.. _install_obs: Install and configure for openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This section describes how to install and configure the Telemetry service, code-named ceilometer, on the controller node. Prerequisites ------------- Before you install and configure the Telemetry service, you must configure a target to send metering data to. The recommended endpoint is Gnocchi_. .. _Gnocchi: https://gnocchi.osci.io .. include:: install-base-prereq-common.inc Install Gnocchi --------------- #. Install the Gnocchi packages. Alternatively, Gnocchi can be install using pip: .. code-block:: console # zypper install openstack-gnocchi-api openstack-gnocchi-metricd \ python-gnocchiclient .. note:: Depending on your environment size, consider installing Gnocchi separately as it makes extensive use of the cpu. #. Install the uWSGI packages. The following method uses operating system provided packages. Another alternative would be to use pip(or pip3, depending on the distribution); using pip is not described in this doc: .. code-block:: console # zypper install uwsgi-plugin-python3 uwsgi .. note:: Since the provided gnocchi-api wraps around uwsgi, you need to make sure that uWSGI is installed if you want to use gnocchi-api to run Gnocchi API. As Gnocchi API tier runs using WSGI, it can also alternatively be run using Apache httpd and mod_wsgi, or any other HTTP daemon. .. include:: install-gnocchi.inc Finalize Gnocchi installation ----------------------------- #. Start the Gnocchi services and configure them to start when the system boots: .. code-block:: console # systemctl enable openstack-gnocchi-api.service \ openstack-gnocchi-metricd.service # systemctl start openstack-gnocchi-api.service \ openstack-gnocchi-metricd.service Install and configure components -------------------------------- #. Install the packages: .. code-block:: console # zypper install openstack-ceilometer-agent-notification \ openstack-ceilometer-agent-central .. include:: install-base-config-common.inc Finalize installation --------------------- #. Start the Telemetry services and configure them to start when the system boots: .. code-block:: console # systemctl enable openstack-ceilometer-agent-notification.service \ openstack-ceilometer-agent-central.service # systemctl start openstack-ceilometer-agent-notification.service \ openstack-ceilometer-agent-central.service