# Overview Ceph is a distributed storage and network file system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. This charm allows connecting an existing Ceph deployment with a Juju environment. # Usage Your config.yaml needs to provide the monitor-hosts and fsid options like below: `config.yaml`: ```yaml ceph-proxy: monitor-hosts: IP_ADDRESS:PORT IP ADDRESS:PORT fsid: FSID ``` You must then provide this configuration to the new deployment: `juju deploy ceph-proxy -c config.yaml`. This charm noes NOT insert itself between the clusters, but merely makes the external cluster available through Juju's environment by exposing the same relations that the existing ceph charms do. # Contact Information ## Authors - Chris MacNaughton Report bugs on [Launchpad](http://bugs.launchpad.net/charm-ceph-proxy/+filebug) ## Ceph - [Ceph website](http://ceph.com) - [Ceph mailing lists](http://ceph.com/resources/mailing-list-irc/) - [Ceph bug tracker](http://tracker.ceph.com/projects/ceph)