# Copyright (c) 2013 Bull.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from climate import exceptions
from climate.openstack.common.gettextutils import _

class NoFreePool(exceptions.NotFound):
    msg_fmt = _("No Freepool found")

class HostNotInFreePool(exceptions.NotFound):
    msg_fmt = _("Host %(host)s not in freepool '%(freepool_name)s'")

class CantRemoveHost(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Can't remove host(s) %(host)s from Aggregate %(pool)s")

class CantAddHost(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Can't add host(s) %(host)s to Aggregate %(pool)s")

class AggregateHaveHost(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Can't delete Aggregate '%(name)s', "
                "host(s) attached to it : %(hosts)s")

class AggregateAlreadyHasHost(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Aggregate %(pool)s already has host(s) %(host)s ")

class AggregateNotFound(exceptions.NotFound):
    msg_fmt = _("Aggregate '%(pool)s' not found!")

class HostNotFound(exceptions.NotFound):
    msg_fmt = _("Host '%(host)s' not found!")

class InvalidHost(exceptions.NotAuthorized):
    msg_fmt = _("Invalid values for host %(host)s")

class MultipleHostsFound(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Multiple Hosts found for pattern '%(host)s'")

class HostHavingServers(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Servers [%(servers)s] found for host %(host)s")

class PluginConfigurationError(exceptions.ClimateException):
    msg_fmt = _("Plugin Configuration error : %(error)s")

class EventError(exceptions.ClimateException):
    msg_fmt = '%(error)s'

class InvalidDate(exceptions.ClimateException):
    msg_fmt = _(
        '%(date)s is an invalid date. Required format: %(date_format)s')

class UnsupportedResourceType(exceptions.ClimateException):
    msg_fmt = _("The %(resource_type)s resource type is not supported")

class LeaseNameAlreadyExists(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("The lease with name: %(name)s already exists")

# oshost plugin related exceptions

class CantAddExtraCapability(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 409
    msg_fmt = _("Can't add extracapabilities %(keys)s to Host %(host)s")

class EndpointsNotFound(exceptions.NotFound):
    code = 404
    msg_fmt = _("No endpoints for %(service)s")

class ServiceNotFound(exceptions.NotFound):
    code = 404
    msg_fmt = _("Service %(service)s not found")

class WrongClientVersion(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 400
    msg_fmt = _("Unfortunately you use wrong client version")

class NoManagementUrl(exceptions.NotFound):
    code = 404
    msg_fmt = _("You haven't management url for service")

class HypervisorNotFound(exceptions.ClimateException):
    msg_fmt = _("Aggregate '%(pool)s' not found!")

class NotEnoughHostsAvailable(exceptions.ClimateException):
    msg_fmt = _("Not enough hosts available")

class MalformedRequirements(exceptions.ClimateException):
    code = 400
    msg_fmt = _("Malformed requirements %(rqrms)s")