=========================== :program:`bashate` man page =========================== .. program:: bashate .. highlight:: bash SYNOPSIS ======== :program:`bashate` [options] <file> [files...] DESCRIPTION =========== The :program:`bashate` command line utility is a style-checker for bash scripts. The name is derived from :program:`pep8`, a Python lint-type tool. OPTIONS ======= --help, -h Print help --verbose, -v Verbose output --ignore, -i Tests to ignore, comma separated --error, -e Tests to trigger errors instead of warnings, comma separated --warn, -w Tests to trigger warnings instead of errors, comma separated EXAMPLES ======== Run all tests on a single file:: bashate file.sh Run tests on several files, while also ignoring several errors:: bashate -i E010,E011 file.sh file2.sh BUGS ==== http://bugs.launchpad.net/bash8