*********************** Orders API - User Guide *********************** The orders resource allows the user to request barbican to generate a secret. This is also very helpful for requesting the creation of public/private key pairs. The orders resource supports the following types: * symmetric keys * asymmetric keys This user guide provides high level examples of the orders resource. It will assume you will be using a local running development environment of barbican. If you need assistance with getting set up, please reference the `development guide `__. .. _create_order: Creating an Order ################# When you want barbican to generate a secret you need to create an order. For an order to be processed correctly the parameters mode, bit_length, and algorithm must be valid. Otherwise the order will fail and the secret will not be generated. The example below shows a valid order for generating a symmetric key. You can find a more detailed explanation about the parameters in the `Orders API `__ documentation. .. code-block:: bash curl -X POST -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H "content-type:application/json" -d '{ "type":"key", "meta": { "name": "secretname", "algorithm": "aes", "bit_length": 256, "mode": "cbc", "payload_content_type": "application/octet-stream"} }' http://localhost:9311/v1/orders You should receive an order reference after placing your order with barbican. .. code-block:: bash {"order_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/orders/3a5c6748-44de-4c1c-9e54-085c3f79e942"} The order reference is used to retrieve the metadata for the order you placed which can then be used to retrieve your secret. .. _retrieve_order: Retrieving an Order ################### In order to retrieve the order we will use the reference returned during the initial creation. (See :ref:`Creating an Order `.) .. code-block:: bash curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H 'Accept:application/json' \ http://localhost:9311/v1/orders/3a5c6748-44de-4c1c-9e54-085c3f79e942 The typical response is below: .. code-block:: json { "created": "2015-10-15T18:15:10", "creator_id": "40540f978fbd45c1af18910e3e02b63f", "meta": { "algorithm": "AES", "bit_length": 256, "expiration": null, "mode": "cbc", "name": "secretname", "payload_content_type": "application/octet-stream" }, "order_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/orders/3a5c6748-44de-4c1c-9e54-085c3f79e942", "secret_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secrets/bcd1b853-edeb-4509-9f12-019b8c8dfb5f", "status": "ACTIVE", "sub_status": "Unknown", "sub_status_message": "Unknown", "type": "key", "updated": "2015-10-15T18:15:10" } This is the metadata associated with the order. To retrieve the secret generated by the order, refer to the :doc:`Secrets User Guide `. The order metadata is very useful for determining if your order was processed correctly. Since orders are processed asynchronously, you can use the metadata returned for the order to verify a successful secret creation. The parameters of the response are explained in more detail `here `__. .. _retrieve_order_list: Retrieving All Orders ##################### It is also possible to retrieve all orders for a project. .. code-block:: bash curl -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H 'Accept:application/json' http://localhost:9311/v1/orders .. code-block:: json { "orders": [ { "created": "2015-10-15T18:15:10", "creator_id": "40540f978fbd45c1af18910e3e02b63f", "meta": { "algorithm": "AES", "bit_length": 256, "expiration": null, "mode": "cbc", "name": "secretname", "payload_content_type": "application/octet-stream" }, "order_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/orders/3a5c6748-44de-4c1c-9e54-085c3f79e942", "secret_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secrets/bcd1b853-edeb-4509-9f12-019b8c8dfb5f", "status": "ACTIVE", "sub_status": "Unknown", "sub_status_message": "Unknown", "type": "key", "updated": "2015-10-15T18:15:10" }, { "created": "2015-10-15T18:51:35", "creator_id": "40540f978fbd45c1af18910e3e02b63f", "meta": { "algorithm": "AES", "bit_length": 256, "mode": "cbc", "expiration": null, "name": null }, "order_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/orders/d99ced51-ea7a-4c14-8e11-0dda0f49c5be", "secret_ref": "http://localhost:9311/v1/secrets/abadd306-8235-4f6b-984a-cc48ad039def", "status": "ACTIVE", "sub_status": "Unknown", "sub_status_message": "Unknown", "type": "key", "updated": "2015-10-15T18:51:35" } ], "total": 2 } You can refer to the `orders parameters `__ section of the `Orders API `__ documentation in order to refine your search among orders. .. _delete_order: Deleting an Order ################# It is also possible to delete an order from barbican. .. code-block:: bash curl -X DELETE -H "X-Auth-Token: $TOKEN" -H 'Accept:application/json' http://localhost:9311/v1/orders/fbdd845f-4a5e-43e3-8f68-64e8f106c486 Nothing will be returned when you delete an order. If something was returned there was most likely an error while deleting the order.