Pacemaker backup task

This patch add task for backing up pacemaker configuration and makes
existing mysql backup task a bit more configurable.

Change-Id: I67b1991daf617093ec59efea5062157d59106bd4
This commit is contained in:
Martin Magr 2019-02-07 14:19:52 +01:00 committed by Martin Mágr
parent 80d973f0bb
commit 655d4ea9fe
8 changed files with 78 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -67,6 +67,15 @@ If using Docker:
| `operations_custom_service_map` | `{}` | Dictionary of services and their systemd unit files, container names, and vhosts. This will be combined with the builtin list of services in `vars/main.yml`. |
**Variables for backup**
| Name | Default Value | Description |
| `backup_tmp_dir` | `/var/tmp/openstack-backup` | Temporary directory created on host to store backed up data. |
| `backup_directory` | `/home/{{ ansible_user }}` | Directory on backup host where backup archive will be saved. |
| `backup_host` | `{{ hostvars[groups[backup_server_hostgroup][0]]['inventory_hostname'] }}` | Backup host where data will be archived.|
| `backup_host_ssh_args` | `-F /var/tmp/{{ ansible_hostname }}_config` | ssh arguments used for connectiong to backup host. |
## Dependencies ##

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@ -2,5 +2,5 @@
# to licensing conflicts. But we sill need to be able to pull them in for
# lint checks and want to document these as ansible specific things that may
# be required for this repository.

View File

@ -26,3 +26,10 @@ operations_logs:
# Restart Service
operations_services_to_restart: []
operations_custom_service_map: {}
# Backup
backup_tmp_dir: /var/tmp/openstack-backup
backup_directory: "/home/{{ ansible_user }}"
backup_host: "{{ hostvars[groups[backup_server_hostgroup][0]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
backup_host_ssh_args: "-F /var/tmp/{{ ansible_hostname }}_config"

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@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
- name: Remove any existing database backup directory
path: /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql
path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql"
state: absent
- name: Create a new MySQL database backup directory
path: /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql
path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql"
state: directory
- name: Get the database root password
@ -33,29 +33,29 @@
- name: Create MySQL backup script
dest: /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql/
dest: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/"
mode: u+rwx
- name: Run the MySQL backup script
command: /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql/
command: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/"
# The archive module is pretty limited. Using a script instead.
- name: Archive the OpenStack databases
script: |
/bin/tar --ignore-failed-read --xattrs \
-zcf /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql.tar \
-zcf {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql.tar \
{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/*.sql
- name: Copy the archive to the backup server
mode: pull
src: "/var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql.tar"
dest: "{{ backup_directory | default('~/.') }}"
src: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql.tar"
dest: "{{ backup_directory }}"
set_remote_user: false
ssh_args: "-F /var/tmp/{{ ansible_hostname }}_config"
delegate_to: "{{ hostvars[groups[backup_server_hostgroup][0]]['inventory_hostname'] }}"
ssh_args: "{{ backup_host_ssh_args }}"
delegate_to: "{{ backup_host }}"
- name: Remove the database backup directory
path: /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql
path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql"
state: absent

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
# Tasks for backing up Pacemaker configuration
- name: Remove any existing Pacemaker backup directory
path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs"
state: absent
- name: Create a new Pacemaker backup directory
path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs"
state: directory
- name: Create Pacemaker backup script
dest: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/"
mode: u+rwx
- name: Run the Pacemaker backup script
command: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/"
- name: Archive the Pacemaker configuration
script: |
/bin/tar --ignore-failed-read --xattrs \
-zcf {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/openstack-backup-pacemaker.tar \
{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/cib.xml \
{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/pacemaker_backup.tar.bz2
- name: Copy the archive to the backup server
mode: pull
src: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs/openstack-backup-pacemaker.tar"
dest: "{{ backup_directory }}"
set_remote_user: false
ssh_args: "{{ backup_host_ssh_args }}"
delegate_to: "{{ backup_host }}"
- name: Remove the database backup directory
path: "{{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs"
state: absent

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@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
- name: Make sure the backup directory exists
path: "{{ backup_directory }}"
state: directory
state: directory

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} -s -N -e "select distinct table_schema from information_schema.tables where engine='innodb' and table_schema != 'mysql';" | xargs mysqldump -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} --single-transaction --databases > /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql.sql
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} -s -N -e "select distinct table_schema from information_schema.tables where engine='innodb' and table_schema != 'mysql';" | xargs mysqldump -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} --single-transaction --databases > {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql.sql
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} -s -N -e "SELECT CONCAT('\"SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';\"') FROM mysql.user where (length(user) > 0 and user NOT LIKE 'root')" | xargs -n1 mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} -s -N -e | sed 's/$/;/' > /var/tmp/openstack-backup/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql-grants.sql
mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} -s -N -e "SELECT CONCAT('\"SHOW GRANTS FOR ''',user,'''@''',host,''';\"') FROM mysql.user where (length(user) > 0 and user NOT LIKE 'root')" | xargs -n1 mysql -uroot -p{{ mysql_root_password }} -s -N -e | sed 's/$/;/' > {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/mysql/openstack-backup-mysql-grants.sql

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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
pushd {{ backup_tmp_dir }}/pcs
pcs cluster cib cib.xml
pcs config backup pacemaker_backup