# # Copyright 2015 eNovance # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import os from keystoneauth1 import loading as ka_loading from keystoneclient.v3 import client as ks_client_v3 from oslo_config import cfg DEFAULT_GROUP = "service_credentials" # List of group that can set auth_section to use a different # credentials section OVERRIDABLE_GROUPS = ['gnocchi', 'zaqar'] def get_session(conf, requests_session=None, group=None, timeout=None): """Get a ceilometer service credentials auth session.""" group = group or DEFAULT_GROUP auth_plugin = ka_loading.load_auth_from_conf_options(conf, group) kwargs = {'auth': auth_plugin, 'session': requests_session} if timeout is not None: kwargs['timeout'] = timeout session = ka_loading.load_session_from_conf_options(conf, group, **kwargs) return session def get_client(conf, trust_id=None, requests_session=None, group=DEFAULT_GROUP): """Return a client for keystone v3 endpoint, optionally using a trust.""" session = get_session(conf, requests_session=requests_session, group=group) return ks_client_v3.Client(session=session, trust_id=trust_id, region_name=conf[group].region_name) def get_service_catalog(client): return client.session.auth.get_access(client.session).service_catalog def get_auth_token(client): return client.session.auth.get_access(client.session).auth_token CLI_OPTS = [ cfg.StrOpt('region-name', deprecated_group="DEFAULT", deprecated_name="os-region-name", default=os.environ.get('OS_REGION_NAME'), help='Region name to use for OpenStack service endpoints.'), cfg.StrOpt('interface', default=os.environ.get( 'OS_INTERFACE', os.environ.get('OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE', 'public')), deprecated_name="os-endpoint-type", choices=('public', 'internal', 'admin', 'auth', 'publicURL', 'internalURL', 'adminURL'), help='Type of endpoint in Identity service catalog to use for ' 'communication with OpenStack services.'), ] def register_keystoneauth_opts(conf): _register_keystoneauth_group(conf, DEFAULT_GROUP) for group in OVERRIDABLE_GROUPS: _register_keystoneauth_group(conf, group) conf.set_default('auth_section', DEFAULT_GROUP, group=group) def _register_keystoneauth_group(conf, group): ka_loading.register_auth_conf_options(conf, group) ka_loading.register_session_conf_options( conf, group, deprecated_opts={'cacert': [ cfg.DeprecatedOpt('os-cacert', group=group), cfg.DeprecatedOpt('os-cacert', group="DEFAULT")] }) conf.register_opts(CLI_OPTS, group=group) def post_register_keystoneauth_opts(conf): for group in OVERRIDABLE_GROUPS: if conf[group].auth_section != DEFAULT_GROUP: # NOTE(sileht): We register this again after the auth_section have # been read from the configuration file _register_keystoneauth_group(conf, conf[group].auth_section)