diff --git a/doc/source/devref/development.guidelines.rst b/doc/source/devref/development.guidelines.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4eb6a418
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/devref/development.guidelines.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+Development guidelines
+Coding Guidelines
+`PEP8 `_ checking should pass for
+all Climate code. You may check it using the following command:
+.. sourcecode:: console
+ tox -e pep8
+Also you should keep your code clear using more code style checkings via
+`pylint `_:
+.. sourcecode:: console
+ tox -e pylint
+If you see any pep8/pylint errors in your code, it's mandatory to fix them
+before sending your change on review.
+Testing Guidelines
+Climate repositories have unit tests that are run on all submitted code, and it
+is recommended for developers to execute them themselves to catch regressions
+early. Developers are also expected to keep the test suite up-to-date with any
+submitted code changes.
+Unit tests might be ran in `TOX `_ environment
+via commands:
+.. sourcecode:: console
+ tox -e py27
+ tox -e py26
+for Python 2.7 and Python 2.6 accordingly.
+Documentation Guidelines
+Currently Climate docs are partially written on `OpenStack wiki
+`_ pages, and partially using
+Sphinx / RST located in the main repo in *doc* directory. In future all of them
+will be moved to Sphinx / RST (now these docs cannot be published on
+readthedocs.org, because there is already existing *climate* project created on
+it. Now Climate ATCs are voting to choose new name for Climate project and then
+all docs will be moved to new readthedocs project).
+To build Sphinx / RST docs locally run the following command:
+.. sourcecode:: console
+ tox -e docs
+After it you can access generated docs in *doc/build/* directory, for example,
+main page - *doc/build/html/index.html*.
diff --git a/doc/source/devref/how.to.contribute.rst b/doc/source/devref/how.to.contribute.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..420fa444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/devref/how.to.contribute.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+How to contribute
+Getting started
+* Create `Github `_ account if you don't
+ have one
+* Make sure you have git options *user.name* and *user.email* set in git by
+ typing:
+ .. sourcecode:: console
+ git config --list. If not, configure them.
+ ..
+* Create `Launchpad `_ account if you don't have
+ one
+* Create `OpenStack profile `_
+* Login to `OpenStack Gerrit `_ using your
+ Launchpad ID
+ * Sign up your `OpenStack Individual Contributor License Agreement
+ `_
+ * Check that your email is listed in `Gerrit identities
+ `_
+* Subscribe to Climate-related projects on
+ `OpenStack Gerrit `_. Go to your
+ settings and in the watched projects add *stackforge/climate*,
+ *stackforge/climate-nova* and *stackforge/python-climateclient*
+As all bugs/blueprints are listed in `Climate Launchpad
+`_, you may keep track on them and choose some
+to work on.
+How to keep in touch with community
+* If you're not subscribed to `OpenStack general mailing list
+ `_ or to
+ `OpenStack development mailing list
+ `_, do
+ that. Climate-related emails must be send with **[climate]** in its subject.
+* All questions may be asked on our IRC channel #openstack-climate on
+ `freenode `_
+* We also have weekly meetings on #openstack-meeting
+ `freenode IRC channel `_
+Your first commit to Climate
+* Checkout corresponding Climate repository from `Github
+ `_
+* Take a look on how `Gerrit review process
+ `_ goes on in OpenStack
+ (read carefully `committing changes
+ `_ part)
+* Apply and commit your changes
+* Make sure all code checkings and tests have passed. See
+ `development guidelines `_ to learn more
+* Send your patch to the review (you may use `git-review
+ `_ utility for that)
+* Monitor status of your change on https://review.openstack.org/#/
diff --git a/doc/source/index.rst b/doc/source/index.rst
index f78cfe99..40626ba6 100644
--- a/doc/source/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/index.rst
@@ -31,3 +31,12 @@ User guide
:maxdepth: 1
+Development guide
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ devref/how.to.contribute
+ devref/development.guidelines
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