--- # This role adds a new IP address to the RFS conf file - name: run script to add {{thales_client_ips}} to config.new script: "{{role_path}}/files/add_ips.py --config-dir /opt/nfast/kmdata/{{thales_hsm_config_location}}/config --ips {{thales_client_ips}}" - name: push new config to the HSM and check that it was successful shell: "/opt/nfast/bin/cfg-pushnethsm -a {{thales_hsm_ip_address}} /opt/nfast/kmdata/{{thales_hsm_config_location}}/config/config.new && sleep 5 && diff /opt/nfast/kmdata/{{thales_hsm_config_location}}/config/config /opt/nfast/kmdata/{{thales_hsm_config_location}}/config/config.new" register: result until: result.rc == 0 retries: 10 - name: allow bootstrap server to update the RFS server command: "/opt/nfast/bin/rfs-setup --gang-client --write-noauth {{thales_bootstrap_client_ip}}"