Update the README file

The readme file has been updated to:
 - Be more concise up front about the purpose of Bandit
 - Reflect new install methods (from PyPI)
 - Update configuration section
 - Convert to markdown format (we had this anyway, it was just
called .rst for some reason)

Change-Id: Ibb39e9fe64760323240c1180d4df8c8e21349ecb
This commit is contained in:
Travis McPeak 2015-05-06 13:23:57 -04:00
parent ac19bb5e95
commit f11e9b8ace
2 changed files with 61 additions and 35 deletions

View File

@ -1,60 +1,59 @@
A Python AST-based static analyzer from OpenStack Security Group.
A security linter from OpenStack Security
Bandit provides a framework for performing analysis against Python source code,
utilizing the ast module from the Python standard library.
The ast module is used to convert source code into a parsed tree of Python
syntax nodes. Bandit allows users to define custom tests that are performed
against those nodes. At the completion of testing, a report is generated that
lists security issues identified within the target source code.
Bandit is a tool designed to find common security issues in Python code. To do
this Bandit processes each file, builds an AST from it, and runs appropriate
plugins against the AST nodes. Once Bandit has finished scanning all the files
it generates a report.
Bandit is distributed as an installable package. To clone and install in a
Python virtual environment::
Bandit is distributed on PyPI. The best way to install it is with pip:
$ git clone https://git.openstack.org/stackforge/bandit.git
$ cd bandit
$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python setup.py install
To test the new installation::
***Create a virtual environment (optional):***
$ pip install tox
$ tox -epy27
virtualenv bandit-env
To run PEP8 tests on diffs::
***Install Bandit:***
$ tox -v -epep8
pip install bandit
***Run Bandit:***
bandit -r path/to/your/code
Bandit can also be installed from source. To do so, download the source
tarball from PyPI, then install it:
python setup.py install
Example usage across a code tree, showing one line of context for each issue::
Example usage across a code tree:
$ bandit -r -n 1 ~/openstack-repo/keystone
bandit -r ~/openstack-repo/keystone
Example usage across the examples/ directory, showing three lines of context
and only reporting on the high-severity issues::
and only reporting on the high-severity issues:
$ bandit examples/*.py -n 3 -lll
bandit examples/*.py -n 3 -lll
Example usage across the examples/ directory, showing one line of context and
running only tests in the ShellInjection profile::
Bandit can be run with profiles. To run Bandit against the examples directory
using only the plugins listed in the ShellInjection profile:
$ bandit examples/*.py -n 1 -p ShellInjection
bandit examples/*.py -p ShellInjection
$ bandit -h
bandit -h
usage: bandit [-h] [-a AGG_TYPE] [-n CONTEXT_LINES] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
[-p PROFILE] [-l] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-d]
file [file ...]
@ -87,12 +86,22 @@ Usage::
The default configuration file is bandit.yaml. This specifies a number of
global options, and allows the creation of separate test profiles to include
or exclude specific tests when Bandit is run.
The Bandit config file is used to set several things, including:
- profiles - defines group of tests which should or shouldn't be run
- exclude_dirs - sections of the path, that if matched, will be excluded from
- plugin configs - used to tune plugins, for example: by tuning
blacklist_imports, you can set which imports should be flagged
- other - plugins directory, included file types, shell display
colors, etc.
Additional configuration files can be created and passed to Bandit as a
command line argument.
Bandit requires a config file. Bandit will use bandit.yaml in the following
preference order:
- Bandit config file specified with -c command line option
- bandit.yaml file from current working directory
- bandit.yaml file from ~/.config/bandit/
- bandit.yaml file in config/ directory of the Bandit package
@ -147,6 +156,23 @@ To write a test:
function accordingly.
Contributions to Bandit are always welcome! We can be found on #openstack-security
on Freenode IRC.
The best way to get started with Bandit is to grab the source:
git clone https://git.openstack.org/stackforge/bandit.git
You can test any changes with tox:
pip install tox
tox -e pep8
tox -e py27
tox -e cover

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
name = bandit
summary = Security oriented static analyser for python code.
description-file =
author = OpenStack Security Group
author-email = openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
home-page = https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Security/Projects/Bandit