Dmitriy Rabotyagov f432c87744 Ignore repo container facts gathering errors
In case of any repo container going down any attempt to build venv will
fail due to failure to gather facts for them.

In order to overcome the issue defaults for venv_build_targets elements
are defined along with ignoring any failures for fact gathering.

However failed_when is used instead of ignore_errors as ignore_errors
will invalidate facts for successfull hosts as well, while failed_when
preserves result for successfull hosts.

As a result venv_build_targets will be populated with `none-none-none`
key which will inlcude all hosts that don't have required facts in place

Change-Id: I271e6464133939be4e21110042cd489dc66c8d5d
2024-06-12 15:00:20 +02:00

105 lines
4.4 KiB

# Copyright 2018, Rackspace US, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Set the available build targets for all nodes within an environment.
# build targets are grouped based on operating system and CPU
# architecture.
# This is the data structure used to determine the build host.
# venv_build_targets:
# {
# ansible_facts['distribution'] + '_' +
# ansible_facts['distribution_version'] + '_' +
# ansible_facts['architecture']: inventory_hostname
# }
# }
# Auto generation process:
# * The current inventory hostname is inserted as the first build target
# and will be used if no other suitable targets are found.
# * It then iterates over the group defined by {{ venv_build_group }} and if any
# targets are found it will catagorize them by distro and cpu architecture
# and add them to the list of targets.
# * If no build target is found for matching the distro and cpu
# criteria of the active inventory item, the generator will fall
# back to using the active inventory host as the build target.
# NOTE: (cloudnull): While there may be multiple inventory items
# that match a single distro and CPU architecture
# type, only one build target will ever be used.
# To make more than one build target effective,
# deployers should be using a shared file system
# for the repo servers.
venv_build_targets: |-
{% set targets = {} %}
{% for item in ((groups[venv_build_group] | default([])) | reverse) %}
{% set distro = (hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['distribution'] | default('none') | lower) | replace(' ', '_') %}
{% if distro == 'ubuntu' %}
{% set distro_ver = (hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['distribution_version'] | default('none.none')).split('.')[:2] | join('.') %}
{% else %}
{% set distro_ver = hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['distribution_major_version'] | default('none') %}
{% endif %}
{% set arch = hostvars[item]['ansible_facts']['architecture'] | default('none') %}
{% set distro_arch = [distro, distro_ver, arch] | join('-') %}
{% if distro_arch not in targets %}
{% set _ = targets.update({distro_arch: item | string}) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ targets }}
_venv_wheels_play_hosts: |-
{% set wheel_groups = {} %}
{% for host in ansible_play_hosts %}
{% set arch = hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['architecture'] %}
{% set distro = (hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['distribution'] | lower) | replace(' ', '_') %}
{% if distro == 'ubuntu' %}
{% set distro_ver = hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['distribution_version'].split('.')[:2] | join('.') %}
{% else %}
{% set distro_ver = hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['distribution_major_version'] %}
{% endif %}
{% set distro_arch = [distro, distro_ver, arch] | join('-') %}
{% if distro_arch not in wheel_groups %}
{% set _ = wheel_groups.update({distro_arch: [host]}) %}
{% else %}
{% set _ = wheel_groups[distro_arch].append(host) %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ wheel_groups }}
_venv_wheels_first_play_hosts: |-
{% set first_hosts = [] %}
{% for distro_arch_hosts in _venv_wheels_play_hosts.values() %}
{% set _ = first_hosts.append(distro_arch_hosts | first) %}
{% endfor %}
{{ first_hosts }}
_venv_pip_packages: "{{ (venv_default_pip_packages | union(venv_pip_packages)) | sort | select | list }}"
_venv_build_dist: >-
{{ (ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower == 'ubuntu') | ternary(
ansible_facts['distribution_version'].split('.')[:2] | join('.'),
) }}
_venv_build_dist_arch: >-
((ansible_facts['distribution'] | lower) | replace(' ', '_')) ~ '-' ~
_venv_build_dist ~ '-' ~
(ansible_facts['architecture'] | lower)
_venv_build_requirements_prefix: "{{ venv_build_host_requirements_path }}/{{ venv_install_destination_path | basename }}"