HBase storage driver, initial version.

This is a new storage driver that supports storing of Ceilometer
data in an HBase backend. This version does not have metaquery
support yet.

Implements: blueprint hbase-storage-backend
Change-Id: Id3e7ec01434b1be30cce4f91b39461fc389a000f
This commit is contained in:
Stas Maksimov 2013-02-12 17:59:28 +00:00 committed by Stas Maksimov
parent 1d44a182cb
commit 6f7525755f
4 changed files with 954 additions and 0 deletions

@ -0,0 +1,661 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012, 2013 Dell Inc.
# Author: Stas Maksimov <Stanislav_M@dell.com>
# Author: Shengjie Min <Shengjie_Min@dell.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Openstack Ceilometer HBase storage backend
.. note::
This driver is designed to enable Ceilometer store its data in HBase.
The implementation is using HBase Thrift interface so it's necessary to have
the HBase Thrift server installed and started:
This driver has been tested against HBase 0.92.1/CDH 4.1.1,
HBase 0.94.4/HDP 1.2 and HBase 0.94.5/Apache.
Versions earlier than 0.92.1 are not supported due to feature
Due to limitations of HBase the driver implements its own data aggregations
which may harm its performance. It is likely that the performance could be
improved if co-processors were used, however at the moment the co-processor
support is not exposed through Thrift API.
The following four tables are expected to exist in HBase:
create 'project', {NAME=>'f'}
create 'user', {NAME=>'f'}
create 'resource', {NAME=>'f'}
create 'meter', {NAME=>'f'}
The driver is using HappyBase which is a wrapper library used to interact
with HBase via Thrift protocol:
from urlparse import urlparse
import json
import hashlib
import copy
import datetime
import happybase
from collections import defaultdict
from oslo.config import cfg
from ceilometer.openstack.common import log, timeutils
from ceilometer.storage import base
LOG = log.getLogger(__name__)
class HBaseStorage(base.StorageEngine):
"""Put the data into a HBase database
- user
- { _id: user id
source: [ array of source ids reporting for the user ]
- project
- { _id: project id
source: [ array of source ids reporting for the project ]
- meter
- the raw incoming data
- resource
- the metadata for resources
- { _id: uuid of resource,
metadata: metadata dictionaries
timestamp: datetime of last update
user_id: uuid
project_id: uuid
meter: [ array of {counter_name: string, counter_type: string} ]
help='Database table prefix',
def register_opts(self, conf):
"""Register any configuration options used by this engine.
def get_connection(conf):
"""Return a Connection instance based on the configuration settings.
return Connection(conf)
class Connection(base.Connection):
"""HBase connection.
def __init__(self, conf):
Hbase Connection Initialization
opts = self._parse_connection_url(conf.database_connection)
opts['table_prefix'] = conf.table_prefix
self.conn = self._get_connection(opts)
self.project = self.conn.table('project')
self.user = self.conn.table('user')
self.resource = self.conn.table('resource')
self.meter = self.conn.table('meter')
def upgrade(self, version=None):
def clear(self):
def _get_connection(conf):
"""Return a connection to the database.
.. note::
The tests use a subclass to override this and return an
in-memory connection.
LOG.debug('connecting to HBase on %s:%s', conf['host'], conf['port'])
return happybase.Connection(host=conf['host'], port=conf['port'],
def _parse_connection_url(url):
"""Parse connection parameters from a database url.
.. note::
HBase Thrift does not support authentication and there is no
database name, so we are not looking for these in the url.
opts = {}
result = urlparse(url)
opts['dbtype'] = result.scheme
if ':' in result.netloc:
opts['host'], port = result.netloc.split(':')
opts['host'] = result.netloc
port = 9090
opts['port'] = port and int(port) or 9090
return opts
def record_metering_data(self, data):
"""Write the data to the backend storage system.
:param data: a dictionary such as returned by
# Make sure we know about the user and project
if data['user_id']:
user = self.user.row(data['user_id'])
sources = _load_hbase_list(user, 's')
# Update if source is new
if data['source'] not in sources:
user['f:s_%s' % data['source']] = "1"
self.user.put(data['user_id'], user)
project = self.project.row(data['project_id'])
sources = _load_hbase_list(project, 's')
# Update if source is new
if data['source'] not in sources:
project['f:s_%s' % data['source']] = "1"
self.project.put(data['project_id'], project)
# Record the updated resource metadata.
received_timestamp = timeutils.utcnow()
resource = self.resource.row(data['resource_id'])
new_meter = "%s!%s!%s" % (
data['counter_name'], data['counter_type'], data['counter_unit'])
new_resource = {'f:resource_id': data['resource_id'],
'f:project_id': data['project_id'],
'f:user_id': data['user_id'],
'f:timestamp': timeutils.strtime(data['timestamp']),
'f:received_timestamp': timeutils.strtime(
'f:metadata': json.dumps(data['resource_metadata']),
'f:source': data["source"],
'f:m_%s' % new_meter: "1",
# Update if resource has new information
if new_resource != resource:
meters = _load_hbase_list(resource, 'm')
if new_meter not in meters:
new_resource['f:m_%s' % new_meter] = "1"
self.resource.put(data['resource_id'], new_resource)
# Rowkey consists of reversed timestamp, meter and an md5 of
# user+resource+project for purposes of uniqueness
m = hashlib.md5()
m.update("%s%s%s" % (data['user_id'], data['resource_id'],
# We use reverse timestamps in rowkeys as they are sorted
# alphabetically.
rts = reverse_timestamp(data['timestamp'])
row = "%s_%d_%s" % (data['counter_name'], rts, m.hexdigest())
# Convert timestamp to string as json.dumps won't
ts = timeutils.strtime(data['timestamp'])
record = {'f:timestamp': ts,
'f:counter_name': data['counter_name'],
'f:counter_type': data['counter_type'],
'f:counter_volume': str(data['counter_volume']),
'f:counter_unit': data['counter_unit'],
# TODO(shengjie) consider using QualifierFilter
# keep dimensions as column qualifier for quicker look up
# TODO(shengjie) extra dimensions need to be added as CQ
'f:user_id': data['user_id'],
'f:project_id': data['project_id'],
'f:resource_id': data['resource_id'],
'f:source': data['source'],
# add in reversed_ts here for time range scan
'f:rts': str(rts)
# Don't want to be changing the original data object
data = copy.copy(data)
data['timestamp'] = ts
# Save original event
record['f:message'] = json.dumps(data)
self.meter.put(row, record)
def get_users(self, source=None):
"""Return an iterable of user id strings.
:param source: Optional source filter.
LOG.debug("source: %s" % source)
scan_args = {}
if source:
scan_args['columns'] = ['f:s_%s' % source]
return sorted(key for key, ignored in self.user.scan(**scan_args))
def get_projects(self, source=None):
"""Return an iterable of project id strings.
:param source: Optional source filter.
LOG.debug("source: %s" % source)
scan_args = {}
if source:
scan_args['columns'] = ['f:s_%s' % source]
return (key for key, ignored in self.project.scan(**scan_args))
def get_resources(self, user=None, project=None, source=None,
start_timestamp=None, end_timestamp=None,
"""Return an iterable of dictionaries containing resource information.
:type end_timestamp: object
{ 'resource_id': UUID of the resource,
'project_id': UUID of project owning the resource,
'user_id': UUID of user owning the resource,
'timestamp': UTC datetime of last update to the resource,
'metadata': most current metadata for the resource,
'meter': list of the meters reporting data for the resource,
:param user: Optional ID for user that owns the resource.
:param project: Optional ID for project that owns the resource.
:param source: Optional source filter.
:param start_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp start range.
:param end_timestamp: Optional modified timestamp end range.
q, start_row, end_row = make_query(user=user,
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
# TODO implement metaquery support
if len(metaquery) > 0:
raise NotImplementedError('metaquery not implemented')
resource_ids = {}
if start_timestamp or end_timestamp:
# Look for resources matching the above criteria and with
# events in the time range we care about, then change the
# resource query to return just those resources by id.
g = self.meter.scan(filter=q, row_start=start_row,
for ignored, data in g:
resource_ids[data['f:resource_id']] = data['f:resource_id']
q = make_query(user=user, project=project, source=source,
query_only=True, require_meter=False)
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
for resource_id, data in self.resource.scan(filter=q):
if not resource_ids or resource_id in resource_ids:
r = {'resource_id': resource_id,
'metadata': json.loads(data['f:metadata']),
'project_id': data['f:project_id'],
'received_timestamp': data['f:received_timestamp'],
'source': data['f:source'],
'user_id': data['f:user_id'],
'meter': []}
for m in data:
if m.startswith('f:m_'):
name, type, unit = m[4:].split("!")
r['meter'].append({"counter_name": name,
"counter_type": type,
"counter_unit": unit})
yield r
def get_meters(self, user=None, project=None, resource=None, source=None,
"""Return an iterable of dictionaries containing meter information.
{ 'name': name of the meter,
'type': type of the meter (guage, counter),
'unit': unit of the meter,
'resource_id': UUID of the resource,
'project_id': UUID of project owning the resource,
'user_id': UUID of user owning the resource,
:param user: Optional ID for user that owns the resource.
:param project: Optional ID for project that owns the resource.
:param resource: Optional resource filter.
:param source: Optional source filter.
:param metaquery: Optional dict with metadata to match on.
q, ignored, ignored = make_query(user=user, project=project,
resource=resource, source=source,
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
# TODO implement metaquery support
if len(metaquery) > 0:
raise NotImplementedError('metaquery not implemented')
gen = self.resource.scan(filter=q)
for ignored, data in gen:
# Meter columns are stored like this:
# "m_{counter_name}|{counter_type}|{counter_unit}" => "1"
# where 'm' is a prefix (m for meter), value is always set to 1
meter = None
for m in data:
if m.startswith('f:m_'):
meter = m
if meter is None:
name, type, unit = meter[4:].split("!")
m = {'name': name,
'type': type,
'unit': unit,
'resource_id': data['f:resource_id'],
'project_id': data['f:project_id'],
'user_id': data['f:user_id'],
yield m
def get_raw_events(self, event_filter):
"""Return an iterable of raw event data as created by
q, start, stop = make_query_from_filter(event_filter,
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
gen = self.meter.scan(filter=q, row_start=start, row_stop=stop)
meters = []
for ignored, meter in gen:
meter = json.loads(meter['f:message'])
meter['timestamp'] = timeutils.parse_strtime(meter['timestamp'])
return meters
def _update_meter_stats(self, stat, meter):
"""Do the stats calculation on a requested time bucket in stats dict
:param stats: dict where aggregated stats are kept
:param index: time bucket index in stats
:param meter: meter record as returned from HBase
:param start_time: query start time
:param period: length of the time bucket
vol = int(meter['f:counter_volume'])
ts = timeutils.parse_strtime(meter['f:timestamp'])
stat['min'] = min(vol, stat['min'] or vol)
stat['max'] = max(vol, stat['max'])
stat['sum'] = vol + (stat['sum'] or 0)
stat['count'] += 1
stat['avg'] = (stat['sum'] / float(stat['count']))
stat['duration_start'] = min(ts, stat['duration_start'] or ts)
stat['duration_end'] = max(ts, stat['duration_end'] or ts)
stat['duration'] = \
def get_meter_statistics(self, event_filter, period=None):
"""Return a dictionary containing meter statistics.
described by the query parameters.
The filter must have a meter value set.
{ 'min':
.. note::
Due to HBase limitations the aggregations are implemented
in the driver itself, therefore this method will be quite slow
because of all the Thrift traffic it is going to create.
q, start, stop = make_query_from_filter(event_filter)
meters = list(meter for (ignored, meter) in
start_time = event_filter.start \
or timeutils.parse_strtime(meters[-1]['f:timestamp'])
end_time = event_filter.end \
or timeutils.parse_strtime(meters[0]['f:timestamp'])
results = []
if not period:
period = 0
period_start = start_time
period_end = end_time
# As our HBase meters are stored as newest-first, we need to iterate
# in the reverse order
for meter in meters[::-1]:
ts = timeutils.parse_strtime(meter['f:timestamp'])
if period:
offset = int(timeutils.delta_seconds(
start_time, ts) / period) * period
period_start = start_time + datetime.timedelta(0, offset)
if not len(results) or not results[-1]['period_start'] == \
if period:
period_end = period_start + datetime.timedelta(
0, period)
results.append({'count': 0,
'min': 0,
'max': 0,
'avg': 0,
'sum': 0,
'period': period,
'period_start': period_start,
'period_end': period_end,
'duration': None,
'duration_start': None,
'duration_end': None,
self._update_meter_stats(results[-1], meter)
return list(results)
def get_volume_sum(self, event_filter):
"""Return the sum of the volume field for the events
described by the query parameters.
q, start, stop = make_query_from_filter(event_filter)
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
gen = self.meter.scan(filter=q, row_start=start, row_stop=stop)
results = defaultdict(int)
for ignored, meter in gen:
results[meter['f:resource_id']] \
+= int(meter['f:counter_volume'])
return ({'resource_id': k, 'value': v}
for (k, v) in results.iteritems())
def get_volume_max(self, event_filter):
"""Return the maximum of the volume field for the events
described by the query parameters.
q, start, stop = make_query_from_filter(event_filter)
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
gen = self.meter.scan(filter=q, row_start=start, row_stop=stop)
results = defaultdict(int)
for ignored, meter in gen:
results[meter['f:resource_id']] = \
return ({'resource_id': k, 'value': v}
for (k, v) in results.iteritems())
def get_event_interval(self, event_filter):
"""Return the min and max timestamps from events,
using the event_filter to limit the events seen.
( datetime.datetime(), datetime.datetime() )
q, start, stop = make_query_from_filter(event_filter)
LOG.debug("q: %s" % q)
gen = self.meter.scan(filter=q, row_start=start, row_stop=stop)
a_min = None
a_max = None
for ignored, meter in gen:
timestamp = timeutils.parse_strtime(meter['f:timestamp'])
if a_min is None:
a_min = timestamp
if timestamp < a_min:
a_min = timestamp
if a_max is None:
a_max = timestamp
if timestamp > a_max:
a_max = timestamp
return a_min, a_max
# Here be various HBase helpers
def reverse_timestamp(dt):
"""Reverse timestamp so that newer timestamps are represented by smaller
numbers than older ones.
Reverse timestamps is a technique used in HBase rowkey design. When period
queries are required the HBase rowkeys must include timestamps, but as
rowkeys in HBase are ordered lexicographically, the timestamps must be
epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
td = dt - epoch
ts = (td.microseconds +
(td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600) * 100000) / 100000
return 0x7fffffffffffffff - ts
def make_query(user=None, project=None, meter=None,
resource=None, source=None, start=None, end=None,
require_meter=True, query_only=False):
"""Return a filter query based on the selected parameters.
:param user: Optional user-id
:param project: Optional project-id
:param meter: Optional counter-name
:param resource: Optional resource-id
:param source: Optional source-id
:param start: Optional start timestamp
:param end: Optional end timestamp
:param require_meter: If true and the filter does not have a meter,
raise an error.
:param query_only: If true only returns the filter query,
otherwise also returns start and stop rowkeys
q = []
if user:
q.append("SingleColumnValueFilter ('f', 'user_id', =, 'binary:%s')"
% user)
if project:
q.append("SingleColumnValueFilter ('f', 'project_id', =, 'binary:%s')"
% project)
if resource:
q.append("SingleColumnValueFilter ('f', 'resource_id', =, 'binary:%s')"
% resource)
if source:
q.append("SingleColumnValueFilter "
"('f', 'source', =, 'binary:%s')" % source)
# when start_time and end_time is provided,
# if it's filtered by meter,
# rowkey will be used in the query;
# if it's non meter filter query(eg. project_id, user_id etc),
# SingleColumnValueFilter against rts will be appended to the query
# query other tables should have no start and end passed in
stopRow, startRow = "", ""
rts_start = str(reverse_timestamp(start) + 1) if start else ""
rts_end = str(reverse_timestamp(end) + 1) if end else ""
if meter:
# if it's meter filter without start and end,
# startRow = meter while stopRow = meter + MAX_BYTE
if not rts_start:
rts_start = chr(127)
stopRow = "%s_%s" % (meter, rts_start)
startRow = "%s_%s" % (meter, rts_end)
elif require_meter:
raise RuntimeError('Missing required meter specifier')
if rts_start:
q.append("SingleColumnValueFilter ('f', 'rts', <=, 'binary:%s')" %
if rts_end:
q.append("SingleColumnValueFilter ('f', 'rts', >=, 'binary:%s')" %
query_filter = None
if len(q):
query_filter = " AND ".join(q)
if query_only:
return query_filter
return query_filter, startRow, stopRow
def make_query_from_filter(event_filter, require_meter=True):
"""Return a query dictionary based on the settings in the filter.
:param filter: EventFilter instance
:param require_meter: If true and the filter does not have a meter,
raise an error.
if event_filter.metaquery is not None and len(event_filter.metaquery) > 0:
raise NotImplementedError('metaquery not implemented')
return make_query(event_filter.user, event_filter.project,
event_filter.meter, event_filter.resource,
event_filter.source, event_filter.start,
event_filter.end, require_meter)
def _load_hbase_list(d, prefix):
"""Deserialise dict stored as HBase column family
ret = []
prefix = 'f:%s_' % prefix
for key in (k for k in d if k.startswith(prefix)):
return ret

@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ setuptools.setup(
postgresql = ceilometer.storage.impl_sqlalchemy:SQLAlchemyStorage
sqlite = ceilometer.storage.impl_sqlalchemy:SQLAlchemyStorage
test = ceilometer.storage.impl_test:TestDBStorage
hbase = ceilometer.storage.impl_hbase:HBaseStorage
libvirt = ceilometer.compute.virt.libvirt.inspector:LibvirtInspector

@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright © 2012, 2013 Dell Inc.
# Author: Stas Maksimov <Stanislav_M@dell.com>
# Author: Shengjie Min <Shengjie_Min@dell.com>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Tests for ceilometer/storage/impl_hbase.py
.. note::
To run the tests using in-memory mocked HappyBase API,
set the environment variable CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE=0 (this is the default
In order to run the tests against real HBase server set the environment
variable CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE=1 and set HBASE_URL below to
point to that HBase instance before running the tests. Make sure the Thrift
server is running on that server.
from time import sleep
import logging
import os
import copy
import re
from oslo.config import cfg
from tests.storage import base
from ceilometer.storage import impl_hbase
from ceilometer.storage.impl_hbase import _load_hbase_list
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE = bool(int(os.environ.get('CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE', 0)))
# Export this variable before running tests against real HBase
# e.g. export CEILOMETER_TEST_HBASE_URL = hbase://
raise RuntimeError("CEILOMETER_TEST_LIVE is on, but "
PROJECT_TABLE = "project"
USER_TABLE = "user"
RESOURCE_TABLE = "resource"
METER_TABLE = "meter"
class TestConnection(impl_hbase.Connection):
def __init__(self, conf):
super(TestConnection, self).__init__(conf)
self.conn = MConnection()
self.project = self.conn.table('project')
self.user = self.conn.table('user')
self.resource = self.conn.table('resource')
self.meter = self.conn.table('meter')
def create_schema(self):
LOG.debug('Creating HBase schema...')
self.conn.create_table(PROJECT_TABLE, {'f': dict()})
self.conn.create_table(USER_TABLE, {'f': dict()})
self.conn.create_table(RESOURCE_TABLE, {'f': dict()})
self.conn.create_table(METER_TABLE, {'f': dict()})
# Real HBase needs some time to propagate create_table changes
def drop_schema(self):
LOG.debug('Dropping HBase schema...')
for table in TABLES:
# Real HBase needs some time to propagate delete_table changes
class HBaseEngine(base.DBEngineBase):
def get_connection(self):
self.conf = cfg.CONF
self.conf.database_connection = CEILOMETER_TEST_HBASE_URL
# use prefix so we don't affect any existing tables
self.conf.table_prefix = 't'
self.conn = TestConnection(self.conf)
return self.conn
def clean_up(self):
def get_sources_by_project_id(self, id):
project = self.conn.project.row(id)
return _load_hbase_list(project, 's')
def get_sources_by_user_id(self, id):
user = self.conn.user.row(id)
return _load_hbase_list(user, 's')
class HBaseEngineTestBase(base.DBTestBase):
def get_engine(cls):
return HBaseEngine()
class UserTest(base.UserTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class ProjectTest(base.ProjectTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class ResourceTest(base.ResourceTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class MeterTest(base.MeterTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class RawEventTest(base.RawEventTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class TestGetEventInterval(base.TestGetEventInterval,
class SumTest(base.SumTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class MaxProjectTest(base.MaxProjectTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class MaxResourceTest(base.MaxResourceTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
class StatisticsTest(base.StatisticsTest, HBaseEngineTestBase):
# This is a very crude version of "in-memory HBase", which implements just
# enough functionality of HappyBase API to support testing of our driver.
class MTable():
"""HappyBase.Table mock
def __init__(self, name, families):
self.name = name
self.families = families
self.rows = {}
def row(self, key):
return self.rows[key] if key in self.rows else {}
def put(self, key, data):
self.rows[key] = data
def scan(self, filter=None, columns=[], row_start=None, row_stop=None):
sorted_keys = sorted(self.rows)
# copy data into a sorted dict
rows = {}
for row in sorted_keys:
if row_start:
if row < row_start:
if row_stop:
if row > row_stop:
rows[row] = copy.copy(self.rows[row])
if columns:
ret = {}
for row in rows.keys():
data = rows[row]
for key in data:
# if all(key in columns for key in data):
if key in columns:
ret[row] = data
rows = ret
elif filter:
# TODO: we should really parse this properly, but at the moment we
# are only going to support AND here
filters = filter.split('AND')
for f in filters:
# Extract filter name and its arguments
g = re.search("(.*)\((.*),?\)", f)
fname = g.group(1).strip()
fargs = [s.strip().replace('\'', '').replace('\"', '')
for s in g.group(2).split(',')]
m = getattr(self, fname)
if callable(m):
# overwrite rows for filtering to take effect
# in case of multiple filters
rows = m(fargs, rows)
raise NotImplementedError("%s filter is not implemented, "
"you may want to add it!")
for k in sorted(rows):
yield k, rows[k]
def SingleColumnValueFilter(self, args, rows):
"""This method is called from scan() when 'SingleColumnValueFilter'
is found in the 'filter' argument
op = args[2]
column = "%s:%s" % (args[0], args[1])
value = args[3]
if value.startswith('binary:'):
value = value[7:]
r = {}
for row in rows:
data = rows[row]
if op == '=':
if column in data and data[column] == value:
r[row] = data
elif op == '<=':
if column in data and data[column] <= value:
r[row] = data
elif op == '>=':
if column in data and data[column] >= value:
r[row] = data
raise NotImplementedError("In-memory "
"SingleColumnValueFilter "
"doesn't support the %s operation "
"yet" % op)
return r
class MConnection():
"""HappyBase.Connection mock
def __init__(self):
self.tables = {}
def open(self):
LOG.debug("Opening in-memory HBase connection")
def create_table(self, n, families={}):
if n in self.tables:
return self.tables[n]
t = MTable(n, families)
self.tables[n] = t
return t
def delete_table(self, name, use_prefix=True):
def table(self, name):
return self.create_table(name)

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