# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from barbican.common import utils def convert_resource_id_to_href(resource_slug, resource_id): """Convert the resource ID to a HATEOAS-style href with resource slug.""" if resource_id: resource = '{slug}/{id}'.format(slug=resource_slug, id=resource_id) else: resource = '{slug}/????'.format(slug=resource_slug) return utils.hostname_for_refs(resource=resource) def convert_secret_to_href(secret_id): """Convert the secret IDs to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('secrets', secret_id) def convert_order_to_href(order_id): """Convert the order IDs to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('orders', order_id) def convert_container_to_href(container_id): """Convert the container IDs to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('containers', container_id) def convert_transport_key_to_href(transport_key_id): """Convert the transport key IDs to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('transport_keys', transport_key_id) def convert_consumer_to_href(consumer_id): """Convert the consumer ID to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('consumers', consumer_id) + '/consumers' def convert_user_meta_to_href(secret_id): """Convert the consumer ID to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('secrets', secret_id) + '/metadata' def convert_certificate_authority_to_href(ca_id): """Convert the ca ID to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('cas', ca_id) def convert_secret_stores_to_href(secret_store_id): """Convert the secret-store ID to a HATEOAS-style href.""" return convert_resource_id_to_href('secret-stores', secret_store_id) # TODO(hgedikli) handle list of fields in here def convert_to_hrefs(fields): """Convert id's within a fields dict to HATEOAS-style hrefs.""" if 'secret_id' in fields: fields['secret_ref'] = convert_secret_to_href(fields['secret_id']) del fields['secret_id'] if 'order_id' in fields: fields['order_ref'] = convert_order_to_href(fields['order_id']) del fields['order_id'] if 'container_id' in fields: fields['container_ref'] = convert_container_to_href( fields['container_id']) del fields['container_id'] if 'transport_key_id' in fields: fields['transport_key_ref'] = convert_transport_key_to_href( fields['transport_key_id']) del fields['transport_key_id'] return fields def convert_list_to_href(resources_name, offset, limit): """Supports pretty output of paged-list hrefs. Convert the offset/limit info to a HATEOAS-style href suitable for use in a list navigation paging interface. """ resource = '{0}?limit={1}&offset={2}'.format(resources_name, limit, offset) return utils.hostname_for_refs(resource=resource) def previous_href(resources_name, offset, limit): """Supports pretty output of previous-page hrefs. Create a HATEOAS-style 'previous' href suitable for use in a list navigation paging interface, assuming the provided values are the currently viewed page. """ offset = max(0, offset - limit) return convert_list_to_href(resources_name, offset, limit) def next_href(resources_name, offset, limit): """Supports pretty output of next-page hrefs. Create a HATEOAS-style 'next' href suitable for use in a list navigation paging interface, assuming the provided values are the currently viewed page. """ offset = offset + limit return convert_list_to_href(resources_name, offset, limit) def add_nav_hrefs(resources_name, offset, limit, total_elements, data): """Adds next and/or previous hrefs to paged list responses. :param resources_name: Name of api resource :param offset: Element number (ie. index) where current page starts :param limit: Max amount of elements listed on current page :param total_elements: Total number of elements :returns: augmented dictionary with next and/or previous hrefs """ if offset > 0: data.update({'previous': previous_href(resources_name, offset, limit)}) if total_elements > (offset + limit): data.update({'next': next_href(resources_name, offset, limit)}) return data def get_container_id_from_ref(container_ref): """Parse a container reference and return the container ID TODO(Dave) Add some extra checking for valid prefix The container ID is the right-most element of the URL :param container_ref: HTTP reference of container :return: a string containing the ID of the container """ container_id = container_ref.rsplit('/', 1)[1] return container_id def get_secret_id_from_ref(secret_ref): """Parse a secret reference and return the secret ID :param secret_ref: HTTP reference of secret :return: a string containing the ID of the secret """ secret_id = secret_ref.rsplit('/', 1)[1] return secret_id def get_secrets_id_from_refs(secret_refs): """Parse a secret reference and return the list of secret ID :param secret_refs: a list of HTTP reference of secret :return: a string containing the ID of the secret """ if secret_refs is None: return None secret_ids = [] for secret_ref in secret_refs: secret_id = secret_ref.get('secret_ref') if secret_id.endswith('/'): secret_id = secret_id.rsplit('/', 2)[1] elif '/' in secret_id: secret_id = secret_id.rsplit('/', 1)[1] else: secret_id = secret_id secret_ids.append(secret_id) return secret_ids def get_ca_id_from_ref(ca_ref): """Parse a ca_ref and return the CA ID :param ca_ref: HHTO reference of the CA :return: a string containing the ID of the CA """ ca_id = ca_ref.rsplit('/', 1)[1] return ca_id