Julien Danjou 9323f07f97 Remove deprecated storage drivers
Change-Id: I6b262dd440a72f25662b64d938ab9e5328709a97
2017-10-26 09:35:14 +02:00

152 lines
4.7 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
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# under the License.
"""Model classes for use in the events storage API.
from oslo_utils import timeutils
import six
def serialize_dt(value):
"""Serializes parameter if it is datetime."""
return value.isoformat() if hasattr(value, 'isoformat') else value
class Model(object):
"""Base class for storage API models."""
def __init__(self, **kwds):
self.fields = list(kwds)
for k, v in six.iteritems(kwds):
setattr(self, k, v)
def as_dict(self):
d = {}
for f in self.fields:
v = getattr(self, f)
if isinstance(v, Model):
v = v.as_dict()
elif isinstance(v, list) and v and isinstance(v[0], Model):
v = [sub.as_dict() for sub in v]
d[f] = v
return d
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.as_dict() == other.as_dict()
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
class Event(Model):
"""A raw event from the source system. Events have Traits.
Metrics will be derived from one or more Events.
def __init__(self, message_id, event_type, generated, traits, raw):
"""Create a new event.
:param message_id: Unique ID for the message this event
stemmed from. This is different than
the Event ID, which comes from the
underlying storage system.
:param event_type: The type of the event.
:param generated: UTC time for when the event occurred.
:param traits: list of Traits on this Event.
:param raw: Unindexed raw notification details.
Model.__init__(self, message_id=message_id, event_type=event_type,
generated=generated, traits=traits, raw=raw)
def append_trait(self, trait_model):
def __repr__(self):
trait_list = []
if self.traits:
trait_list = [six.text_type(trait) for trait in self.traits]
return ("<Event: %s, %s, %s, %s>" %
(self.message_id, self.event_type, self.generated,
" ".join(trait_list)))
def serialize(self):
return {'message_id': self.message_id,
'event_type': self.event_type,
'generated': serialize_dt(self.generated),
'traits': [trait.serialize() for trait in self.traits],
'raw': self.raw}
class Trait(Model):
"""A Trait is a key/value pair of data on an Event.
The value is variant record of basic data types (int, date, float, etc).
type_names = {
NONE_TYPE: "none",
TEXT_TYPE: "string",
INT_TYPE: "integer",
FLOAT_TYPE: "float",
DATETIME_TYPE: "datetime"
def __init__(self, name, dtype, value):
if not dtype:
dtype = Trait.NONE_TYPE
Model.__init__(self, name=name, dtype=dtype, value=value)
def __repr__(self):
return "<Trait: %s %d %s>" % (self.name, self.dtype, self.value)
def serialize(self):
return self.name, self.dtype, serialize_dt(self.value)
def get_type_name(self):
return self.get_name_by_type(self.dtype)
def get_type_by_name(cls, type_name):
return getattr(cls, '%s_TYPE' % type_name.upper(), None)
def get_type_names(cls):
return cls.type_names.values()
def get_name_by_type(cls, type_id):
return cls.type_names.get(type_id, "none")
def convert_value(cls, trait_type, value):
if trait_type is cls.INT_TYPE:
return int(value)
if trait_type is cls.FLOAT_TYPE:
return float(value)
if trait_type is cls.DATETIME_TYPE:
return timeutils.normalize_time(timeutils.parse_isotime(value))
# Cropping the text value to match the TraitText value size
if isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
return value.decode('utf-8')[:255]
return six.text_type(value)[:255]