![Ghanshyam Mann](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
In Yoga testing, we are making py3.9 job to run as voting, so adding py3.9 job as voting. Also, as bashate is branchless and needs to support older supported stable branches, let's test it with all the python version supported in those supported stable branches. For that, we need to explicitly dd the py jobs instead of using the template. This way, we will explicitly know that we are testing all supported python versions when the new release template bumps the min python version in the template. Change-Id: Ifda17adba4c5fab369204a34b3ae49eab309a7dd
69 lines
1.8 KiB
69 lines
1.8 KiB
minversion = 3.18.0
envlist = py36,py39,pep8
skipsdist = True
ignore_basepython_conflict = True
basepython = python3
usedevelop = True
setenv =
allowlist_externals = *
deps = -r{toxinidir}/requirements.txt
commands =
stestr run --slowest {posargs}
commands = flake8
deps = -r{toxinidir}/doc/requirements.txt
commands = sphinx-build -a -W -E -b html doc/source doc/build/html
deps = {[testenv:docs]deps}
allowlist_externals =
commands =
sphinx-build -W -b latex doc/source doc/build/pdf
make -C doc/build/pdf
commands = {posargs}
setenv =
PYTHON=coverage run --source bashate --parallel-mode
commands =
coverage erase
find . -type f -name "*.pyc" -delete
stestr --test-path ./bashate/tests run {posargs}
coverage combine
coverage html -d cover
coverage xml -o cover/coverage.xml
coverage report
deps = {[testenv:docs]deps}
commands = sphinx-build -a -W -E -d releasenotes/build/doctrees -b html releasenotes/source releasenotes/build/html
# E123, E125 skipped as they are invalid PEP-8.
show-source = True
ignore = E123,E125,W504
builtins = _
# This environment can be used to quickly validate that all needed system
# packages required to successfully execute test targets are installed
# Do not install any requirements. We want this to be fast and work even if
# system dependencies are missing, since it's used to tell you what system
# dependencies are missing! This also means that bindep must be installed
# separately, outside of the requirements files.
deps = bindep
commands = bindep test