Luciano Lo Giudice 55720fa087 Implement the 'remove-disk' action
This new action allows users to either purge an OSD, or remove it,
opening up the possibility of recycling the previous OSD id. In
addition, this action will clean up any bcache devices that were
created in previous steps.

Change-Id: If3566031ba3f02dac0bc86938dcf9e85a66a66f0
Depends-On: Ib959e81833eb2094d02c7bdd507b1c8b7fbcd3db
2022-03-31 18:50:22 +00:00

684 lines
20 KiB

# Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
import re
import os
import socket
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import charms_ceph.utils as ceph
from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import (
from charmhelpers.core import unitdata
from charmhelpers.fetch import (
from import (
from import (
ALL = "all" # string value representing all "OSD devices"
TEMPLATES_DIR = 'templates'
import jinja2
except ImportError:
import jinja2
import dns.resolver
except ImportError:
import dns.resolver
_bootstrap_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/bootstrap-osd/ceph.keyring"
_upgrade_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph.client.osd-upgrade.keyring"
_removal_keyring = "/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph.client.osd-removal.keyring"
def is_osd_bootstrap_ready():
Is this machine ready to add OSDs.
:returns: boolean: Is the OSD bootstrap key present
return os.path.exists(_bootstrap_keyring)
def _import_key(key, path, name):
if not os.path.exists(path):
cmd = [
def import_osd_bootstrap_key(key):
Ensure that the osd-bootstrap keyring is setup.
:param key: The cephx key to add to the bootstrap keyring
:type key: str
:raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError"""
_import_key(key, _bootstrap_keyring, 'client.bootstrap-osd')
def import_osd_upgrade_key(key):
Ensure that the osd-upgrade keyring is setup.
:param key: The cephx key to add to the upgrade keyring
:type key: str
:raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError"""
_import_key(key, _upgrade_keyring, 'client.osd-upgrade')
def import_osd_removal_key(key):
Ensure that the osd-removal keyring is setup.
:param key: The cephx key to add to the upgrade keyring
:type key: str
:raises: subprocess.CalledProcessError"""
_import_key(key, _removal_keyring, 'client.osd-removal')
def render_template(template_name, context, template_dir=TEMPLATES_DIR):
"""Render Jinja2 template.
In addition to the template directory specified by the caller the shared
'templates' directory in the ``charmhelpers.contrib.openstack`` module will
be searched.
:param template_name: Name of template file.
:type template_name: str
:param context: Template context.
:type context: Dict[str,any]
:param template_dir: Primary path to search for templates.
(default: contents of the ``TEMPLATES_DIR`` global)
:type template_dir: Optional[str]
:returns: The rendered template
:rtype: str
templates = jinja2.Environment(
template = templates.get_template(template_name)
return template.render(context)
def enable_pocket(pocket):
apt_sources = "/etc/apt/sources.list"
with open(apt_sources, "rt", encoding='UTF-8') as sources:
lines = sources.readlines()
with open(apt_sources, "wt", encoding='UTF-8') as sources:
for line in lines:
if pocket in line:
sources.write(re.sub('^# deb', 'deb', line))
def get_unit_hostname():
return socket.gethostname()
def get_host_ip(hostname=None):
if config('prefer-ipv6'):
return get_ipv6_addr()[0]
hostname = hostname or unit_get('private-address')
# Test to see if already an IPv4 address
return hostname
except socket.error:
# This may throw an NXDOMAIN exception; in which case
# things are badly broken so just let it kill the hook
answers = dns.resolver.query(hostname, 'A')
if answers:
return answers[0].address
def get_public_addr():
if config('ceph-public-network'):
return get_network_addrs('ceph-public-network')[0]
return network_get_primary_address('public')
except NotImplementedError:
log("network-get not supported", DEBUG)
return get_host_ip()
def get_cluster_addr():
if config('ceph-cluster-network'):
return get_network_addrs('ceph-cluster-network')[0]
return network_get_primary_address('cluster')
except NotImplementedError:
log("network-get not supported", DEBUG)
return get_host_ip()
def get_networks(config_opt='ceph-public-network'):
"""Get all configured networks from provided config option.
If public network(s) are provided, go through them and return those for
which we have an address configured.
networks = config(config_opt)
if networks:
networks = networks.split()
return [n for n in networks if get_address_in_network(n)]
return []
def get_network_addrs(config_opt):
"""Get all configured public networks addresses.
If public network(s) are provided, go through them and return the
addresses we have configured on any of those networks.
addrs = []
networks = config(config_opt)
if networks:
networks = networks.split()
addrs = [get_address_in_network(n) for n in networks]
addrs = [a for a in addrs if a]
if not addrs:
if networks:
msg = ("Could not find an address on any of '%s' - resolve this "
"error to retry" % (networks))
status_set('blocked', msg)
raise Exception(msg)
return [get_host_ip()]
return addrs
def assert_charm_supports_ipv6():
"""Check whether we are able to support charms ipv6."""
_release = lsb_release()['DISTRIB_CODENAME'].lower()
if CompareHostReleases(_release) < "trusty":
raise Exception("IPv6 is not supported in the charms for Ubuntu "
"versions less than Trusty 14.04")
def get_blacklist():
"""Get blacklist stored in the local kv() store"""
db = unitdata.kv()
return db.get('osd-blacklist', [])
def get_journal_devices():
if config('osd-journal'):
devices = [el.strip() for el in config('osd-journal').split(' ')]
devices = []
storage_ids = storage_list('osd-journals')
devices.extend((storage_get('location', s) for s in storage_ids))
# Filter out any devices in the action managed unit-local device blacklist
_blacklist = get_blacklist()
return set(device for device in devices
if device not in _blacklist and os.path.exists(device))
def should_enable_discard(devices):
Tries to autodetect if we can enable discard on devices and if that
discard can be asynchronous. We want to enable both options if there's
any SSDs unless any of them are using SATA <= 3.0, in which case
discard is supported but is a blocking operation.
discard_enable = True
for device in devices:
# whitelist some devices that do not need checking
if (device.startswith("/dev/nvme") or
sata_3_or_less = is_sata30orless(device)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
sata_3_or_less = True
if (device.startswith("/dev/") and
os.path.exists(device) and
discard_enable = False
log("SSD Discard autodetection: {} is forcing discard off"
"(sata <= 3.0)".format(device), level=WARNING)
return discard_enable
def is_sata30orless(device):
result = subprocess.check_output(["/usr/sbin/smartctl", "-i", device])
for line in str(result).split("\\n"):
if re.match(r"SATA Version is: *SATA (1\.|2\.|3\.0)", str(line)):
return True
return False
def parse_osds_arguments():
"""Parse OSD IDs from action `osds` argument.
Fetch action arguments and parse them from comma separated list to
the set of OSD IDs.
:return: Set of OSD IDs
:rtype: set(str)
raw_arg = function_get("osds")
if raw_arg is None:
raise RuntimeError("Action argument \"osds\" is missing")
# convert OSD IDs from user's input into the set
args = {osd_id.strip() for osd_id in str(raw_arg).split(',')}
if ALL in args and len(args) != 1:
args = {ALL}
log("keyword \"all\" was found in \"osds\" argument. Dropping other "
"explicitly defined OSD IDs", WARNING)
return args
class DeviceError(Exception):
"""Exception type used to signal errors raised by calling
external commands that manipulate devices.
def _check_output(args, **kwargs):
return subprocess.check_output(args, **kwargs).decode('UTF-8')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise DeviceError(str(e))
def _check_call(args, **kwargs):
return subprocess.check_call(args, **kwargs)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise DeviceError(str(e))
def setup_bcache(backing, cache):
"""Create a bcache device out of the backing storage and caching device.
:param backing: The path to the backing device.
:type backing: str
:param cache: The path to the caching device.
:type cache: str
:returns: The full path of the newly created bcache device.
:rtype: str
_check_call(['sudo', 'make-bcache', '-B', backing,
'-C', cache, '--writeback'])
def bcache_name(dev):
rv = _check_output(['lsblk', '-p', '-b', cache, '-J', '-o', 'NAME'])
for x in json.loads(rv)['blockdevices'][0].get('children', []):
if x['name'] != dev:
return x['name']
for _ in range(100):
rv = bcache_name(cache)
if rv is not None:
return rv
# Tell the kernel to refresh the partitions.
_check_call(['sudo', 'partprobe'])
def get_partition_names(dev):
"""Given a raw device, return a set of the partitions it contains.
:param dev: The path to the device.
:type dev: str
:returns: A set with the partitions of the passed device.
:rtype: set[str]
rv = _check_output(['lsblk', '-b', dev, '-J', '-p', '-o', 'NAME'])
rv = json.loads(rv)['blockdevices'][0].get('children', {})
return set(x['name'] for x in rv)
def create_partition(cache, size, n_iter):
"""Create a partition of a specific size in a device. If needed,
make sure the device has a GPT ready.
:param cache: The path to the caching device from which to create
the partition.
:type cache: str
:param size: The size (in GB) of the partition to create.
:type size: int
:param n_iter: The iteration number. If zero, this function will
also create the GPT on the caching device.
:type n_iter: int
:returns: The full path of the newly created partition.
:rtype: str
if not n_iter:
# In our first iteration, make sure the device has a GPT.
_check_call(['sudo', 'parted', '-s', cache, 'mklabel', 'gpt'])
prev_partitions = get_partition_names(cache)
cmd = ['sudo', 'parted', '-s', cache, 'mkpart', 'primary',
str(n_iter * size) + 'GB', str((n_iter + 1) * size) + 'GB']
for _ in range(100):
ret = get_partition_names(cache) - prev_partitions
if ret:
return next(iter(ret))
_check_call(['sudo', 'partprobe'])
raise DeviceError('Failed to create partition')
def device_size(dev):
"""Compute the size of a device, in GB.
:param dev: The full path to the device.
:type dev: str
:returns: The size in GB of the specified device.
:rtype: int
ret = _check_output(['lsblk', '-b', '-d', dev, '-J', '-o', 'SIZE'])
ret = int(json.loads(ret)['blockdevices'][0]['size'])
return ret / (1024 * 1024 * 1024) # Return size in GB.
def remove_lvm(device):
"""Remove any physical and logical volumes associated to a device."""
vgs = []
rv = _check_output(['sudo', 'pvdisplay', device])
except DeviceError:
# Assume no physical volumes.
for line in rv.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('VG Name'):
if vgs:
_check_call(['sudo', 'vgremove', '-y'] + vgs)
_check_call(['sudo', 'pvremove', '-y', device])
def bcache_remove(bcache, backing, caching):
"""Remove a bcache kernel device, given its caching.
:param bache: The path of the bcache device.
:type bcache: str
:param backing: The backing device for bcache
:type backing: str
:param caching: The caching device for bcache
:type caching: str
rv = _check_output(['sudo', 'bcache-super-show', backing])
uuid = None
# Fetch the UUID for the caching device.
for line in rv.split('\n'):
idx = line.find('cset.uuid')
if idx >= 0:
uuid = line[idx + 9:].strip()
bcache_name = bcache[bcache.rfind('/') + 1:]
def write_one(path):
os.system('echo 1 | sudo tee {}'.format(path))
# The command ceph-volume typically creates PV's and VG's for the
# OSD device. Remove them now before deleting the bcache.
# NOTE: We *must* do the following steps in this order. For
# kernels 4.x and prior, not doing so will cause the bcache device
# to be undeletable.
# In addition, we have to use 'sudo tee' as done above, since it
# can cause permission issues in some implementations.
# We wipe the bcache signatures here because the bcache tools will not
# create the devices otherwise. There is a 'force' option, but it's not
# always available, so we do the portable thing here.
def wipe_disk(dev, timeout=None):
"""Destroy all data in a specific device, including partition tables."""
_check_call(['sudo', 'wipefs', '-a', dev], timeout=timeout)
def wipefs_safely(dev):
for _ in range(10):
wipe_disk(dev, 1)
except DeviceError:
except subprocess.TimeoutExpired:
# If this command times out, then it's likely because
# the disk is dead, so give up.
raise DeviceError('Failed to wipe bcache device: {}'.format(dev))
class PartitionIter:
"""Class used to create partitions iteratively.
Objects of this type are used to create partitions out of
the specified cache devices, either with a specific size,
or with a size proportional to what is needed."""
def __init__(self, caches, psize, devices):
"""Construct a partition iterator.
:param caches: The list of cache devices to use.
:type caches: iterable
:param psize: The size of the partitions (in GB), or None
:type psize: Option[int, None]
:param devices: The backing devices. Only used to get their length.
:type devices: iterable
self.caches = [[cache, 0] for cache in caches]
self.idx = 0
if not psize:
factor = min(1.0, len(caches) / len(devices))
self.psize = [factor * device_size(cache) for cache in caches]
self.psize = psize
self.created = {}
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
"""Return a newly created partition.
The object keeps track of the currently used caching device,
so upon creating a new partition, it will move to the next one,
distributing the load among them in a round-robin fashion.
cache, n_iter = self.caches[self.idx]
size = self.psize
if not isinstance(size, (int, float)):
size = self.psize[self.idx]
self.caches[self.idx][1] += 1
self.idx = (self.idx + 1) % len(self.caches)
log('Creating partition in device {} of size {}'.format(cache, size))
return create_partition(cache, size, n_iter)
def create_bcache(self, backing):
"""Create a bcache device, using the internal caching device,
and an external backing one.
:param backing: The path to the backing device.
:type backing: str
:returns: The name for the newly created bcache device.
:rtype: str
cache = next(self)
ret = setup_bcache(backing, cache)
if ret is not None:
self.created[backing] = (ret, cache)
log('Bcache device created: {}'.format(cache))
return ret
def cleanup(self, device):
"""Destroy any created partitions and bcache names for a device."""
args = self.created.get(device)
if not args:
bcache, caching = args
bcache_remove(bcache, device, caching)
except DeviceError:
log('Failed to cleanup bcache device: {}'.format(bcache))
def _device_suffix(dev):
ix = dev.rfind('/')
if ix >= 0:
dev = dev[ix + 1:]
return dev
def get_bcache_names(dev):
"""Return the backing and caching devices for a bcache device,
in that specific order.
:param dev: The path to the bcache device, i.e: /dev/bcache0
:type dev: str
:returns: A tuple with the backing and caching devices.
:rtype: list[Option[None, str], Option[None, str]]
if dev is None:
return None, None
dev_name = _device_suffix(dev)
bcache_path = '/sys/block/{}/slaves'.format(dev_name)
if (not os.path.exists('/sys/block/{}/bcache'.format(dev_name)) or
not os.path.exists(bcache_path)):
return None, None
cache = os.listdir(bcache_path)
if len(cache) < 2:
return None, None
backing = '/dev/' + cache[0]
caching = '/dev/' + cache[1]
out = _check_output(['sudo', 'bcache-super-show', backing])
if 'backing device' not in out:
return caching, backing
return backing, caching
def get_parent_device(dev):
"""Return the device's parent, assuming if it's a block device."""
rv = subprocess.check_output(['lsblk', '-as', dev, '-J'])
rv = json.loads(rv.decode('UTF-8'))
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return dev
children = rv.get('blockdevices', [])
if not children:
return dev
children = children[0].get('children', [])
for child in children:
if 'children' not in child:
return '/dev/' + child['name']
return dev