Blazar, the OpenStack Reservation Service ========================================= Blazar is an OpenStack service to provide resource reservations in the OpenStack cloud for different resource types - both virtual (instances, volumes, stacks) and physical (hosts). Overview -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 introduction architecture Installation Guide ------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 install/index Configuration Reference ----------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 configuration/index CLI Reference ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 cli/index API Reference ------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 restapi/index For Contributors ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 contributor/index Specs ----- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 specs/index Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`search`