This change add several configuration options to enable HTTP checks to the HAProxy configuration, instead of the default TCP connection checks (which continue to be the default). It also enables /healthcheck endpoint for cinder-api on openstack releases >= ocata. Closes-Bug: #1880610 Change-Id: I9d118f70fc1390be7b800ad20ae20e77818adac7
The cinder charm deploys Cinder, the Block Storage (volume) service for OpenStack. The charm works alongside other Juju-deployed OpenStack services.
To display all configuration option information run juju config <application>
. If the application is not deployed then see the charm's
Configure tab in the Charmhub. Finally, the Juju
documentation provides general guidance on configuring
The cinder application requires the following applications to be present: keystone, nova-cloud-controller, nova-compute, rabbitmq-server, and a cloud database.
The database application is determined by the series. Prior to focal percona-cluster is used, otherwise it is mysql-innodb-cluster. In the example deployment below mysql-innodb-cluster has been chosen.
Deploy Cinder itself (here, to a container on machine '1'), add relations to the core cloud applications, and then connect it to the cloud database:
juju deploy --to lxd:1 --config cinder.yaml cinder
juju add-relation cinder:identity-service keystone:identity-service
juju add-relation cinder:cinder-volume-service nova-cloud-controller:cinder-volume-service
juju add-relation cinder:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp
juju deploy mysql-router cinder-mysql-router
juju add-relation cinder-mysql-router:db-router mysql-innodb-cluster:db-router
juju add-relation cinder-mysql-router:shared-db cinder:shared-db
Multiple backend storage solutions are described next.
Ceph-backed storage
Cinder can be backed by Ceph, which is the recommended storage method for production Cinder deployments. This functionality is provided by the [cinder-ceph][cinder-ceph-charm] subordinate charm.
LVM-backed storage
Cinder can be backed by storage local to the cinder unit, where local block devices are used as LVM physical volumes, and volumes are offered via iSCSI. This functionality is provided by the cinder-lvm subordinate charm.
: Built-in support for LVM in the cinder charm is deprecated.
NetApp-backed storage
Cinder can be backed by a NetApp appliance local to the cinder unit, where volumes are offered via iSCSI or NFS. This functionality is provided by the cinder-netapp subordinate charm.
Pure Storage-backed storage
Cinder can be backed by a Pure Storage appliance reachable by its API endpoint. This functionality is provided by the cinder-purestorage subordinate charm.
Separate Volume Service
For certain operations when an instance is not involved, the cinder application will connect directly to the storage for operations such as cloning a volume from a glance image. You can deploy a second cinder application for the volume service only where the primary cinder application cannot connect to this storage. This may be required for iSCSI connections because LXD containers cannot create iSCSI connections or where you need a physical Fibre Channel connection. This is not required for Ceph deployments which use userspace RBD tools.
Deploy cinder with enabled-services=api,scheduler
Deploy a second application of cinder named 'cinder-volume' with enabled-services=volume
Relate the storage subordinate (e.g. cinder-purestorage) to the cinder-volume application only (not to the 'cinder' application)
Keystone should be related to cinder:identity-service but cinder-volume:identity-credentials
The primary cinder application gets keystone credentials when registering a service endpoint via the identity-service relation. The cinder-volume application does not register a service, so we need to relate identity-credentials instead. The image volume cache will not work without this relation.
Both cinder and cinder-volume should otherwise have the same relations
High availability
This charm supports high availability via HAcluster.
When more than one unit is deployed with the hacluster application the charm will bring up an HA active/active cluster.
Network spaces
This charm supports the use of Juju network spaces (Juju
). This feature optionally allows specific types of the application's
network traffic to be bound to subnets that the underlying hardware is
connected to.
: Spaces must be configured in the backing cloud prior to deployment.
API endpoints can be bound to distinct network spaces supporting the network separation of public, internal, and admin endpoints.
Access to the underlying MySQL instance can also be bound to a specific space using the shared-db relation.
For example, providing that spaces 'public-space', 'internal-space', and 'admin-space' exist, the deploy command above could look like this:
juju deploy --config cinder.yaml cinder \
--bind "public=public-space internal=internal-space admin=admin-space shared-db=internal-space"
Alternatively, configuration can be provided as part of a bundle:
charm: cs:cinder
num_units: 1
public: public-space
internal: internal-space
admin: admin-space
shared-db: internal-space
: Existing cinder units configured with the
, oros-public-network
options will continue to honour them. Furthermore, these options override any space bindings, if set.
This charm supports actions.
Actions allow specific operations to be performed on a
per-unit basis. To display actions and their descriptions run juju actions --schema <application>
. If the application is not deployed then see the
charm's Actions tab in the Charmhub.
Policy overrides
This charm supports the policy overrides feature.
Policy overrides allow an operator to override the default policy of an OpenStack service. See Policy overrides for more information on this feature.
The OpenStack Charms project maintains two documentation guides:
- OpenStack Charm Guide: the primary source of information for OpenStack charms
- OpenStack Charms Deployment Guide: a step-by-step guide for deploying OpenStack with charms
Please report bugs on Launchpad.