#!/usr/bin/python # # Copyright 2012 Canonical Ltd. # # Authors: # Paul Collins <paul.collins@canonical.com> # James Page <james.page@ubuntu.com> # import glob import os import shutil import sys import ceph from charmhelpers.core.hookenv import ( log, DEBUG, ERROR, config, relation_ids, related_units, relation_get, relation_set, remote_unit, Hooks, UnregisteredHookError, service_name, relations_of_type, status_set, local_unit, storage_get, storage_list ) from charmhelpers.core.host import ( service_restart, umount, mkdir, write_file, rsync, cmp_pkgrevno ) from charmhelpers.fetch import ( apt_install, apt_update, filter_installed_packages, add_source ) from charmhelpers.payload.execd import execd_preinstall from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.alternatives import install_alternative from charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip import ( get_ipv6_addr, format_ipv6_addr ) from charmhelpers.core.sysctl import create as create_sysctl from charmhelpers.core.templating import render from utils import ( get_public_addr, assert_charm_supports_ipv6 ) from ceph_broker import ( process_requests ) from charmhelpers.contrib.charmsupport import nrpe hooks = Hooks() NAGIOS_PLUGINS = '/usr/local/lib/nagios/plugins' SCRIPTS_DIR = '/usr/local/bin' STATUS_FILE = '/var/lib/nagios/cat-ceph-status.txt' STATUS_CRONFILE = '/etc/cron.d/cat-ceph-health' def install_upstart_scripts(): # Only install upstart configurations for older versions if cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', "0.55.1") < 0: for x in glob.glob('files/upstart/*.conf'): shutil.copy(x, '/etc/init/') @hooks.hook('install.real') def install(): execd_preinstall() add_source(config('source'), config('key')) apt_update(fatal=True) apt_install(packages=ceph.PACKAGES, fatal=True) install_upstart_scripts() def emit_cephconf(): cephcontext = { 'auth_supported': config('auth-supported'), 'mon_hosts': ' '.join(get_mon_hosts()), 'fsid': config('fsid'), 'old_auth': cmp_pkgrevno('ceph', "0.51") < 0, 'osd_journal_size': config('osd-journal-size'), 'use_syslog': str(config('use-syslog')).lower(), 'ceph_public_network': config('ceph-public-network'), 'ceph_cluster_network': config('ceph-cluster-network'), } if config('prefer-ipv6'): dynamic_ipv6_address = get_ipv6_addr()[0] if not config('ceph-public-network'): cephcontext['public_addr'] = dynamic_ipv6_address if not config('ceph-cluster-network'): cephcontext['cluster_addr'] = dynamic_ipv6_address # Install ceph.conf as an alternative to support # co-existence with other charms that write this file charm_ceph_conf = "/var/lib/charm/{}/ceph.conf".format(service_name()) mkdir(os.path.dirname(charm_ceph_conf), owner=ceph.ceph_user(), group=ceph.ceph_user()) render('ceph.conf', charm_ceph_conf, cephcontext, perms=0o644) install_alternative('ceph.conf', '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', charm_ceph_conf, 100) JOURNAL_ZAPPED = '/var/lib/ceph/journal_zapped' @hooks.hook('config-changed') def config_changed(): if config('prefer-ipv6'): assert_charm_supports_ipv6() log('Monitor hosts are ' + repr(get_mon_hosts())) # Pre-flight checks if not config('fsid'): log('No fsid supplied, cannot proceed.', level=ERROR) sys.exit(1) if not config('monitor-secret'): log('No monitor-secret supplied, cannot proceed.', level=ERROR) sys.exit(1) if config('osd-format') not in ceph.DISK_FORMATS: log('Invalid OSD disk format configuration specified', level=ERROR) sys.exit(1) sysctl_dict = config('sysctl') if sysctl_dict: create_sysctl(sysctl_dict, '/etc/sysctl.d/50-ceph-charm.conf') emit_cephconf() e_mountpoint = config('ephemeral-unmount') if e_mountpoint and ceph.filesystem_mounted(e_mountpoint): umount(e_mountpoint) osd_journal = get_osd_journal() if (osd_journal and not os.path.exists(JOURNAL_ZAPPED) and os.path.exists(osd_journal)): ceph.zap_disk(osd_journal) with open(JOURNAL_ZAPPED, 'w') as zapped: zapped.write('DONE') # Support use of single node ceph if (not ceph.is_bootstrapped() and int(config('monitor-count')) == 1): status_set('maintenance', 'Bootstrapping single Ceph MON') ceph.bootstrap_monitor_cluster(config('monitor-secret')) ceph.wait_for_bootstrap() storage_changed() if relations_of_type('nrpe-external-master'): update_nrpe_config() @hooks.hook('osd-devices-storage-attached', 'osd-devices-storage-detaching') def storage_changed(): if ceph.is_bootstrapped(): for dev in get_devices(): ceph.osdize(dev, config('osd-format'), get_osd_journal(), reformat_osd(), config('ignore-device-errors')) ceph.start_osds(get_devices()) def get_osd_journal(): ''' Returns the block device path to use for the OSD journal, if any. If there is an osd-journal storage instance attached, it will be used as the journal. Otherwise, the osd-journal configuration will be returned. ''' storage_ids = storage_list('osd-journal') if storage_ids: # There can be at most one osd-journal storage instance. return storage_get('location', storage_ids[0]) return config('osd-journal') def get_mon_hosts(): hosts = [] addr = get_public_addr() hosts.append('{}:6789'.format(format_ipv6_addr(addr) or addr)) for relid in relation_ids('mon'): for unit in related_units(relid): addr = relation_get('ceph-public-address', unit, relid) if addr is not None: hosts.append('{}:6789'.format( format_ipv6_addr(addr) or addr)) hosts.sort() return hosts def get_peer_units(): ''' Returns a dictionary of unit names from the mon peer relation with a flag indicating whether the unit has presented its address ''' units = {} units[local_unit()] = True for relid in relation_ids('mon'): for unit in related_units(relid): addr = relation_get('ceph-public-address', unit, relid) units[unit] = addr is not None return units def reformat_osd(): if config('osd-reformat'): return True else: return False def get_devices(): if config('osd-devices'): devices = config('osd-devices').split(' ') else: devices = [] # List storage instances for the 'osd-devices' # store declared for this charm too, and add # their block device paths to the list. storage_ids = storage_list('osd-devices') devices.extend((storage_get('location', s) for s in storage_ids)) return devices @hooks.hook('mon-relation-joined') def mon_relation_joined(): for relid in relation_ids('mon'): relation_set(relation_id=relid, relation_settings={'ceph-public-address': get_public_addr()}) @hooks.hook('mon-relation-departed', 'mon-relation-changed') def mon_relation(): emit_cephconf() moncount = int(config('monitor-count')) if len(get_mon_hosts()) >= moncount: status_set('maintenance', 'Bootstrapping MON cluster') ceph.bootstrap_monitor_cluster(config('monitor-secret')) ceph.wait_for_bootstrap() for dev in get_devices(): ceph.osdize(dev, config('osd-format'), get_osd_journal(), reformat_osd(), config('ignore-device-errors')) ceph.start_osds(get_devices()) notify_osds() notify_radosgws() notify_client() else: log('Not enough mons ({}), punting.' .format(len(get_mon_hosts()))) def notify_osds(): for relid in relation_ids('osd'): osd_relation(relid) def notify_radosgws(): for relid in relation_ids('radosgw'): radosgw_relation(relid) def notify_client(): for relid in relation_ids('client'): client_relation_joined(relid) def upgrade_keys(): ''' Ceph now required mon allow rw for pool creation ''' if len(relation_ids('radosgw')) > 0: ceph.upgrade_key_caps('client.radosgw.gateway', ceph._radosgw_caps) for relid in relation_ids('client'): units = related_units(relid) if len(units) > 0: service_name = units[0].split('/')[0] ceph.upgrade_key_caps('client.{}'.format(service_name), ceph._default_caps) @hooks.hook('osd-relation-joined') def osd_relation(relid=None): if ceph.is_quorum(): log('mon cluster in quorum - providing fsid & keys') data = { 'fsid': config('fsid'), 'osd_bootstrap_key': ceph.get_osd_bootstrap_key(), 'auth': config('auth-supported'), 'ceph-public-address': get_public_addr(), } relation_set(relation_id=relid, relation_settings=data) else: log('mon cluster not in quorum - deferring fsid provision') @hooks.hook('radosgw-relation-joined') def radosgw_relation(relid=None): # Install radosgw for admin tools apt_install(packages=filter_installed_packages(['radosgw'])) if ceph.is_quorum(): log('mon cluster in quorum - providing radosgw with keys') data = { 'fsid': config('fsid'), 'radosgw_key': ceph.get_radosgw_key(), 'auth': config('auth-supported'), 'ceph-public-address': get_public_addr(), } relation_set(relation_id=relid, relation_settings=data) else: log('mon cluster not in quorum - deferring key provision') @hooks.hook('client-relation-joined') def client_relation_joined(relid=None): if ceph.is_quorum(): log('mon cluster in quorum - providing client with keys') service_name = None if relid is None: units = [remote_unit()] service_name = units[0].split('/')[0] else: units = related_units(relid) if len(units) > 0: service_name = units[0].split('/')[0] if service_name is not None: data = {'key': ceph.get_named_key(service_name), 'auth': config('auth-supported'), 'ceph-public-address': get_public_addr()} relation_set(relation_id=relid, relation_settings=data) else: log('mon cluster not in quorum - deferring key provision') @hooks.hook('client-relation-changed') def client_relation_changed(): """Process broker requests from ceph client relations.""" if ceph.is_quorum(): settings = relation_get() if 'broker_req' in settings: if not ceph.is_leader(): log("Not leader - ignoring broker request", level=DEBUG) else: rsp = process_requests(settings['broker_req']) unit_id = remote_unit().replace('/', '-') unit_response_key = 'broker-rsp-' + unit_id # broker_rsp is being left for backward compatibility, # unit_response_key superscedes it data = { 'broker_rsp': rsp, unit_response_key: rsp, } relation_set(relation_settings=data) else: log('mon cluster not in quorum', level=DEBUG) @hooks.hook('upgrade-charm') def upgrade_charm(): emit_cephconf() apt_install(packages=filter_installed_packages(ceph.PACKAGES), fatal=True) install_upstart_scripts() ceph.update_monfs() upgrade_keys() mon_relation_joined() @hooks.hook('start') def start(): # In case we're being redeployed to the same machines, try # to make sure everything is running as soon as possible. if ceph.systemd(): service_restart('ceph-mon') else: service_restart('ceph-mon-all') if ceph.is_bootstrapped(): ceph.start_osds(get_devices()) @hooks.hook('nrpe-external-master-relation-joined') @hooks.hook('nrpe-external-master-relation-changed') def update_nrpe_config(): # python-dbus is used by check_upstart_job apt_install('python-dbus') log('Refreshing nagios checks') if os.path.isdir(NAGIOS_PLUGINS): rsync(os.path.join(os.getenv('CHARM_DIR'), 'files', 'nagios', 'check_ceph_status.py'), os.path.join(NAGIOS_PLUGINS, 'check_ceph_status.py')) script = os.path.join(SCRIPTS_DIR, 'collect_ceph_status.sh') rsync(os.path.join(os.getenv('CHARM_DIR'), 'files', 'nagios', 'collect_ceph_status.sh'), script) cronjob = "{} root {}\n".format('*/5 * * * *', script) write_file(STATUS_CRONFILE, cronjob) # Find out if nrpe set nagios_hostname hostname = nrpe.get_nagios_hostname() current_unit = nrpe.get_nagios_unit_name() nrpe_setup = nrpe.NRPE(hostname=hostname) nrpe_setup.add_check( shortname="ceph", description='Check Ceph health {%s}' % current_unit, check_cmd='check_ceph_status.py -f {}'.format(STATUS_FILE) ) nrpe_setup.write() def assess_status(): '''Assess status of current unit''' moncount = int(config('monitor-count')) units = get_peer_units() # not enough peers and mon_count > 1 if len(units.keys()) < moncount: status_set('blocked', 'Insufficient peer units to bootstrap' ' cluster (require {})'.format(moncount)) return # mon_count > 1, peers, but no ceph-public-address ready = sum(1 for unit_ready in units.itervalues() if unit_ready) if ready < moncount: status_set('waiting', 'Peer units detected, waiting for addresses') return # active - bootstrapped + quorum status check if ceph.is_bootstrapped() and ceph.is_quorum(): status_set('active', 'Unit is ready and clustered') else: # Unit should be running and clustered, but no quorum # TODO: should this be blocked or waiting? status_set('blocked', 'Unit not clustered (no quorum)') if __name__ == '__main__': try: hooks.execute(sys.argv) except UnregisteredHookError as e: log('Unknown hook {} - skipping.'.format(e)) assess_status()