jfwood b64228a945 Revive Alembic-based database migration logic.
Alembic migrations were introduced to Barbican a while ago but have not been
used recently. This CR revisits the migration logic and ensures that time-zero
database tables creation is distinguished from Alembic-base schema updates.
The associated database migration script is also revived, allowing for
schema migrations outside of the Barbican boot process.

Change-Id: I3e7fd7ac3f629da18329c22ad11cb9ccc1b7f9f9
Implements: blueprint db-revive-migrations
2014-03-25 11:04:08 -05:00

25 lines
630 B

envlist = pep8,py26,py27
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands =
python testr --coverage
coverage combine
coverage report -m
commands = coverage html {posargs:--include="*barbican*"}
commands = {toxinidir}/tools/ {posargs}
# E711 ignored because of sqlalchemy override of == None
# H ignored because it's not H clean
ignore = E711,H
exclude = .git,.idea,.tox,bin,dist,debian,rpmbuild,tools,*.egg-info,*openstack/common,contrib,