The pinned version of Kombu was incompatible with the latest un-pinned
version of Celery. Removing this pinning fixed the issue.
Change-Id: I868c86ac67350e6429ce806af3385623c8931548
The current local installer (bin/barbican-all) requires that users
perform several steps before hand. The new installer seeks to minimize
the amount of manual steps needed.
Change-Id: Ie5d74331028fa7c463f53bed92a504771c09a385
Implements: blueprint add-local-installer-script
If this line is not included in the spec file, then a
'Requires: /var/lib/jenkins/.pyenv/shims/python' line shows up in the
RPM builder output, and then the package doesn't install correctly.
This commit is to add this line back into the spec file.
Change-Id: I5e7cf15525c5681bef3034a06339982b373578d6
As part of building out the Barbican network of nodes, this commit adds files
and configuration to create an RPM package for the Barbican worker nodes. Files
needed to make this work as part of a network of Barbican API, queue, worker
and database nodes are also added.
Change-Id: I87a36b7c09bbd3fec7661ce6adbcbb5b0c6df689
Set pyenv to use the system python for packaging
also, Kombu updated the version of amqp it depends on.
Change-Id: I8f2301611aa0f7d0ed41453d3376bf4b1efd3f99
It appears that pyenv is incompatible with rpmbuild since
is installing files to BUILDROOT/.pyenv/... instead of using paths
that match the system python. This file should force pyenv to use
the system python for the build.
Change-Id: I1d7deca736cfa1bb0c8ea842113ba4daa33c41fd
The available python-crypto package in CentOS 6.4 (version 2.0.1)
is too old. Specifically the Crypto.Random package is unavaliable.
Change-Id: Ifa000d1fb633de5b69194e557978587280e47b02