[beisner,r=corey.bryant] Amulet test updates.

This commit is contained in:
Corey Bryant 2015-07-02 10:38:21 -04:00
commit b1ecdda97d
16 changed files with 1319 additions and 206 deletions

View File

@ -2,18 +2,17 @@
PYTHON := /usr/bin/env python
@flake8 --exclude hooks/charmhelpers hooks tests unit_tests
@flake8 --exclude hooks/charmhelpers,tests/charmhelpers \
hooks tests unit_tests
@charm proof
@# Bundletester expects unit tests here.
@echo Starting unit tests...
@$(PYTHON) /usr/bin/nosetests --nologcapture --with-coverage unit_tests
@echo Starting Amulet tests...
# coreycb note: The -v should only be temporary until Amulet sends
# raise_status() messages to stderr:
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/amulet/+bug/1320357
@juju test -v -p AMULET_HTTP_PROXY,AMULET_OS_VIP --timeout 2700
@ -25,6 +24,6 @@ sync: bin/charm_helpers_sync.py
$(PYTHON) bin/charm_helpers_sync.py -c charm-helpers-hooks.yaml
$(PYTHON) bin/charm_helpers_sync.py -c charm-helpers-tests.yaml
publish: lint
publish: lint test
bzr push lp:charms/ceph
bzr push lp:charms/trusty/ceph

View File

@ -21,12 +21,16 @@
# Charm Helpers Developers <juju@lists.ubuntu.com>
from __future__ import print_function
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from functools import wraps
import glob
import os
import json
import yaml
import subprocess
import sys
import errno
import tempfile
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
import six
@ -58,15 +62,17 @@ def cached(func):
will cache the result of unit_get + 'test' for future calls.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
global cache
key = str((func, args, kwargs))
return cache[key]
except KeyError:
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
cache[key] = res
return res
pass # Drop out of the exception handler scope.
res = func(*args, **kwargs)
cache[key] = res
return res
return wrapper
@ -178,7 +184,7 @@ def local_unit():
def remote_unit():
"""The remote unit for the current relation hook"""
return os.environ['JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT']
return os.environ.get('JUJU_REMOTE_UNIT', None)
def service_name():
@ -238,23 +244,7 @@ class Config(dict):
self.path = os.path.join(charm_dir(), Config.CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
if os.path.exists(self.path):
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""For regular dict lookups, check the current juju config first,
then the previous (saved) copy. This ensures that user-saved values
will be returned by a dict lookup.
return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
except KeyError:
return (self._prev_dict or {})[key]
def keys(self):
prev_keys = []
if self._prev_dict is not None:
prev_keys = self._prev_dict.keys()
return list(set(prev_keys + list(dict.keys(self))))
def load_previous(self, path=None):
"""Load previous copy of config from disk.
@ -273,6 +263,9 @@ class Config(dict):
self.path = path or self.path
with open(self.path) as f:
self._prev_dict = json.load(f)
for k, v in self._prev_dict.items():
if k not in self:
self[k] = v
def changed(self, key):
"""Return True if the current value for this key is different from
@ -304,13 +297,13 @@ class Config(dict):
if self._prev_dict:
for k, v in six.iteritems(self._prev_dict):
if k not in self:
self[k] = v
with open(self.path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(self, f)
def _implicit_save(self):
if self.implicit_save:
def config(scope=None):
@ -353,18 +346,49 @@ def relation_set(relation_id=None, relation_settings=None, **kwargs):
"""Set relation information for the current unit"""
relation_settings = relation_settings if relation_settings else {}
relation_cmd_line = ['relation-set']
accepts_file = "--file" in subprocess.check_output(
relation_cmd_line + ["--help"], universal_newlines=True)
if relation_id is not None:
relation_cmd_line.extend(('-r', relation_id))
for k, v in (list(relation_settings.items()) + list(kwargs.items())):
if v is None:
relation_cmd_line.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
settings = relation_settings.copy()
for key, value in settings.items():
# Force value to be a string: it always should, but some call
# sites pass in things like dicts or numbers.
if value is not None:
settings[key] = "{}".format(value)
if accepts_file:
# --file was introduced in Juju 1.23.2. Use it by default if
# available, since otherwise we'll break if the relation data is
# too big. Ideally we should tell relation-set to read the data from
# stdin, but that feature is broken in 1.23.2: Bug #1454678.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as settings_file:
relation_cmd_line + ["--file", settings_file.name])
for key, value in settings.items():
if value is None:
relation_cmd_line.append('{}={}'.format(key, value))
# Flush cache of any relation-gets for local unit
def relation_clear(r_id=None):
''' Clears any relation data already set on relation r_id '''
settings = relation_get(rid=r_id,
for setting in settings:
if setting not in ['public-address', 'private-address']:
settings[setting] = None
def relation_ids(reltype=None):
"""A list of relation_ids"""
@ -509,6 +533,11 @@ def unit_get(attribute):
return None
def unit_public_ip():
"""Get this unit's public IP address"""
return unit_get('public-address')
def unit_private_ip():
"""Get this unit's private IP address"""
return unit_get('private-address')
@ -541,10 +570,14 @@ class Hooks(object):
def __init__(self, config_save=True):
def __init__(self, config_save=None):
super(Hooks, self).__init__()
self._hooks = {}
self._config_save = config_save
# For unknown reasons, we allow the Hooks constructor to override
# config().implicit_save.
if config_save is not None:
config().implicit_save = config_save
def register(self, name, function):
"""Register a hook"""
@ -552,13 +585,16 @@ class Hooks(object):
def execute(self, args):
"""Execute a registered hook based on args[0]"""
hook_name = os.path.basename(args[0])
if hook_name in self._hooks:
if self._config_save:
cfg = config()
if cfg.implicit_save:
except SystemExit as x:
if x.code is None or x.code == 0:
raise UnregisteredHookError(hook_name)
@ -605,3 +641,160 @@ def action_fail(message):
The results set by action_set are preserved."""
subprocess.check_call(['action-fail', message])
def status_set(workload_state, message):
"""Set the workload state with a message
Use status-set to set the workload state with a message which is visible
to the user via juju status. If the status-set command is not found then
assume this is juju < 1.23 and juju-log the message unstead.
workload_state -- valid juju workload state.
message -- status update message
valid_states = ['maintenance', 'blocked', 'waiting', 'active']
if workload_state not in valid_states:
raise ValueError(
'{!r} is not a valid workload state'.format(workload_state)
cmd = ['status-set', workload_state, message]
ret = subprocess.call(cmd)
if ret == 0:
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
log_message = 'status-set failed: {} {}'.format(workload_state,
log(log_message, level='INFO')
def status_get():
"""Retrieve the previously set juju workload state
If the status-set command is not found then assume this is juju < 1.23 and
return 'unknown'
cmd = ['status-get']
raw_status = subprocess.check_output(cmd, universal_newlines=True)
status = raw_status.rstrip()
return status
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return 'unknown'
def translate_exc(from_exc, to_exc):
def inner_translate_exc1(f):
def inner_translate_exc2(*args, **kwargs):
return f(*args, **kwargs)
except from_exc:
raise to_exc
return inner_translate_exc2
return inner_translate_exc1
@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
def is_leader():
"""Does the current unit hold the juju leadership
Uses juju to determine whether the current unit is the leader of its peers
cmd = ['is-leader', '--format=json']
return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8'))
@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
def leader_get(attribute=None):
"""Juju leader get value(s)"""
cmd = ['leader-get', '--format=json'] + [attribute or '-']
return json.loads(subprocess.check_output(cmd).decode('UTF-8'))
@translate_exc(from_exc=OSError, to_exc=NotImplementedError)
def leader_set(settings=None, **kwargs):
"""Juju leader set value(s)"""
# Don't log secrets.
# log("Juju leader-set '%s'" % (settings), level=DEBUG)
cmd = ['leader-set']
settings = settings or {}
for k, v in settings.items():
if v is None:
cmd.append('{}={}'.format(k, v))
def juju_version():
"""Full version string (eg. '')"""
# Per https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1455368/comments/1
jujud = glob.glob('/var/lib/juju/tools/machine-*/jujud')[0]
return subprocess.check_output([jujud, 'version'],
def has_juju_version(minimum_version):
"""Return True if the Juju version is at least the provided version"""
return LooseVersion(juju_version()) >= LooseVersion(minimum_version)
_atexit = []
_atstart = []
def atstart(callback, *args, **kwargs):
'''Schedule a callback to run before the main hook.
Callbacks are run in the order they were added.
This is useful for modules and classes to perform initialization
and inject behavior. In particular:
- Run common code before all of your hooks, such as logging
the hook name or interesting relation data.
- Defer object or module initialization that requires a hook
context until we know there actually is a hook context,
making testing easier.
- Rather than requiring charm authors to include boilerplate to
invoke your helper's behavior, have it run automatically if
your object is instantiated or module imported.
This is not at all useful after your hook framework as been launched.
global _atstart
_atstart.append((callback, args, kwargs))
def atexit(callback, *args, **kwargs):
'''Schedule a callback to run on successful hook completion.
Callbacks are run in the reverse order that they were added.'''
_atexit.append((callback, args, kwargs))
def _run_atstart():
'''Hook frameworks must invoke this before running the main hook body.'''
global _atstart
for callback, args, kwargs in _atstart:
callback(*args, **kwargs)
del _atstart[:]
def _run_atexit():
'''Hook frameworks must invoke this after the main hook body has
successfully completed. Do not invoke it if the hook fails.'''
global _atexit
for callback, args, kwargs in reversed(_atexit):
callback(*args, **kwargs)
del _atexit[:]

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
import os
import re
import pwd
import glob
import grp
import random
import string
@ -90,7 +91,7 @@ def service_available(service_name):
['service', service_name, 'status'],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return 'unrecognized service' not in e.output
return b'unrecognized service' not in e.output
return True
@ -269,6 +270,21 @@ def file_hash(path, hash_type='md5'):
return None
def path_hash(path):
Generate a hash checksum of all files matching 'path'. Standard wildcards
like '*' and '?' are supported, see documentation for the 'glob' module for
more information.
:return: dict: A { filename: hash } dictionary for all matched files.
Empty if none found.
return {
filename: file_hash(filename)
for filename in glob.iglob(path)
def check_hash(path, checksum, hash_type='md5'):
Validate a file using a cryptographic checksum.
@ -296,23 +312,25 @@ def restart_on_change(restart_map, stopstart=False):
'/etc/ceph/ceph.conf': [ 'cinder-api', 'cinder-volume' ]
'/etc/apache/sites-enabled/*': [ 'apache2' ]
def ceph_client_changed():
def config_changed():
pass # your code here
In this example, the cinder-api and cinder-volume services
would be restarted if /etc/ceph/ceph.conf is changed by the
ceph_client_changed function.
ceph_client_changed function. The apache2 service would be
restarted if any file matching the pattern got changed, created
or removed. Standard wildcards are supported, see documentation
for the 'glob' module for more information.
def wrap(f):
def wrapped_f(*args, **kwargs):
checksums = {}
for path in restart_map:
checksums[path] = file_hash(path)
checksums = {path: path_hash(path) for path in restart_map}
f(*args, **kwargs)
restarts = []
for path in restart_map:
if checksums[path] != file_hash(path):
if path_hash(path) != checksums[path]:
restarts += restart_map[path]
services_list = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(restarts))
if not stopstart:

View File

@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import os
import re
import json
from collections import Iterable
from inspect import getargspec
from collections import Iterable, OrderedDict
from charmhelpers.core import host
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class ServiceManager(object):
self._ready_file = os.path.join(hookenv.charm_dir(), 'READY-SERVICES.json')
self._ready = None
self.services = {}
self.services = OrderedDict()
for service in services or []:
service_name = service['service']
self.services[service_name] = service
@ -128,15 +128,18 @@ class ServiceManager(object):
Handle the current hook by doing The Right Thing with the registered services.
hook_name = hookenv.hook_name()
if hook_name == 'stop':
cfg = hookenv.config()
if cfg.implicit_save:
hook_name = hookenv.hook_name()
if hook_name == 'stop':
except SystemExit as x:
if x.code is None or x.code == 0:
def provide_data(self):
@ -145,15 +148,36 @@ class ServiceManager(object):
A provider must have a `name` attribute, which indicates which relation
to set data on, and a `provide_data()` method, which returns a dict of
data to set.
The `provide_data()` method can optionally accept two parameters:
* ``remote_service`` The name of the remote service that the data will
be provided to. The `provide_data()` method will be called once
for each connected service (not unit). This allows the method to
tailor its data to the given service.
* ``service_ready`` Whether or not the service definition had all of
its requirements met, and thus the ``data_ready`` callbacks run.
Note that the ``provided_data`` methods are now called **after** the
``data_ready`` callbacks are run. This gives the ``data_ready`` callbacks
a chance to generate any data necessary for the providing to the remote
hook_name = hookenv.hook_name()
for service in self.services.values():
for service_name, service in self.services.items():
service_ready = self.is_ready(service_name)
for provider in service.get('provided_data', []):
if re.match(r'{}-relation-(joined|changed)'.format(provider.name), hook_name):
data = provider.provide_data()
_ready = provider._is_ready(data) if hasattr(provider, '_is_ready') else data
if _ready:
hookenv.relation_set(None, data)
for relid in hookenv.relation_ids(provider.name):
units = hookenv.related_units(relid)
if not units:
remote_service = units[0].split('/')[0]
argspec = getargspec(provider.provide_data)
if len(argspec.args) > 1:
data = provider.provide_data(remote_service, service_ready)
data = provider.provide_data()
if data:
hookenv.relation_set(relid, data)
def reconfigure_services(self, *service_names):

View File

@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ def filter_installed_packages(packages):
def apt_cache(in_memory=True):
"""Build and return an apt cache"""
import apt_pkg
from apt import apt_pkg
if in_memory:
apt_pkg.config.set("Dir::Cache::pkgcache", "")

View File

@ -45,14 +45,16 @@ class GitUrlFetchHandler(BaseFetchHandler):
return True
def clone(self, source, dest, branch):
def clone(self, source, dest, branch, depth=None):
if not self.can_handle(source):
raise UnhandledSource("Cannot handle {}".format(source))
repo = Repo.clone_from(source, dest)
if depth:
Repo.clone_from(source, dest, branch=branch, depth=depth)
Repo.clone_from(source, dest, branch=branch)
def install(self, source, branch="master", dest=None):
def install(self, source, branch="master", dest=None, depth=None):
url_parts = self.parse_url(source)
branch_name = url_parts.path.strip("/").split("/")[-1]
if dest:
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ class GitUrlFetchHandler(BaseFetchHandler):
if not os.path.exists(dest_dir):
mkdir(dest_dir, perms=0o755)
self.clone(source, dest_dir, branch)
self.clone(source, dest_dir, branch, depth)
except GitCommandError as e:
raise UnhandledSource(e.message)
except OSError as e:

View File

@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ maintainer: James Page <james.page@ubuntu.com>
description: |
Ceph is a distributed storage and network file system designed to provide
excellent performance, reliability, and scalability.
- file-servers
- openstack
- storage
- file-servers
- misc
interface: ceph

View File

@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ set -ex
sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-get update --yes
sudo apt-get install --yes python-amulet \
python-keystoneclient \
python-cinderclient \
python-distro-info \
python-glanceclient \
python-heatclient \
python-keystoneclient \
python-novaclient \

tests/017-basic-trusty-kilo Normal file → Executable file
View File

tests/019-basic-vivid-kilo Normal file → Executable file
View File

View File

@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
This directory provides Amulet tests that focus on verification of ceph
test_* methods are called in lexical sort order.
Test name convention to ensure desired test order:
1xx service and endpoint checks
2xx relation checks
3xx config checks
4xx functional checks
9xx restarts and other final checks
Common uses of ceph relations in bundle deployments:
- [ nova-compute, ceph ]
- [ glance, ceph ]
- [ cinder, cinder-ceph ]
- [ cinder-ceph, ceph ]
More detailed relations of ceph service in a common deployment:
- cinder-ceph
- glance
- nova-compute
- ceph
In order to run tests, you'll need charm-tools installed (in addition to
juju, of course):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
import amulet
import time
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.deployment import (
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.utils import ( # noqa
# Use DEBUG to turn on debug logging
@ -35,10 +36,12 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
compatible with the local charm (e.g. stable or next).
this_service = {'name': 'ceph', 'units': 3}
other_services = [{'name': 'mysql'}, {'name': 'keystone'},
other_services = [{'name': 'mysql'},
{'name': 'keystone'},
{'name': 'rabbitmq-server'},
{'name': 'nova-compute'},
{'name': 'glance'}, {'name': 'cinder'}]
{'name': 'glance'},
{'name': 'cinder'}]
super(CephBasicDeployment, self)._add_services(this_service,
@ -74,12 +77,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
'fsid': '6547bd3e-1397-11e2-82e5-53567c8d32dc',
'monitor-secret': 'AQCXrnZQwI7KGBAAiPofmKEXKxu5bUzoYLVkbQ==',
'osd-reformat': 'yes',
'ephemeral-unmount': '/mnt'
'ephemeral-unmount': '/mnt',
'osd-devices': '/dev/vdb /srv/ceph'
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_grizzly:
ceph_config['osd-devices'] = '/dev/vdb /srv/ceph'
ceph_config['osd-devices'] = '/dev/vdb'
configs = {'keystone': keystone_config,
'mysql': mysql_config,
@ -93,22 +93,39 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
self.mysql_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['mysql/0']
self.keystone_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['keystone/0']
self.rabbitmq_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['rabbitmq-server/0']
self.nova_compute_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['nova-compute/0']
self.nova_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['nova-compute/0']
self.glance_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['glance/0']
self.cinder_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['cinder/0']
self.ceph0_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['ceph/0']
self.ceph1_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['ceph/1']
self.ceph2_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['ceph/2']
u.log.debug('openstack release val: {}'.format(
u.log.debug('openstack release str: {}'.format(
# Let things settle a bit original moving forward
# Authenticate admin with keystone
self.keystone = u.authenticate_keystone_admin(self.keystone_sentry,
# Authenticate admin with cinder endpoint
self.cinder = u.authenticate_cinder_admin(self.keystone_sentry,
# Authenticate admin with glance endpoint
self.glance = u.authenticate_glance_admin(self.keystone)
# Authenticate admin with nova endpoint
self.nova = u.authenticate_nova_user(self.keystone,
# Create a demo tenant/role/user
self.demo_tenant = 'demoTenant'
self.demo_role = 'demoRole'
@ -135,45 +152,64 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
def _ceph_osd_id(self, index):
"""Produce a shell command that will return a ceph-osd id."""
return "`initctl list | grep 'ceph-osd ' | awk 'NR=={} {{ print $2 }}' | grep -o '[0-9]*'`".format(index + 1) # noqa
def test_100_ceph_processes(self):
"""Verify that the expected service processes are running
on each ceph unit."""
def test_services(self):
"""Verify the expected services are running on the service units."""
ceph_services = ['status ceph-mon-all',
'status ceph-mon id=`hostname`']
commands = {
self.mysql_sentry: ['status mysql'],
self.rabbitmq_sentry: ['sudo service rabbitmq-server status'],
self.nova_compute_sentry: ['status nova-compute'],
self.keystone_sentry: ['status keystone'],
self.glance_sentry: ['status glance-registry',
'status glance-api'],
self.cinder_sentry: ['status cinder-api',
'status cinder-scheduler',
'status cinder-volume']
# Process name and quantity of processes to expect on each unit
ceph_processes = {
'ceph-mon': 1,
'ceph-osd': 2
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_grizzly:
ceph_osd0 = 'status ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(0))
ceph_osd1 = 'status ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(1))
ceph_services.extend([ceph_osd0, ceph_osd1, 'status ceph-osd-all'])
commands[self.ceph0_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph1_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph2_sentry] = ceph_services
ceph_osd0 = 'status ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(0))
commands[self.ceph0_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph1_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph2_sentry] = ceph_services
ret = u.validate_services(commands)
# Units with process names and PID quantities expected
expected_processes = {
self.ceph0_sentry: ceph_processes,
self.ceph1_sentry: ceph_processes,
self.ceph2_sentry: ceph_processes
actual_pids = u.get_unit_process_ids(expected_processes)
ret = u.validate_unit_process_ids(expected_processes, actual_pids)
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_ceph_nova_client_relation(self):
def test_102_services(self):
"""Verify the expected services are running on the service units."""
services = {
self.mysql_sentry: ['mysql'],
self.rabbitmq_sentry: ['rabbitmq-server'],
self.nova_sentry: ['nova-compute'],
self.keystone_sentry: ['keystone'],
self.glance_sentry: ['glance-registry',
self.cinder_sentry: ['cinder-api',
if self._get_openstack_release() < self.vivid_kilo:
# For upstart systems only. Ceph services under systemd
# are checked by process name instead.
ceph_services = [
'ceph-mon id=`hostname`',
'ceph-osd id={}'.format(u.get_ceph_osd_id_cmd(0)),
'ceph-osd id={}'.format(u.get_ceph_osd_id_cmd(1))
services[self.ceph0_sentry] = ceph_services
services[self.ceph1_sentry] = ceph_services
services[self.ceph2_sentry] = ceph_services
ret = u.validate_services_by_name(services)
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_200_ceph_nova_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the ceph to nova ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph:nova-compute ceph relation data...')
unit = self.ceph0_sentry
relation = ['client', 'nova-compute:ceph']
expected = {
@ -187,9 +223,10 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('ceph to nova ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_nova_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the nova to ceph ceph-client relation data."""
unit = self.nova_compute_sentry
def test_201_nova_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the nova to ceph client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking nova-compute:ceph ceph-client relation data...')
unit = self.nova_sentry
relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client']
expected = {
'private-address': u.valid_ip
@ -200,8 +237,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('nova to ceph ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_ceph_glance_client_relation(self):
def test_202_ceph_glance_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the ceph to glance ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph:glance client relation data...')
unit = self.ceph1_sentry
relation = ['client', 'glance:ceph']
expected = {
@ -215,8 +253,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('ceph to glance ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_glance_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the glance to ceph ceph-client relation data."""
def test_203_glance_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the glance to ceph client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking glance:ceph client relation data...')
unit = self.glance_sentry
relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client']
expected = {
@ -228,8 +267,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('glance to ceph ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_ceph_cinder_client_relation(self):
def test_204_ceph_cinder_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the ceph to cinder ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph:cinder ceph relation data...')
unit = self.ceph2_sentry
relation = ['client', 'cinder:ceph']
expected = {
@ -243,8 +283,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('ceph to cinder ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_cinder_ceph_client_relation(self):
def test_205_cinder_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the cinder to ceph ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking cinder:ceph ceph relation data...')
unit = self.cinder_sentry
relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client']
expected = {
@ -256,8 +297,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('cinder to ceph ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_ceph_config(self):
def test_300_ceph_config(self):
"""Verify the data in the ceph config file."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph config file data...')
unit = self.ceph0_sentry
conf = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
expected = {
@ -267,7 +309,10 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
'log to syslog': 'false',
'err to syslog': 'false',
'clog to syslog': 'false',
'mon cluster log to syslog': 'false'
'mon cluster log to syslog': 'false',
'auth cluster required': 'none',
'auth service required': 'none',
'auth client required': 'none'
'mon': {
'keyring': '/var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$id/keyring'
@ -281,12 +326,6 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
'filestore xattr use omap': 'true'
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_grizzly:
expected['global']['auth cluster required'] = 'none'
expected['global']['auth service required'] = 'none'
expected['global']['auth client required'] = 'none'
expected['global']['auth supported'] = 'none'
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
@ -294,11 +333,243 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = "ceph config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_restart_on_config_change(self):
"""Verify the specified services are restarted on config change."""
# NOTE(coreycb): Test not implemented but should it be? ceph services
# aren't restarted by charm after config change. Should
# they be restarted?
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_essex:
u.log.error("Test not implemented")
def test_302_cinder_rbd_config(self):
"""Verify the cinder config file data regarding ceph."""
u.log.debug('Checking cinder (rbd) config file data...')
unit = self.cinder_sentry
conf = '/etc/cinder/cinder.conf'
expected = {
'volume_driver': 'cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver'
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
if ret:
message = "cinder (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_304_glance_rbd_config(self):
"""Verify the glance config file data regarding ceph."""
u.log.debug('Checking glance (rbd) config file data...')
unit = self.glance_sentry
conf = '/etc/glance/glance-api.conf'
config = {
'default_store': 'rbd',
'rbd_store_ceph_conf': '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf',
'rbd_store_user': 'glance',
'rbd_store_pool': 'glance',
'rbd_store_chunk_size': '8'
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.trusty_kilo:
# Kilo or later
config['stores'] = ('glance.store.filesystem.Store,'
section = 'glance_store'
# Juno or earlier
section = 'DEFAULT'
expected = {section: config}
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
if ret:
message = "glance (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_306_nova_rbd_config(self):
"""Verify the nova config file data regarding ceph."""
u.log.debug('Checking nova (rbd) config file data...')
unit = self.nova_sentry
conf = '/etc/nova/nova.conf'
expected = {
'libvirt': {
'rbd_pool': 'nova',
'rbd_user': 'nova-compute',
'rbd_secret_uuid': u.not_null
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
if ret:
message = "nova (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_400_ceph_check_osd_pools(self):
"""Check osd pools on all ceph units, expect them to be
identical, and expect specific pools to be present."""
u.log.debug('Checking pools on ceph units...')
expected_pools = self.get_ceph_expected_pools()
results = []
sentries = [
# Check for presence of expected pools on each unit
u.log.debug('Expected pools: {}'.format(expected_pools))
for sentry_unit in sentries:
pools = u.get_ceph_pools(sentry_unit)
for expected_pool in expected_pools:
if expected_pool not in pools:
msg = ('{} does not have pool: '
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
u.log.debug('{} has (at least) the expected '
# Check that all units returned the same pool name:id data
ret = u.validate_list_of_identical_dicts(results)
if ret:
u.log.debug('Pool list results: {}'.format(results))
msg = ('{}; Pool list results are not identical on all '
'ceph units.'.format(ret))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
u.log.debug('Pool list on all ceph units produced the '
'same results (OK).')
def test_410_ceph_cinder_vol_create(self):
"""Create and confirm a ceph-backed cinder volume, and inspect
ceph cinder pool object count as the volume is created
and deleted."""
sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry
obj_count_samples = []
pool_size_samples = []
pools = u.get_ceph_pools(self.ceph0_sentry)
cinder_pool = pools['cinder']
# Check ceph cinder pool object count, disk space usage and pool name
u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool original samples...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit,
expected = 'cinder'
if pool_name != expected:
msg = ('Ceph pool {} unexpected name (actual, expected): '
'{}. {}'.format(cinder_pool, pool_name, expected))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Create ceph-backed cinder volume
cinder_vol = u.create_cinder_volume(self.cinder)
# Re-check ceph cinder pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool samples after volume create...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit,
# Delete ceph-backed cinder volume
u.delete_resource(self.cinder.volumes, cinder_vol, msg="cinder volume")
# Final check, ceph cinder pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool after volume delete...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit,
# Validate ceph cinder pool object count samples over time
ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(obj_count_samples,
"cinder pool object count")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
# Validate ceph cinder pool disk space usage samples over time
ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(pool_size_samples,
"cinder pool disk usage")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_412_ceph_glance_image_create_delete(self):
"""Create and confirm a ceph-backed glance image, and inspect
ceph glance pool object count as the image is created
and deleted."""
sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry
obj_count_samples = []
pool_size_samples = []
pools = u.get_ceph_pools(self.ceph0_sentry)
glance_pool = pools['glance']
# Check ceph glance pool object count, disk space usage and pool name
u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool original samples...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit,
expected = 'glance'
if pool_name != expected:
msg = ('Ceph glance pool {} unexpected name (actual, '
'expected): {}. {}'.format(glance_pool,
pool_name, expected))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Create ceph-backed glance image
glance_img = u.create_cirros_image(self.glance, "cirros-image-1")
# Re-check ceph glance pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool samples after image create...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit,
# Delete ceph-backed glance image
glance_img, msg="glance image")
# Final check, ceph glance pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool samples after image delete...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit,
# Validate ceph glance pool object count samples over time
ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(obj_count_samples,
"glance pool object count")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
# Validate ceph glance pool disk space usage samples over time
ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(pool_size_samples,
"glance pool disk usage")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_499_ceph_cmds_exit_zero(self):
"""Check basic functionality of ceph cli commands against
all ceph units."""
sentry_units = [
commands = [
'sudo ceph health',
'sudo ceph mds stat',
'sudo ceph pg stat',
'sudo ceph osd stat',
'sudo ceph mon stat',
ret = u.check_commands_on_units(commands, sentry_units)
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
# FYI: No restart check as ceph services do not restart
# when charm config changes, unless monitor count increases.

View File

@ -14,14 +14,17 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import amulet
import ConfigParser
import distro_info
import io
import logging
import os
import re
import six
import sys
import time
import six
import urlparse
class AmuletUtils(object):
@ -33,6 +36,7 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
def __init__(self, log_level=logging.ERROR):
self.log = self.get_logger(level=log_level)
self.ubuntu_releases = self.get_ubuntu_releases()
def get_logger(self, name="amulet-logger", level=logging.DEBUG):
"""Get a logger object that will log to stdout."""
@ -70,12 +74,44 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
return False
def validate_services(self, commands):
"""Validate services.
def get_ubuntu_release_from_sentry(self, sentry_unit):
"""Get Ubuntu release codename from sentry unit.
Verify the specified services are running on the corresponding
:param sentry_unit: amulet sentry/service unit pointer
:returns: list of strings - release codename, failure message
msg = None
cmd = 'lsb_release -cs'
release, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
if code == 0:
self.log.debug('{} lsb_release: {}'.format(
sentry_unit.info['unit_name'], release))
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, release, code))
if release not in self.ubuntu_releases:
msg = ("Release ({}) not found in Ubuntu releases "
"({})".format(release, self.ubuntu_releases))
return release, msg
def validate_services(self, commands):
"""Validate that lists of commands succeed on service units. Can be
used to verify system services are running on the corresponding
service units.
:param commands: dict with sentry keys and arbitrary command list vals
:returns: None if successful, Failure string message otherwise
self.log.debug('Checking status of system services...')
# /!\ DEPRECATION WARNING (beisner):
# New and existing tests should be rewritten to use
# validate_services_by_name() as it is aware of init systems.
self.log.warn('/!\\ DEPRECATION WARNING: use '
'validate_services_by_name instead of validate_services '
'due to init system differences.')
for k, v in six.iteritems(commands):
for cmd in v:
output, code = k.run(cmd)
@ -86,6 +122,41 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
return "command `{}` returned {}".format(cmd, str(code))
return None
def validate_services_by_name(self, sentry_services):
"""Validate system service status by service name, automatically
detecting init system based on Ubuntu release codename.
:param sentry_services: dict with sentry keys and svc list values
:returns: None if successful, Failure string message otherwise
self.log.debug('Checking status of system services...')
# Point at which systemd became a thing
systemd_switch = self.ubuntu_releases.index('vivid')
for sentry_unit, services_list in six.iteritems(sentry_services):
# Get lsb_release codename from unit
release, ret = self.get_ubuntu_release_from_sentry(sentry_unit)
if ret:
return ret
for service_name in services_list:
if (self.ubuntu_releases.index(release) >= systemd_switch or
service_name == "rabbitmq-server"):
# init is systemd
cmd = 'sudo service {} status'.format(service_name)
elif self.ubuntu_releases.index(release) < systemd_switch:
# init is upstart
cmd = 'sudo status {}'.format(service_name)
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
self.log.debug('{} `{}` returned '
cmd, code))
if code != 0:
return "command `{}` returned {}".format(cmd, str(code))
return None
def _get_config(self, unit, filename):
"""Get a ConfigParser object for parsing a unit's config file."""
file_contents = unit.file_contents(filename)
@ -103,7 +174,15 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
Verify that the specified section of the config file contains
the expected option key:value pairs.
Compare expected dictionary data vs actual dictionary data.
The values in the 'expected' dictionary can be strings, bools, ints,
longs, or can be a function that evaluates a variable and returns a
self.log.debug('Validating config file data ({} in {} on {})'
'...'.format(section, config_file,
config = self._get_config(sentry_unit, config_file)
if section != 'DEFAULT' and not config.has_section(section):
@ -112,9 +191,20 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
for k in expected.keys():
if not config.has_option(section, k):
return "section [{}] is missing option {}".format(section, k)
if config.get(section, k) != expected[k]:
actual = config.get(section, k)
v = expected[k]
if (isinstance(v, six.string_types) or
isinstance(v, bool) or
isinstance(v, six.integer_types)):
# handle explicit values
if actual != v:
return "section [{}] {}:{} != expected {}:{}".format(
section, k, actual, k, expected[k])
# handle function pointers, such as not_null or valid_ip
elif not v(actual):
return "section [{}] {}:{} != expected {}:{}".format(
section, k, config.get(section, k), k, expected[k])
section, k, actual, k, expected[k])
return None
def _validate_dict_data(self, expected, actual):
@ -122,7 +212,7 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
Compare expected dictionary data vs actual dictionary data.
The values in the 'expected' dictionary can be strings, bools, ints,
longs, or can be a function that evaluate a variable and returns a
longs, or can be a function that evaluates a variable and returns a
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
@ -133,8 +223,10 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
if (isinstance(v, six.string_types) or
isinstance(v, bool) or
isinstance(v, six.integer_types)):
# handle explicit values
if v != actual[k]:
return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
# handle function pointers, such as not_null or valid_ip
elif not v(actual[k]):
return "{}:{}".format(k, actual[k])
@ -321,3 +413,121 @@ class AmuletUtils(object):
def endpoint_error(self, name, data):
return 'unexpected endpoint data in {} - {}'.format(name, data)
def get_ubuntu_releases(self):
"""Return a list of all Ubuntu releases in order of release."""
_d = distro_info.UbuntuDistroInfo()
_release_list = _d.all
self.log.debug('Ubuntu release list: {}'.format(_release_list))
return _release_list
def file_to_url(self, file_rel_path):
"""Convert a relative file path to a file URL."""
_abs_path = os.path.abspath(file_rel_path)
return urlparse.urlparse(_abs_path, scheme='file').geturl()
def check_commands_on_units(self, commands, sentry_units):
"""Check that all commands in a list exit zero on all
sentry units in a list.
:param commands: list of bash commands
:param sentry_units: list of sentry unit pointers
:returns: None if successful; Failure message otherwise
self.log.debug('Checking exit codes for {} commands on {} '
'sentry units...'.format(len(commands),
for sentry_unit in sentry_units:
for cmd in commands:
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
if code == 0:
self.log.debug('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code))
return ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
return None
def get_process_id_list(self, sentry_unit, process_name):
"""Get a list of process ID(s) from a single sentry juju unit
for a single process name.
:param sentry_unit: Pointer to amulet sentry instance (juju unit)
:param process_name: Process name
:returns: List of process IDs
cmd = 'pidof {}'.format(process_name)
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
return str(output).split()
def get_unit_process_ids(self, unit_processes):
"""Construct a dict containing unit sentries, process names, and
process IDs."""
pid_dict = {}
for sentry_unit, process_list in unit_processes.iteritems():
pid_dict[sentry_unit] = {}
for process in process_list:
pids = self.get_process_id_list(sentry_unit, process)
pid_dict[sentry_unit].update({process: pids})
return pid_dict
def validate_unit_process_ids(self, expected, actual):
"""Validate process id quantities for services on units."""
self.log.debug('Checking units for running processes...')
self.log.debug('Expected PIDs: {}'.format(expected))
self.log.debug('Actual PIDs: {}'.format(actual))
if len(actual) != len(expected):
return ('Unit count mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{} '.format(len(expected), len(actual)))
for (e_sentry, e_proc_names) in expected.iteritems():
e_sentry_name = e_sentry.info['unit_name']
if e_sentry in actual.keys():
a_proc_names = actual[e_sentry]
return ('Expected sentry ({}) not found in actual dict data.'
'{}'.format(e_sentry_name, e_sentry))
if len(e_proc_names.keys()) != len(a_proc_names.keys()):
return ('Process name count mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{}'.format(len(expected), len(actual)))
for (e_proc_name, e_pids_length), (a_proc_name, a_pids) in \
zip(e_proc_names.items(), a_proc_names.items()):
if e_proc_name != a_proc_name:
return ('Process name mismatch. expected, actual: {}, '
'{}'.format(e_proc_name, a_proc_name))
a_pids_length = len(a_pids)
if e_pids_length != a_pids_length:
return ('PID count mismatch. {} ({}) expected, actual: '
'{}, {} ({})'.format(e_sentry_name, e_proc_name,
e_pids_length, a_pids_length,
self.log.debug('PID check OK: {} {} {}: '
'{}'.format(e_sentry_name, e_proc_name,
e_pids_length, a_pids))
return None
def validate_list_of_identical_dicts(self, list_of_dicts):
"""Check that all dicts within a list are identical."""
hashes = []
for _dict in list_of_dicts:
self.log.debug('Hashes: {}'.format(hashes))
if len(set(hashes)) == 1:
self.log.debug('Dicts within list are identical')
return 'Dicts within list are not identical'
return None

View File

@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
use_source = ['mysql', 'mongodb', 'rabbitmq-server', 'ceph',
'ceph-osd', 'ceph-radosgw']
# Openstack subordinate charms do not expose an origin option as that
# is controlled by the principle
ignore = ['neutron-openvswitch']
# Most OpenStack subordinate charms do not expose an origin option
# as that is controlled by the principle.
ignore = ['cinder-ceph', 'hacluster', 'neutron-openvswitch']
if self.openstack:
for svc in services:
@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
(self.precise_essex, self.precise_folsom, self.precise_grizzly,
self.precise_havana, self.precise_icehouse,
self.trusty_icehouse, self.trusty_juno, self.utopic_juno,
self.trusty_kilo, self.vivid_kilo) = range(10)
self.trusty_kilo, self.vivid_kilo, self.trusty_liberty,
self.wily_liberty) = range(12)
releases = {
('precise', None): self.precise_essex,
@ -121,8 +122,10 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
('trusty', None): self.trusty_icehouse,
('trusty', 'cloud:trusty-juno'): self.trusty_juno,
('trusty', 'cloud:trusty-kilo'): self.trusty_kilo,
('trusty', 'cloud:trusty-liberty'): self.trusty_liberty,
('utopic', None): self.utopic_juno,
('vivid', None): self.vivid_kilo}
('vivid', None): self.vivid_kilo,
('wily', None): self.wily_liberty}
return releases[(self.series, self.openstack)]
def _get_openstack_release_string(self):
@ -138,9 +141,43 @@ class OpenStackAmuletDeployment(AmuletDeployment):
('trusty', 'icehouse'),
('utopic', 'juno'),
('vivid', 'kilo'),
('wily', 'liberty'),
if self.openstack:
os_origin = self.openstack.split(':')[1]
return os_origin.split('%s-' % self.series)[1].split('/')[0]
return releases[self.series]
def get_ceph_expected_pools(self, radosgw=False):
"""Return a list of expected ceph pools in a ceph + cinder + glance
test scenario, based on OpenStack release and whether ceph radosgw
is flagged as present or not."""
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.trusty_kilo:
# Kilo or later
pools = [
# Juno or earlier
pools = [
if radosgw:
return pools

View File

@ -14,16 +14,20 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with charm-helpers. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import amulet
import json
import logging
import os
import six
import time
import urllib
import cinderclient.v1.client as cinder_client
import glanceclient.v1.client as glance_client
import heatclient.v1.client as heat_client
import keystoneclient.v2_0 as keystone_client
import novaclient.v1_1.client as nova_client
import six
import swiftclient
from charmhelpers.contrib.amulet.utils import (
@ -37,7 +41,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
"""OpenStack amulet utilities.
This class inherits from AmuletUtils and has additional support
that is specifically for use by OpenStack charms.
that is specifically for use by OpenStack charm tests.
def __init__(self, log_level=ERROR):
@ -51,6 +55,8 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
Validate actual endpoint data vs expected endpoint data. The ports
are used to find the matching endpoint.
self.log.debug('Validating endpoint data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(endpoints)))
found = False
for ep in endpoints:
self.log.debug('endpoint: {}'.format(repr(ep)))
@ -77,6 +83,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
Validate a list of actual service catalog endpoints vs a list of
expected service catalog endpoints.
self.log.debug('Validating service catalog endpoint data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for k, v in six.iteritems(expected):
if k in actual:
@ -93,6 +100,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
Validate a list of actual tenant data vs list of expected tenant
self.log.debug('Validating tenant data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for e in expected:
found = False
@ -114,6 +122,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
Validate a list of actual role data vs a list of expected role
self.log.debug('Validating role data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for e in expected:
found = False
@ -134,6 +143,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
Validate a list of actual user data vs a list of expected user
self.log.debug('Validating user data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
for e in expected:
found = False
@ -155,17 +165,30 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
Validate a list of actual flavors vs a list of expected flavors.
self.log.debug('Validating flavor data...')
self.log.debug('actual: {}'.format(repr(actual)))
act = [a.name for a in actual]
return self._validate_list_data(expected, act)
def tenant_exists(self, keystone, tenant):
"""Return True if tenant exists."""
self.log.debug('Checking if tenant exists ({})...'.format(tenant))
return tenant in [t.name for t in keystone.tenants.list()]
def authenticate_cinder_admin(self, keystone_sentry, username,
password, tenant):
"""Authenticates admin user with cinder."""
# NOTE(beisner): cinder python client doesn't accept tokens.
service_ip = \
ept = "http://{}:5000/v2.0".format(service_ip.strip().decode('utf-8'))
return cinder_client.Client(username, password, tenant, ept)
def authenticate_keystone_admin(self, keystone_sentry, user, password,
"""Authenticates admin user with the keystone admin endpoint."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating keystone admin...')
unit = keystone_sentry
service_ip = unit.relation('shared-db',
@ -175,6 +198,7 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
def authenticate_keystone_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with the keystone public endpoint."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating keystone user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
return keystone_client.Client(username=user, password=password,
@ -182,19 +206,49 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
def authenticate_glance_admin(self, keystone):
"""Authenticates admin user with glance."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating glance admin...')
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='image',
return glance_client.Client(ep, token=keystone.auth_token)
def authenticate_heat_admin(self, keystone):
"""Authenticates the admin user with heat."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating heat admin...')
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='orchestration',
return heat_client.Client(endpoint=ep, token=keystone.auth_token)
def authenticate_nova_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with nova-api."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating nova user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
return nova_client.Client(username=user, api_key=password,
project_id=tenant, auth_url=ep)
def authenticate_swift_user(self, keystone, user, password, tenant):
"""Authenticates a regular user with swift api."""
self.log.debug('Authenticating swift user ({})...'.format(user))
ep = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='identity',
return swiftclient.Connection(authurl=ep,
def create_cirros_image(self, glance, image_name):
"""Download the latest cirros image and upload it to glance."""
"""Download the latest cirros image and upload it to glance,
validate and return a resource pointer.
:param glance: pointer to authenticated glance connection
:param image_name: display name for new image
:returns: glance image pointer
self.log.debug('Creating glance cirros image '
# Download cirros image
http_proxy = os.getenv('AMULET_HTTP_PROXY')
self.log.debug('AMULET_HTTP_PROXY: {}'.format(http_proxy))
if http_proxy:
@ -203,57 +257,67 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
opener = urllib.FancyURLopener()
f = opener.open("http://download.cirros-cloud.net/version/released")
f = opener.open('http://download.cirros-cloud.net/version/released')
version = f.read().strip()
cirros_img = "cirros-{}-x86_64-disk.img".format(version)
cirros_img = 'cirros-{}-x86_64-disk.img'.format(version)
local_path = os.path.join('tests', cirros_img)
if not os.path.exists(local_path):
cirros_url = "http://{}/{}/{}".format("download.cirros-cloud.net",
cirros_url = 'http://{}/{}/{}'.format('download.cirros-cloud.net',
version, cirros_img)
opener.retrieve(cirros_url, local_path)
# Create glance image
with open(local_path) as f:
image = glance.images.create(name=image_name, is_public=True,
container_format='bare', data=f)
count = 1
status = image.status
while status != 'active' and count < 10:
image = glance.images.get(image.id)
status = image.status
self.log.debug('image status: {}'.format(status))
count += 1
if status != 'active':
self.log.error('image creation timed out')
return None
# Wait for image to reach active status
img_id = image.id
ret = self.resource_reaches_status(glance.images, img_id,
msg='Image status wait')
if not ret:
msg = 'Glance image failed to reach expected state.'
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Re-validate new image
self.log.debug('Validating image attributes...')
val_img_name = glance.images.get(img_id).name
val_img_stat = glance.images.get(img_id).status
val_img_pub = glance.images.get(img_id).is_public
val_img_cfmt = glance.images.get(img_id).container_format
val_img_dfmt = glance.images.get(img_id).disk_format
msg_attr = ('Image attributes - name:{} public:{} id:{} stat:{} '
'container fmt:{} disk fmt:{}'.format(
val_img_name, val_img_pub, img_id,
val_img_stat, val_img_cfmt, val_img_dfmt))
if val_img_name == image_name and val_img_stat == 'active' \
and val_img_pub is True and val_img_cfmt == 'bare' \
and val_img_dfmt == 'qcow2':
msg = ('Volume validation failed, {}'.format(msg_attr))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
return image
def delete_image(self, glance, image):
"""Delete the specified image."""
num_before = len(list(glance.images.list()))
count = 1
num_after = len(list(glance.images.list()))
while num_after != (num_before - 1) and count < 10:
num_after = len(list(glance.images.list()))
self.log.debug('number of images: {}'.format(num_after))
count += 1
if num_after != (num_before - 1):
self.log.error('image deletion timed out')
return False
return True
self.log.warn('/!\\ DEPRECATION WARNING: use '
'delete_resource instead of delete_image.')
self.log.debug('Deleting glance image ({})...'.format(image))
return self.delete_resource(glance.images, image, msg='glance image')
def create_instance(self, nova, image_name, instance_name, flavor):
"""Create the specified instance."""
self.log.debug('Creating instance '
'({}|{}|{})'.format(instance_name, image_name, flavor))
image = nova.images.find(name=image_name)
flavor = nova.flavors.find(name=flavor)
instance = nova.servers.create(name=instance_name, image=image,
@ -276,19 +340,265 @@ class OpenStackAmuletUtils(AmuletUtils):
def delete_instance(self, nova, instance):
"""Delete the specified instance."""
num_before = len(list(nova.servers.list()))
count = 1
num_after = len(list(nova.servers.list()))
while num_after != (num_before - 1) and count < 10:
num_after = len(list(nova.servers.list()))
self.log.debug('number of instances: {}'.format(num_after))
count += 1
self.log.warn('/!\\ DEPRECATION WARNING: use '
'delete_resource instead of delete_instance.')
self.log.debug('Deleting instance ({})...'.format(instance))
return self.delete_resource(nova.servers, instance,
msg='nova instance')
if num_after != (num_before - 1):
self.log.error('instance deletion timed out')
def create_or_get_keypair(self, nova, keypair_name="testkey"):
"""Create a new keypair, or return pointer if it already exists."""
_keypair = nova.keypairs.get(keypair_name)
self.log.debug('Keypair ({}) already exists, '
'using it.'.format(keypair_name))
return _keypair
self.log.debug('Keypair ({}) does not exist, '
'creating it.'.format(keypair_name))
_keypair = nova.keypairs.create(name=keypair_name)
return _keypair
def create_cinder_volume(self, cinder, vol_name="demo-vol", vol_size=1,
img_id=None, src_vol_id=None, snap_id=None):
"""Create cinder volume, optionally from a glance image, OR
optionally as a clone of an existing volume, OR optionally
from a snapshot. Wait for the new volume status to reach
the expected status, validate and return a resource pointer.
:param vol_name: cinder volume display name
:param vol_size: size in gigabytes
:param img_id: optional glance image id
:param src_vol_id: optional source volume id to clone
:param snap_id: optional snapshot id to use
:returns: cinder volume pointer
# Handle parameter input and avoid impossible combinations
if img_id and not src_vol_id and not snap_id:
# Create volume from image
self.log.debug('Creating cinder volume from glance image...')
bootable = 'true'
elif src_vol_id and not img_id and not snap_id:
# Clone an existing volume
self.log.debug('Cloning cinder volume...')
bootable = cinder.volumes.get(src_vol_id).bootable
elif snap_id and not src_vol_id and not img_id:
# Create volume from snapshot
self.log.debug('Creating cinder volume from snapshot...')
snap = cinder.volume_snapshots.find(id=snap_id)
vol_size = snap.size
snap_vol_id = cinder.volume_snapshots.get(snap_id).volume_id
bootable = cinder.volumes.get(snap_vol_id).bootable
elif not img_id and not src_vol_id and not snap_id:
# Create volume
self.log.debug('Creating cinder volume...')
bootable = 'false'
# Impossible combination of parameters
msg = ('Invalid method use - name:{} size:{} img_id:{} '
'src_vol_id:{} snap_id:{}'.format(vol_name, vol_size,
img_id, src_vol_id,
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Create new volume
vol_new = cinder.volumes.create(display_name=vol_name,
vol_id = vol_new.id
except Exception as e:
msg = 'Failed to create volume: {}'.format(e)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Wait for volume to reach available status
ret = self.resource_reaches_status(cinder.volumes, vol_id,
msg="Volume status wait")
if not ret:
msg = 'Cinder volume failed to reach expected state.'
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Re-validate new volume
self.log.debug('Validating volume attributes...')
val_vol_name = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).display_name
val_vol_boot = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).bootable
val_vol_stat = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).status
val_vol_size = cinder.volumes.get(vol_id).size
msg_attr = ('Volume attributes - name:{} id:{} stat:{} boot:'
'{} size:{}'.format(val_vol_name, vol_id,
val_vol_stat, val_vol_boot,
if val_vol_boot == bootable and val_vol_stat == 'available' \
and val_vol_name == vol_name and val_vol_size == vol_size:
msg = ('Volume validation failed, {}'.format(msg_attr))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
return vol_new
def delete_resource(self, resource, resource_id,
msg="resource", max_wait=120):
"""Delete one openstack resource, such as one instance, keypair,
image, volume, stack, etc., and confirm deletion within max wait time.
:param resource: pointer to os resource type, ex:glance_client.images
:param resource_id: unique name or id for the openstack resource
:param msg: text to identify purpose in logging
:param max_wait: maximum wait time in seconds
:returns: True if successful, otherwise False
self.log.debug('Deleting OpenStack resource '
'{} ({})'.format(resource_id, msg))
num_before = len(list(resource.list()))
tries = 0
num_after = len(list(resource.list()))
while num_after != (num_before - 1) and tries < (max_wait / 4):
self.log.debug('{} delete check: '
'{} [{}:{}] {}'.format(msg, tries,
num_after = len(list(resource.list()))
tries += 1
self.log.debug('{}: expected, actual count = {}, '
'{}'.format(msg, num_before - 1, num_after))
if num_after == (num_before - 1):
return True
self.log.error('{} delete timed out'.format(msg))
return False
return True
def resource_reaches_status(self, resource, resource_id,
msg='resource', max_wait=120):
"""Wait for an openstack resources status to reach an
expected status within a specified time. Useful to confirm that
nova instances, cinder vols, snapshots, glance images, heat stacks
and other resources eventually reach the expected status.
:param resource: pointer to os resource type, ex: heat_client.stacks
:param resource_id: unique id for the openstack resource
:param expected_stat: status to expect resource to reach
:param msg: text to identify purpose in logging
:param max_wait: maximum wait time in seconds
:returns: True if successful, False if status is not reached
tries = 0
resource_stat = resource.get(resource_id).status
while resource_stat != expected_stat and tries < (max_wait / 4):
self.log.debug('{} status check: '
'{} [{}:{}] {}'.format(msg, tries,
resource_stat = resource.get(resource_id).status
tries += 1
self.log.debug('{}: expected, actual status = {}, '
'{}'.format(msg, resource_stat, expected_stat))
if resource_stat == expected_stat:
return True
self.log.debug('{} never reached expected status: '
'{}'.format(resource_id, expected_stat))
return False
def get_ceph_osd_id_cmd(self, index):
"""Produce a shell command that will return a ceph-osd id."""
return ("`initctl list | grep 'ceph-osd ' | "
"awk 'NR=={} {{ print $2 }}' | "
"grep -o '[0-9]*'`".format(index + 1))
def get_ceph_pools(self, sentry_unit):
"""Return a dict of ceph pools from a single ceph unit, with
pool name as keys, pool id as vals."""
pools = {}
cmd = 'sudo ceph osd lspools'
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Example output: 0 data,1 metadata,2 rbd,3 cinder,4 glance,
for pool in str(output).split(','):
pool_id_name = pool.split(' ')
if len(pool_id_name) == 2:
pool_id = pool_id_name[0]
pool_name = pool_id_name[1]
pools[pool_name] = int(pool_id)
self.log.debug('Pools on {}: {}'.format(sentry_unit.info['unit_name'],
return pools
def get_ceph_df(self, sentry_unit):
"""Return dict of ceph df json output, including ceph pool state.
:param sentry_unit: Pointer to amulet sentry instance (juju unit)
:returns: Dict of ceph df output
cmd = 'sudo ceph df --format=json'
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
return json.loads(output)
def get_ceph_pool_sample(self, sentry_unit, pool_id=0):
"""Take a sample of attributes of a ceph pool, returning ceph
pool name, object count and disk space used for the specified
pool ID number.
:param sentry_unit: Pointer to amulet sentry instance (juju unit)
:param pool_id: Ceph pool ID
:returns: List of pool name, object count, kb disk space used
df = self.get_ceph_df(sentry_unit)
pool_name = df['pools'][pool_id]['name']
obj_count = df['pools'][pool_id]['stats']['objects']
kb_used = df['pools'][pool_id]['stats']['kb_used']
self.log.debug('Ceph {} pool (ID {}): {} objects, '
'{} kb used'.format(pool_name, pool_id,
obj_count, kb_used))
return pool_name, obj_count, kb_used
def validate_ceph_pool_samples(self, samples, sample_type="resource pool"):
"""Validate ceph pool samples taken over time, such as pool
object counts or pool kb used, before adding, after adding, and
after deleting items which affect those pool attributes. The
2nd element is expected to be greater than the 1st; 3rd is expected
to be less than the 2nd.
:param samples: List containing 3 data samples
:param sample_type: String for logging and usage context
:returns: None if successful, Failure message otherwise
original, created, deleted = range(3)
if samples[created] <= samples[original] or \
samples[deleted] >= samples[created]:
return ('Ceph {} samples ({}) '
'unexpected.'.format(sample_type, samples))
self.log.debug('Ceph {} samples (OK): '
'{}'.format(sample_type, samples))
return None

tests/tests.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
bootstrap: true
reset: true
virtualenv: true
- lint
- test
- ppa:juju/stable
- amulet
- python-amulet
- python-cinderclient
- python-distro-info
- python-glanceclient
- python-heatclient
- python-keystoneclient
- python-novaclient
- python-swiftclient