
293 lines
13 KiB

# (c) Copyright 2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development Company LP
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
from oslo_config import cfg
from barbican.common import config
from barbican.common import exception
from barbican.common import utils
from barbican import i18n as u
from barbican.model import models as db_models
from barbican.model import repositories as db_repos
LOG = utils.getLogger(__name__)
LOOKUP_PLUGINS_PREFIX = "secretstore:"
def read_multiple_backends_config():
"""Reads and validates multiple backend related configuration.
Multiple backends configuration is read only when multiple secret store
flag is enabled.
Configuration is validated to make sure that section specific to
provided suffix exists in service configuration. Also validated that only
one of section has global_default = True and its not missing.
conf = config.get_module_config('secretstore')
parsed_stores = None
if utils.is_multiple_backends_enabled():
suffix_list = conf.secretstore.stores_lookup_suffix
if not suffix_list:
raise exception.MultipleSecretStoreLookupFailed()
def register_options_dynamically(conf, group_name):
store_opt_group = cfg.OptGroup(
name=group_name, title='Plugins needed for this backend')
store_opts = [
help=u._('Internal name used to identify'
help=u._('Internal name used to identify '
help=u._('Flag to indicate if this plugin is '
'global default plugin for deployment. '
'Default is False.')
conf.register_opts(store_opts, group=store_opt_group)
group_names = []
# construct group names using those suffix and dynamically register
# oslo config options under that group name
for suffix in suffix_list:
group_name = LOOKUP_PLUGINS_PREFIX + suffix
register_options_dynamically(conf, group_name)
store_conf = collections.namedtuple('store_conf', ['store_plugin',
parsed_stores = []
global_default_count = 0
# Section related to group names based of suffix list are always found
# as we are dynamically registering group and its options.
for group_name in group_names:
conf_section = getattr(conf, group_name)
if conf_section.global_default:
global_default_count += 1
store_plugin = conf_section.secret_store_plugin
if not store_plugin:
raise exception.MultipleStorePluginValueMissing(conf_section)
if global_default_count != 1:
raise exception.MultipleStoreIncorrectGlobalDefault(
return parsed_stores
def sync_secret_stores(secretstore_manager, crypto_manager=None):
"""Synchronize secret store plugin names between service conf and database
This method reads secret and crypto store plugin name from service
configuration and then synchronizes corresponding data maintained in
database SecretStores table.
Any new plugin name(s) added in service configuration is added as a new
entry in SecretStores table. If global_default value is changed for
existing plugins, then global_default flag is updated to reflect that
change in database. If plugin name is removed from service configuration,
then removal is possible as long as respective plugin names are NOT set as
preferred secret store for a project. If it is used and plugin name is
removed, then error is raised. This logic is intended to be invoked at
server startup so any error raised here will result in critical failure.
if not utils.is_multiple_backends_enabled():
# doing local import to avoid circular dependency between manager and
# current utils module
from barbican.plugin.crypto import manager as cm
secret_stores_repo = db_repos.get_secret_stores_repository()
proj_store_repo = db_repos.get_project_secret_store_repository()
if crypto_manager is None:
crypto_manager = cm.get_manager()
def get_friendly_name_dict(ext_manager):
"""Returns dict of plugin internal name and friendly name entries."""
names_dict = {}
for ext in ext_manager.extensions:
if ext.obj and hasattr(ext.obj, 'get_plugin_name'):
names_dict[] = ext.obj.get_plugin_name()
return names_dict
ss_friendly_names = get_friendly_name_dict(secretstore_manager)
crypto_friendly_names = get_friendly_name_dict(crypto_manager)
# get existing secret stores data from database
db_stores = secret_stores_repo.get_all()
# read secret store data from service configuration
conf_stores = []
for parsed_store in secretstore_manager.parsed_stores:
crypto_plugin = parsed_store.crypto_plugin
if not crypto_plugin:
crypto_plugin = None
if crypto_plugin:
friendly_name = crypto_friendly_names.get(crypto_plugin)
friendly_name = ss_friendly_names.get(parsed_store.store_plugin)
name=friendly_name, store_plugin=parsed_store.store_plugin,
if db_stores:
def fn_match(lh_store, rh_store):
return (lh_store.store_plugin == rh_store.store_plugin and
lh_store.crypto_plugin == rh_store.crypto_plugin)
for conf_store in conf_stores:
# find existing db entry for plugin using conf based plugin names
db_store_match = next((db_store for db_store in db_stores if
fn_match(conf_store, db_store)), None)
if db_store_match:
# update existing db entry if global default is changed now
if db_store_match.global_default != conf_store.global_default:
db_store_match.global_default = conf_store.global_default
# persist flag change.
# remove matches store from local list after processing
else: # new conf entry as no match found in existing entries
# entries still present in db list are no longer configured in service
# configuration, so try to remove them provided there is no project
# is using it as preferred secret store.
for db_store in db_stores:
if proj_store_repo.get_count_by_secret_store( == 0:
secret_stores_repo.delete_entity_by_id(, None)
raise exception.MultipleStorePluginStillInUse(
else: # initial setup case when there is no secret stores data in db
for conf_store in conf_stores:
def get_global_default_secret_store():
secret_store_repo = db_repos.get_secret_stores_repository()
default_ss = None
for secret_store in secret_store_repo.get_all():
if secret_store.global_default:
default_ss = secret_store
return default_ss
def get_applicable_crypto_plugins(manager, project_id, existing_plugin_name):
"""Get list of crypto plugins available for use.
:param: manager instance of crypto manager
:param: project_id project to identify preferred store if set
:param: existing_plugin_name full plugin name. If a secret has an existing
plugin defined, then we do not care if any preferred plugins have
been defined. We will return all configured plugins as if multiple
plugin support was not enabled. Subsequent code in the caller will
select the plugin by name.
When multiple backends support is enabled:
It return project preferred plugin as list when it is setup earlier.
If project preferred plugin is not set, then it uses plugin from default
secret store.
Plugin name is 'crypto_plugin' field value on identified secret store data.
It returns matched plugin as list to match existing functionality.
When multiple backends support is NOT enabled:
In this case, it just returns list of all active plugins which is
existing functionality before support for multiple backends is added.
return _get_applicable_plugins_for_type(manager, project_id,
def get_applicable_store_plugins(manager, project_id, existing_plugin_name):
"""Get list of secret store plugins available for use.
:param: manager instance of secret store manager
:param: project_id project to identify preferred store if set
:param: existing_plugin_name full plugin name. If a secret has an existing
plugin defined, then we do not care if any preferred plugins have
been defined. We will return all configured plugins as if multiple
plugin support was not enabled. Subsequent code in the caller will
select the plugin by name.
When multiple backends support is enabled:
It return project preferred plugin as list when it is setup earlier.
If project preferred plugin is not set, then it uses plugin from default
secret store.
Plugin name is 'store_plugin' field value on identified secret store data.
It returns matched plugin as list to match existing functionality.
When multiple backends support is NOT enabled:
In this case, it just returns list of all active plugins which is
existing functionality before support for multiple backends is added.
return _get_applicable_plugins_for_type(manager, project_id,
def _get_applicable_plugins_for_type(manager, project_id, existing_plugin_name,
plugins = []
plugin_dict = { ext.obj for ext in manager.extensions if ext.obj}
if utils.is_multiple_backends_enabled() and existing_plugin_name is None:
proj_store_repo = db_repos.get_project_secret_store_repository()
plugin_store = proj_store_repo.get_secret_store_for_project(
project_id, None, suppress_exception=True)
# If project specific store is not set, then use global default one.
if not plugin_store:
if manager.global_default_store_dict is None:
# Need to cache data as dict instead of db object to be usable
# across various request sqlalchemy sessions
store_dict = get_global_default_secret_store().to_dict_fields()
manager.global_default_store_dict = store_dict
secret_store_data = manager.global_default_store_dict
secret_store_data = plugin_store.secret_store.to_dict_fields()
applicable_plugin_name = secret_store_data[plugin_type_field]
if applicable_plugin_name in plugin_dict:
plugins = [plugin_dict.get(applicable_plugin_name)]
elif applicable_plugin_name: # applicable_plugin_name has value
raise exception.MultipleStorePreferredPluginMissing(
plugins = plugin_dict.values()
return plugins