import amulet import barbicanclient.client as barbican_client import keystoneclient.exceptions from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.deployment import ( OpenStackAmuletDeployment ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.utils import ( OpenStackAmuletUtils, DEBUG, ) # Use DEBUG to turn on debug logging u = OpenStackAmuletUtils(DEBUG) class BarbicanBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment): """Amulet tests on a basic Barbican deployment.""" def __init__(self, series, openstack=None, source=None, stable=True, keystone_version='2'): """Deploy the entire test environment. The keystone_version controls whether keystone (and barbican) are set up to use keystone v2.0 or v3. The options are 2 or 3. """ super(BarbicanBasicDeployment, self).__init__( series, openstack, source, stable) self._keystone_version = str(keystone_version) self._add_services() self._add_relations() self._configure_services(keystone_version) self._deploy()'Waiting on extended status checks...') exclude_services = [] self._auto_wait_for_status(exclude_services=exclude_services) self.d.sentry.wait() self._initialize_tests() def _add_services(self): """Add services Add the services that we're testing, where barbican is local, and the rest of the service are from lp branches that are compatible with the local charm (e.g. stable or next). """ this_service = {'name': 'barbican'} other_services = [ {'name': 'percona-cluster', 'constraints': {'mem': '3072M'}}, {'name': 'rabbitmq-server'}, {'name': 'keystone'} ] super(BarbicanBasicDeployment, self)._add_services( this_service, other_services) def _add_relations(self): """Add all of the relations for the services.""" relations = { 'barbican:shared-db': 'percona-cluster:shared-db', 'barbican:amqp': 'rabbitmq-server:amqp', 'barbican:identity-service': 'keystone:identity-service', 'keystone:shared-db': 'percona-cluster:shared-db', } super(BarbicanBasicDeployment, self)._add_relations(relations) def _configure_services(self, keystone_version='2'): """Configure all of the services.""" keystone_config = { 'admin-password': 'openstack', 'admin-token': 'ubuntutesting', 'preferred-api-version': str(keystone_version), } # say we don't need an HSM for these tests barbican_config = { 'require-hsm-plugin': False, 'verbose': True, 'keystone-api-version': str(keystone_version), } pxc_config = { 'dataset-size': '25%', 'max-connections': 1000, 'root-password': 'ChangeMe123', 'sst-password': 'ChangeMe123', } configs = { 'keystone': keystone_config, 'barbican': barbican_config, 'percona-cluster': pxc_config, } super(BarbicanBasicDeployment, self)._configure_services(configs) def _initialize_tests(self): """Perform final initialization before tests get run.""" # Access the sentries for inspecting service units self.barbican_sentry = self.d.sentry['barbican'][0] self.pxc_sentry = self.d.sentry['percona-cluster'][0] self.keystone_sentry = self.d.sentry['keystone'][0] self.rabbitmq_sentry = self.d.sentry['rabbitmq-server'][0] u.log.debug('openstack release val: {}'.format( self._get_openstack_release())) u.log.debug('openstack release str: {}'.format( self._get_openstack_release_string())) # Authenticate admin with keystone self.keystone_session, self.keystone = u.get_default_keystone_session( self.keystone_sentry, openstack_release=self._get_openstack_release(), api_version=int(self._keystone_version)) def test_100_services(self): """Verify the expected services are running on the corresponding service units.""" u.log.debug('Checking system services on units...') barbican_svcs = [ 'apache2', 'barbican-worker', ] service_names = { self.barbican_sentry: barbican_svcs, } ret = u.validate_services_by_name(service_names) if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) u.log.debug('OK') def test_110_service_catalog(self): """Verify that the service catalog endpoint data is valid.""" u.log.debug('Checking keystone service catalog data...') actual = self.keystone.service_catalog.get_endpoints() if self._keystone_version == '2': endpoint_check = [{ 'adminURL': u.valid_url, 'id': u.not_null, 'region': 'RegionOne', 'publicURL': u.valid_url, 'internalURL': u.valid_url, }] validate_catalog = u.validate_svc_catalog_endpoint_data else: # v3 endpoint check endpoint_check = [ { 'id': u.not_null, 'interface': interface, 'region': 'RegionOne', 'region_id': 'RegionOne', 'url': u.valid_url, } for interface in ('admin', 'public', 'internal')] validate_catalog = u.validate_v3_svc_catalog_endpoint_data expected = { 'key-manager': endpoint_check, 'identity': endpoint_check, } ret = validate_catalog(expected, actual) if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) u.log.debug('OK') def test_114_barbican_api_endpoint(self): """Verify the barbican api endpoint data.""" u.log.debug('Checking barbican api endpoint data...') endpoints = self.keystone.endpoints.list() u.log.debug(endpoints) admin_port = '9312' internal_port = public_port = '9311' if self._keystone_version == '2': expected = {'id': u.not_null, 'region': 'RegionOne', 'adminurl': u.valid_url, 'internalurl': u.valid_url, 'publicurl': u.valid_url, 'service_id': u.not_null} ret = u.validate_endpoint_data( endpoints, admin_port, internal_port, public_port, expected) elif self._keystone_version == '3': # For keystone v3 it's slightly different. expected = {'id': u.not_null, 'region': 'RegionOne', 'region_id': 'RegionOne', 'url': u.valid_url, 'interface': u.not_null, # we match this in the test 'service_id': u.not_null} ret = u.validate_v3_endpoint_data( endpoints, admin_port, internal_port, public_port, expected) else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected self._keystone_version: {}" .format(self._keystone_version)) if ret: message = 'barbican endpoint: {}'.format(ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) u.log.debug('OK') def test_200_barbican_identity_relation(self): """Verify the barbican to keystone identity-service relation data""" u.log.debug('Checking barbican to keystone identity-service ' 'relation data...') unit = self.barbican_sentry relation = ['identity-service', 'keystone:identity-service'] barbican_ip = unit.relation(*relation)['private-address'] barbican_admin_endpoint = "http://%s:9312" % (barbican_ip) barbican_endpoint = "http://%s:9311" % (barbican_ip) expected = { 'admin_url': barbican_admin_endpoint, 'internal_url': barbican_endpoint, 'private-address': barbican_ip, 'public_url': barbican_endpoint, 'region': 'RegionOne', 'service': 'barbican', } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('barbican identity-service', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) u.log.debug('OK') def test_201_keystone_barbican_identity_relation(self): """Verify the keystone to barbican identity-service relation data""" u.log.debug('Checking keystone:barbican identity relation data...') unit = self.keystone_sentry relation = ['identity-service', 'barbican:identity-service'] id_relation = unit.relation(*relation) id_ip = id_relation['private-address'] expected = { 'admin_token': 'ubuntutesting', 'auth_host': id_ip, 'auth_port': "35357", 'auth_protocol': 'http', 'private-address': id_ip, 'service_host': id_ip, 'service_password': u.not_null, 'service_port': "5000", 'service_protocol': 'http', 'service_tenant': 'services', 'service_tenant_id': u.not_null, 'service_username': 'barbican', } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('keystone identity-service', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) u.log.debug('OK') def test_203_barbican_amqp_relation(self): """Verify the barbican to rabbitmq-server amqp relation data""" u.log.debug('Checking barbican:rabbitmq amqp relation data...') unit = self.barbican_sentry relation = ['amqp', 'rabbitmq-server:amqp'] expected = { 'username': 'barbican', 'private-address': u.valid_ip, 'vhost': 'openstack' } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('barbican amqp', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) u.log.debug('OK') def test_204_barbican_amqp_relation(self): """Verify the rabbitmq-server to barbican amqp relation data""" u.log.debug('Checking rabbitmq:barbican barbican relation data...') unit = self.rabbitmq_sentry relation = ['amqp', 'barbican:amqp'] expected = { 'hostname': u.valid_ip, 'private-address': u.valid_ip, 'password': u.not_null, } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('rabbitmq barbican', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) u.log.debug('OK') @staticmethod def _find_or_create(items, key, create): """Find or create the thing in the items :param items: the items to search using the key :param key: a function that key(item) -> boolean if found. :param create: a function to call if the key() never was true. :returns: the item that was either found or created. """ for i in items: if key(i): return i return create() def test_400_api_connection(self): """Simple api calls to check service is up and responding""" u.log.debug('Checking api functionality...') # This handles both keystone v2 and v3. # For keystone v2 we need a user: # - 'demo' user # - has a project 'demo' # - in the 'demo' project # - with an 'admin' role # For keystone v3 we need a user: # - 'default' domain # - 'demo' user # - 'demo' project # - 'admin' role -- to be able to delete. # barbican requires a user with creator or admin role on the project # when creating a secret (which this test does). Therefore, we create # a demo user, demo project, and then get a demo barbican client and do # the secret. ensure that the default domain is created. if self._keystone_version == '2': # find or create the 'demo' tenant (project) tenant = self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.tenants.list(), key=lambda t: == 'demo', create=lambda: self.keystone.tenants.create( tenant_name="demo", description="Demo for testing barbican", enabled=True)) # find or create the demo user demo_user = self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.users.list(), key=lambda u: == 'demo', create=lambda: self.keystone.users.create( name='demo', password='pass', # find the admin role # already be created - if not, then this will fail later. admin_role = self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.roles.list(), key=lambda r: == 'admin', create=lambda: None) # grant the role if it isn't already created. # now grant the creator role to the demo user. self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.roles.roles_for_user( demo_user, tenant=tenant), key=lambda r: ==, create=lambda: self.keystone.roles.add_user_role( demo_user, admin_role, tenant=tenant)) self.keystone_demo = u.authenticate_keystone_user( self.keystone, user='demo', password='pass', tenant='demo') else: # find or create the 'default' domain domain = self._find_or_create(, key=lambda u: == 'default', create=lambda: "default", description="domain for barbican testing", enabled=True)) # find or create the 'demo' user demo_user = self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.users.list(, key=lambda u: == 'demo', create=lambda: self.keystone.users.create( 'demo',, description="Demo user for barbican tests", enabled=True, email="", password="pass")) # find or create the 'demo' project demo_project = self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.projects.list(, key=lambda x: == 'demo', create=lambda: self.keystone.projects.create( 'demo',, description='barbican testing project', enabled=True)) # create the role for the user - needs to be admin so that the # secret can be deleted - note there is only one admin role, and it # should already be created - if not, then this will fail later. admin_role = self._find_or_create( items=self.keystone.roles.list(), key=lambda r: == 'admin', create=lambda: None) # now grant the creator role to the demo user. try: self.keystone.roles.check( role=admin_role, user=demo_user, project=demo_project) except keystoneclient.exceptions.NotFound: # create it if it isn't found self.keystone.roles.grant( role=admin_role, user=demo_user, project=demo_project) keystone_ip =['public-address'] self.keystone_demo = u.authenticate_keystone( keystone_ip,, 'pass', api_version=int(self._keystone_version),,, # Authenticate admin with barbican endpoint barbican_ep = self.keystone.service_catalog.url_for( service_type='key-manager', interface='publicURL') barbican = barbican_client.Client(session=self.keystone_demo.session, endpoint=barbican_ep) # now create the secret. my_secret = barbican.secrets.create() = u'Random plain text password' my_secret.payload = u'password' my_secret_ref = assert(my_secret_ref is not None) # and now delete the secret my_secret.delete() u.log.debug('OK') def test_900_restart_on_config_change(self): """Verify that the specified services are restarted when the config is changed. """ sentry = self.barbican_sentry juju_service = 'barbican' # Expected default and alternate values set_default = {'debug': 'False'} set_alternate = {'debug': 'True'} # Services which are expected to restart upon config change, # and corresponding config files affected by the change conf_file = '/etc/barbican/barbican.conf' services = { 'barbican-worker': conf_file, } # Make config change, check for service restarts u.log.debug('Making config change on {}...'.format(juju_service)) mtime = u.get_sentry_time(sentry) self.d.configure(juju_service, set_alternate) sleep_time = 40 for s, conf_file in services.iteritems(): u.log.debug("Checking that service restarted: {}".format(s)) if not u.validate_service_config_changed(sentry, mtime, s, conf_file, retry_count=4, retry_sleep_time=20, sleep_time=sleep_time): self.d.configure(juju_service, set_default) msg = "service {} didn't restart after config change".format(s) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg) sleep_time = 0 self.d.configure(juju_service, set_default) u.log.debug('OK') def _test_910_pause_and_resume(self): """The services can be paused and resumed. """ # test disabled as feature is not implemented yet - kept for future # usage. return u.log.debug('Checking pause and resume actions...') unit_name = "barbican/0" juju_service = 'barbican' unit = self.d.sentry[juju_service][0] assert u.status_get(unit)[0] == "active" action_id = u.run_action(unit_name, "pause") assert u.wait_on_action(action_id), "Pause action failed." assert u.status_get(unit)[0] == "maintenance" # trigger config-changed to ensure that services are still stopped u.log.debug("Making config change on barbican ...") self.d.configure(juju_service, {'debug': 'True'}) assert u.status_get(unit)[0] == "maintenance" self.d.configure(juju_service, {'debug': 'False'}) assert u.status_get(unit)[0] == "maintenance" action_id = u.run_action(unit_name, "resume") assert u.wait_on_action(action_id), "Resume action failed." assert u.status_get(unit)[0] == "active" u.log.debug('OK')