBase): TRANSFERS_FILES = True def return_config_overrides_ini(self, config_overrides, resultant, list_extend=True, ignore_none_type=True, default_section='DEFAULT', yml_multilines=False): """Returns string value from a modified config file and dict of merged config :param config_overrides: ``dict`` :param resultant: ``str`` || ``unicode`` :returns: ``str``, ``dict`` """ def _add_section(section_name): # Attempt to add a section to the config file passing if # an error is raised that is related to the section # already existing. try: config.add_section(section_name) except (ConfigParser.DuplicateSectionError, ValueError): pass # If there is an exception loading the RawConfigParser The config obj # is loaded again without the extra option. This is being done to # support older python. try: config = ConfigTemplateParser( allow_no_value=True, dict_type=MultiKeyDict, ignore_none_type=ignore_none_type, default_section=default_section, yml_multilines=yml_multilines, comment_prefixes='/' ) config.optionxform = str except Exception: config = ConfigTemplateParser( allow_no_value=True, dict_type=MultiKeyDict, comment_prefixes='/' ) config_object = StringIO(resultant) try: config.read_file(config_object) except AttributeError: config.readfp(config_object) if default_section != 'DEFAULT': _add_section(section_name=default_section) for section, items in config_overrides.items(): # If the items value is not a dictionary it is assumed that the # value is a default item for this config type. if not isinstance(items, dict): if isinstance(items, list): items = ','.join(to_text(i) for i in items) self._option_write( config, default_section, section, items ) else: _add_section(section_name=section) for key, value in items.items(): try: self._option_write(config, section, key, value) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError as exp: error_msg = str(exp) error_msg += ( ' Try being more explicit with your override' 'data. Sections are case sensitive.' ) raise errors.AnsibleModuleError(error_msg) config_object.close() config_dict_new = OrderedDict() config_defaults = config.defaults() for s in config.sections(): config_dict_new[s] = OrderedDict() for k, v in config.items(s): if k not in config_defaults or config_defaults[k] != v: config_dict_new[s][k] = v else: if default_section in config_dict_new: config_dict_new[default_section][k] = v else: config_dict_new[default_section] = {k: v} resultant_stringio = StringIO() try: config.write(resultant_stringio) return resultant_stringio.getvalue(), config_dict_new finally: resultant_stringio.close() @staticmethod def _option_write(config, section, key, value): config.remove_option(str(section), str(key)) try: if not any(list(value.values())): value = tuple(value.keys()) except AttributeError: pass if isinstance(value, (tuple, set)): config.set(str(section), str(key), value) elif isinstance(value, set): config.set(str(section), str(key), value) elif isinstance(value, list): config.set(str(section), str(key), ','.join(str(i) for i in value)) else: config.set(str(section), str(key), str(value)) def return_config_overrides_json(self, config_overrides, resultant, list_extend=True, ignore_none_type=True, default_section='DEFAULT', yml_multilines=False): """Returns config json and dict of merged config Its important to note that file ordering will not be preserved as the information within the json file will be sorted by keys. :param config_overrides: ``dict`` :param resultant: ``str`` || ``unicode`` :returns: ``str``, ``dict`` """ original_resultant = json.loads(resultant) merged_resultant = self._merge_dict( base_items=original_resultant, new_items=config_overrides, list_extend=list_extend ) return json.dumps( merged_resultant, indent=4, sort_keys=True ), merged_resultant def return_config_overrides_yaml(self, config_overrides, resultant, list_extend=True, ignore_none_type=True, default_section='DEFAULT', yml_multilines=False): """Return config yaml and dict of merged config :param config_overrides: ``dict`` :param resultant: ``str`` || ``unicode`` :returns: ``str``, ``dict`` """ original_resultant = yaml.safe_load(resultant) merged_resultant = self._merge_dict( base_items=original_resultant, new_items=config_overrides, list_extend=list_extend, yml_multilines=yml_multilines ) return yaml.dump( merged_resultant, Dumper=IDumper, default_flow_style=False, width=1000, ), merged_resultant def _merge_dict(self, base_items, new_items, list_extend=True, yml_multilines=False): """Recursively merge new_items into base_items. :param base_items: ``dict`` :param new_items: ``dict`` || ``list`` :returns: ``dict`` """ if isinstance(new_items, dict): for key, value in new_items.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): base_items[key] = self._merge_dict( base_items=base_items.get(key, {}), new_items=value, list_extend=list_extend ) elif (not isinstance(value, int) and ( ',' in value or ( '\n' in value and not yml_multilines))): base_items[key] = re.split(',|\n', value) base_items[key] = [ i.strip() for i in base_items[key] if i ] elif isinstance(value, list): if isinstance(base_items.get(key), list) and list_extend: base_items[key].extend(value) else: base_items[key] = value elif isinstance(value, (tuple, set)): le = list_extend # assigned for pep8 if isinstance(base_items.get(key), tuple) and le: base_items[key] += tuple(value) elif isinstance(base_items.get(key), list) and le: base_items[key].extend(list(value)) else: base_items[key] = value else: base_items[key] = new_items[key] elif isinstance(new_items, list): if list_extend: base_items.extend(new_items) else: base_items = new_items return base_items def _load_options_and_status(self, task_vars): """Return options and status from module load.""" config_type = self._task.args.get('config_type') if config_type not in ['ini', 'yaml', 'json']: return False, dict( failed=True, msg="No valid [ config_type ] was provided. Valid options are" " ini, yaml, or json." ) # Access to protected method is unavoidable in Ansible searchpath = [self._loader._basedir] if self._task._role: file_path = self._task._role._role_path searchpath.insert(1, C.DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH) searchpath.insert(1, self._task._role._role_path) else: file_path = self._loader.get_basedir() user_source = self._task.args.get('src') remote_src = boolean( self._task.args.get('remote_src', False), strict=False ) if remote_src: slurpee = self._execute_module( module_name='slurp', module_args=dict(src=user_source), task_vars=task_vars ) _content = base64.b64decode(slurpee['content']) _user_content = _content.decode('utf-8') else: # (alextricity25) It's possible that the user could pass in a # datatype and not always a string. In this case we don't want # the datatype python representation to be printed out to the # file, but rather we want the serialized version. _user_content = self._task.args.get('content') # If the data type of the content input is a dictionary, it's # converted dumped as json if config_type is 'json'. if isinstance(_user_content, dict): if self._task.args.get('config_type') == 'json': _user_content = json.dumps(_user_content) user_content = str(_user_content) if not user_source: if not user_content: return False, dict( failed=True, msg="No user [ src ] or [ content ] was provided" ) else: tmp_content = None fd, tmp_content = tmpfilelib.mkstemp() try: with open(tmp_content, 'wb') as f: f.write(user_content.encode()) except Exception as err: os.remove(tmp_content) raise Exception(err) self._task.args['src'] = source = tmp_content else: source = self._loader.path_dwim_relative( file_path, 'templates', user_source ) searchpath.insert(1, os.path.dirname(source)) _dest = self._task.args.get('dest') list_extend = self._task.args.get('list_extend') if not _dest: return False, dict( failed=True, msg="No [ dest ] was provided" ) else: # Expand any user home dir specification user_dest = self._remote_expand_user(_dest) if user_dest.endswith(os.sep): user_dest = os.path.join(user_dest, os.path.basename(source)) # Get ignore_none_type # In some situations(i.e. my.cnf files), INI files can have valueless # options that don't have a '=' or ':' suffix. In these cases, # ConfigParser gives these options a "None" value. If ignore_none_type # is set to true, these key/value options will be ignored, if it's set # to false, then ConfigTemplateParser will write out only the option # name with out the '=' or ':' suffix. The default is true. ignore_none_type = self._task.args.get('ignore_none_type', True) default_section = self._task.args.get('default_section', 'DEFAULT') remote_src = self._task.args.get('remote_src', False) yml_multilines = self._task.args.get('yml_multilines', False) block_end_string = self._task.args.get('block_end_string', '%}') block_start_string = self._task.args.get('block_start_string', '{%') variable_end_string = self._task.args.get('variable_end_string', '}}') variable_start_string = self._task.args.get('variable_start_string', '{{') return True, dict( source=source, dest=user_dest, config_overrides=self._task.args.get('config_overrides', {}), config_type=config_type, searchpath=searchpath, list_extend=list_extend, ignore_none_type=ignore_none_type, default_section=default_section, yml_multilines=yml_multilines, remote_src=remote_src, block_end_string=block_end_string, block_start_string=block_start_string, variable_end_string=variable_end_string, variable_start_string=variable_start_string ) def resultant_ini_as_dict(self, resultant_dict, return_dict=None): if not return_dict: return_dict = {} for key, value in resultant_dict.items(): if not value: continue key = key.split(STRIP_MARKER)[0] if isinstance(value, (OrderedDict, MultiKeyDict, dict)): return_dict[key] = self.resultant_ini_as_dict(value) else: return_dict[key] = value return return_dict def _check_templar(self, data, extra): if boolean(self._task.args.get('render_template', True)): templar = self._templar with templar.set_temporary_context( variable_start_string=extra['variable_start_string'], variable_end_string=extra['variable_end_string'], block_start_string=extra['block_start_string'], block_end_string=extra['block_end_string'], searchpath=extra['searchpath'] ): return templar.template( data, preserve_trailing_newlines=True, escape_backslashes=False, convert_data=False ) else: return data def run(self, tmp=None, task_vars=None): """Run the method""" if not tmp: try: remote_user = self._get_remote_user() except Exception: remote_user = task_vars.get('ansible_user') if not remote_user: remote_user = task_vars.get('ansible_ssh_user') if not remote_user: remote_user = self._play_context.remote_user try: tmp = self._make_tmp_path(remote_user) except TypeError: tmp = self._make_tmp_path() _status, _vars = self._load_options_and_status(task_vars=task_vars) if not _status: return _vars temp_vars = task_vars.copy() template_host = temp_vars['template_host'] = os.uname()[1] source = temp_vars['template_path'] = _vars['source'] try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(source) temp_vars['template_mtime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( mtime ) try: template_uid = temp_vars['template_uid'] = pwd.getpwuid( os.stat(source).st_uid ).pw_name except Exception: template_uid = temp_vars['template_uid'] = os.stat( source ).st_uid except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): local_task_vars = temp_vars.copy() if not boolean(self._task.args.get('remote_src', False), strict=False): local_task_vars['connection'] = 'local' stat = self._execute_module( module_name='stat', module_args=dict(path=source), task_vars=local_task_vars ) mtime = stat['stat']['mtime'] temp_vars['template_mtime'] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( mtime ) template_uid = stat['stat']['uid'] managed_default = C.DEFAULT_MANAGED_STR managed_str = managed_default.format( host=template_host, uid=template_uid, file=to_bytes(source) ) temp_vars['ansible_managed'] = time.strftime( managed_str, time.localtime(mtime) ) temp_vars['template_fullpath'] = os.path.abspath(source) temp_vars['template_run_date'] = datetime.datetime.now() try: with open(source, 'r') as f: template_data = to_text(f.read()) except (PermissionError, FileNotFoundError): local_temp_vars = task_vars.copy() if not boolean(self._task.args.get('remote_src', False), strict=False): local_temp_vars['connection'] = 'local' template_data_slurpee = self._execute_module( module_name='slurp', module_args=dict(src=source), task_vars=local_temp_vars ) template_data = base64.b64decode( template_data_slurpee['content'] ).decode('utf-8') if LooseVersion(__ansible_version__) < LooseVersion("2.9"): self._templar.set_available_variables(temp_vars) else: self._templar.available_variables = temp_vars if self._task.args.get('content'): resultant = template_data else: resultant = self._check_templar(data=template_data, extra=_vars) if LooseVersion(__ansible_version__) < LooseVersion("2.9"): # Access to protected method is unavoidable in Ansible self._templar.set_available_variables( self._templar._available_variables ) type_merger = getattr(self, CONFIG_TYPES.get(_vars['config_type'])) resultant, config_base = type_merger( config_overrides=_vars['config_overrides'], resultant=resultant, list_extend=_vars.get('list_extend', True), ignore_none_type=_vars.get('ignore_none_type', True), default_section=_vars.get('default_section', 'DEFAULT'), yml_multilines=_vars.get('yml_multilines', False) ) changed = False config_new = None if self._play_context.diff: slurpee = self._execute_module( module_name='slurp', module_args=dict(src=_vars['dest']), task_vars=task_vars ) if 'content' in slurpee: dest_data = base64.b64decode( slurpee['content']).decode('utf-8') resultant_dest = self._check_templar(data=dest_data, extra=_vars) type_merger = getattr(self, CONFIG_TYPES.get(_vars['config_type'])) _, config_new = type_merger( config_overrides={}, resultant=resultant_dest, list_extend=_vars.get('list_extend', True), ignore_none_type=_vars.get('ignore_none_type', True), default_section=_vars.get('default_section', 'DEFAULT'), yml_multilines=_vars.get('yml_multilines', False) ) # Compare source+overrides with dest to look for changes and # build diff if isinstance(config_base, dict): if not config_new: config_new = dict() cmp_dicts = DictCompare( self.resultant_ini_as_dict(resultant_dict=config_new), self.resultant_ini_as_dict(resultant_dict=config_base) ) mods, changed = cmp_dicts.get_changes() elif isinstance(config_base, list): if not config_new: config_new = list() mods = { 'added': [ i for i in config_new if i not in config_base ], 'removed': [ i for i in config_base if i not in config_new ], 'changed': [ i for i in (config_base + config_new) if i not in config_base or i not in config_new ] } changed = len(mods['changed']) > 0 # run the copy module new_module_args = self._task.args.copy() # Access to protected method is unavoidable in Ansible transferred_data = self._transfer_data( self._connection._shell.join_path(tmp, 'source'), resultant ) if LooseVersion(__ansible_version__) < LooseVersion("2.6"): new_module_args.update( dict( src=transferred_data, dest=_vars['dest'], original_basename=os.path.basename(source), follow=True, ), ) else: new_module_args.update( dict( src=transferred_data, dest=_vars['dest'], _original_basename=os.path.basename(source), follow=True, ), ) # Remove data types that are not available to the copy module new_module_args.pop('config_overrides', None) new_module_args.pop('config_type', None) new_module_args.pop('list_extend', None) new_module_args.pop('ignore_none_type', None) new_module_args.pop('default_section', None) new_module_args.pop('yml_multilines', None) new_module_args.pop('block_end_string', None) new_module_args.pop('block_start_string', None) new_module_args.pop('variable_end_string', None) new_module_args.pop('variable_start_string', None) # While this is in the copy module we dont want to use it. new_module_args.pop('remote_src', None) # Content from config_template is converted to src new_module_args.pop('content', None) # remove render enablement option new_module_args.pop('render_template', None) # Run the copy module rc = self._execute_module( module_name='copy', module_args=new_module_args, task_vars=task_vars ) copy_changed = rc.get('changed') if not copy_changed: rc['changed'] = changed if self._play_context.diff: rc['diff'] = [] rc['diff'].append( {'prepared': json.dumps(mods, indent=4, sort_keys=True)}) if self._task.args.get('content'): os.remove(_vars['source']) return rc