Adding API docs for multiple backend support changes.
Updated multiple plugin configuration sample as per recent discussion. Change-Id: I7d5c0f088c392ae73dea603198c1845c346b2d39 Partially-Implements: blueprint multiple-secret-backend
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ API Reference
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
Secret Stores API - Reference
Barbican provides API to manage secret stores available in a deployment. APIs
are provided for listing available secret stores and to manage project level
secret store mapping. There are two types of secret stores. One is global
default secret store which is used for all projects. And then project
`preferred` secret store which is used to store all *new* secrets created in
that project. For an introduction to multiple store backends support, see
:doc:`Using Multiple Secret Store Plugins </setup/plugin_backends>` . This
document will focus on the details of the Barbican `/v1/secret-stores` REST API.
When multiple secret store backends support is not enabled in service
configuration, then all of these API will return resource not found (http
status code 404) error. Error message text will highlight that the support is
not enabled in configuration.
GET /v1/secret-stores
Project administrator can request list of available secret store backends.
Response contains list of secret stores which are currently configured in
barbican deployment. If multiple store backends support is not enabled, then
list will return resource not found (404) error.
.. _get_secret_stores_request_response:
.. code-block:: javascript
GET /secret-stores
X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "ACTIVE",
"updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
"name": "PKCS11 HSM",
"created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
"secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
"global_default": True,
"crypto_plugin": "p11_crypto",
"secret_store_plugin": "store_crypto"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554",
"name": "KMIP HSM",
"created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554",
"secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b",
"global_default": False,
"crypto_plugin": None,
"secret_store_plugin": "kmip_plugin"
"status": "ACTIVE",
"updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.127866",
"name": "Software Only Crypto",
"created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.127866",
"secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/0da45858-9420-42fe-a269-011f5f35deaa",
"global_default": False,
"crypto_plugin": "simple_crypto",
"secret_store_plugin": "store_crypto"
.. _get_secret_stores_response_attributes:
Response Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| secret-stores | list | A list of secret store references |
| name | string | store and crypto plugin name delimited by + |
| | | (plus) sign. |
| secret_store | string | URL for referencing a specific secret store |
| _ref | | |
.. _get_secret_stores_status_codes:
HTTP Status Codes
| Code | Description |
| 200 | Successful Request |
| 401 | Authentication error. Missing or invalid X-Auth-Token. |
| 403 | The user was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this action |
| 404 | Not Found. When multiple secret store backends support is not enabled. |
GET /v1/secret-stores/{secret_store_id}
A project administrator (user with admin role) can request details of secret
store by its ID. Returned response will highlight whether this secret store is
currently configured as global default or not.
.. _get_secret_stores_id_request_response:
.. code-block:: javascript
GET /secret-stores/93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b
X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "ACTIVE",
"updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554",
"name": "KMIP HSM",
"created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.124554",
"secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/93869b0f-60eb-4830-adb9-e2f7154a080b",
"global_default": False,
"crypto_plugin": None,
"secret_store_plugin": "kmip_plugin"
.. _get_secret_stores_id_response_attributes:
Response Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| name | string | store and crypto plugin name delimited by '+' (plus) sign |
| global_default | boolean | flag indicating if this secret store is global default or not |
| status | list | Status of the secret store |
| updated | time | Date and time secret store was last updated |
| created | time | Date and time secret store was created |
| secret_store_ref | string | URL for referencing a specific secret store |
.. _get_secret_stores_id_status_codes:
HTTP Status Codes
| Code | Description |
| 200 | Successful Request |
| 401 | Authentication error. Missing or invalid X-Auth-Token. |
| 403 | The user was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this action |
| 404 | Not Found. When multiple secret store backends support is not enabled or |
| | that secret store id does not exist. |
GET /v1/secret-stores/preferred
A project administrator (user with admin role) can request a reference to the
preferred secret store if assigned previously. When a preferred secret store is
set for a project, then new project secrets are stored using that store
backend. If multiple secret store support is not enabled, then this resource
will return 404 (Not Found) error.
.. _get_secret_stores_preferred_request_response:
.. code-block:: javascript
GET /v1/secret-stores/preferred
X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "ACTIVE",
"updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
"name": "PKCS11 HSM",
"created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
"secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
"global_default": True,
"crypto_plugin": "p11_crypto",
"secret_store_plugin": "store_crypto"
.. _get_secret_stores_preferred_response_attributes:
Response Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| secret_store_ref | string | A URL that references a specific secret store |
.. _get_secret_stores_preferred_status_codes:
HTTP Status Codes
| Code | Description |
| 200 | Successful Request |
| 401 | Authentication error. Missing or invalid X-Auth-Token. |
| 403 | The user was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this action |
| 404 | Not found. No preferred secret store has been defined or multiple secret |
| | store backends support is not enabled. |
POST /v1/secret-stores/{secret_store_id}/preferred
A project administrator can set a secret store backend to be preferred store
backend for his/her project. From there on, any new secret stored in that
project will use specified plugin backend for storage and reading thereafter.
Existing secret storage will not be impacted as each secret captures its plugin
backend information when initially stored. If multiple secret store support is
not enabled, then this resource will return 404 (Not Found) error.
.. _post_secret_stores_id_preferred_request_response:
.. code-block:: javascript
POST /v1/secret-stores/7776adb8-e865-413c-8ccc-4f09c3fe0213/preferred
X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
.. _post_secret_stores_id_preferred_status_codes:
HTTP Status Codes
| Code | Description |
| 204 | Successful Request |
| 401 | Authentication error. Missing or invalid X-Auth-Token. |
| 403 | The user was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this action |
| 404 | The requested entity was not found or multiple secret store backends |
| | support is not enabled. |
DELETE /v1/secret-stores/{secret_store_id}/preferred
A project administrator can remove preferred secret store backend setting. If
multiple secret store support is not enabled, then this resource will return
404 (Not Found) error.
.. _delete_secret_stores_id_preferred_request_response:
.. code-block:: javascript
DELETE /v1/secret-stores/7776adb8-e865-413c-8ccc-4f09c3fe0213/preferred
X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
.. _delete_secret_stores_id_preferred_status_codes:
HTTP Status Codes
| Code | Description |
| 204 | Successful Request |
| 401 | Authentication error. Missing or invalid X-Auth-Token. |
| 403 | The user was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this action |
| 404 | The requested entity was not found or multiple secret store backends |
| | support is not enabled. |
GET /v1/secret-stores/global-default
A project or service administrator can can request a reference to the secret
store that is used as default secret store backend for the deployment.
.. _get_secret_stores_global_default_request_response:
.. code-block:: javascript
GET /v1/secret-stores/global-default
X-Auth-Token: "f9cf2d480ba3485f85bdb9d07a4959f1"
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"status": "ACTIVE",
"updated": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
"name": "PKCS11 HSM",
"created": "2016-08-22T23:46:45.114283",
"secret_store_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secret-stores/4d27b7a7-b82f-491d-88c0-746bd67dadc8",
"global_default": True,
"crypto_plugin": "p11_crypto",
"secret_store_plugin": "store_crypto"
.. _get_secret_stores_global_default_response_attributes:
Response Attributes
| Name | Type | Description |
| secret_store_ref | string | A URL that references a specific secret store |
.. _get_secret_stores_global_default_status_codes:
HTTP Status Codes
| Code | Description |
| 200 | Successful Request |
| 401 | Authentication error. Missing or invalid X-Auth-Token. |
| 403 | The user was authenticated, but is not authorized to perform this action |
| 404 | Not Found. When multiple secret store backends support is not enabled. |
@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ Setting up Barbican
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
Using Secret Store Plugins in Barbican
By default, Barbican is configured to use one active secret store plugin in a
deployment. This means that all of the new secrets are going to be stored via
same plugin mechanism (i.e. same storage backend).
In **Newton** OpenStack release, support for configuring multiple secret store
plugin backends is added (`Spec Link`_). As part of this change, client can
choose to select preferred plugin backend for storing their secret at a project
.. _Spec Link:
Enabling Multiple Barbican Backends
Multiple backends support may be needed in specific deployment/ use-case
scenarios and can be enabled via configuration.
For this, a Barbican deployment may have more than one secret storage backend
added in service configuration. Project administrators will have choice of
pre-selecting one backend as the preferred choice for secrets created under
that project. Any **new** secret created under that project will use the
preferred backend to store its key material. When there is no project level
storage backend selected, then new secret will use the global secret storage
Multiple plugin configuration can be defined as follows.
.. code-block:: ini
# Set to True when multiple plugin backends support is needed
enable_multiple_secret_stores = True
stores_lookup_suffix = software, kmip, pkcs11, dogtag
secret_store_plugin = store_crypto
crypto_plugin = simple_crypto
secret_store_plugin = kmip_plugin
global_default = True
secret_store_plugin = dogtag_plugin
secret_store_plugin = store_crypto
crypto_plugin = p11_crypto
When `enable_multiple_secret_stores` is enabled (True), then list property
`stores_lookup_suffix` is used for looking up supported plugin names in
configuration section. This section name is constructed using pattern
'secretstore:{one_of_suffix}'. One of the plugin **must** be explicitly
identified as global default i.e. `global_default = True`. Ordering of suffix
and label used does not matter as long as there is a matching section defined
in service configuration.
.. note::
For existing Barbican deployment case, its recommended to keep existing
secretstore and crypto plugin (if applicable) name combination to be used as
global default secret store. This is needed to be consistent with existing
.. warning::
When multiple plugins support is enabled, then `enabled_secretstore_plugins`
and `enabled_crypto_plugins` values are **not** used to instantiate relevant
plugins. Only above mentioned mechanism is used to identify and instantiate
store and crypto plugins.
Multiple backend can be useful in following type of usage scenarios.
* In a deployment, a deployer may be okay in storing their dev/test resources
using a low-security secret store, such as one backend using software-only
crypto, but may want to use an HSM-backed secret store for production
* In a deployment, for certain use cases where a client requires high
concurrent access of stored keys, HSM might not be a good storage backend.
Also scaling them horizontally to provide higher scalability is a costly
approach with respect to database.
* HSM devices generally have limited storage capacity so a deployment will
have to watch its stored keys size proactively to remain under the limit
constraint. This is more applicable in KMIP backend than with PKCS11 backend
because of plugin's different storage apporach. This aspect can also result
from above use case scenario where deployment is storing non-sensitive (from
dev/test environment) encryption keys in HSM.
* Barbican running as IaaS service or platform component where some class of
client services have strict compliance requirements (e.g. FIPS) so will use
HSM backed plugins whereas others may be okay storing keys in software-only
crypto plugin.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user