.. -*- rst -*- ============ Floating IPs ============ List FloatingIPs ================ .. rest_method:: GET v1/floatingips List floating IPs. **Response codes** Normal response code: 200 Error response codes: Bad Request(400), Unauthorized(401), Forbidden(403), Internal Server Error(500) Request ------- No body content, path, nor query option. Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floatingips: floatingips - id: floatingip_id - floating_network_id: floating_network_id - subnet_id: floating_subnet_id - floating_ip_address: floating_ip_address - reservable: floatingip_reservable - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at **Example of List Hosts Response** .. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/floatingips/floatingip-list-resp.json :language: javascript Create Floating IP ================== .. rest_method:: POST v1/floatingips Create a floating IP. **Response codes** Normal response code: 201 Error response codes: Bad Request(400), Unauthorized(401), Forbidden(403), Conflict(409), Internal Server Error(500) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floating_network_id: floating_network_id - floating_ip_address: floating_ip_address_create **Example of Create Host Request** .. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/floatingips/floatingip-create-req.json :language: javascript Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floatingip: floatingip - id: floatingip_id - floating_ip_address: floating_ip_address - network_id: floating_network_id - subnet_id: floating_subnet_id - reservable: floatingip_reservable - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at **Example of Create Host Response** .. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/floatingips/floatingip-create-resp.json :language: javascript Show Floating IP Details ======================== .. rest_method:: GET v1/floatingips/{floatingip_id} Show details of a floating IP. **Preconditions** The floating IP must exist. **Response codes** Normal response code: 200 Error response codes: Bad Request(400), Unauthorized(401), Forbidden(403), Not Found(404), Internal Server Error(500) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floatingip_id: floatingip_id_path Response -------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floatingip: floatingip - id: floatingip_id - floating_network_id: floating_network_id - floating_ip_address: floating_ip_address - reservable: floatingip_reservable - created_at: created_at - updated_at: updated_at **Example of Show Floating IP Details Response** .. literalinclude:: ../../../doc/api_samples/floatingips/floatingip-details-resp.json :language: javascript Delete Floating IP ================== .. rest_method:: DELETE v1/floatingips/{floatingip_id} Delete a floating IP. **Preconditions** The floating IP must exist. **Response codes** Normal response code: 204 Error response codes: Bad Request(400), Unauthorized(401), Forbidden(403), Not Found(404), Conflict(409), Internal Server Error(500) Request ------- .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - floatingip_id: floatingip_id_path Repsponse --------- No body content is returned on a successful DELETE.