# variables in header {} # variables in path alarm_id_path: description: | The UUID of the alarm. in: path required: false type: string message_id_path: description: | The UUID of the message. in: path required: false type: string meter_name: description: | The name of the meter. in: path required: false type: string resource_id_path: description: | The UUID of the resource. in: path required: false type: string sample_id: description: | The UUID of the sample. in: path required: false type: string # variables in query aggregate: description: | A list of selectable aggregation functions to apply. For example: :: GET /v2/meters/METER_NAME/statistics?aggregate.func=cardinality & aggregate.param=resource_id & aggregate.func=cardinality & aggregate.param=project_id in: query required: false type: object direct: description: | Indicates whether the samples are POST ed directly to storage. Set ``?direct=True`` to POST the samples directly to storage. in: query required: false type: string groupby: description: | Fields for group by aggregation. in: query required: false type: object limit: description: | Limits the maximum number of samples that the response returns. For example: :: GET /v2/events?limit=1000 in: query required: false type: integer limit_1: description: | Requests a page size of items. Returns a number of items up to a limit value. Use the ``limit`` parameter to make an initial limited request and use the ID of the last-seen item from the response as the ``marker`` parameter value in a subsequent limited request. in: query required: false type: integer meter_links: description: | Set ``?meter_links=1`` to return a self link and related meter links. in: query required: false type: integer period: description: | The period, in seconds, for which you want statistics. in: query required: false type: integer q: description: | Filters the response by one or more arguments. For example: ``?q.field=Foo & q.value=my_text``. in: query required: false type: array q_1: description: | Filters the response by one or more event arguments. For example: :: GET /v2/events?q.field=Foo & q.value=my_text in: query required: false type: array samples: description: | A list of samples. in: query required: false type: array # variables in body alarm_actions: description: | The list of actions that the alarm performs. in: body required: true type: array alarm_combination_rule: description: | The rules for the combination alarm type. in: body required: true type: string alarm_description: description: | Describes the alarm. in: body required: true type: string alarm_enabled: description: | If ``true``, evaluation and actioning is enabled for the alarm. in: body required: true type: boolean alarm_id: description: | The UUID of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string alarm_insufficient_data_actions: description: | The list of actions that the alarm performs when the alarm state is ``insufficient_data``. in: body required: true type: array alarm_name: description: | The name of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string alarm_ok_actions: description: | The list of actions that the alarm performs when the alarm state is ``ok``. in: body required: true type: array alarm_repeat_actions: description: | If set to ``true``, the alarm notifications are repeated. Otherwise, this value is ``false``. in: body required: true type: boolean alarm_request: description: | An alarm within the request body. in: body required: false type: string alarm_state: description: | The state of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string alarm_state_timestamp: description: | The date and time of the alarm state. in: body required: true type: string alarm_storage: description: | Defines the capabilities for the storage that stores persisting alarm definitions. A value of ``true`` indicates that the capability is available. in: body required: true type: object alarm_threshold_rule: description: | The rules for the threshold alarm type. in: body required: true type: string alarm_timestamp: description: | The date and time of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string alarm_type: description: | The type of the alarm, which is either ``threshold`` or ``combination``. in: body required: true type: string alarms:history:query:complex: description: | If ``true``, the complex query capability for alarm history is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean alarms:history:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for alarm history is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean alarms:query:complex: description: | If ``true``, the complex query capability for alarm definitions is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean alarms:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for alarm definitions is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean api: description: | A set of key and value pairs that contain the API capabilities for the configured storage driver. in: body required: true type: object avg: description: | The average of all volume values in the data. in: body required: true type: number combination_rule: description: | The rules for the combination alarm type. in: body required: true type: string count: description: | The number of samples seen. in: body required: true type: integer description: description: | Describes the alarm. in: body required: true type: string duration: description: | The number of seconds between the oldest and newest date and time stamp. in: body required: true type: number duration_end: description: | The date and time in UTC format of the query end time. in: body required: true type: string duration_start: description: | The date and time in UTC format of the query start time. in: body required: true type: string event_generated: description: | The date and time when the event occurred. in: body required: true type: string event_raw: description: | A dictionary object that stores event messages for future evaluation. in: body required: true type: object event_storage: description: | If ``true``, the capabilities for the storage that stores persisting events is available. in: body required: true type: object event_type: description: | The dotted string that represents the event. in: body required: true type: string events: description: | A list of objects. Each object contains key and value pairs that describe the event. in: body required: true type: array events:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for events is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean id: description: | The UUID of the sample. in: body required: true type: string links: description: | A list that contains a self link and associated meter links. in: body required: true type: array max: description: | The maximum volume seen in the data. in: body required: true type: number message_id: description: | The UUID of the message. in: body required: true type: string metadata: description: | An arbitrary set of one or more metadata key and value pairs that are associated with the sample. in: body required: true type: object metadata_1: description: | A set of one or more arbitrary metadata key and value pairs that are associated with the resource. in: body required: true type: object meter: description: | The meter name. in: body required: true type: string meter_id: description: | The UUID of the meter. in: body required: true type: string meters:query:complex: description: | If ``true``, the complex query capability for meters is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean meters:query:metadata: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for the metadata of meters is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean meters:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for meters is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean min: description: | The minimum volume seen in the data. in: body required: true type: number name: description: | The name of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string name_1: description: | The meter name. in: body required: true type: string period_end: description: | The period end date and time in UTC format. in: body required: true type: string period_start: description: | The period start date and time in UTC format. in: body required: true type: string project_id: description: | The UUID of the project or tenant that owns the resource. in: body required: true type: string project_id_1: description: | The UUID of the project. in: body required: true type: string project_id_2: description: | The UUID of the owning project or tenant. in: body required: true type: string recorded_at: description: | The date and time when the sample was recorded. in: body required: true type: string measurement_resource_id: description: | The UUID of the resource for which the measurements are taken. in: body required: true type: string resource: description: | in: body required: true type: object resource_id: description: | The UUID of the resource. in: body required: true type: string resouces: description: | List of the resources. in: body required: true type: array resources:query:complex: description: | If ``true``, the complex query capability for resources is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean resources:query:metadata: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for the metadata of resources is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean resources:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for resources is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean samples:query:complex: description: | If ``true``, the complex query capability for samples is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean samples:query:metadata: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for the metadata of samples is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean samples:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for samples is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean source: description: | The name of the source that identifies where the sample comes from. in: body required: true type: string source_1: description: | The name of the source from which the meter came. in: body required: true type: string source_2: description: | The name of the source from which the resource came. in: body required: true type: string state: description: | The state of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string statistics:aggregation:selectable:avg: description: | If ``true``, the ``avg`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``avg`` capability to get average values for samples. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:cardinality: description: | If ``true``, the ``cardinality`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``cardinality`` capability to get cardinality for samples. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:count: description: | If ``true``, the ``count`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``count`` capability to calculate the number of samples for a query. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:max: description: | If ``true``, the ``max`` capability is available for the configured database back end. . Use the ``max`` capability to calculate the maximum value for a query. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:min: description: | If ``true``, the ``min`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``min`` capability to calculate the minimum value for a query. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:quartile: description: | If ``true``, the ``quartile`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``quartile`` capability to calculate the quartile of sample volumes for a query. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:stddev: description: | If ``true``, the ``stddev`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``stddev`` capability to calculate the standard deviation of sample volumes for a query. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:selectable:sum: description: | If ``true``, the ``sum`` capability is available for the configured database back end. Use the ``sum`` capability to calculate the sum of sample volumes for a query. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:aggregation:standard: description: | If ``true``, the ``standard`` set of aggregation capability is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:groupby: description: | If ``true``, the ``groupby`` capability is available for calculating statistics for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:query:complex: description: | If ``true``, the complex query capability for statistics is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:query:metadata: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for the sample metadata that is used to calculate statistics is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean statistics:query:simple: description: | If ``true``, the simple query capability for statistics is available for the configured database back end. in: body required: true type: boolean storage: description: | If ``true``, the capabilities for the storage that stores persisting samples is available. in: body required: true type: object storage:production_ready: description: | If ``true``, the database back end is ready to use in a production environment. in: body required: true type: boolean sum: description: | The total of all of the volume values seen in the data. in: body required: true type: number timestamp: description: | The date and time in UTC format when the measurement was made. in: body required: true type: string timestamp_1: description: | The date and time of the alarm. in: body required: true type: string type: description: | The meter type. in: body required: true type: string type_2: description: | The meter type. The type value is gauge, delta, or cumulative. in: body required: true type: string unit: description: | The unit of measure for the ``volume`` value. in: body required: true type: string unit_1: description: | The unit of measure. in: body required: true type: string unit_2: description: | The unit type of the data set. in: body required: true type: string user_id: description: | The UUID of the user who either created or last updated the resource. in: body required: true type: string user_id_1: description: | The UUID of the user. in: body required: true type: string volume: description: | The actual measured value. in: body required: true type: number