#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2014, Kevin Carter # # Copyright 2014, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import base64 import os import stat import sys import memcache try: from Crypto.Cipher import AES from Crypto import Random ENCRYPT_IMPORT = True except ImportError: ENCRYPT_IMPORT = False # import module snippets from ansible.module_utils.basic import * DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: memcached version_added: "1.6.6" short_description: - Add, remove, and get items from memcached description: - Add, remove, and get items from memcached options: name: description: - Memcached key name required: true content: description: - Add content to memcached. Only used when state is 'present'. required: false file_path: description: - This can be used with state 'present' and 'retrieve'. When set with state 'present' the contents of a file will be used, when set with state 'retrieve' the contents of the memcached key will be written to a file. required: false state: description: - ['absent', 'present', 'retrieve'] required: true server: description: - server IP address and port. This can be a comma separated list of servers to connect to. required: true encrypt_string: description: - Encrypt/Decrypt a memcached object using a provided value. required: false dir_mode: description: - If a directory is created when using the ``file_path`` argument the directory will be created with a set mode. default: '0755' required: false file_mode: description: - If a file is created when using the ``file_path`` argument the file will be created with a set mode. default: '0644' required: false expires: description: - Seconds until an item is expired from memcached. default: 300 required: false notes: - The "absent" state will remove an item from memcached. - The "present" state will place an item from a string or a file into memcached. - The "retrieve" state will get an item from memcached and return it as a string. If a ``file_path`` is set this module will also write the value to a file. - All items added into memcached are base64 encoded. - All items retrieved will attempt base64 decode and return the string value if not applicable. - Items retrieve from memcached are returned within a "value" key unless a ``file_path`` is specified which would then write the contents of the memcached key to a file. - The ``file_path`` and ``content`` fields are mutually exclusive. - If you'd like to encrypt items in memcached PyCrypto is a required. requirements: - "python-memcached" optional_requirements: - "pycrypto" author: Kevin Carter """ EXAMPLES = """ # Add an item into memcached. - memcached: name: "key_name" content: "Super awesome value" state: "present" server: "localhost:11211" # Read the contents of a memcached key, returned as "memcached_phrase.value". - memcached: name: "key_name" state: "retrieve" server: "localhost:11211" register: memcached_key # Add the contents of a file into memcached. - memcached: name: "key_name" file_path: "/home/user_name/file.txt" state: "present" server: "localhost:11211" # Write the contents of a memcached key to a file and is returned as # "memcached_phrase.value". - memcached: name: "key_name" file_path: "/home/user_name/file.txt" state: "retrieve" server: "localhost:11211" register: memcached_key # Delete an item from memcached. - memcached: name: "key_name" state: "absent" server: "localhost:11211" """ SERVER_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH = 1024 * 256 MAX_MEMCACHED_CHUNKS = 256 class AESCipher(object): """Encrypt an a string in using AES. Solution derived from "http://stackoverflow.com/a/21928790" """ def __init__(self, key): if ENCRYPT_IMPORT is False: raise ImportError( 'PyCrypto failed to be imported. Encryption is not supported' ' on this system until PyCrypto is installed.' ) self.bs = 32 if len(key) >= 32: self.key = key[:32] else: self.key = self._pad(key) def encrypt(self, raw): """Encrypt raw message. :param raw: ``str`` :returns: ``str`` Base64 encoded string. """ raw = self._pad(raw) iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size) cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) return base64.b64encode(iv + cipher.encrypt(raw)) def decrypt(self, enc): """Decrypt an encrypted message. :param enc: ``str`` :returns: ``str`` """ enc = base64.b64decode(enc) iv = enc[:AES.block_size] cipher = AES.new(self.key, AES.MODE_CBC, iv) return self._unpad(cipher.decrypt(enc[AES.block_size:])) def _pad(self, string): """Pad an AES encryption key. :param string: ``str`` """ base = (self.bs - len(string) % self.bs) back = chr(self.bs - len(string) % self.bs) return string + base * back @staticmethod def _unpad(string): """Un-pad an AES encryption key. :param string: ``str`` """ ordinal_range = ord(string[len(string) - 1:]) return string[:-ordinal_range] class Memcached(object): """Manage objects within memcached.""" def __init__(self, module): self.module = module self.state_change = False self.mc = None def router(self): """Route all commands to their respected functions. If an exception happens a failure will be raised. """ try: action = getattr(self, self.module.params['state']) self.mc = memcache.Client( self.module.params['server'].split(','), server_max_value_length=SERVER_MAX_VALUE_LENGTH, debug=0 ) facts = action() except Exception as exp: self._failure(error=str(exp), rc=1, msg='general exception') else: self.mc.disconnect_all() self.module.exit_json( changed=self.state_change, **facts ) def _failure(self, error, rc, msg): """Return a Failure when running an Ansible command. :param error: ``str`` Error that occurred. :param rc: ``int`` Return code while executing an Ansible command. :param msg: ``str`` Message to report. """ self.module.fail_json(msg=msg, rc=rc, err=error) def absent(self): """Remove a key from memcached. If the value is not deleted when instructed to do so an exception will be raised. :return: ``dict`` """ key_name = self.module.params['name'] get_keys = [ '%s.%s' % (key_name, i) for i in xrange(MAX_MEMCACHED_CHUNKS) ] self.mc.delete_multi(get_keys) value = self.mc.get_multi(get_keys) if not value: self.state_change = True return {'absent': True, 'key': self.module.params['name']} else: self._failure( error='Memcache key not deleted', rc=1, msg='Failed to remove an item from memcached please check your' ' memcached server for issues. If you are load balancing' ' memcached, attempt to connect to a single node.' ) @staticmethod def _decode_value(value): """Return a ``str`` from a base64 decoded value. If the content is not a base64 ``str`` the raw value will be returned. :param value: ``str`` :return: """ try: b64_value = base64.decodestring(value) except Exception: return value else: return b64_value def _encode_value(self, value): """Return a base64 encoded value. If the value can't be base64 encoded an excption will be raised. :param value: ``str`` :return: ``str`` """ try: b64_value = base64.encodestring(value) except Exception as exp: self._failure( error=str(exp), rc=1, msg='The value provided can not be Base64 encoded.' ) else: return b64_value def _file_read(self, full_path, pass_on_error=False): """Read the contents of a file. This will read the contents of a file. If the ``full_path`` does not exist an exception will be raised. :param full_path: ``str`` :return: ``str`` """ try: with open(full_path, 'rb') as f: o_value = f.read() except IOError as exp: if pass_on_error is False: self._failure( error=str(exp), rc=1, msg="The file you've specified does not exist. Please" " check your full path @ [ %s ]." % full_path ) else: return None else: return o_value def _chown(self, path, mode_type): """Chown a file or directory based on a given mode type. If the file is modified the state will be changed. :param path: ``str`` :param mode_type: ``str`` """ mode = self.module.params.get(mode_type) # Ensure that the mode type is a string. mode = str(mode) _mode = oct(stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path).st_mode)) if _mode != mode or _mode[1:] != mode: os.chmod(path, int(mode, 8)) self.state_change = True def _file_write(self, full_path, value): """Write the contents of ``value`` to the ``full_path``. This will return True upon success and will raise an exception upon failure. :param full_path: ``str`` :param value: ``str`` :return: ``bol`` """ try: # Ensure that the directory exists dir_path = os.path.dirname(full_path) try: os.makedirs(dir_path) except OSError as exp: if exp.errno == errno.EEXIST and os.path.isdir(dir_path): pass else: self._failure( error=str(exp), rc=1, msg="The directory [ %s ] does not exist and couldn't" " be created. Please check the path and that you" " have permission to write the file." ) # Ensure proper directory permissions self._chown(path=dir_path, mode_type='dir_mode') # Write contents of a cached key to a file. with open(full_path, 'wb') as f: if isinstance(value, list): f.writelines(value) else: f.write(value) # Ensure proper file permissions self._chown(path=full_path, mode_type='file_mode') except IOError as exp: self._failure( error=str(exp), rc=1, msg="There was an issue while attempting to write to the" " file [ %s ]. Please check your full path and" " permissions." % full_path ) else: return True def retrieve(self): """Return a value from memcached. If ``file_path`` is specified the value of the memcached key will be written to a file at the ``file_path`` location. If the value of a key is None, an exception will be raised. :returns: ``dict`` """ key_name = self.module.params['name'] get_keys = [ '%s.%s' % (key_name, i) for i in xrange(MAX_MEMCACHED_CHUNKS) ] multi_value = self.mc.get_multi(get_keys) if multi_value: value = ''.join([i for i in multi_value.values() if i is not None]) # Get the file path if specified. file_path = self.module.params.get('file_path') if file_path is not None: full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file_path)) # Decode cached value encrypt_string = self.module.params.get('encrypt_string') if encrypt_string: _d_value = AESCipher(key=encrypt_string) d_value = _d_value.decrypt(enc=value) if not d_value: d_value = self._decode_value(value=value) else: d_value = self._decode_value(value=value) o_value = self._file_read( full_path=full_path, pass_on_error=True ) # compare old value to new value and write if different if o_value != d_value: self.state_change = True self._file_write(full_path=full_path, value=d_value) return { 'present': True, 'key': self.module.params['name'], 'value': value, 'file_path': full_path } else: return { 'present': True, 'key': self.module.params['name'], 'value': value } else: self._failure( error='Memcache key not found', rc=1, msg='The key you specified was not found within memcached. ' 'If you are load balancing memcached, attempt to connect' ' to a single node.' ) def present(self): """Create and or update a key within Memcached. The state processed here is present. This state will ensure that content is written to a memcached server. When ``file_path`` is specified the content will be read in from a file. """ file_path = self.module.params.get('file_path') if file_path is not None: full_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(file_path)) # Read the contents of a file into memcached. o_value = self._file_read(full_path=full_path) else: o_value = self.module.params['content'] # Encode cached value encrypt_string = self.module.params.get('encrypt_string') if encrypt_string: _d_value = AESCipher(key=encrypt_string) d_value = _d_value.encrypt(raw=o_value) else: d_value = self._encode_value(value=o_value) compare = 1024 * 128 chunks = sys.getsizeof(d_value) / compare if chunks == 0: chunks = 1 elif chunks > MAX_MEMCACHED_CHUNKS: self._failure( error='Memcache content too large', rc=1, msg='The content that you are attempting to cache is larger' ' than [ %s ] megabytes.' % ((compare * MAX_MEMCACHED_CHUNKS / 1024 / 1024)) ) step = len(d_value) / chunks if step == 0: step = 1 key_name = self.module.params['name'] split_d_value = {} count = 0 for i in range(0, len(d_value), step): split_d_value['%s.%s' % (key_name, count)] = d_value[i:i + step] count += 1 value = self.mc.set_multi( mapping=split_d_value, time=self.module.params['expires'], min_compress_len=2048 ) if not value: self.state_change = True return { 'present': True, 'key': self.module.params['name'] } else: self._failure( error='Memcache content not created', rc=1, msg='The content you attempted to place within memcached' ' was not created. If you are load balancing' ' memcached, attempt to connect to a single node.' ' Returned a value of unstored keys [ %s ] - Original' ' Connection [ %s ]' % (value, [i.__dict__ for i in self.mc.servers]) ) def main(): """Main ansible run method.""" module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( name=dict( type='str', required=True ), content=dict( type='str', required=False ), file_path=dict( type='str', required=False ), state=dict( type='str', required=True ), server=dict( type='str', required=True ), expires=dict( type='int', default=300, required=False ), file_mode=dict( type='str', default='0644', required=False ), dir_mode=dict( type='str', default='0755', required=False ), encrypt_string=dict( type='str', required=False ) ), supports_check_mode=False, mutually_exclusive=[ ['content', 'file_path'] ] ) ms = Memcached(module=module) ms.router() if __name__ == '__main__': main()