Switch to openstackdocstheme 2.2.1 version. Using
this version will allow especially:
* Linking from HTML to PDF document
* Allow parallel building of documents
* Fix some rendering problems
Update Sphinx version as well.
Disable openstackdocs_auto_name to use 'project' variable as name.
Change pygments_style to 'native' since old theme version always used
'native' and the theme now respects the setting and using 'sphinx' can
lead to some strange rendering.
openstackdocstheme renames some variables, so follow the renames
before the next release removes them. A couple of variables are also
not needed anymore, remove them.
See also
Change-Id: I30bdb1bf76a12e9562ab461b2701a36f34e770fe
The default for install_command is good, no need to add our own version
in tox.ini. Remove it.
Remove git commands from conf.py, current openstackdocstheme handles
this itself.
Fix some missed api-wg -> api-sig renames in conf.py.
Change-Id: I806e804a5852e081f0cb8c1b43ffe13a119aba2c
David Stanek isn't involved in keystone any more, so I am designating
myself as the liaison for keystone.
Change-Id: I2d396c9dad31a041ae86755c2ff3caf26f096bae
Added myself as the Placement liaison to the API-SIG. There was also an
empty duplicate section for Nova in the file, so I removed that.
Change-Id: I6701a06b8b0a70a2fe010cbd340ef5e6bc2520a7
The recent yasfb is not compatible with ancient sphinx, just bump
both requirements, as well as replace deprecated oslosphinx with
openstackdocstheme (requirements shamelessly copied from ironic-specs).
While we're here, uncap pbr and bump it to 1.0.
Change-Id: Ia78499827a53f5ee0c7a8b0d9951a0e37dedc91b
In a recent api-sig meeting it was decided that we should link
to this document as a good introduction and commentary on best
Change-Id: I662ed5c9c21a6eafb74cd1e224bf8c8953a556b6
In the opening we advise people to use the HTTP RFCs as the ultimate
authority but do not link to them. This change adds the links and
generalizes the warning to the entirety of the guidelines, not just
to non-JSON apis.
Change-Id: I40a59594a477d6802a16d8b0ca11020629eff292
Links to the wiki and git were out of date.
Also update .gitreview to reflect new repository name.
Change-Id: I950604740b7ef8d8ec0b1f97499bdc6e6648db0e
This updates as many references to 'API-WG', 'API Working Group', etc.,
to reflect the name change to the API-SIG.
Change-Id: I15ca0860c58bd7ba51f08dd39e551a774d7a060a
The liaison for Nova, Matthew Gilliard, no longer works on OpenStack, so
this removes him as the Nova liaison. This entry will remain empty until
Nova selects a new liaison.
Change-Id: I6723410b8fc4edf426237bdfe584efa2d59d8255
The previous update to this file switched the order of two rows, making
the text invalid JSON. This commit simply fixes that.
Change-Id: Ibb680c3f0f20e959c7171209980c53274df301b8
This change adds the first draft revision of the guided review process
document. It also slightly reorganizes the table of contents links for
guidance on the index page to make it clear which guidance is for API
issues and which are for working group process issues.
Change-Id: Ifd7c7dce7f61bc57555e3bd2abac2703c1c7b6a3
Fix the Sphinx html_last_updated_fmt for Python3. The
html_last_updated_fmt option is interpreted as a byte
string in python3, causing Sphinx build to break.
This patch makes it utf-8 string.
Change-Id: I76f9c05023a30f434d2b873254ef0f63b31d86bf
Recent employment changes has resulted in several liasons no longer to
continue in that capacity. This patch updates with the current liaisons,
and also adds their emails, which will make contacting them about API-WG
issues simpler.
Change-Id: I22f37e462f2389b4ddc398d3d658c932d1b2e434
This makes it seem like the guidelines are not yet ready. They are
ready but they are also constantly evolving. We don't want people
to go away thinking we're not ready yet.
Change-Id: I41e5849ea9fe0e1ef39c485861dc6686e9df6f1d
The API-wg liaison task is unfortunately not compatible with
salv-orlando's schedule and its current involvement level in
Neutron. Therefore salv-orlando is removing himself from the
liaison list.
Neutron already has another liaison - Henryg.
Change-Id: Ief89d2035229f3ac880533e3dda32a0159a1d2f9
The steps in the proposal process were interleaved in a way
that made following them confusing. This change extracts the
definitions of terms from the actual process and simplifies the
For the most part the spirit of the staged review process is
maintained but the steps required to reach out to the community
are clarified: Where there is consensus we involve just the CPLs.
Where there is not we reach out to the rest of community. I'm not
certain is the correct way to go. It's a compromise between keeping
things moving with minimal friction and including the broader
community as much as possible.
My hope is that this will help to clarify the term "frozen" and
when freezing is to be done.
This will probably require some iteration.
Change-Id: I416ff1dd35249674fb27f9dd7625786e52001556
Based on feedback in this review [1] we want to remove the
restriction on voting on guidelines. That restriction was
a hold over from a Summit discussion when we didn't really
know how everything would work out. It's simply not necessary
at this point.
[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/213876/3/doc/source/process.rst
Change-Id: I842a365f3bc5d23b39039525d315194b3344ff04
Update the process for core reviewers to add exactly one
CodeReview+2 to a review to consider it frozen. This is
preferable to freezing it with a Workflow-1 or CodeReview-2.
Document the use of the add-reviewers.py script.
Change-Id: I9c48bae7b69c5bbeffd2994148b6d02d2150cce5
To make it easier to engage the liaisons, we have a tool that will
add all current liaisons to an API WG review.
Change-Id: I0c32aa407def04c8a81868ed8a682cb7888ff1ff
Let's use Code-Review -2 to Freeze instead of Workflow -1. The
semantics are better "Do not merge" vs "Work in progress" and
it's easier to filter the frozen guidelines vs those that are
actually a work in progress.
Change-Id: Ib030bcdfd5e90766a5a22ca84c86dc59ef30cdb5