Installation using Devstack =========================== This section includes instructions for Climate installation using Devstack. 1. Download Devstack: .. sourcecode:: console git clone .. 2. Download Climate: .. sourcecode:: console git clone .. 3. Add climate files to Devstack: .. sourcecode:: console cd climate/contrib/devstack DEVSTACK_DIR=../../../devstack cp lib/climate ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/lib cp extras.d/ ${DEVSTACK_DIR}/extras.d .. 4. Configure devstack to run climate by adding climate, climate api and climate manager to the localrc file: .. sourcecode:: console cd ${DEVSTACK_DIR} echo "enable_service climate" >> localrc echo "enable_service climate-a" >> localrc echo "enable_service climate-m" >> localrc .. 5. Run Devstack: .. sourcecode:: console ./ .. Installation without Devstack ============================= This section includes instructions for Climate installation. Download all Climate related repos: .. sourcecode:: console git clone git clone git clone .. Install all these projects to your working environment via: .. sourcecode:: console python install .. or .. sourcecode:: console python develop .. Next you need to configure Climate and Nova. Define */etc/climate/climate.conf* file using the following example: .. sourcecode:: console [DEFAULT] host= os_auth_host= os_auth_port= os_auth_protocol= os_admin_username= os_admin_password= os_admin_project_name= [manager] plugins=basic.vm.plugin, [virtual:instance] on_start=on_start on_end=create_image, delete [physical:host] on_start=on_start on_end=on_end climate_username= climate_password= climate_project_name= .. Here *os_admin_** flags refer to Climate service user. *climate_** ones - to admin user created specially to work with physical reservations. If you have no these users, create them via Keystone: .. sourcecode:: console keystone user-create --name=climate --pass= --tenant_id= keystone user-role-add --tenant-id --user-id --role-id .. And the same procedure for special admin user to work with physical reservations. Next you need to configure Nova. If you want to use virtual reservations, please add the following lines to nova.conf file: .. sourcecode:: console osapi_compute_extension = nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.standard_extensions osapi_compute_extension = climatenova.api.extensions.default_reservation.Default_reservation osapi_compute_extension = climatenova.api.extensions.reservation.Reservation .. If you want to use physical reservations add these ones: .. sourcecode:: console scheduler_available_filters = nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters scheduler_available_filters = climatenova.scheduler.filters.climate_filter.ClimateFilter scheduler_default_filters=RetryFilter,AvailabilityZoneFilter,RamFilter,ComputeFilter,ComputeCapabilitiesFilter,ImagePropertiesFilter,ClimateFilter .. Restart nova-api and nova-scheduler to use new configuration file. Climate uses Keystone trusts to commit actions on behalf of user created lease. That’s why we need to create identityv3 service with appropriate endpoints: .. sourcecode:: console keystone service-create --name keystonev3 --type identityv3 --description "Keystone Identity Service v3" keystone endpoint-create --region --service keystonev3 --publicurl "://:5000/v3" --adminurl "://:35357/v3" --internalurl "://:5000/v3" .. And, finally, we need to create reservation service in Keystone with its endpoints: .. sourcecode:: console keystone service-create --name climate --type reservation --description “OpenStack reservation service.” keystone endpoint-create --region --service climate --publicurl "://:1234/v1" --adminurl "://:1234/v1" .. To start Climate services use: .. sourcecode:: console climate-api climate-manager .. Now you can use python-climateclient to communicate with Climate.