Berbican has been historically using own implementation with sqlalchemy to connect to database but this causes some feature gaps with the other services using oslo.db to generate database engine. This replaces the own implementation by oslo.db's one so that barbican can also leverage the features implemented in the shared library. With this change the deprecated database options are removed, because the deprecated options were already removed from oslo.db. Change-Id: I10fe4ab04996885e8aff7fab8ace78a6fe7eb6e7
2716 lines
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2716 lines
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# Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Defines interface for DB access that Resource controllers may reference
TODO: The top part of this file was 'borrowed' from Glance, but seems
quite intense for sqlalchemy, and maybe could be simplified.
import logging
import re
import sys
import time
from oslo_db import exception as db_exc
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
from oslo_utils import timeutils
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import func as sa_func
from sqlalchemy import or_
import sqlalchemy.orm as sa_orm
from barbican.common import config
from barbican.common import exception
from barbican.common import utils
from barbican import i18n as u
from barbican.model.migration import commands
from barbican.model import models
LOG = utils.getLogger(__name__)
_ENGINE = None
BASE = models.BASE
sa_logger = None
# Singleton repository references, instantiated via get_xxxx_repository()
# functions below. Please keep this list in alphabetical order.
CONF = config.CONF
def hard_reset():
"""Performs a hard reset of database resources, used for unit testing."""
# TODO(jvrbanac): Remove this as soon as we improve our unit testing
# to not require this.
_ENGINE = None
# Make sure we reinitialize the engine and session factory
def setup_database_engine_and_factory(initialize_secret_stores=False):
global sa_logger, _SESSION_FACTORY, _ENGINE
LOG.info('Setting up database engine and session factory')
if CONF.debug:
sa_logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.engine')
if CONF.sql_pool_logging:
pool_logger = logging.getLogger('sqlalchemy.pool')
_ENGINE = _get_engine(_ENGINE)
# Utilize SQLAlchemy's scoped_session to ensure that we only have one
# session instance per thread.
session_maker = sa_orm.sessionmaker(bind=_ENGINE)
_SESSION_FACTORY = sqlalchemy.orm.scoped_session(session_maker)
if initialize_secret_stores:
def start():
"""Start for read-write requests placeholder
Typically performed at the start of a request cycle, say for POST or PUT
def start_read_only():
"""Start for read-only requests placeholder
Typically performed at the start of a request cycle, say for GET or HEAD
def commit():
"""Commit session state so far to the database.
Typically performed at the end of a request cycle.
def rollback():
"""Rollback session state so far.
Typically performed when the request cycle raises an Exception.
def clear():
"""Dispose of this session, releases db resources.
Typically performed at the end of a request cycle, after a
commit() or rollback().
if _SESSION_FACTORY: # not initialized in some unit test
def get_session():
"""Helper method to grab session."""
def _get_engine(engine):
if not engine:
db_connection = None
engine = _create_engine()
db_connection = engine.connect()
except Exception as err:
msg = u._(
"Error configuring registry database with supplied "
"database connection. Got error: {error}").format(error=err)
raise exception.BarbicanException(msg)
if db_connection:
if CONF.db_auto_create:
meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
tables = meta.tables
_auto_generate_tables(engine, tables)
LOG.info('Not auto-creating barbican registry DB')
return engine
def _create_engine():
return enginefacade.writer.get_engine()
def model_query(model, *args, **kwargs):
"""Query helper for simpler session usage."""
session = kwargs.get('session')
query = session.query(model, *args)
return query
def _initialize_secret_stores_data():
"""Initializes secret stores data in database.
This logic is executed only when database engine and factory is built.
Secret store get_manager internally reads secret store plugin configuration
from service configuration and saves it in secret_stores table in database.
if utils.is_multiple_backends_enabled():
from barbican.plugin.interface import secret_store
def is_db_connection_error(args):
"""Return True if error in connecting to db."""
# NOTE(adam_g): This is currently MySQL specific and needs to be extended
# to support Postgres and others.
conn_err_codes = ('2002', '2003', '2006')
for err_code in conn_err_codes:
if args.find(err_code) != -1:
return True
return False
def _auto_generate_tables(engine, tables):
if tables and 'alembic_version' in tables:
# Upgrade the database to the latest version.
LOG.info('Updating schema to latest version')
# Create database tables from our models.
LOG.info('Auto-creating barbican registry DB')
# Sync the alembic version 'head' with current models.
def clean_paging_values(offset_arg=0, limit_arg=CONF.default_limit_paging):
"""Cleans and safely limits raw paging offset/limit values."""
offset_arg = offset_arg or 0
limit_arg = limit_arg or CONF.default_limit_paging
offset = int(offset_arg)
if offset < 0:
offset = 0
if offset > sys.maxsize:
offset = 0
except ValueError:
offset = 0
limit = int(limit_arg)
if limit < 1:
limit = 1
if limit > CONF.max_limit_paging:
limit = CONF.max_limit_paging
except ValueError:
limit = CONF.default_limit_paging
LOG.debug("Clean paging values limit=%(limit)s, offset=%(offset)s" %
{'limit': limit,
'offset': offset})
return offset, limit
def delete_all_project_resources(project_id):
"""Logic to cleanup all project resources.
This cleanup uses same alchemy session to perform all db operations as a
transaction and will commit only when all db operations are performed
without error.
session = get_session()
container_repo = get_container_repository()
project_id, suppress_exception=False, session=session)
# secret children SecretStoreMetadatum, EncryptedDatum
# and container_secrets are deleted as part of secret delete
secret_repo = get_secret_repository()
project_id, suppress_exception=False, session=session)
kek_repo = get_kek_datum_repository()
project_id, suppress_exception=False, session=session)
project_repo = get_project_repository()
project_id, suppress_exception=False, session=session)
class BaseRepo(object):
"""Base repository for the barbican entities.
This class provides template methods that allow sub-classes to hook
specific functionality as needed. Clients access instances of this class
via singletons, therefore implementations should be stateless aside from
def get_session(self, session=None):
LOG.debug("Getting session...")
return session or get_session()
def get(self, entity_id, external_project_id=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Get an entity or raise if it does not exist."""
session = self.get_session(session)
query = self._do_build_get_query(entity_id,
# filter out deleted entities if requested
if not force_show_deleted:
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.exception("Not found for %s", entity_id)
entity = None
if not suppress_exception:
_raise_entity_not_found(self._do_entity_name(), entity_id)
return entity
def create_from(self, entity, session=None):
"""Sub-class hook: create from entity."""
if not entity:
msg = u._(
"Must supply non-None {entity_name}."
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if entity.id:
msg = u._(
"Must supply {entity_name} with id=None (i.e. new entity)."
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
LOG.debug("Begin create from...")
session = self.get_session(session)
start = time.time() # DEBUG
# Validate the attributes before we go any further. From my
# (unknown Glance developer) investigation, the @validates
# decorator does not validate
# on new records, only on existing records, which is, well,
# idiotic.
LOG.debug("Saving entity...")
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry as e:
LOG.exception('Problem saving entity for create')
error_msg = re.sub('[()]', '', str(e.args))
raise exception.ConstraintCheck(error=error_msg)
LOG.debug('Elapsed repo '
'create secret:%s', (time.time() - start)) # DEBUG
return entity
def update_from(self, model_class, entity_id, values, session=None):
if id in values:
raise Exception('Cannot update id')
LOG.debug('Begin update from ...')
session = self.get_session(session=session)
query = session.query(model_class)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
LOG.debug('Updating value ...')
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
raise exception.NotFound('DB Entity with id {0} not '
self._update_values(entity, values)
def save(self, entity):
"""Saves the state of the entity."""
entity.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
# Validate the attributes before we go any further. From my
# (unknown Glance developer) investigation, the @validates
# decorator does not validate
# on new records, only on existing records, which is, well,
# idiotic.
def delete_entity_by_id(self, entity_id, external_project_id,
"""Remove the entity by its ID."""
session = self.get_session(session)
entity = self.get(entity_id=entity_id,
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "Entity"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return None
def _do_convert_values(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: convert text-based values to target types
This is specifically for database values.
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values.
Validates the incoming data and raises an Invalid exception
if anything is out of order.
:param values: Mapping of entity metadata to check
status = values.get('status', None)
if not status:
# TODO(jfwood): I18n this!
msg = u._("{entity_name} status is required.").format(
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
if not models.States.is_valid(status):
msg = u._("Invalid status '{status}' for {entity_name}.").format(
status=status, entity_name=self._do_entity_name())
raise exception.Invalid(msg)
return values
def _update_values(self, entity_ref, values):
for k in values:
if getattr(entity_ref, k) != values[k]:
setattr(entity_ref, k, values[k])
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a query to retrieve entities for a project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
:returns: A query object for getting all project related entities
This will filter deleted entities if there.
msg = u._(
"{entity_name} is missing query build method for get "
"project entities.").format(
raise NotImplementedError(msg)
def get_project_entities(self, project_id, session=None):
"""Gets entities associated with a given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference. If None, gets session.
:returns: list of matching entities found otherwise returns empty list
if no entity exists for a given project.
Sub-class should implement `_build_get_project_entities_query` function
to delete related entities otherwise it would raise NotImplementedError
on its usage.
session = self.get_session(session)
query = self._build_get_project_entities_query(project_id, session)
if query:
return query.all()
return []
def get_count(self, project_id, session=None):
"""Gets count of entities associated with a given project
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference. If None, gets session.
:return: an number 0 or greater
Sub-class should implement `_build_get_project_entities_query` function
to delete related entities otherwise it would raise NotImplementedError
on its usage.
session = self.get_session(session)
query = self._build_get_project_entities_query(project_id, session)
if query:
return query.count()
return 0
def delete_project_entities(self, project_id,
"""Deletes entities for a given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param suppress_exception: Pass True if want to suppress exception
:param session: existing db session reference. If None, gets session.
Sub-class should implement `_build_get_project_entities_query` function
to delete related entities otherwise it would raise NotImplementedError
on its usage.
session = self.get_session(session)
query = self._build_get_project_entities_query(project_id,
# query cannot be None as related repo class is expected to
# implement it otherwise error is raised in build query call
for entity in query:
# Its a soft delete so its more like entity update
except sqlalchemy.exc.SQLAlchemyError:
LOG.exception('Problem finding project related entity to delete')
if not suppress_exception:
raise exception.BarbicanException(u._('Error deleting project '
'entities for '
class ProjectRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the Project entity."""
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "Project"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.Project).filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def find_by_external_project_id(self, external_project_id,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.Project)
query = query.filter_by(external_id=external_project_id)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
entity = None
if not suppress_exception:
LOG.exception("Problem getting Project %s",
raise exception.NotFound(u._(
"No {entity_name} found with keystone-ID {id}").format(
return entity
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving project for given id."""
query = session.query(models.Project)
return query.filter_by(id=project_id).filter_by(deleted=False)
class SecretRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the Secret entity."""
def get_secret_list(self, external_project_id,
offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
name=None, alg=None, mode=None,
bits=0, secret_type=None, suppress_exception=False,
session=None, acl_only=None, user_id=None,
created=None, updated=None, expiration=None,
"""Returns a list of secrets
The list is scoped to secrets that are associated with the
external_project_id (e.g. Keystone Project ID), and filtered
using any provided filters.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
utcnow = timeutils.utcnow()
query = session.query(models.Secret)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(or_(models.Secret.expiration.is_(None),
models.Secret.expiration > utcnow))
if name:
query = query.filter(models.Secret.name.like(name))
if alg:
query = query.filter(models.Secret.algorithm.like(alg))
if mode:
query = query.filter(models.Secret.mode.like(mode))
if bits > 0:
query = query.filter(models.Secret.bit_length == bits)
if secret_type:
query = query.filter(models.Secret.secret_type == secret_type)
if created:
query = self._build_date_filter_query(query, 'created_at', created)
if updated:
query = self._build_date_filter_query(query, 'updated_at', updated)
if expiration:
query = self._build_date_filter_query(
query, 'expiration', expiration
query = query.filter(or_(models.Secret.expiration.is_(None),
models.Secret.expiration > utcnow))
if sort:
query = self._build_sort_filter_query(query, sort)
if acl_only and acl_only.lower() == 'true' and user_id:
query = query.join(models.SecretACL)
query = query.join(models.SecretACLUser)
query = query.filter(models.SecretACLUser.user_id == user_id)
query = query.join(models.Project)
query = query.filter(
models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
total = query.count()
end_offset = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', offset, end_offset)
query = query.limit(limit).offset(offset)
entities = query.all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total)
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "Secret"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
utcnow = timeutils.utcnow()
expiration_filter = or_(models.Secret.expiration.is_(None),
models.Secret.expiration > utcnow)
query = session.query(models.Secret)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
query = query.filter(expiration_filter)
query = query.join(models.Project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving Secrets associated with a given project
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
utcnow = timeutils.utcnow()
expiration_filter = or_(models.Secret.expiration.is_(None),
models.Secret.expiration > utcnow)
query = session.query(models.Secret).filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(models.Secret.project_id == project_id)
query = query.filter(expiration_filter)
return query
def _build_date_filter_query(self, query, attribute, date_filters):
"""Parses date_filters to apply each filter to the given query
:param query: query object to apply filters to
:param attribute: name of the model attribute to be filtered
:param date_filters: comma separated string of date filters to apply
parse = timeutils.parse_isotime
for filter in date_filters.split(','):
if filter.startswith('lte:'):
isotime = filter[4:]
query = query.filter(or_(
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) < parse(isotime),
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) == parse(isotime))
elif filter.startswith('lt:'):
isotime = filter[3:]
query = query.filter(
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) < parse(isotime)
elif filter.startswith('gte:'):
isotime = filter[4:]
query = query.filter(or_(
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) > parse(isotime),
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) == parse(isotime))
elif filter.startswith('gt:'):
isotime = filter[3:]
query = query.filter(
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) > parse(isotime)
query = query.filter(
getattr(models.Secret, attribute) == parse(filter)
return query
def _build_sort_filter_query(self, query, sort_filters):
"""Parses sort_filters to order the query"""
key_to_column_map = {
'created': 'created_at',
'updated': 'updated_at'
ordering = list()
for sort in sort_filters.split(','):
if ':' in sort:
key, direction = sort.split(':')
key, direction = sort, 'asc'
getattr(models.Secret, key_to_column_map.get(key, key)),
return query.order_by(*ordering)
def get_secret_by_id(self, entity_id, suppress_exception=False,
"""Gets secret by its entity id without project id check."""
session = self.get_session(session)
utcnow = timeutils.utcnow()
expiration_filter = or_(models.Secret.expiration.is_(None),
models.Secret.expiration > utcnow)
query = session.query(models.Secret)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
query = query.filter(expiration_filter)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
entity = None
if not suppress_exception:
LOG.exception("Problem getting secret %s",
raise exception.NotFound(u._(
"No secret found with secret-ID {id}").format(
return entity
class EncryptedDatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the EncryptedDatum entity
Stores encrypted information on behalf of a Secret.
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "EncryptedDatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.EncryptedDatum).filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class SecretStoreMetadatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the SecretStoreMetadatum entity
Stores key/value information on behalf of a Secret.
def save(self, metadata, secret_model):
"""Saves the specified metadata for the secret.
:raises NotFound if entity does not exist.
now = timeutils.utcnow()
for k, v in metadata.items():
meta_model = models.SecretStoreMetadatum(k, v)
meta_model.updated_at = now
meta_model.secret = secret_model
def get_metadata_for_secret(self, secret_id):
"""Returns a dict of SecretStoreMetadatum instances."""
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.SecretStoreMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.SecretStoreMetadatum.secret_id == secret_id)
metadata = query.all()
return {m.key: m.value for m in metadata}
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "SecretStoreMetadatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.SecretStoreMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class SecretUserMetadatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the SecretUserMetadatum entity
Stores key/value information on behalf of a Secret.
def create_replace_user_metadata(self, secret_id, metadata):
"""Creates or replaces the specified metadata for the secret."""
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.SecretUserMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id)
for k, v in metadata.items():
meta_model = models.SecretUserMetadatum(k, v)
meta_model.secret_id = secret_id
meta_model.updated_at = now
def get_metadata_for_secret(self, secret_id):
"""Returns a dict of SecretUserMetadatum instances."""
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.SecretUserMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.SecretUserMetadatum.secret_id == secret_id)
metadata = query.all()
return {m.key: m.value for m in metadata}
def create_replace_user_metadatum(self, secret_id, key, value):
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.SecretUserMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id)
query = query.filter_by(key=key)
meta_model = models.SecretUserMetadatum(key, value)
meta_model.secret_id = secret_id
meta_model.updated_at = now
def delete_metadatum(self, secret_id, key):
"""Removes a key from a SecretUserMetadatum instances."""
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.SecretUserMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id)
query = query.filter_by(key=key)
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "SecretUserMetadatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.SecretUserMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class KEKDatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the KEKDatum entity
Stores key encryption key (KEK) metadata used by crypto plugins to
encrypt/decrypt secrets.
def find_or_create_kek_datum(self, project,
"""Find or create a KEK datum instance."""
if not plugin_name:
raise exception.BarbicanException(
u._('Tried to register crypto plugin with null or empty '
kek_datum = None
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.KEKDatum)
query = query.filter_by(project_id=project.id,
query = query.order_by(models.KEKDatum.created_at)
kek_datums = query.all()
if not kek_datums:
kek_datum = models.KEKDatum()
kek_datum.kek_label = "project-{0}-key-{1}".format(
project.external_id, uuidutils.generate_uuid())
kek_datum.project_id = project.id
kek_datum.plugin_name = plugin_name
kek_datum.status = models.States.ACTIVE
kek_datum = kek_datums.pop()
# (alee) There should be only one active KEKDatum.
# Due to a race condition with many threads or
# many barbican processes, its possible to have
# multiple active KEKDatum. The code below makes
# all the extra KEKDatum inactive
# See LP#1726378
for kd in kek_datums:
"Multiple active KEKDatum found for %s."
"Setting %s to be inactive.",
kd.active = False
return kek_datum
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "KEKDatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.KEKDatum).filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving KEK Datum instance(s).
The returned KEK Datum instance(s) are related to a given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.KEKDatum).filter_by(
class OrderRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the Order entity."""
def get_by_create_date(self, external_project_id, offset_arg=None,
limit_arg=None, meta_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of orders
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields.
:param external_project_id: The keystone id for the project.
:param offset_arg: The entity number where the query result should
:param limit_arg: The maximum amount of entities in the result set.
:param meta_arg: Optional meta field used to filter results.
:param suppress_exception: Whether NoResultFound exceptions should be
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:returns: Tuple consisting of (list_of_entities, offset, limit, total).
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.Order)
query = query.order_by(models.Order.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
if meta_arg:
query = query.filter(models.Order.meta.contains(meta_arg))
query = query.join(models.Project, models.Order.project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "Order"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.Order)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
query = query.join(models.Project, models.Order.project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving orders related to given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.Order).filter_by(
class OrderPluginMetadatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the OrderPluginMetadatum entity
Stores key/value plugin information on behalf of an Order.
def save(self, metadata, order_model):
"""Saves the specified metadata for the order.
:raises NotFound if entity does not exist.
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = get_session()
for k, v in metadata.items():
meta_model = models.OrderPluginMetadatum(k, v)
meta_model.updated_at = now
meta_model.order = order_model
def get_metadata_for_order(self, order_id):
"""Returns a dict of OrderPluginMetadatum instances."""
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.OrderPluginMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.OrderPluginMetadatum.order_id == order_id)
metadata = query.all()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
metadata = {}
return {m.key: m.value for m in metadata}
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "OrderPluginMetadatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.OrderPluginMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class OrderBarbicanMetadatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the OrderBarbicanMetadatum entity
Stores key/value plugin information on behalf of a Order.
def save(self, metadata, order_model):
"""Saves the specified metadata for the order.
:raises NotFound if entity does not exist.
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = get_session()
for k, v in metadata.items():
meta_model = models.OrderBarbicanMetadatum(k, v)
meta_model.updated_at = now
meta_model.order = order_model
def get_metadata_for_order(self, order_id):
"""Returns a dict of OrderBarbicanMetadatum instances."""
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.OrderBarbicanMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.OrderBarbicanMetadatum.order_id == order_id)
metadata = query.all()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
metadata = {}
return {m.key: m.value for m in metadata}
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "OrderBarbicanMetadatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.OrderBarbicanMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class OrderRetryTaskRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the OrderRetryTask entity."""
def get_by_create_date(
self, only_at_or_before_this_date=None,
offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
"""Returns a list of order retry task entities
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields.
:param only_at_or_before_this_date: If specified, only entities at or
before this date are returned.
:param offset_arg: The entity number where the query result should
:param limit_arg: The maximum amount of entities in the result set.
:param suppress_exception: Whether NoResultFound exceptions should be
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:returns: Tuple consisting of (list_of_entities, offset, limit, total).
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.OrderRetryTask)
query = query.order_by(models.OrderRetryTask.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
if only_at_or_before_this_date:
query = query.filter(
models.OrderRetryTask.retry_at <= only_at_or_before_this_date)
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "OrderRetryTask"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.OrderRetryTask)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class ContainerRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the Container entity."""
def get_by_create_date(self, external_project_id, offset_arg=None,
limit_arg=None, name_arg=None, type_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of containers
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields. The external_project_id is
external-to-Barbican value assigned to the project by Keystone.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.Container)
query = query.order_by(models.Container.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
if name_arg:
query = query.filter(models.Container.name.like(name_arg))
if type_arg:
query = query.filter(models.Container.type == type_arg)
query = query.join(models.Project, models.Container.project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "Container"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.Container)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
query = query.join(models.Project, models.Container.project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving container related to given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.Container).filter_by(
def get_container_by_id(self, entity_id, suppress_exception=False,
"""Gets container by its entity id without project id check."""
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.Container)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
entity = None
if not suppress_exception:
LOG.exception("Problem getting container %s", entity_id)
raise exception.NotFound(u._(
"No container found with container-ID {id}").format(
return entity
class ContainerSecretRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the ContainerSecret entity."""
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ContainerSecret"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.ContainerSecret
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class ContainerConsumerRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the Service entity."""
def get_by_container_id(self, container_id,
offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of Consumers
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ContainerConsumerMetadatum)
query = query.order_by(models.ContainerConsumerMetadatum.name)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.ContainerConsumerMetadatum.container_id == container_id
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def get_by_values(self, container_id, name, URL, suppress_exception=False,
show_deleted=False, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ContainerConsumerMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(
if not show_deleted:
consumer = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
consumer = None
if not suppress_exception:
raise exception.NotFound(
u._("Could not find {entity_name}").format(
return consumer
def create_or_update_from(self, new_consumer, container, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
container.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
session.rollback() # We know consumer already exists.
# This operation is idempotent, so log this and move on
LOG.debug("Consumer %s with URL %s already exists for "
"container %s, continuing...", new_consumer.name,
new_consumer.URL, new_consumer.container_id)
# Get the existing entry and reuse it by clearing the deleted flags
existing_consumer = self.get_by_values(
new_consumer.container_id, new_consumer.name, new_consumer.URL,
existing_consumer.deleted = False
existing_consumer.deleted_at = None
# We are not concerned about timing here -- set only, no reads
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ContainerConsumer"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.ContainerConsumerMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving consumers associated with given project
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
query = session.query(
query = query.filter(
models.ContainerConsumerMetadatum.project_id == project_id)
return query
class TransportKeyRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the TransportKey entity
Stores transport keys for wrapping the secret data to/from a
barbican client.
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "TransportKey"
def get_by_create_date(self, plugin_name=None,
offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of transport keys
The list is ordered from latest created first. The search accepts
plugin_id as an optional parameter for the search.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.TransportKey)
query = query.order_by(models.TransportKey.created_at)
if plugin_name is not None:
query = session.query(models.TransportKey)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False, plugin_name=plugin_name)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number of entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total)
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def get_latest_transport_key(self, plugin_name, suppress_exception=False,
"""Returns the latest transport key for a given plugin."""
entity, offset, limit, total = self.get_by_create_date(
plugin_name, offset_arg=0, limit_arg=1,
suppress_exception=suppress_exception, session=session)
return entity
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.TransportKey).filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class CertificateAuthorityRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the CertificateAuthority entity.
CertificateAuthority entries are not soft delete. So there is no
need to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def get_by_create_date(self, offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
plugin_name=None, plugin_ca_id=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None,
show_expired=False, project_id=None,
"""Returns a list of certificate authorities
The returned certificate authorities are ordered by the date they
were created and paged based on the offset and limit fields.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
if restrict_to_project_cas:
# get both subCAs which have been defined for your project
# (cas for which the ca.project_id == project_id) AND
# project_cas which are defined for your project
# (pca.project_id = project_id)
query1 = session.query(models.CertificateAuthority)
query1 = query1.filter(
models.CertificateAuthority.project_id == project_id)
query2 = session.query(models.CertificateAuthority)
query2 = query2.join(models.ProjectCertificateAuthority)
query2 = query2.filter(
models.ProjectCertificateAuthority.project_id == project_id)
query = query1.union(query2)
# get both subcas that have been defined for your project
# (cas for which ca.project_id == project_id) AND
# all top-level CAs (ca.project_id == None)
query = session.query(models.CertificateAuthority)
query = query.filter(or_(
models.CertificateAuthority.project_id == project_id,
query = query.order_by(models.CertificateAuthority.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
if not show_expired:
utcnow = timeutils.utcnow()
query = query.filter(or_(
models.CertificateAuthority.expiration > utcnow))
if plugin_name:
query = query.filter(
if plugin_ca_id:
query = query.filter(
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def update_entity(self, old_ca, parsed_ca_in, session=None):
"""Updates CA entry and its sub-entries."""
parsed_ca = dict(parsed_ca_in)
# these fields cannot be modified
parsed_ca.pop('plugin_name', None)
parsed_ca.pop('plugin_ca_id', None)
expiration = parsed_ca.pop('expiration', None)
expiration_iso = timeutils.parse_isotime(expiration.strip())
new_expiration = timeutils.normalize_time(expiration_iso)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.CertificateAuthority).filter_by(
id=old_ca.id, deleted=False)
entity = query.one()
entity.expiration = new_expiration
for k, v in entity.ca_meta.items():
if k not in parsed_ca.keys():
for key in parsed_ca:
if key not in entity.ca_meta.keys():
meta = models.CertificateAuthorityMetadatum(
key, parsed_ca[key])
entity.ca_meta[key] = meta
entity.ca_meta[key].value = parsed_ca[key]
return entity
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "CertificateAuthority"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
utcnow = timeutils.utcnow()
# TODO(jfwood): Performance? Is the many-to-many join needed?
expiration_filter = or_(
models.CertificateAuthority.expiration > utcnow)
query = session.query(models.CertificateAuthority)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
query = query.filter(expiration_filter)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving CA related to given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.CertificateAuthority).filter_by(
class CertificateAuthorityMetadatumRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the CertificateAuthorityMetadatum entity
Stores key/value information on behalf of a CA.
def save(self, metadata, ca_model):
"""Saves the specified metadata for the CA.
:raises NotFound if entity does not exist.
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = get_session()
for k, v in metadata.items():
meta_model = models.CertificateAuthorityMetadatum(k, v)
meta_model.updated_at = now
meta_model.ca = ca_model
def get_metadata_for_certificate_authority(self, ca_id):
"""Returns a dict of CertificateAuthorityMetadatum instances."""
session = get_session()
query = session.query(models.CertificateAuthorityMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.CertificateAuthorityMetadatum.ca_id == ca_id)
metadata = query.all()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
metadata = dict()
return {(m.key, m.value) for m in metadata}
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "CertificateAuthorityMetadatum"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.CertificateAuthorityMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class ProjectCertificateAuthorityRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the ProjectCertificateAuthority entity.
ProjectCertificateAuthority entries are not soft delete. So there is no
need to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def get_by_create_date(self, offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
project_id=None, ca_id=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of project CAs
The returned project are ordered by the date they
were created and paged based on the offset and limit fields.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ProjectCertificateAuthority)
query = query.order_by(models.ProjectCertificateAuthority.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
if project_id:
query = query.filter(
if ca_id:
query = query.filter(
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ProjectCertificateAuthority"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.ProjectCertificateAuthority).filter_by(
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving CA related to given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.ProjectCertificateAuthority).filter_by(
class PreferredCertificateAuthorityRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the PreferredCertificateAuthority entity.
PreferredCertificateAuthority entries are not soft delete. So there is no
need to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def get_by_create_date(self, offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
project_id=None, ca_id=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of preferred CAs
The returned CAs are ordered by the date they
were created and paged based on the offset and limit fields.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.PreferredCertificateAuthority)
query = query.order_by(models.PreferredCertificateAuthority.created_at)
if project_id:
query = query.filter(
if ca_id:
query = query.filter(
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def create_or_update_by_project_id(self, project_id, ca_id, session=None):
"""Create or update preferred CA for a project by project_id.
:param project_id: ID of project whose preferred CA will be saved
:param ca_id: ID of preferred CA
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:return: None
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.PreferredCertificateAuthority)
query = query.filter_by(project_id=project_id)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
models.PreferredCertificateAuthority(project_id, ca_id),
entity.ca_id = ca_id
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "PreferredCertificateAuthority"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.PreferredCertificateAuthority).filter_by(
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving preferred CA related to given project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.PreferredCertificateAuthority).filter_by(
class SecretACLRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the SecretACL entity.
There is no need for SecretACLUserRepo as none of logic access
SecretACLUser (ACL user data) directly. Its always derived from
SecretACL relationship.
SecretACL and SecretACLUser data is not soft delete. So there is no need
to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "SecretACL"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.SecretACL)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def get_by_secret_id(self, secret_id, session=None):
"""Return list of secret ACLs by secret id."""
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.SecretACL)
query = query.filter_by(secret_id=secret_id)
return query.all()
def create_or_replace_from(self, secret, secret_acl, user_ids=None,
session = self.get_session(session)
secret.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
secret_acl.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
self._create_or_replace_acl_users(secret_acl, user_ids,
def _create_or_replace_acl_users(self, secret_acl, user_ids, session=None):
"""Creates or updates secret acl user based on input user_ids list.
user_ids is expected to be list of ids (enforced by schema validation).
Input user ids should have complete list of acl users. It does not
apply partial update of user ids.
If user_ids is None, no change is made in acl user data.
If user_ids list is not None, then following change is made.
For existing acl users, just update timestamp if user_id is present in
input user ids list. Otherwise, remove existing acl user entries.
Then add the remaining input user ids as new acl user db entries.
if user_ids is None:
user_ids = set(user_ids)
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = self.get_session(session)
secret_acl.updated_at = now
for acl_user in secret_acl.acl_users:
if acl_user.user_id in user_ids: # input user_id already exists
acl_user.updated_at = now
for user_id in user_ids:
acl_user = models.SecretACLUser(secret_acl.id, user_id)
def get_count(self, secret_id, session=None):
"""Gets count of existing secret ACL(s) for a given secret."""
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(sa_func.count(models.SecretACL.id))
query = query.filter(models.SecretACL.secret_id == secret_id)
return query.scalar()
def delete_acls_for_secret(self, secret, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
for entity in secret.secret_acls:
class SecretACLUserRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the SecretACLUser entity."""
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "SecretACLUser"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.SecretACLUser)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class ContainerACLRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the ContainerACL entity.
There is no need for ContainerACLUserRepo as none of logic access
ContainerACLUser (ACL user data) directly. Its always derived from
ContainerACL relationship.
ContainerACL and ContainerACLUser data is not soft delete. So there is no
need to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ContainerACL"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.ContainerACL)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def get_by_container_id(self, container_id, session=None):
"""Return list of container ACLs by container id."""
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ContainerACL)
query = query.filter_by(container_id=container_id)
return query.all()
def create_or_replace_from(self, container, container_acl,
user_ids=None, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
container.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
container_acl.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
self._create_or_replace_acl_users(container_acl, user_ids, session)
def _create_or_replace_acl_users(self, container_acl, user_ids,
"""Creates or updates container acl user based on input user_ids list.
user_ids is expected to be list of ids (enforced by schema validation).
Input user ids should have complete list of acl users. It does not
apply partial update of user ids.
If user_ids is None, no change is made in acl user data.
If user_ids list is not None, then following change is made.
For existing acl users, just update timestamp if user_id is present in
input user ids list. Otherwise, remove existing acl user entries.
Then add the remaining input user ids as new acl user db entries.
if user_ids is None:
user_ids = set(user_ids)
now = timeutils.utcnow()
session = self.get_session(session)
container_acl.updated_at = now
for acl_user in container_acl.acl_users:
if acl_user.user_id in user_ids: # input user_id already exists
acl_user.updated_at = now
for user_id in user_ids:
acl_user = models.ContainerACLUser(container_acl.id, user_id)
def get_count(self, container_id, session=None):
"""Gets count of existing container ACL(s) for a given container."""
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(sa_func.count(models.ContainerACL.id))
query = query.filter(models.ContainerACL.container_id == container_id)
return query.scalar()
def delete_acls_for_container(self, container, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
for entity in container.container_acls:
class ContainerACLUserRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for ContainerACLUser entity."""
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ContainerACLUser"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.ContainerACLUser)
query = query.filter_by(id=entity_id)
return query
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class ProjectQuotasRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the ProjectQuotas entity."""
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ProjectQuotas"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.ProjectQuotas).filter_by(id=entity_id)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def get_by_create_date(self, offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of ProjectQuotas
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields.
:param offset_arg: The entity number where the query result should
:param limit_arg: The maximum amount of entities in the result set.
:param suppress_exception: Whether NoResultFound exceptions should be
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:raises NotFound: if no quota config is found for the project
:returns: Tuple consisting of (list_of_entities, offset, limit, total).
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ProjectQuotas)
query = query.order_by(models.ProjectQuotas.created_at)
query = query.join(models.Project, models.ProjectQuotas.project)
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total)
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def create_or_update_by_project_id(self, project_id,
"""Create or update Project Quotas config for a project by project_id.
:param project_id: ID of project whose quota config will be saved
:param parsed_project_quotas: Python dict with quota definition
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:return: None
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ProjectQuotas)
query = query.filter_by(project_id=project_id)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
self._update_values(entity, parsed_project_quotas)
def get_by_external_project_id(self, external_project_id,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Return configured Project Quotas for a project by project_id.
:param external_project_id: external ID of project to get quotas for
:param suppress_exception: when True, NotFound is not raised
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:raises NotFound: if no quota config is found for the project
:return: None or Python dict of project quotas for project
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ProjectQuotas)
query = query.join(models.Project, models.ProjectQuotas.project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
if suppress_exception:
return None
return entity
def delete_by_external_project_id(self, external_project_id,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Remove configured Project Quotas for a project by project_id.
:param external_project_id: external ID of project to delete quotas
:param suppress_exception: when True, NotFound is not raised
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:raises NotFound: if no quota config is found for the project
:return: None
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ProjectQuotas)
query = query.join(models.Project, models.ProjectQuotas.project)
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id == external_project_id)
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
if suppress_exception:
class SecretStoresRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the SecretStores entity.
SecretStores entries are not soft delete. So there is no
need to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def get_all(self, session=None):
"""Get list of available secret stores.
Status value is not used while getting complete list as
we will just maintain ACTIVE ones. No other state is used and
needed here.
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:return: None
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.SecretStores)
return query.all()
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "SecretStores"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.SecretStores).filter_by(
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
class ProjectSecretStoreRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the ProjectSecretStore entity.
ProjectSecretStore entries are not soft delete. So there is no
need to have deleted=False filter in queries.
def get_secret_store_for_project(self, project_id, external_project_id,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns preferred secret store for a project if set.
:param project_id: ID of project whose preferred secret store is set
:param external_project_id: external ID of project whose preferred
secret store is set
:param suppress_exception: when True, NotFound is not raised
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
Will return preferred secret store by external project id if provided
otherwise uses barbican project identifier to lookup.
Throws exception in case no preferred secret store is defined and
supporess_exception=False. If suppress_exception is True, then returns
None for no preferred secret store for a project found.
session = self.get_session(session)
if external_project_id is None:
query = session.query(models.ProjectSecretStore).filter_by(
query = session.query(models.ProjectSecretStore)
query = query.join(models.Project,
query = query.filter(models.Project.external_id ==
entity = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
LOG.info("No preferred secret store found for project = %s",
entity = None
if not suppress_exception:
_raise_entity_not_found(self._do_entity_name(), project_id)
return entity
def create_or_update_for_project(self, project_id, secret_store_id,
"""Create or update preferred secret store for a project.
:param project_id: ID of project whose preferred secret store is set
:param secret_store_id: ID of secret store
:param session: SQLAlchemy session object.
:return: None
If preferred secret store is not set for given project, then create
new preferred secret store setting for that project. If secret store
setting for project is already there, then it updates with given secret
store id.
session = self.get_session(session)
entity = self.get_secret_store_for_project(project_id, None,
except exception.NotFound:
entity = self.create_from(
models.ProjectSecretStore(project_id, secret_store_id),
entity.secret_store_id = secret_store_id
return entity
def get_count_by_secret_store(self, secret_store_id, session=None):
"""Gets count of projects mapped to a given secret store.
:param secret_store_id: id of secret stores entity
:param session: existing db session reference. If None, gets session.
:return: an number 0 or greater
This method is supposed to provide count of projects which are
currently set to use input secret store as their preferred store. This
is used when existing secret store configuration is removed and
validation is done to make sure that there are no projects using it as
preferred secret store.
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.ProjectSecretStore).filter_by(
return query.count()
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "ProjectSecretStore"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
return session.query(models.ProjectSecretStore).filter_by(
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for getting preferred secret stores list for a project.
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
return session.query(models.ProjectSecretStore).filter_by(
class SecretConsumerRepo(BaseRepo):
"""Repository for the SecretConsumer entity."""
def get_by_secret_id(self, secret_id,
offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of SecretConsumers for a specific secret_id
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.SecretConsumerMetadatum)
query = query.order_by(models.SecretConsumerMetadatum.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.SecretConsumerMetadatum.secret_id == secret_id
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def get_by_resource_id(self, resource_id,
offset_arg=None, limit_arg=None,
suppress_exception=False, session=None):
"""Returns a list of SecretConsumers for a specific resource_id
The list is ordered by the date they were created at and paged
based on the offset and limit fields.
offset, limit = clean_paging_values(offset_arg, limit_arg)
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.SecretConsumerMetadatum)
query = query.order_by(models.SecretConsumerMetadatum.created_at)
query = query.filter_by(deleted=False)
query = query.filter(
models.SecretConsumerMetadatum.resource_id == resource_id
start = offset
end = offset + limit
LOG.debug('Retrieving from %s to %s', start, end)
total = query.count()
entities = query.offset(start).limit(limit).all()
LOG.debug('Number entities retrieved: %s out of %s',
len(entities), total
if total <= 0 and not suppress_exception:
return entities, offset, limit, total
def get_by_values(self, secret_id, service, resource_type, resource_id,
show_deleted=False, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
query = session.query(models.SecretConsumerMetadatum)
query = query.filter_by(
if not show_deleted:
consumer = query.one()
except sa_orm.exc.NoResultFound:
consumer = None
if not suppress_exception:
raise exception.NotFound(
u._("Could not find {entity_name}").format(
return consumer
def create_or_update_from(self, new_consumer, secret, session=None):
session = self.get_session(session)
secret.updated_at = timeutils.utcnow()
except db_exc.DBDuplicateEntry:
session.rollback() # We know consumer already exists.
# This operation is idempotent, so log this and move on
"Consumer with resource_id %s already exists for secret %s...",
new_consumer.resource_id, new_consumer.secret_id
# Get the existing entry and reuse it by clearing the deleted flags
existing_consumer = self.get_by_values(
existing_consumer.deleted = False
existing_consumer.deleted_at = None
# We are not concerned about timing here -- set only, no reads
def _do_entity_name(self):
"""Sub-class hook: return entity name, such as for debugging."""
return "SecretConsumer"
def _do_build_get_query(self, entity_id, external_project_id, session):
"""Sub-class hook: build a retrieve query."""
query = session.query(models.SecretConsumerMetadatum)
return query.filter_by(id=entity_id, deleted=False)
def _do_validate(self, values):
"""Sub-class hook: validate values."""
def _build_get_project_entities_query(self, project_id, session):
"""Builds query for retrieving consumers associated with given project
:param project_id: id of barbican project entity
:param session: existing db session reference.
query = session.query(
query = query.filter(
models.SecretConsumerMetadatum.project_id == project_id)
return query
def get_ca_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_CA_REPOSITORY, CertificateAuthorityRepo)
def get_container_acl_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Container ACL repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_CONTAINER_ACL_REPOSITORY, ContainerACLRepo)
def get_container_consumer_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Container Consumer repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_CONTAINER_CONSUMER_REPOSITORY,
def get_container_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Container repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_CONTAINER_REPOSITORY, ContainerRepo)
def get_container_secret_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Container-Secret repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_CONTAINER_SECRET_REPOSITORY, ContainerSecretRepo)
def get_container_acl_user_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Container-ACL-User repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_CONTAINER_ACL_USER_REPOSITORY,
def get_encrypted_datum_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Encrypted Datum repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_ENCRYPTED_DATUM_REPOSITORY, EncryptedDatumRepo)
def get_kek_datum_repository():
"""Returns a singleton KEK Datum repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_KEK_DATUM_REPOSITORY, KEKDatumRepo)
def get_order_plugin_meta_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Order-Plugin meta repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_ORDER_PLUGIN_META_REPOSITORY,
def get_order_barbican_meta_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Order-Barbican meta repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_ORDER_BARBICAN_META_REPOSITORY,
def get_order_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Order repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_ORDER_REPOSITORY, OrderRepo)
def get_order_retry_tasks_repository():
"""Returns a singleton OrderRetryTask repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_ORDER_RETRY_TASK_REPOSITORY, OrderRetryTaskRepo)
def get_preferred_ca_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_PREFERRED_CA_REPOSITORY,
def get_project_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Project repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_PROJECT_REPOSITORY, ProjectRepo)
def get_project_ca_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_PROJECT_CA_REPOSITORY,
def get_project_quotas_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Project Quotas repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_PROJECT_QUOTAS_REPOSITORY,
def get_secret_acl_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret ACL repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_ACL_REPOSITORY, SecretACLRepo)
def get_secret_acl_user_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret-ACL-User repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_ACL_USER_REPOSITORY, SecretACLUserRepo)
def get_secret_meta_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret meta repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_META_REPOSITORY, SecretStoreMetadatumRepo)
def get_secret_user_meta_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret user meta repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_USER_META_REPOSITORY,
def get_secret_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_REPOSITORY, SecretRepo)
def get_transport_key_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Transport Key repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_TRANSPORT_KEY_REPOSITORY, TransportKeyRepo)
def get_secret_stores_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret Stores repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_STORES_REPOSITORY, SecretStoresRepo)
def get_project_secret_store_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Project Secret Store repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_PROJECT_SECRET_STORE_REPOSITORY,
def get_secret_consumer_repository():
"""Returns a singleton Secret Consumer repository instance."""
return _get_repository(_SECRET_CONSUMER_REPOSITORY,
def _get_repository(global_ref, repo_class):
if not global_ref:
global_ref = repo_class()
return global_ref
def _raise_entity_not_found(entity_name, entity_id):
raise exception.NotFound(u._("No {entity} found with ID {id}").format(
def _raise_entity_id_not_found(entity_id):
raise exception.NotFound(u._("Entity ID {entity_id} not "
def _raise_no_entities_found(entity_name):
raise exception.NotFound(
u._("No entities of type {entity_name} found").format(