Remove security pages

Remove the Security pages as they are being migrated
to the charm-guide.

Some links need to be changed as a consequence.

Add HTML redirects (and tests).

The security overview page was completely removed
(not migrated) as its contents did not warrant a page
of its own. The little it had will be incorporated at
a later date.

Change-Id: If1bcbb39b4186fac7073f77bc0dacdac4294d3ff
This commit is contained in:
Peter Matulis 2022-07-22 14:13:45 -04:00
parent 52849548d6
commit d144e9df2e
6 changed files with 6 additions and 563 deletions

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-eras
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-manila-ganesha.html$ /project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/$1/manila-ganesha.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-ovn.html#migration-from-neutron-ml2-ovs-to-ml2-ovn$ /project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/$1/ovn-migration.html
# Migration to charm-guide
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-managing-power-events.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/managing-power-events.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/deferred-events.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/deferred-events.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-policy-overrides.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/policy-overrides.html
@ -37,3 +38,5 @@ RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-ovn.
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-octavia.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/networking/load-balancing.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-hardware-offload.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/networking/hardware-offloading.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/configure-bridge.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/networking/interface-config.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/app-certificate-management.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/security/tls.html
RedirectMatch 301 ^/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/([^/]+)/keystone.html$ /charm-guide/$1/admin/security/keystone.html

View File

@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
Managing TLS certificates
The encryption of API endpoints in an OpenStack cloud requires a method for the
creation and distribution of TLS certificates, as well as the management of a
certificate authority (CA). Charmed OpenStack supports two ways of doing this:
#. on a per-model basis (using the vault application)
#. on a per-application basis (using charm configuration options)
.. note::
The recommended way to manage TLS in Charmed OpenStack is with Vault. It is
a centrally managed encryption solution, it is designed for the task, and it
integrates well with charms.
Certificate management with Vault
First ensure that Vault is deployed to the model containing the cloud and the
required post-deployment steps have been completed. See the `vault`_ charm
README for instructions.
The next step is to add a CA certificate to the model.
.. _add_ca_certificate:
Add a CA certificate
For Vault to be able to issue certificates on your behalf you must equip it
with a CA certificate. This is done in **one** of two ways:
#. a Vault-generated self-signed root CA certificate
#. a third-party intermediate CA certificate
The Vault method is by far the simpler of the two.
Self-signed root CA certificate
To have Vault generate a self-signed root CA certificate:
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait vault/leader generate-root-ca
You're done.
Third-party intermediate CA certificate
The supported workflow for a third-party certificate involves three steps:
#. retrieve a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for an intermediate CA from
#. transfer the CSR to an external CA to have a signed certificate created
#. upload certificate information to Vault
Retrieve a CSR from Vault
To retrieve a Vault-generated CSR run the ``get-csr`` action on the leader
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait vault/leader get-csr
.. note::
The CSR may be rejected by the signing CA due to incorrect values for
certain properties (e.g. common-name). It would be prudent therefore to
inquire before generating the CSR. Use command :command:`juju actions
--schema vault` for help on setting properties with action ``get-csr``.
This will produce output similar to:
.. code-block:: console
UnitId: vault/0
id: "8"
Stdout: |
output: |-
status: completed
completed: 2021-02-16 22:40:12 +0000 UTC
enqueued: 2021-02-16 22:40:08 +0000 UTC
started: 2021-02-16 22:40:09 +0000 UTC
Place the CSR data (minus any leading whitespace) in a file, say
``~/csr_file``. In this example, the file's contents would be:
.. code-block:: console
Have the CSR signed
The procedure for obtaining a signed certificate from an external CA is
particular to the given CA, but it always entails sending the CSR to the CA
(typically from its website) and waiting for a reply.
For informational purposes, an example CLI command is provided below. The exact
command syntax is dependent upon the CA. Note the inclusion of the input file
.. code-block:: none
openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 \
-notext -md sha256 -in ~/csr_file -out ~/vault-charm-int.pem -batch \
-passin pass:secretpassword
.. note::
Depending on the services deployed on your cloud, the intermediate CA
may need to issue both client and server certificates. Therefore, it is
necessary to check the property of your external CA and grant the
intermediate CA the proper level of authorization to issue both types
of certificates.
The certificate is normally provided in PEM format, like the output file
``~/vault-charm-int.pem`` in the above command. A root CA certificate should
also be provided and placed in, say, file ``~/root-ca.pem``.
Upload the signed certificate and the root CA certificate to Vault
To upload certificate information to Vault run the ``upload-signed-csr``
action on the leader unit:
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait vault/leader upload-signed-csr \
pem="$(cat ~/vault-charm-int.pem | base64)" \
root-ca="$(cat ~/root-ca.pem | base64)" \
The file that the ``pem`` parameter refers to must contain a PEM bundle
consisting of:
#. the signed certificate
#. any other intermediate CA certificates
#. the root CA certificate
The file that the ``root-ca`` parameter refers to must contain a PEM bundle
consisting of:
#. any other intermediate CA certificates
#. the root CA certificate
.. important::
Omitting the (other) intermediate certificate information will result in the
new certificate being rejected (due to an incomplete trust chain).
See the following resources:
* `RFC5280`_: for details concerning certificate paths and trust
* `RFC7468`_: for details on the format of certificate PEM bundles
Issuing of certificates
Now that Vault is in possession of a CA certificate it will be able to issue
certificates to clients (API services). Client requests are made via the
``vault:certificates`` relation. For example:
.. code-block:: none
juju add-relation keystone:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation cinder:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation neutron-api:certificates vault:certificates
juju add-relation glance:certificates vault:certificates
A request will result in the transfer of certificates and keys from Vault. The
corresponding API endpoint will also be updated in Keystone's service catalogue
list to reflect that it is now using HTTPS. The service is now TLS-enabled.
A special client is mysql-innodb-cluster, the cloud database. It has a
self-signed certificate but it is recommended to use the one signed by Vault's
.. code-block:: none
juju add-relation mysql-innodb-cluster:certificates vault:certificates
.. important::
Once Keystone is TLS-enabled every application that talks to Keystone (i.e.
there exists a relation between the two) **must** be in possession of the
CA certificate. This is achieved as a side-effect when enabling TLS for that
To verify the CA certificate begin by sourcing the cloud init file and
inspecting the certificate's location and the Keystone API endpoint. The latter
should be using HTTPS:
.. code-block:: none
source novarc
env | grep -e OS_AUTH_URL -e OS_CACERT
Sample output is:
.. code-block:: console
API services can now be queried by referring explicitly to the certificate. The
below tests correspond to the clients mentioned in the previous section:
.. code-block:: none
# Keystone
openstack --os-cacert $OS_CACERT catalog list
# Nova
openstack --os-cacert $OS_CACERT server list
# Cinder
openstack --os-cacert $OS_CACERT volume list
# Neutron
openstack --os-cacert $OS_CACERT network list
# Glance
openstack --os-cacert $OS_CACERT image list
Reissuing of certificates
New certificates can be reissued to all TLS-enabled clients by means of the
``reissue-certificates`` action. See cloud operation `Reissue TLS
certificates across the cloud`_ in the Admin Guide for details.
Switching between different types of CA certificates
It is possible to switch between a self-signed root CA certificate
and a third-party intermediate CA certificate after deployment.
.. Important::
Switching certificates will cause a short period of downtime for services
using Vault as the certificate manager. Notably, a TLS-enabled Keystone will
temporarily move to the ``maintainance`` state to update its endpoints.
From self-signed root certificate to third-party intermediate certificate
To switch from a self-signed root CA certificate to a third-party intermediate
CA certificate, you need to first disable the PKI secrets
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait vault/leader disable-pki
This step deletes the existing root certificate and invalidates any previous csr
Next, follow the steps described in the
`Third-party intermediate CA certificate`_ section above to retrieve a CSR
from the Vault and have it signed by the external CA.
Finally, upload both the signed intermediate certificate and the external root
CA certificate to Vault:
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait vault/leader upload-signed-csr \
pem=“$(cat /path/to/vault-charm-int.pem | base64)" \
root-ca="$(cat /path/to/root-ca.pem | base64)"
From third-party intermediate certificate to self-signed root certificate
To switch from an external certificate to a self-signed one first disable the
PKI secrets backend and then generate a root CA certificate:
.. code-block:: none
juju run-action --wait vault/leader disable-pki
juju run-action --wait vault/leader generate-root-ca
.. _RFC5280:
.. _RFC7468:
.. _vault:
.. _Reissue TLS certificates across the cloud:

View File

@ -32,14 +32,6 @@ OpenStack Charms usage. To help improve it you can `file an issue`_ or
.. toctree::
:caption: Security
:maxdepth: 1
Overview <security-overview>
.. _file an issue:
.. _submit a contribution:

View File

@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
.. role:: raw-html(raw)
:format: html
Security compliance
The keystone charm's ``password-security-compliance`` configuration option sets
the ``[security_compliance]`` section of Keystone's configuration file. The
value of this option is a YAML dictionary that includes support for the
following keys (value formats and units are also included).
.. code-block:: none
change_password_upon_first_use: <boolean>
disable_user_account_days_inactive: <int> (days)
lockout_duration: <int> (seconds)
lockout_failure_attempts: <int>
minimum_password_age: <int> (days)
password_expires_days: <int> (days)
password_regex: <string>
password_regex_description: <string>
unique_last_password_count: <int>
.. important::
The upstream document `Security compliance and PCI-DSS`_ should be consulted
before setting any of these options.
The configuration is typically contained within a file, say ``config.yaml``.
For example:
.. code-block:: yaml
change_password_upon_first_use: True
lockout_duration: 1800
lockout_failure_attempts: 3
It is applied in the usual way:
.. code-block:: none
juju config keystone --file config.yaml
The charm will protect service accounts (accounts requested by other units that
are in the service domain) against being forced to change their password.
Operators should also ensure that any other accounts are protected as per the
above referenced note.
Operators should also ensure that any non-service accounts are protected as per
the upstream document.
The charm will enter a blocked state if the value of charm option
``password-security-compliance`` is not in valid YAML format and/or the
individual service options do not conform to the proper value formats.
.. _keyston_tokens:
Token support
Over time OpenStack has come to support two Keystone token formats: UUID and
Fernet tokens were added to address the issue of size observed with PKI and
PKIZ tokens in addition to continuing the Keystone behaviour of persisting
tokens to a common database cluster (like UUID tokens). For more information
see this `Fernet FAQ`_.
.. important::
Starting with OpenStack Rocky, only the Fernet format for authentication
tokens is supported. This is documented as a `known upgrade issue`_.
Fernet keys
Theory of operation
Keystone generates Fernet keys, which in turn are used to generate/encrypt
and decode/decrypt Fernet tokens.
There are three key types, and each is associated with a naming scheme that is
applied to the directories in which they are found. Directory names are based
on integers:
* primary key
* integer: the highest one
* generates tokens
* number of keys: one
* staged key
* integer: '0'
* will become the next primary key
* can decode tokens
* number of keys: one
* secondary key
* integer: any other number
* was previously a primary key
* can decode tokens
* number of keys: one or more
Each key type must be present at all times. This means Keystone uses a minimum
of three keys.
Key rotation
Key rotation refers to the process by which two keys assume a different type,
one key gets created, and typically one key gets removed:
#. staged :raw-html:`&rarr;` primary
#. primary :raw-html:`&rarr;` secondary
#. the staged is created
#. a secondary is removed
A key will get removed if the total number of keys surpasses the specified
maximum allowed (more on this later).
This process takes place on the master keystone unit and takes into account
three aspects:
* rotation frequency
* token expiration
* maximum number of active keys
These are related according to this formula:
.. math::
max\_active\_keys = \frac{ token\_expiration }{ rotation\_frequency } + 2
In the keystone charm, token expiration and the maximum number of active keys
are specified, respectively, with the ``token-expiration`` and the
``fernet-max-active-keys`` configuration options.
For example, given that an administrator desires a token expiration of 1 hour
(3600 seconds) and a rotation frequency of 15 minutes (900 seconds), the maximum
number of active keys must be six:
.. math::
max\_active\_keys &=& \frac{ 3600 }{ 900 } + 2\\
&=& 4+2\\
&=& 6\\
The above two options can then be set accordingly:
.. code-block:: yaml
token-expiration: 3600
fernet-max-active-keys: 6
Rotation frequency
From the point of view of rotation frequency:
.. math::
rotation\_frequency = \frac{ token\_expiration }{ max\_active\_keys - 2 }
Since the denominator must lead to a positive real number for rotation
frequency the value of ``fernet-max-active-keys`` must be at least three, and
this constraint is enforced by the charm.
To increase rotation frequency either decrease ``fernet-max-active-keys`` or
increase ``token-expiration``. To decrease rotation frequency, do the opposite.
The most notable effect of increasing rotation frequency is the reduction in
key lifetime (secondary keys get removed more often).
Default values
These are the default values for these keystone charm options and the resulting
default rotation frequency:
* ``token-expiration``: 3600 sec (1 hour)
* ``fernet-max-active-keys``: 3
* ``rotation frequency``: 3600 sec (1 hour)
Token validation breakage
Token validation breakage is a situation in which a decoding key is no longer
available to validate an unexpired token. This can be caused by a rotation
frequency that has been set too high (a very short key lifetime) or by keys
failing to synchronise (from the master keystone unit to the other units) prior
to the succeeding rotation. Incremental changes to rotation frequency is
therefore advised.
.. _Security compliance and PCI-DSS:
.. _Fernet FAQ:
.. _known upgrade issue: upgrade-issues.html#keystone-and-fernet-tokens-upgrading-from-queens-to-rocky

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
Security overview
This Security section includes topics related to authentication and
authorisation in Charmed OpenStack.
.. note::
Charmed OpenStack assumes a backing cloud type of MAAS. This precludes the
use of the :command:`juju expose` command for opening firewall ports since
MAAS does not implement a firewall.

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/placement-charm-upgrade-to-train.html 301 /project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/uprade-stein-to-train.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/app-ovn.html#migration-from-neutron-ml2-ovs-to-ml2-ovn 301 /project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/ovn-migration.html
## charm guide
# Migration to charm-guide
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/app-managing-power-events.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/managing-power-events.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/deferred-events.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/deferred-events.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/app-policy-overrides.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/policy-overrides.html
@ -50,3 +50,5 @@
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/app-octavia.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/networking/load-balancing.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/app-hardware-offload.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/networking/hardware-offloading.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/configure-bridge.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/networking/interface-config.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/app-certificate-management.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/security/tls.html
/project-deploy-guide/charm-deployment-guide/latest/keystone.html 301 /charm-guide/latest/admin/security/keystone.html