# Copyright (c) 2017 Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_log import log as logging from tempest.common import utils from tempest.common import waiters from tempest import config from tempest import exceptions from tempest.lib.common import api_version_utils from tempest.lib import decorators from barbican_tempest_plugin.tests.scenario import barbican_manager CONF = config.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CertificateValidationTest(barbican_manager.BarbicanScenarioTest): min_microversion = '2.63' max_microversion = 'latest' @classmethod def resource_setup(cls): super(CertificateValidationTest, cls).resource_setup() cls.request_microversion = ( api_version_utils.select_request_microversion( cls.min_microversion, CONF.compute.min_microversion)) @classmethod def skip_checks(cls): super(CertificateValidationTest, cls).skip_checks() api_version_utils.check_skip_with_microversion( cls.min_microversion, cls.max_microversion, CONF.compute.min_microversion, CONF.compute.max_microversion) if not CONF.auth.create_isolated_networks: # FIXME(redorobt): remove this skip when system-scope admin # issue is fixed. raise cls.skipException( 'Certificate Validation tests require isolated networks') @decorators.idempotent_id('b41bc663-5662-4b1e-b8f1-27b2876f16a6') @utils.services('compute', 'image') def test_signed_image_upload_and_boot(self): """Test that Nova boots a signed image. The test follows these steps: * Create an asymmetric keypair * Sign an image file with the private key * Create a certificate with the public key * Store the certificate in Barbican * Store the signed image in Glance * Boot the signed image with a valid trusted image certificate ID * Confirm the instance changes state to Active """ img_uuid = self.sign_and_upload_image() LOG.debug("Booting server with self-signed image %s and certificate " "ID %s", img_uuid, self.signing_cert_uuid) instance = self.create_server(name='signed_img_server', image_id=img_uuid, wait_until='ACTIVE', trusted_image_certificates=[ self.signing_cert_uuid]) self.servers_client.delete_server(instance['id']) @decorators.idempotent_id('6d354881-35a6-4568-94b8-2204bbf67b29') @utils.services('compute', 'image') def test_signed_image_invalid_cert_boot_failure(self): """Test that Nova refuses to boot an unvalidated signed image. If the create_server call succeeds instead of throwing an exception, it is likely that certificate validation is not turned on. To turn on certificate validation, set enable_certificate_validation=True in the nova configuration file under the [glance] section. The test follows these steps: * Create an asymmetric keypair * Sign an image file with the private key * Create a certificate with the public key * Store the certificate in Barbican * Store the signed image in Glance * Attempt to boot the signed image with an invalid trusted image certificate ID * Confirm an exception is thrown """ img_uuid = self.sign_and_upload_image() LOG.debug("Booting server with self-signed image %s and invalid " "certificate ID %s", img_uuid, self.bad_cert_uuid) self.assertRaisesRegex(exceptions.BuildErrorException, "Certificate chain building failed", self.create_server, image_id=img_uuid, trusted_image_certificates=[self.bad_cert_uuid]) @decorators.idempotent_id('aed5254d-1e7a-46b6-8cb0-ef5fd798671a') @utils.services('compute', 'image') def test_signed_image_upload_and_hard_reboot(self): """Test that Nova boots a signed image with certs after a hard reboot. The test follows these steps: * Create an asymmetric keypair * Sign an image file with the private key * Create a certificate with the public key * Store the certificate in Barbican * Store the signed image in Glance * Boot the signed image with a valid trusted image certificate ID * Reboot the signed image * Confirm the instance changes state to Active """ img_uuid = self.sign_and_upload_image() LOG.debug("Booting server with self-signed image %s and certificate " "ID %s", img_uuid, self.signing_cert_uuid) instance = self.create_server(name='server_to_reboot', image_id=img_uuid, wait_until='ACTIVE', trusted_image_certificates=[ self.signing_cert_uuid]) LOG.debug("Hard rebooting server with self-signed image %s and " "certificate ID %s", img_uuid, self.signing_cert_uuid) self.servers_client.reboot_server(instance['id'], type='HARD') waiters.wait_for_server_status(self.servers_client, instance['id'], 'ACTIVE') self.servers_client.delete_server(instance['id']) @decorators.idempotent_id('f9c6de51-b027-476f-a6e3-847bb39cfa02') @utils.services('compute', 'image') def test_signed_image_upload_and_server_rebuild(self): """Test that Nova boots a signed image with certs after a rebuild. The test follows these steps: * Create an asymmetric keypair * Sign an image file with the private key * Create a certificate with the public key * Store the certificate in Barbican * Store the signed image in Glance * Boot the server with the first signed image * Build a second signed image * Rebuild the server with the second signed image with a valid trusted image certificate ID * Confirm the instance changes state to Active """ img_uuid_create = self.sign_and_upload_image() LOG.debug("Booting server with self-signed image %s and certificate " "ID %s", img_uuid_create, self.signing_cert_uuid) instance = self.create_server(name='server_to_rebuild', image_id=img_uuid_create, wait_until='ACTIVE') img_uuid_rebuild = self.sign_and_upload_image() LOG.debug("Rebuild server with self-signed image %s and certificate " "ID %s", img_uuid_rebuild, self.signing_cert_uuid) rebuild_kwargs = { 'trusted_image_certificates': [self.signing_cert_uuid], } self.rebuild_server(instance['id'], img_uuid_rebuild, rebuild_kwargs=rebuild_kwargs) self.servers_client.delete_server(instance['id'])