options: loglevel: type: int default: 1 description: OSD debug level. Max is 20. source: type: string default: description: | Optional configuration to support use of additional sources such as: . - ppa:myteam/ppa - cloud:bionic-ussuri - cloud:xenial-proposed/queens - http://my.archive.com/ubuntu main . The last option should be used in conjunction with the key configuration option. key: type: string default: description: | Key ID to import to the apt keyring to support use with arbitrary source configuration from outside of Launchpad archives or PPA's. The accepted formats should be a GPG key in ASCII armor format, including BEGIN and END markers or a keyid. use-syslog: type: boolean default: False description: | If set to True, supporting services will log to syslog. harden: type: string default: description: | Apply system hardening. Supports a space-delimited list of modules to run. Supported modules currently include os, ssh, apache and mysql. config-flags: type: string default: description: | User provided Ceph configuration. Supports a string representation of a python dictionary where each top-level key represents a section in the ceph.conf template. You may only use sections supported in the template. . WARNING: this is not the recommended way to configure the underlying services that this charm installs and is used at the user's own risk. This option is mainly provided as a stop-gap for users that either want to test the effect of modifying some config or who have found a critical bug in the way the charm has configured their services and need it fixed immediately. We ask that whenever this is used, that the user consider opening a bug on this charm at http://bugs.launchpad.net/charms providing an explanation of why the config was needed so that we may consider it for inclusion as a natively supported config in the charm. osd-devices: type: string default: description: | The devices to format and set up as OSD volumes. . These devices are the range of devices that will be checked for and used across all service units, in addition to any volumes attached via the --storage flag during deployment. . For ceph < 14.2.0 (Nautilus) these can also be directories instead of devices. If the value does not start with "/dev" then it will be interpreted as a directory. bdev-enable-discard: type: string default: auto description: | Enables async discard on devices. This option will enable/disable both bdev-enable-discard and bdev-async-discard options in ceph configuration at the same time. The default value "auto" will try to autodetect and should work in most cases. If you need to force a behaviour you can set it to "enable" or "disable". Only applies for Ceph Mimic or later. osd-journal: type: string default: description: | The device to use as a shared journal drive for all OSDs on a node. By default a journal partition will be created on each OSD volume device for use by that OSD. The default behaviour is also the fallback for the case where the specified journal device does not exist on a node. . Only supported with ceph >= 0.48.3. bluestore: type: boolean default: True description: | Enable BlueStore storage backend for OSD devices. . Only supported with ceph >= 12.2.0. . Setting to 'False' will use FileStore as the storage format. bluestore-wal: type: string default: description: | Path to a BlueStore WAL block device or file. Should only be set if using a separate physical device that is faster than the DB device (such as an NVDIMM or faster SSD). Otherwise BlueStore automatically maintains the WAL inside of the DB device. This block device is used as an LVM PV and then space is allocated for each block device as needed based on the bluestore-block-wal-size setting. bluestore-db: type: string default: description: | Path to a BlueStore WAL db block device or file. If you have a separate physical device faster than the block device this will store all of the filesystem metadata (RocksDB) there and also integrates the Write Ahead Log (WAL) unless a further separate bluestore-wal device is configured which is not needed unless it is faster again than the bluestore-db device. This block device is used as an LVM PV and then space is allocated for each block device as needed based on the bluestore-block-db-size setting. osd-journal-size: type: int default: 1024 description: | Ceph OSD journal size. The journal size should be at least twice the product of the expected drive speed multiplied by filestore max sync interval. However, the most common practice is to partition the journal drive (often an SSD), and mount it such that Ceph uses the entire partition for the journal. . Only supported with ceph >= 0.48.3. bluestore-block-wal-size: type: int default: 0 description: | Size (in bytes) of a partition, file or LV to use for BlueStore WAL (RocksDB WAL), provided on a per backend device basis. . Example: 128 GB device, 8 data devices provided in "osd-devices" gives 128 / 8 GB = 16 GB = 16000000000 bytes per device. . A default value is not set as it is calculated by ceph-disk (before Luminous) or the charm itself, when ceph-volume is used (Luminous and above). bluestore-block-db-size: type: int default: 0 description: | Size (in bytes) of a partition, file or LV to use for BlueStore metadata or RocksDB SSTs, provided on a per backend device basis. . Example: 128 GB device, 8 data devices provided in "osd-devices" gives 128 / 8 GB = 16 GB = 16000000000 bytes per device. . A default value is not set as it is calculated by ceph-disk (before Luminous) or the charm itself, when ceph-volume is used (Luminous and above). osd-format: type: string default: xfs description: | Format of filesystem to use for OSD devices. Supported formats include: . xfs (Default with >= ceph 0.48.3) ext4 (Only option < ceph 0.48.3) btrfs (experimental and not recommended) . Only supported with >= ceph 0.48.3. . Used with FileStore storage backend. . Always applies prior to ceph 12.2.0. Otherwise, only applies when the "bluestore" option is False. osd-encrypt: type: boolean default: False description: | By default, the charm will not encrypt Ceph OSD devices; however, by setting osd-encrypt to True, Ceph's dmcrypt support will be used to encrypt OSD devices. . Specifying this option on a running Ceph OSD node will have no effect until new disks are added, at which point new disks will be encrypted. osd-encrypt-keymanager: type: string default: ceph description: | Keymanager to use for storage of dm-crypt keys used for OSD devices; by default 'ceph' itself will be used for storage of keys, making use of the key/value storage provided by the ceph-mon cluster. . Alternatively 'vault' may be used for storage of dm-crypt keys. Both approaches ensure that keys are never written to the local filesystem. This also requires a relation to the vault charm. crush-initial-weight: type: float default: description: | The initial crush weight for newly added osds into crushmap. Use this option only if you wish to set the weight for newly added OSDs in order to gradually increase the weight over time. Be very aware that setting this overrides the default setting, which can lead to imbalance in the cluster, especially if there are OSDs of different sizes in use. By default, the initial crush weight for the newly added osd is set to its volume size in TB. Leave this option unset to use the default provided by Ceph itself. This option only affects NEW OSDs, not existing ones. osd-max-backfills: type: int default: description: | The maximum number of backfills allowed to or from a single OSD. . Setting this option on a running Ceph OSD node will not affect running OSD devices, but will add the setting to ceph.conf for the next restart. osd-recovery-max-active: type: int default: description: | The number of active recovery requests per OSD at one time. More requests will accelerate recovery, but the requests places an increased load on the cluster. . Setting this option on a running Ceph OSD node will not affect running OSD devices, but will add the setting to ceph.conf for the next restart. ignore-device-errors: type: boolean default: False description: | By default, the charm will raise errors if a whitelisted device is found, but for some reason the charm is unable to initialize the device for use by Ceph. . Setting this option to 'True' will result in the charm classifying such problems as warnings only and will not result in a hook error. ephemeral-unmount: type: string default: description: | Cloud instances provide ephemeral storage which is normally mounted on /mnt. . Setting this option to the path of the ephemeral mountpoint will force an unmount of the corresponding device so that it can be used as a OSD storage device. This is useful for testing purposes (cloud deployment is not a typical use case). ceph-public-network: type: string default: description: | The IP address and netmask of the public (front-side) network (e.g., . If multiple networks are to be used, a space-delimited list of a.b.c.d/x can be provided. ceph-cluster-network: type: string default: description: | The IP address and netmask of the cluster (back-side) network (e.g., . If multiple networks are to be used, a space-delimited list of a.b.c.d/x can be provided. prefer-ipv6: type: boolean default: False description: | If True enables IPv6 support. The charm will expect network interfaces to be configured with an IPv6 address. If set to False (default) IPv4 is expected. . NOTE: these charms do not currently support IPv6 privacy extension. In order for this charm to function correctly, the privacy extension must be disabled and a non-temporary address must be configured/available on your network interface. sysctl: type: string default: '{ kernel.pid_max : 2097152, vm.max_map_count : 524288, kernel.threads-max: 2097152 }' description: | YAML-formatted associative array of sysctl key/value pairs to be set persistently. By default we set pid_max, max_map_count and threads-max to a high value to avoid problems with large numbers (>20) of OSDs recovering. very large clusters should set those values even higher (e.g. max for kernel.pid_max is 4194303). customize-failure-domain: type: boolean default: false description: | Setting this to true will tell Ceph to replicate across Juju's Availability Zone instead of specifically by host. availability_zone: type: string default: description: | Custom availability zone to provide to Ceph for the OSD placement max-sectors-kb: type: int default: 1048576 description: | This parameter will adjust every block device in your server to allow greater IO operation sizes. If you have a RAID card with cache on it consider tuning this much higher than the 1MB default. 1MB is a safe default for spinning HDDs that don't have much cache. nagios_context: type: string default: "juju" description: | Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the hostname in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: . juju-myservice-0 . If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them. nagios_servicegroups: type: string default: "" description: | A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup use-direct-io: type: boolean default: True description: Configure use of direct IO for OSD journals. autotune: type: boolean default: False description: | Enabling this option will attempt to tune your network card sysctls and hard drive settings. This changes hard drive read ahead settings and max_sectors_kb. For the network card this will detect the link speed and make appropriate sysctl changes. WARNING: This option is DEPRECATED and will be removed in the next release. Exercise caution when enabling this feature; examine and confirm sysctl values are appropriate for your environment. See http://pad.lv/1798794 for a full discussion. aa-profile-mode: type: string default: 'disable' description: | Enable apparmor profile. Valid settings: 'complain', 'enforce' or 'disable'. . NOTE: changing the value of this option is disruptive to a running Ceph cluster as all ceph-osd processes must be restarted as part of changing the apparmor profile enforcement mode. Always test in pre-production before enabling AppArmor on a live cluster. bluestore-compression-algorithm: type: string default: lz4 description: | The default compressor to use (if any) if the per-pool property compression_algorithm is not set. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-mode: type: string default: description: | The default policy for using compression if the per-pool property compression_mode is not set. 'none' means never use compression. 'passive' means use compression when clients hint that data is compressible. 'aggressive' means use compression unless clients hint that data is not compressible. 'force' means use compression under all circumstances even if the clients hint that the data is not compressible. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-required-ratio: type: float default: description: | The ratio of the size of the data chunk after compression relative to the original size must be at least this small in order to store the compressed version. The per-pool property `compression-required-ratio` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-min-blob-size: type: int default: description: | Chunks smaller than this are never compressed. The per-pool property `compression_min_blob_size` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-min-blob-size-hdd: type: int default: description: | Default value of bluestore compression min blob size for rotational media. The per-pool property `compression-min-blob-size-hdd` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-min-blob-size-ssd: type: int default: description: | Default value of bluestore compression min blob size for solid state media. The per-pool property `compression-min-blob-size-ssd` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-max-blob-size: type: int default: description: | Chunks larger than this are broken into smaller blobs sizing bluestore compression max blob size before being compressed. The per-pool property `compression_max_blob_size` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-max-blob-size-hdd: type: int default: description: | Default value of bluestore compression max blob size for rotational media. The per-pool property `compression-max-blob-size-hdd` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model. bluestore-compression-max-blob-size-ssd: type: int default: description: | Default value of bluestore compression max blob size for solid state media. The per-pool property `compression-max-blob-size-ssd` overrides this setting. . NOTE: The recommended approach is to adjust this configuration option on the charm responsible for creating the specific pool you are interested in tuning. Changing the configuration option on the ceph-osd charm will affect ALL pools on the OSDs managed by the named application of the ceph-osd charm in the Juju model.