Andreas Jaeger 9160bc9aa1 API Quick Start Translations
Setup Japanese API Quick Start for building and checking.
Markup German not anymore as draft.

Do not publish content anymore on, our
jobs are going to use publishlang-api to publish on instead.

Change-Id: I67d777a6c271fc8dc1ebe3e75b81a09e7c5c3efb
2015-10-10 09:13:57 +02:00

161 lines
5.2 KiB

minversion = 1.6
envlist = checkniceness,checksyntax,checkdeletions,checkbuild,checklinks
skipsdist = True
basepython = python2.7
setenv =
deps = -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt
whitelist_externals =
commands = {posargs}
commands = openstack-doc-test --check-links {posargs}
commands =
openstack-doc-test --check-niceness {posargs}
doc8 firstapp
doc8 api-quick-start
commands =
# WADLs using entity files are not properly handled by
# openstack-doc-test, we therefore have to check all files that
# are in the tree for any syntax issues.
openstack-doc-test --check-syntax --force {posargs}
# Check that .po and .pot files are valid:
bash -c "find api* -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null"
commands = openstack-doc-test --check-deletions {posargs}
commands =
# Build and copy RST Guides
# Build DocBook Guides
openstack-doc-test --check-build {posargs}
# Prepare documents (without www) so that they can get published on
# with just copying publish-docs/* over.
commands = true
# Prepare documents (without www) so that they can get published on
# with just copying publish-docs/api-ref over.
commands =
openstack-doc-test --check-build --publish --only-book api-ref --only-book api-ref-guides
# We need to move api-ref-guides to the proper place:
mv publish-docs/api-ref-guides publish-docs/api-ref/
# Build and copy RST Guides
# Delete firstapp draft documents
rm -rf publish-docs/draft/
# Build and copy API Quick Start
# openstack-generate-docbook needs xml2po which cannot be installed in
# the venv. Since it's installed in the system, let's use
# sitepackages.
whitelist_externals = doc-tools-check-languages
commands = doc-tools-check-languages doc-tools-check-languages.conf test all
# Run as "tox -e buildlang -- $LANG"
# openstack-generate-docbook needs xml2po which cannot be installed
# in the venv. Since it's installed in the system, let's
# use sitepackages.
whitelist_externals = doc-tools-check-languages
commands = doc-tools-check-languages doc-tools-check-languages.conf test {posargs}
# openstack-generate-docbook needs xml2po which cannot be installed
# in the venv. Since it's installed in the system, let's
# use sitepackages.
# NOTE(jaegerandi): Remove this as soon as job has been removed.
# Do nothing for now
commands = true
# openstack-generate-docbook needs xml2po which cannot be installed
# in the venv. Since it's installed in the system, let's
# use sitepackages.
# Publish translated documents to with just
# copying publish-docs/api-ref over.
whitelist_externals =
commands =
doc-tools-check-languages doc-tools-check-languages.conf publish all
# Move directories to proper place, we publish translated
# quick-start guides at
# or
mkdir -p publish-docs/api-ref
mkdir -p publish-docs/api-ref/de/api-guide
mkdir -p publish-docs/api-ref/ja/api-guide
mv publish-docs/de/api-quick-start/ publish-docs/api-ref/de/api-guide/quick-start
mv publish-docs/ja/api-quick-start/ publish-docs/api-ref/ja/api-guide/quick-start
# Generate POT files for translation, needs {posargs} like:
# tox -e generatepot-rst -- firstapp
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/ api-site 0 {posargs}
commands =
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t libcloud firstapp/source firstapp/build-libcloud/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t jclouds firstapp/source firstapp/build-jclouds/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t fog firstapp/source firstapp/build-fog/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t dotnet firstapp/source firstapp/build-dotnet/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t pkgcloud firstapp/source firstapp/build-pkgcloud/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t openstacksdk firstapp/source firstapp/build-openstacksdk/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t libcloud firstapp/source firstapp/build/html
commands = sphinx-build -E -W -t shade firstapp/source firstapp/build-shade/html
commands =
# Settings for doc8:
# Ignore target directories
ignore-path = firstapp/build*,common-rst/
# File extensions to use
extensions = .rst,.txt
# Ignore lines longer than 79 chars
ignore = D001