
78 lines
2.8 KiB

- name: Log when client is being registered to HSM
msg: "Registering client: {{ client_name }} [host: {{ client_host }}, CN: {{ client_cert_cn }}] with HSM: {{ hsm_hostname }}"
- name: Get the hsm server cert from the hsm_server
shell: >
sshpass -p '{{ hsm_admin_password }}'
scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false -c aes256-cbc
admin@{{ hsm_hostname }}:server.pem
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/{{ hsm_hostname }}.pem
creates: /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/{{ hsm_hostname }}.pem
become: true
- name: Register the HSM server cert with the client
shell: >
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/vtl addServer -n {{ hsm_hostname }}
-c /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/{{ hsm_hostname }}.pem
register: add_server
become: true
- add_server.rc != 0
- '"This server is already registered" not in add_server.stdout'
- name: Check for existing clients
shell: >
sshpass -p '{{ hsm_admin_password }}'
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=false -c aes256-cbc admin@{{ hsm_hostname }}
-C client list
register: client_list
- name: Fail if client is already registered, but we don't have that cert
msg: "Client: {{ client_name }} is already registered, but the client cert is missing!"
- client_name in client_list.stdout
- client_new_cert
- not lunasa_client_rotate_cert
- name: Delete existing client when rotating certs
shell: >
sshpass -p '{{ hsm_admin_password }}' ssh -c aes256-cbc admin@{{ hsm_hostname }}
-C "client delete -f -c {{ client_name }}"
- client_name in client_list.stdout
- lunasa_client_rotate_cert
- name: Register the client certificate on the hsm_server
- name: Copy the NTL client cert to the HSM
shell: >
sshpass -p '{{ hsm_admin_password }}' scp -c aes256-cbc
/usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/{{ client_cert_cn }}.pem
admin@{{ hsm_hostname }}:{{ client_host }}.pem
- name: Register the client
shell: >
sshpass -p '{{ hsm_admin_password }}' ssh -c aes256-cbc admin@{{ hsm_hostname }}
-C "client register -c {{ client_name }} {{ client_reg_opt }} {{ client_host }}"
register: client_register
- client_register.rc != 0
- "'client with the same IP address has already been registered' not in client_register.stdout"
become: true
when: client_name not in client_list.stdout or lunasa_client_rotate_cert
- name: Assign client to an HSM partition
shell: |
sshpass -p '{{ hsm_admin_password }}' ssh -c aes256-cbc admin@{{ hsm_hostname }} \
-C "client assignPartition -c {{ client_name }} -p {{ hsm_partition }}"
register: assign_partition
- assign_partition.rc != 0
- "'client already has access' not in assign_partition.stdout"
become: true