# Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import os import sys from unittest.mock import patch, call, MagicMock from test_utils import ( CharmTestCase, RESTART_MAP, ) os.environ['JUJU_UNIT_NAME'] = 'cinder' # python-apt is not installed as part of test-requirements but is imported by # some charmhelpers modules so create a fake import. mock_apt = MagicMock() sys.modules['apt'] = mock_apt mock_apt.apt_pkg = MagicMock() with patch('cinder_utils.register_configs') as register_configs: with patch('cinder_utils.restart_map') as restart_map: restart_map.return_value = RESTART_MAP import cinder_hooks as hooks hooks.hooks._config_save = False TO_PATCH = [ # cinder_utils 'determine_packages', 'juju_log', 'lsb_release', 'migrate_database', 'configure_lvm_storage', 'register_configs', 'service_enabled', 'CONFIGS', 'CLUSTER_RES', # charmhelpers.core.hookenv 'config', 'relation_set', 'relation_get', 'relation_ids', 'service_name', # charmhelpers.core.host 'apt_install', 'apt_update', # charmhelpers.contrib.openstack.openstack_utils 'configure_installation_source', # charmhelpers.contrib.hahelpers.cluster_utils 'is_elected_leader', # charmhelpers.contrib.network.ip 'get_relation_ip', ] class TestClusterHooks(CharmTestCase): def setUp(self): super(TestClusterHooks, self).setUp(hooks, TO_PATCH) self.config.side_effect = self.test_config.get @patch.object(hooks, 'check_local_db_actions_complete', lambda *args, **kwargs: None) @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.service') @patch('charmhelpers.core.host.path_hash') def test_cluster_hook(self, path_hash, service): 'Ensure API restart before haproxy on cluster changed' # set first hash lookup on all files side_effects = [] # set first hash lookup on all configs in restart_on_change [side_effects.append('foo') for f in RESTART_MAP.keys()] # set second hash lookup on all configs in restart_on_change [side_effects.append('bar') for f in RESTART_MAP.keys()] path_hash.side_effect = side_effects hooks.hooks.execute(['hooks/cluster-relation-changed']) ex = [ call('stop', 'cinder-api'), call('start', 'cinder-api'), call('stop', 'cinder-volume'), call('start', 'cinder-volume'), call('stop', 'cinder-scheduler'), call('start', 'cinder-scheduler'), call('stop', 'haproxy'), call('start', 'haproxy'), call('stop', 'apache2'), call('start', 'apache2'), ] self.assertEqual(ex, service.call_args_list) @patch.object(hooks, 'identity_joined') def test_ha_changed_clustered(self, joined): self.relation_get.return_value = True self.relation_ids.return_value = ['identity:0'] hooks.hooks.execute(['hooks/ha-relation-changed']) joined.assert_called_with(rid='identity:0') def test_ha_changed_not_clustered(self): 'Ensure ha_changed exits early if not yet clustered' self.relation_get.return_value = None hooks.hooks.execute(['hooks/ha-relation-changed']) self.assertTrue(self.juju_log.called)