#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import amulet import time from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.deployment import ( OpenStackAmuletDeployment ) from charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.amulet.utils import ( # noqa OpenStackAmuletUtils, DEBUG, # ERROR ) # Use DEBUG to turn on debug logging u = OpenStackAmuletUtils(DEBUG) class CephBasicDeployment(OpenStackAmuletDeployment): """Amulet tests on a basic ceph deployment.""" def __init__(self, series=None, openstack=None, source=None, stable=False): """Deploy the entire test environment.""" super(CephBasicDeployment, self).__init__(series, openstack, source, stable) self._add_services() self._add_relations() self._configure_services() self._deploy() u.log.info('Waiting on extended status checks...') exclude_services = [] # Wait for deployment ready msgs, except exclusions self._auto_wait_for_status(exclude_services=exclude_services) self.d.sentry.wait() self._initialize_tests() def _add_services(self): """Add services Add the services that we're testing, where ceph is local, and the rest of the service are from lp branches that are compatible with the local charm (e.g. stable or next). """ this_service = {'name': 'ceph', 'units': 3} other_services = [ {'name': 'percona-cluster', 'constraints': {'mem': '3072M'}}, {'name': 'keystone'}, {'name': 'rabbitmq-server'}, {'name': 'nova-compute'}, {'name': 'glance'}, {'name': 'cinder'}, {'name': 'ceph-osd'} ] super(CephBasicDeployment, self)._add_services(this_service, other_services) def _add_relations(self): """Add all of the relations for the services.""" relations = { 'nova-compute:shared-db': 'percona-cluster:shared-db', 'nova-compute:amqp': 'rabbitmq-server:amqp', 'nova-compute:image-service': 'glance:image-service', 'nova-compute:ceph': 'ceph:client', 'keystone:shared-db': 'percona-cluster:shared-db', 'glance:shared-db': 'percona-cluster:shared-db', 'glance:identity-service': 'keystone:identity-service', 'glance:amqp': 'rabbitmq-server:amqp', 'glance:ceph': 'ceph:client', 'cinder:shared-db': 'percona-cluster:shared-db', 'cinder:identity-service': 'keystone:identity-service', 'cinder:amqp': 'rabbitmq-server:amqp', 'cinder:image-service': 'glance:image-service', 'cinder:ceph': 'ceph:client', 'ceph-osd:mon': 'ceph:osd' } super(CephBasicDeployment, self)._add_relations(relations) def _configure_services(self): """Configure all of the services.""" keystone_config = {'admin-password': 'openstack', 'admin-token': 'ubuntutesting'} pxc_config = { 'dataset-size': '25%', 'max-connections': 1000, 'root-password': 'ChangeMe123', 'sst-password': 'ChangeMe123', } cinder_config = {'block-device': 'None', 'glance-api-version': '2'} # Include a non-existent device as osd-devices is a whitelist, # and this will catch cases where proposals attempt to change that. ceph_config = { 'monitor-count': '3', 'auth-supported': 'none', 'fsid': '6547bd3e-1397-11e2-82e5-53567c8d32dc', 'monitor-secret': 'AQCXrnZQwI7KGBAAiPofmKEXKxu5bUzoYLVkbQ==', 'osd-reformat': 'yes', 'ephemeral-unmount': '/mnt', 'osd-devices': '/dev/vdb /srv/ceph /dev/test-non-existent' } ceph_osd_config = { 'osd-reformat': 'yes', 'ephemeral-unmount': '/mnt', 'osd-devices': '/dev/vdb /srv/ceph /dev/test-non-existent' } configs = {'keystone': keystone_config, 'percona-cluster': pxc_config, 'cinder': cinder_config, 'ceph': ceph_config, 'ceph-osd': ceph_osd_config} super(CephBasicDeployment, self)._configure_services(configs) def _initialize_tests(self): """Perform final initialization before tests get run.""" # Access the sentries for inspecting service units self.pxc_sentry = self.d.sentry['percona-cluster'][0] self.keystone_sentry = self.d.sentry['keystone'][0] self.rabbitmq_sentry = self.d.sentry['rabbitmq-server'][0] self.nova_sentry = self.d.sentry['nova-compute'][0] self.glance_sentry = self.d.sentry['glance'][0] self.cinder_sentry = self.d.sentry['cinder'][0] self.ceph0_sentry = self.d.sentry['ceph'][0] self.ceph1_sentry = self.d.sentry['ceph'][1] self.ceph2_sentry = self.d.sentry['ceph'][2] self.ceph_osd_sentry = self.d.sentry['ceph-osd'][0] u.log.debug('openstack release val: {}'.format( self._get_openstack_release())) u.log.debug('openstack release str: {}'.format( self._get_openstack_release_string())) # Authenticate admin with keystone self.keystone = u.authenticate_keystone_admin(self.keystone_sentry, user='admin', password='openstack', tenant='admin') # Authenticate admin with cinder endpoint self.cinder = u.authenticate_cinder_admin(self.keystone_sentry, username='admin', password='openstack', tenant='admin') # Authenticate admin with glance endpoint self.glance = u.authenticate_glance_admin(self.keystone) # Authenticate admin with nova endpoint self.nova = u.authenticate_nova_user(self.keystone, user='admin', password='openstack', tenant='admin') # Create a demo tenant/role/user self.demo_tenant = 'demoTenant' self.demo_role = 'demoRole' self.demo_user = 'demoUser' if not u.tenant_exists(self.keystone, self.demo_tenant): tenant = self.keystone.tenants.create(tenant_name=self.demo_tenant, description='demo tenant', enabled=True) self.keystone.roles.create(name=self.demo_role) self.keystone.users.create(name=self.demo_user, password='password', tenant_id=tenant.id, email='demo@demo.com') # Authenticate demo user with keystone self.keystone_demo = u.authenticate_keystone_user(self.keystone, self.demo_user, 'password', self.demo_tenant) # Authenticate demo user with nova-api self.nova_demo = u.authenticate_nova_user(self.keystone, self.demo_user, 'password', self.demo_tenant) def test_100_ceph_processes(self): """Verify that the expected service processes are running on each ceph unit.""" # Process name and quantity of processes to expect on each unit ceph_processes = { 'ceph-mon': 1, 'ceph-osd': 2 } # Units with process names and PID quantities expected expected_processes = { self.ceph0_sentry: ceph_processes, self.ceph1_sentry: ceph_processes, self.ceph2_sentry: ceph_processes } actual_pids = u.get_unit_process_ids(expected_processes) ret = u.validate_unit_process_ids(expected_processes, actual_pids) if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) def test_102_services(self): """Verify the expected services are running on the service units.""" services = { self.rabbitmq_sentry: ['rabbitmq-server'], self.nova_sentry: ['nova-compute'], self.keystone_sentry: ['keystone'], self.glance_sentry: ['glance-registry', 'glance-api'], self.cinder_sentry: ['cinder-scheduler', 'cinder-volume'], } if self._get_openstack_release() < self.xenial_ocata: services[self.cinder_sentry].append('cinder-api') if self._get_openstack_release() < self.xenial_mitaka: # For upstart systems only. Ceph services under systemd # are checked by process name instead. ceph_services = [ 'ceph-mon-all', 'ceph-mon id=`hostname`', 'ceph-osd-all', 'ceph-osd id={}'.format(u.get_ceph_osd_id_cmd(0)), 'ceph-osd id={}'.format(u.get_ceph_osd_id_cmd(1)) ] services[self.ceph0_sentry] = ceph_services services[self.ceph1_sentry] = ceph_services services[self.ceph2_sentry] = ceph_services if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.trusty_liberty: services[self.keystone_sentry] = ['apache2'] ret = u.validate_services_by_name(services) if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) def test_200_ceph_nova_client_relation(self): """Verify the ceph to nova ceph-client relation data.""" u.log.debug('Checking ceph:nova-compute ceph relation data...') unit = self.ceph0_sentry relation = ['client', 'nova-compute:ceph'] expected = { 'private-address': u.valid_ip, 'auth': 'none', 'key': u.not_null } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('ceph to nova ceph-client', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_201_nova_ceph_client_relation(self): """Verify the nova to ceph client relation data.""" u.log.debug('Checking nova-compute:ceph ceph-client relation data...') unit = self.nova_sentry relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client'] expected = { 'private-address': u.valid_ip } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('nova to ceph ceph-client', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_202_ceph_glance_client_relation(self): """Verify the ceph to glance ceph-client relation data.""" u.log.debug('Checking ceph:glance client relation data...') unit = self.ceph1_sentry relation = ['client', 'glance:ceph'] expected = { 'private-address': u.valid_ip, 'auth': 'none', 'key': u.not_null } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('ceph to glance ceph-client', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_203_glance_ceph_client_relation(self): """Verify the glance to ceph client relation data.""" u.log.debug('Checking glance:ceph client relation data...') unit = self.glance_sentry relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client'] expected = { 'private-address': u.valid_ip } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('glance to ceph ceph-client', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_204_ceph_cinder_client_relation(self): """Verify the ceph to cinder ceph-client relation data.""" u.log.debug('Checking ceph:cinder ceph relation data...') unit = self.ceph2_sentry relation = ['client', 'cinder:ceph'] expected = { 'private-address': u.valid_ip, 'auth': 'none', 'key': u.not_null } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('ceph to cinder ceph-client', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_205_cinder_ceph_client_relation(self): """Verify the cinder to ceph ceph-client relation data.""" u.log.debug('Checking cinder:ceph ceph relation data...') unit = self.cinder_sentry relation = ['ceph', 'ceph:client'] expected = { 'private-address': u.valid_ip } ret = u.validate_relation_data(unit, relation, expected) if ret: message = u.relation_error('cinder to ceph ceph-client', ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_300_ceph_config(self): """Verify the data in the ceph config file.""" u.log.debug('Checking ceph config file data...') unit = self.ceph0_sentry conf = '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf' expected = { 'global': { 'keyring': '/etc/ceph/$cluster.$name.keyring', 'fsid': '6547bd3e-1397-11e2-82e5-53567c8d32dc', 'log to syslog': 'false', 'err to syslog': 'false', 'clog to syslog': 'false', 'mon cluster log to syslog': 'false', 'auth cluster required': 'none', 'auth service required': 'none', 'auth client required': 'none' }, 'mon': { 'keyring': '/var/lib/ceph/mon/$cluster-$id/keyring' }, 'mds': { 'keyring': '/var/lib/ceph/mds/$cluster-$id/keyring' }, 'osd': { 'keyring': '/var/lib/ceph/osd/$cluster-$id/keyring', 'osd journal size': '1024', 'filestore xattr use omap': 'true' }, } for section, pairs in expected.iteritems(): ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs) if ret: message = "ceph config error: {}".format(ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_302_cinder_rbd_config(self): """Verify the cinder config file data regarding ceph.""" u.log.debug('Checking cinder (rbd) config file data...') unit = self.cinder_sentry conf = '/etc/cinder/cinder.conf' # NOTE(jamespage): Deal with section config for >= ocata. if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.xenial_ocata: section_key = 'CEPH' else: section_key = 'DEFAULT' expected = { section_key: { 'volume_driver': 'cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver' } } for section, pairs in expected.iteritems(): ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs) if ret: message = "cinder (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_304_glance_rbd_config(self): """Verify the glance config file data regarding ceph.""" u.log.debug('Checking glance (rbd) config file data...') unit = self.glance_sentry conf = '/etc/glance/glance-api.conf' config = { 'default_store': 'rbd', 'rbd_store_ceph_conf': '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf', 'rbd_store_user': 'glance', 'rbd_store_pool': 'glance', 'rbd_store_chunk_size': '8' } if self._get_openstack_release() >= self.trusty_kilo: # Kilo or later config['stores'] = ('glance.store.filesystem.Store,' 'glance.store.http.Store,' 'glance.store.rbd.Store') section = 'glance_store' else: # Juno or earlier section = 'DEFAULT' expected = {section: config} for section, pairs in expected.iteritems(): ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs) if ret: message = "glance (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_306_nova_rbd_config(self): """Verify the nova config file data regarding ceph.""" u.log.debug('Checking nova (rbd) config file data...') unit = self.nova_sentry conf = '/etc/nova/nova.conf' expected = { 'libvirt': { 'rbd_user': 'nova-compute', 'rbd_secret_uuid': u.not_null } } for section, pairs in expected.iteritems(): ret = u.validate_config_data(unit, conf, section, pairs) if ret: message = "nova (rbd) config error: {}".format(ret) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=message) def test_400_ceph_check_osd_pools(self): """Check osd pools on all ceph units, expect them to be identical, and expect specific pools to be present.""" u.log.debug('Checking pools on ceph units...') expected_pools = self.get_ceph_expected_pools() results = [] sentries = [ self.ceph0_sentry, self.ceph1_sentry, self.ceph2_sentry ] # Check for presence of expected pools on each unit u.log.debug('Expected pools: {}'.format(expected_pools)) for sentry_unit in sentries: pools = u.get_ceph_pools(sentry_unit) results.append(pools) for expected_pool in expected_pools: if expected_pool not in pools: msg = ('{} does not have pool: ' '{}'.format(sentry_unit.info['unit_name'], expected_pool)) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg) u.log.debug('{} has (at least) the expected ' 'pools.'.format(sentry_unit.info['unit_name'])) # Check that all units returned the same pool name:id data ret = u.validate_list_of_identical_dicts(results) if ret: u.log.debug('Pool list results: {}'.format(results)) msg = ('{}; Pool list results are not identical on all ' 'ceph units.'.format(ret)) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg) else: u.log.debug('Pool list on all ceph units produced the ' 'same results (OK).') def test_402_pause_resume_actions(self): """Veryfy that pause/resume works""" u.log.debug("Testing pause") cmd = "ceph -s" sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry action_id = u.run_action(sentry_unit, 'pause-health') assert u.wait_on_action(action_id), "Pause health action failed." output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd) if 'nodown' not in output or 'noout' not in output: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg="Missing noout,nodown") u.log.debug("Testing resume") action_id = u.run_action(sentry_unit, 'resume-health') assert u.wait_on_action(action_id), "Resume health action failed." output, code = sentry_unit.run(cmd) if 'nodown' in output or 'noout' in output: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg="Still has noout,nodown") def test_410_ceph_cinder_vol_create(self): """Create and confirm a ceph-backed cinder volume, and inspect ceph cinder pool object count as the volume is created and deleted.""" sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry obj_count_samples = [] pool_size_samples = [] pools = u.get_ceph_pools(self.ceph0_sentry) cinder_pool = pools['cinder'] # Check ceph cinder pool object count, disk space usage and pool name u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool original samples...') pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit, cinder_pool) obj_count_samples.append(obj_count) pool_size_samples.append(kb_used) expected = 'cinder' if pool_name != expected: msg = ('Ceph pool {} unexpected name (actual, expected): ' '{}. {}'.format(cinder_pool, pool_name, expected)) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg) # Create ceph-backed cinder volume cinder_vol = u.create_cinder_volume(self.cinder) # Re-check ceph cinder pool object count and disk usage time.sleep(10) u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool samples after volume create...') pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit, cinder_pool) obj_count_samples.append(obj_count) pool_size_samples.append(kb_used) # Delete ceph-backed cinder volume u.delete_resource(self.cinder.volumes, cinder_vol, msg="cinder volume") # Final check, ceph cinder pool object count and disk usage time.sleep(10) u.log.debug('Checking ceph cinder pool after volume delete...') pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit, cinder_pool) obj_count_samples.append(obj_count) pool_size_samples.append(kb_used) # Validate ceph cinder pool object count samples over time ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(obj_count_samples, "cinder pool object count") if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) # Validate ceph cinder pool disk space usage samples over time ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(pool_size_samples, "cinder pool disk usage") if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) def test_412_ceph_glance_image_create_delete(self): """Create and confirm a ceph-backed glance image, and inspect ceph glance pool object count as the image is created and deleted.""" sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry obj_count_samples = [] pool_size_samples = [] pools = u.get_ceph_pools(self.ceph0_sentry) glance_pool = pools['glance'] # Check ceph glance pool object count, disk space usage and pool name u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool original samples...') pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit, glance_pool) obj_count_samples.append(obj_count) pool_size_samples.append(kb_used) expected = 'glance' if pool_name != expected: msg = ('Ceph glance pool {} unexpected name (actual, ' 'expected): {}. {}'.format(glance_pool, pool_name, expected)) amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=msg) # Create ceph-backed glance image glance_img = u.create_cirros_image(self.glance, "cirros-image-1") # Re-check ceph glance pool object count and disk usage time.sleep(10) u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool samples after image create...') pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit, glance_pool) obj_count_samples.append(obj_count) pool_size_samples.append(kb_used) # Delete ceph-backed glance image u.delete_resource(self.glance.images, glance_img, msg="glance image") # Final check, ceph glance pool object count and disk usage time.sleep(10) u.log.debug('Checking ceph glance pool samples after image delete...') pool_name, obj_count, kb_used = u.get_ceph_pool_sample(sentry_unit, glance_pool) obj_count_samples.append(obj_count) pool_size_samples.append(kb_used) # Validate ceph glance pool object count samples over time ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(obj_count_samples, "glance pool object count") if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) # Validate ceph glance pool disk space usage samples over time ret = u.validate_ceph_pool_samples(pool_size_samples, "glance pool disk usage") if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) def test_499_ceph_cmds_exit_zero(self): """Check basic functionality of ceph cli commands against all ceph units.""" sentry_units = [ self.ceph0_sentry, self.ceph1_sentry, self.ceph2_sentry ] commands = [ 'sudo ceph health', 'sudo ceph mds stat', 'sudo ceph pg stat', 'sudo ceph osd stat', 'sudo ceph mon stat', ] ret = u.check_commands_on_units(commands, sentry_units) if ret: amulet.raise_status(amulet.FAIL, msg=ret) # FYI: No restart check as ceph services do not restart # when charm config changes, unless monitor count increases. def test_910_pause_and_resume(self): """The services can be paused and resumed. """ u.log.debug('Checking pause and resume actions...') sentry_unit = self.ceph0_sentry assert u.status_get(sentry_unit)[0] == "active" action_id = u.run_action(sentry_unit, "pause") assert u.wait_on_action(action_id), "Pause action failed." assert u.status_get(sentry_unit)[0] == "maintenance" action_id = u.run_action(sentry_unit, "resume") assert u.wait_on_action(action_id), "Resume action failed." assert u.status_get(sentry_unit)[0] == "active" u.log.debug('OK')