# Copyright 2016, Rackspace US, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # (c) 2016, Kevin Carter import copy import imp import os # NOTICE(cloudnull): The connection plugin imported using the full path to the # file because the linear strategy plugin is not importable. import ansible.plugins.strategy as strategy LINEAR = imp.load_source( 'ssh', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(strategy.__file__), 'linear.py') ) # NOTICE(jmccrory): The play_context is imported so that additional container # specific variables can be made available to connection # plugins. import ansible.playbook.play_context ansible.playbook.play_context.MAGIC_VARIABLE_MAPPING.update({'physical_host': ('physical_host',)}) ansible.playbook.play_context.MAGIC_VARIABLE_MAPPING.update({'container_name': ('inventory_hostname',)}) ansible.playbook.play_context.MAGIC_VARIABLE_MAPPING.update({'chroot_path': ('chroot_path',)}) class StrategyModule(LINEAR.StrategyModule): """Notes about this strategy. When this strategy encounters a task with a "when" or "register" stanza it will collect results immediately essentially forming a block. If the task does not have a "when" or "register" stanza the results will be collected after all tasks have been queued. To improve execution speed if a task has a "when" conditional attached to it the conditional will be rendered before queuing the task and should the conditional evaluate to True the task will be queued. To ensure the correct execution of playbooks this optimisation will only be used if there are no lookups used with the task which is to guarantee proper task execution. To optimize transport reliability if a task is using a "delegate_to" stanza the connection method will change to paramiko if the connection option has been set at "smart", the Ansible 2.x default. Regardless of the connection method if a "delegate_to" is used the task will have pipelining disabled for the duration of that specific task. Container context will be added to the ``playbook_context`` which is used to further optimise connectivity by only ever SSH'ing into a given host machine instead of attempting an SSH connection into a container. """ @staticmethod def _check_when(host, task, templar, task_vars): """Evaluate if conditionals are to be run. This will error on the side of caution: * If a conditional is detected to be valid the method will return True. * If there's ever an issue with the templated conditional the method will also return True. * If the task has a detected "with" the method will return True. :param host: object :param task: object :param templar: object :param task_vars: dict """ try: if not task.when or (task.when and task.register): return True _ds = getattr(task, '_ds', dict()) if any([i for i in _ds.keys() if i.startswith('with')]): return True conditional = task.evaluate_conditional(templar, task_vars) if not conditional: LINEAR.display.verbose( u'Task "%s" has been omitted from the job because the' u' conditional "%s" was evaluated as "%s"' % (task.name, task.when, conditional), host=host, caplevel=0 ) return False except Exception: return True else: return True def _queue_task(self, host, task, task_vars, play_context): """Queue a task to be sent to the worker. Modify the playbook_context to disable pipelining and use the paramiko transport method when a task is being delegated. """ templar = LINEAR.Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=task_vars) if not self._check_when(host, task, templar, task_vars): return _play_context = copy.deepcopy(play_context) if task.delegate_to: # If a task uses delegation change the play_context # to use paramiko with pipelining disabled for this # one task on its collection of hosts. if _play_context.pipelining: _play_context.pipelining = False LINEAR.display.verbose( u'Because this is a task using "delegate_to"' u' pipelining has been disabled. but will be' u' restored upon completion of this task.', host=host, caplevel=0 ) if _play_context.connection == 'smart': _play_context.connection = 'paramiko' LINEAR.display.verbose( u'Delegated task transport changing from' u' "%s" to "%s". The context will be restored' u' once the task has completed.' % ( _play_context.connection, _play_context.connection ), host=host, caplevel=0 ) return super(StrategyModule, self)._queue_task( host, task, task_vars, _play_context )