Update README, Makefile and amulet test dependencies

Remove unsupported release logic
Add nova, cinder and glance rbd config inspection
Enable Vivid tests, prep for Wily
Add debug logging
Add osd pool inspection
Add functional tests for ceph-backed cinder and glance
Add basic cli functional checks.
This commit is contained in:
Ryan Beisner 2015-06-15 20:40:45 +00:00
parent d8e0eb42db
commit 04a9d52d4d
8 changed files with 415 additions and 73 deletions

View File

@ -2,18 +2,17 @@
PYTHON := /usr/bin/env python
@flake8 --exclude hooks/charmhelpers hooks tests unit_tests
@flake8 --exclude hooks/charmhelpers,tests/charmhelpers \
hooks tests unit_tests
@charm proof
@# Bundletester expects unit tests here.
@echo Starting unit tests...
@$(PYTHON) /usr/bin/nosetests --nologcapture --with-coverage unit_tests
@echo Starting Amulet tests...
# coreycb note: The -v should only be temporary until Amulet sends
# raise_status() messages to stderr:
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/amulet/+bug/1320357
@juju test -v -p AMULET_HTTP_PROXY,AMULET_OS_VIP --timeout 2700
@ -22,7 +21,7 @@ bin/charm_helpers_sync.py:
> bin/charm_helpers_sync.py
sync: bin/charm_helpers_sync.py
$(PYTHON) bin/charm_helpers_sync.py -c charm-helpers-hooks.yaml
# $(PYTHON) bin/charm_helpers_sync.py -c charm-helpers-hooks.yaml
$(PYTHON) bin/charm_helpers_sync.py -c charm-helpers-tests.yaml
publish: lint

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
branch: lp:charm-helpers
#branch: lp:charm-helpers
branch: lp:~1chb1n/charm-helpers/amulet-ceph-cinder-updates/
destination: tests/charmhelpers
- contrib.amulet

View File

@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ set -ex
sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:juju/stable
sudo apt-get update --yes
sudo apt-get install --yes python-amulet \
python-distroinfo \
python-keystoneclient \
python-glanceclient \
python-cinderclient \

tests/017-basic-trusty-kilo Normal file → Executable file
View File

tests/019-basic-vivid-kilo Normal file → Executable file
View File

View File

@ -1,6 +1,30 @@
This directory provides Amulet tests that focus on verification of ceph
test_* methods are called in lexical sort order.
Test name convention to ensure desired test order:
1xx service and endpoint checks
2xx relation checks
3xx config checks
4xx functional checks
9xx restarts and other final checks
Common uses of ceph relations in bundle deployments:
- [ nova-compute, ceph ]
- [ glance, ceph ]
- [ cinder, cinder-ceph ]
- [ cinder-ceph, ceph ]
More detailed relations of ceph service in a common deployment:
- cinder-ceph
- glance
- nova-compute
- ceph
In order to run tests, you'll need charm-tools installed (in addition to
juju, of course):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable

View File

@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
import amulet
import json
import time
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.deployment import (
from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.utils import ( # noqa
# Use DEBUG to turn on debug logging
u = OpenStackAmuletUtils(DEBUG)
# Resource names and constants
IMAGE_NAME = 'cirros-image-1'
POOLS = ['data', 'metadata', 'rbd', 'cinder', 'glance']
class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
"""Amulet tests on a basic ceph deployment."""
@ -35,10 +43,12 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
compatible with the local charm (e.g. stable or next).
this_service = {'name': 'ceph', 'units': 3}
other_services = [{'name': 'mysql'}, {'name': 'keystone'},
other_services = [{'name': 'mysql'},
{'name': 'keystone'},
{'name': 'rabbitmq-server'},
{'name': 'nova-compute'},
{'name': 'glance'}, {'name': 'cinder'}]
{'name': 'glance'},
{'name': 'cinder'}]
super(CephBasicDeployment, self)._add_services(this_service,
@ -74,12 +84,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
'fsid': '6547bd3e-1397-11e2-82e5-53567c8d32dc',
'monitor-secret': 'AQCXrnZQwI7KGBAAiPofmKEXKxu5bUzoYLVkbQ==',
'osd-reformat': 'yes',
'ephemeral-unmount': '/mnt'
'ephemeral-unmount': '/mnt',
'osd-devices': '/dev/vdb /srv/ceph'
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_grizzly:
ceph_config['osd-devices'] = '/dev/vdb /srv/ceph'
ceph_config['osd-devices'] = '/dev/vdb'
configs = {'keystone': keystone_config,
'mysql': mysql_config,
@ -88,27 +95,44 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
super(CephBasicDeployment, self)._configure_services(configs)
def _initialize_tests(self):
"""Perform final initialization before tests get run."""
"""Perform final initialization original tests get run."""
# Access the sentries for inspecting service units
self.mysql_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['mysql/0']
self.keystone_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['keystone/0']
self.rabbitmq_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['rabbitmq-server/0']
self.nova_compute_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['nova-compute/0']
self.nova_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['nova-compute/0']
self.glance_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['glance/0']
self.cinder_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['cinder/0']
self.ceph0_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['ceph/0']
self.ceph1_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['ceph/1']
self.ceph2_sentry = self.d.sentry.unit['ceph/2']
u.log.debug('openstack release val: {}'.format(
u.log.debug('openstack release str: {}'.format(
# Let things settle a bit original moving forward
# Authenticate admin with keystone
self.keystone = u.authenticate_keystone_admin(self.keystone_sentry,
# Authenticate admin with cinder endpoint
self.cinder = u.authenticate_cinder_admin(self.keystone_sentry,
# Authenticate admin with glance endpoint
self.glance = u.authenticate_glance_admin(self.keystone)
# Authenticate admin with nova endpoint
self.nova = u.authenticate_nova_user(self.keystone,
# Create a demo tenant/role/user
self.demo_tenant = 'demoTenant'
self.demo_role = 'demoRole'
@ -139,41 +163,83 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
"""Produce a shell command that will return a ceph-osd id."""
return "`initctl list | grep 'ceph-osd ' | awk 'NR=={} {{ print $2 }}' | grep -o '[0-9]*'`".format(index + 1) # noqa
def test_services(self):
"""Verify the expected services are running on the service units."""
ceph_services = ['status ceph-mon-all',
'status ceph-mon id=`hostname`']
commands = {
self.mysql_sentry: ['status mysql'],
self.rabbitmq_sentry: ['sudo service rabbitmq-server status'],
self.nova_compute_sentry: ['status nova-compute'],
self.keystone_sentry: ['status keystone'],
self.glance_sentry: ['status glance-registry',
'status glance-api'],
self.cinder_sentry: ['status cinder-api',
'status cinder-scheduler',
'status cinder-volume']
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_grizzly:
ceph_osd0 = 'status ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(0))
ceph_osd1 = 'status ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(1))
ceph_services.extend([ceph_osd0, ceph_osd1, 'status ceph-osd-all'])
commands[self.ceph0_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph1_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph2_sentry] = ceph_services
ceph_osd0 = 'status ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(0))
commands[self.ceph0_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph1_sentry] = ceph_services
commands[self.ceph2_sentry] = ceph_services
def _ceph_df(self, sentry_unit):
"""Return dict of ceph df json output"""
cmd = 'sudo ceph df --format=json'
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
if code != 0:
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
ret = u.validate_services(commands)
df = json.loads(output)
return df
def _take_ceph_pool_sample(self, sentry_unit, pool_id=0):
"""Return ceph pool name, object count and disk space used
for the specified pool ID number."""
df = self._ceph_df(sentry_unit)
pool_name = df['pools'][pool_id]['name']
obj_count = df['pools'][pool_id]['stats']['objects']
kb_used = df['pools'][pool_id]['stats']['kb_used']
u.log.debug('Ceph {} pool (ID {}): {} objects, '
'{} kb used'.format(_pool_name,
return pool_name, obj_count, kb_used
def _validate_pool_samples(self, samples, resource_type="item",
sample_type="resource pool"):
"""Validate ceph pool samples taken over time, such as pool
object counts or pool kb used, before adding, after adding, and
after deleting items which affect those pool attributes."""
original, created, deleted = range(3)
if samples[created] <= samples[original] or \
samples[deleted] >= samples[created]:
msg = ('Ceph {} samples ({}) '
'unexpected.'.format(sample_type, samples))
return msg
u.log.debug('Ceph {} samples (OK): '
'{}'.format(sample_type, samples))
return None
def test_100_services(self):
"""Verify the expected services are running on the service units."""
ceph_services = [
'ceph-mon id=`hostname`',
'ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(0)),
'ceph-osd id={}'.format(self._ceph_osd_id(1))
services = {
self.mysql_sentry: ['mysql'],
self.rabbitmq_sentry: ['rabbitmq-server'],
self.nova_sentry: ['nova-compute'],
self.keystone_sentry: ['keystone'],
self.glance_sentry: ['glance-registry',
self.cinder_sentry: ['cinder-api',
self.ceph0_sentry: ceph_services,
self.ceph1_sentry: ceph_services,
self.ceph2_sentry: ceph_services
ret = u.validate_services_by_name(services)
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_ceph_nova_client_relation(self):
def test_200_ceph_nova_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the ceph to nova ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph:nova-compute ceph relation data...')
unit = self.ceph0_sentry
relation = ['client', 'nova-compute:ceph']
expected = {
@ -187,9 +253,10 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('ceph to nova ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_nova_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the nova to ceph ceph-client relation data."""
unit = self.nova_compute_sentry
def test_201_nova_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the nova to ceph client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking nova-compute:ceph ceph-client relation data...')
unit = self.nova_sentry
relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client']
expected = {
'private-address': u.valid_ip
@ -200,8 +267,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('nova to ceph ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_ceph_glance_client_relation(self):
def test_202_ceph_glance_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the ceph to glance ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph:glance client relation data...')
unit = self.ceph1_sentry
relation = ['client', 'glance:ceph']
expected = {
@ -215,8 +283,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('ceph to glance ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_glance_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the glance to ceph ceph-client relation data."""
def test_203_glance_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the glance to ceph client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking glance:ceph client relation data...')
unit = self.glance_sentry
relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client']
expected = {
@ -228,8 +297,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('glance to ceph ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_ceph_cinder_client_relation(self):
def test_204_ceph_cinder_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the ceph to cinder ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph:cinder ceph relation data...')
unit = self.ceph2_sentry
relation = ['client', 'cinder:ceph']
expected = {
@ -243,8 +313,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('ceph to cinder ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_cinder_ceph_client_relation(self):
def test_205_cinder_ceph_client_relation(self):
"""Verify the cinder to ceph ceph-client relation data."""
u.log.debug('Checking cinder:ceph ceph relation data...')
unit = self.cinder_sentry
relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client']
expected = {
@ -256,8 +327,9 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = u.relation_error('cinder to ceph ceph-client', ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_ceph_config(self):
def test_300_ceph_config(self):
"""Verify the data in the ceph config file."""
u.log.debug('Checking ceph config file data...')
unit = self.ceph0_sentry
conf = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
expected = {
@ -267,7 +339,10 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
'log to syslog': 'false',
'err to syslog': 'false',
'clog to syslog': 'false',
'mon cluster log to syslog': 'false'
'mon cluster log to syslog': 'false',
'auth cluster required': 'none',
'auth service required': 'none',
'auth client required': 'none'
'mon': {
'keyring': '/var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$id/keyring'
@ -281,12 +356,6 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
'filestore xattr use omap': 'true'
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_grizzly:
expected['global']['auth cluster required'] = 'none'
expected['global']['auth service required'] = 'none'
expected['global']['auth client required'] = 'none'
expected['global']['auth supported'] = 'none'
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
@ -294,11 +363,242 @@ class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment):
message = "ceph config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_restart_on_config_change(self):
"""Verify the specified services are restarted on config change."""
# NOTE(coreycb): Test not implemented but should it be? ceph services
# aren't restarted by charm after config change. Should
# they be restarted?
if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.precise_essex:
u.log.error("Test not implemented")
def test_302_cinder_rbd_config(self):
"""Verify the cinder config file data regarding ceph."""
u.log.debug('Checking cinder (rbd) config file data...')
unit = self.cinder_sentry
conf = '/etc/cinder/cinder.conf'
expected = {
'volume_driver': 'cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver'
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
if ret:
message = "cinder (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_304_glance_rbd_config(self):
"""Verify the glance config file data regarding ceph."""
u.log.debug('Checking glance (rbd) config file data...')
unit = self.glance_sentry
conf = '/etc/glance/glance-api.conf'
expected = {
'default_store': 'rbd',
'rbd_store_ceph_conf': '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf',
'rbd_store_user': 'glance',
'rbd_store_pool': 'glance',
'rbd_store_chunk_size': '8'
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
if ret:
message = "glance (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_306_nova_rbd_config(self):
"""Verify the nova config file data regarding ceph."""
u.log.debug('Checking nova (rbd) config file data...')
unit = self.nova_sentry
conf = '/etc/nova/nova.conf'
expected = {
'libvirt': {
'rbd_pool': 'nova',
'rbd_user': 'nova-compute',
'rbd_secret_uuid': u.not_null
for section, pairs in expected.iteritems():
ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs)
if ret:
message = "nova (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret)
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message)
def test_400_ceph_check_osd_pools(self):
"""Check osd pools on all ceph units, expect them to be
identical, and expect specific pools to be present."""
u.log.debug('Checking pools on ceph units...')
cmd = 'sudo ceph osd lspools'
results = []
sentries = [
for sentry_unit in sentries:
output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd)
msg = ('{} `{}` returned {} '
cmd, code, output))
if code != 0:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Check for presence of all pools on this unit
for pool in POOLS:
if pool not in output:
msg = ('{} does not have pool: '
'{}'.format(sentry_unit.info['unit_name'], pool))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
u.log.debug('{} has the expected '
# Check that lspool produces the same output on all units
if len(set(results)) == 1:
u.log.debug('Pool list on all ceph units produced the '
'same results (OK).')
u.log.debug('Pool list results: {}'.format(results))
msg = 'Pool list results are not identical on all ceph units.'
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
def test_410_ceph_cinder_vol_create(self):
"""Create and confirm a ceph-backed cinder volume, and inspect
ceph cinder pool object count as the volume is created
and deleted."""
sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry
obj_count_samples = []
pool_size_samples = []
# Check ceph cinder pool object count, disk space usage and pool name
u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool original samples...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = self._take_ceph_pool_sample(
sentry_unit, pool_id=CINDER_POOL)
expected = 'cinder'
if pool_name != expected:
msg = ('Ceph pool {} unexpected name (actual, expected): '
'{}. {}'.format(CINDER_POOL, pool_name, expected))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Create ceph-backed cinder volume
cinder_vol = u.create_cinder_volume(self.cinder)
# Re-check ceph cinder pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool samples after volume create...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = self._take_ceph_pool_sample(
sentry_unit, pool_id=CINDER_POOL)
# Delete ceph-backed cinder volume
u.delete_resource(self.cinder.volumes, cinder_vol, msg="cinder volume")
# Final check, ceph cinder pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool after volume delete...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = self._take_ceph_pool_sample(
sentry_unit, pool_id=CINDER_POOL)
# Validate ceph cinder pool object count samples over time
ret = self._validate_pool_samples(samples=obj_count_samples,
resource_type="cinder volume",
sample_type="pool object count")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
# Validate ceph cinder pool disk space usage samples over time
ret = self._validate_pool_samples(samples=pool_size_samples,
resource_type="cinder volume",
sample_type="pool disk usage size")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_412_ceph_glance_image_create_delete(self):
"""Create and confirm a ceph-backed glance image, and inspect
ceph glance pool object count as the image is created
and deleted."""
sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry
obj_count_samples = []
pool_size_samples = []
# Check ceph glance pool object count, disk space usage and pool name
u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool original samples...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = self._take_ceph_pool_sample(
sentry_unit, pool_id=GLANCE_POOL)
expected = 'glance'
if pool_name != expected:
msg = ('Ceph glance pool {} unexpected name (actual, '
'expected): {}. {}'.format(GLANCE_POOL,
pool_name, expected))
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg)
# Create ceph-backed glance image
glance_img = u.create_cirros_image(self.glance, IMAGE_NAME)
# Re-check ceph glance pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool samples after image create...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = self._take_ceph_pool_sample(
sentry_unit, pool_id=GLANCE_POOL)
# Delete ceph-backed glance image
glance_img, msg="glance image")
# Final check, ceph glance pool object count and disk usage
u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool samples after image delete...')
pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = self._take_ceph_pool_sample(
sentry_unit, pool_id=GLANCE_POOL)
# Validate ceph glance pool object count samples over time
ret = self._validate_pool_samples(samples=obj_count_samples,
resource_type="glance image",
sample_type="pool object count")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
# Validate ceph glance pool disk space usage samples over time
ret = self._validate_pool_samples(samples=pool_size_samples,
resource_type="glance image",
sample_type="pool disk usage size")
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
def test_499_ceph_cmds_exit_zero(self):
"""Check that all ceph commands in a list return zero on all
ceph units listed."""
sentry_units = [
commands = [
'sudo ceph -s',
'sudo ceph health',
'sudo ceph mds stat',
'sudo ceph pg stat',
'sudo ceph osd stat',
'sudo ceph mon stat',
'sudo ceph osd pool get data size',
'sudo ceph osd pool get data pg_num',
ret = u.check_commands_on_units(commands, sentry_units)
if ret:
amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret)
# FYI: No restart check as ceph services do not restart
# when charm config changes, unless monitor count increases.
def test_999(self):
u.log.error('Fake fail!')

tests/tests.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
bootstrap: true
reset: true
virtualenv: true
- lint
- test
- ppa:juju/stable
- amulet
- python-amulet
- python-distro-info
- python-keystoneclient
- python-glanceclient
- python-cinderclient
- python-novaclient