re-write of deployment section

Change-Id: I51048f043d3b97bf1274f904d98eda534451deef
This commit is contained in:
Peter Matulis 2019-07-31 17:16:08 -04:00
parent bf72ebfcc4
commit f7cb3beaf9
1 changed files with 173 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -86,40 +86,181 @@ endpoint for mirroring traffic when available.
This section will cover the essential commands for deploying two Ceph clusters
(site 'a' and site 'b') with RBD mirroring between them. Two scenarios will be
#. Both clusters within the same model
#. Each cluster within a separate model
Notes that apply to both scenarios:
- each cluster/site employs 7 units (3 ``ceph-osd``, 3 ``ceph-mon``, and 1
- application names are used to distinguish between applications in site 'a'
from those in site 'b'
- the ``ceph-osd`` units use block device ``/dev/vdd`` for OSD storage
Using one model
Create the common model ``sites-ab``:
.. code::
juju add-model sites-ab
Deploy units for site 'a':
.. code::
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-osd ceph-osd-a --config osd-devices=/dev/vdd
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon ceph-mon-a
juju deploy ceph-rbd-mirror ceph-rbd-mirror-a
Deploy units for site 'b':
.. code::
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-osd ceph-osd-b --config osd-devices=/dev/vdd
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon ceph-mon-b
juju deploy ceph-rbd-mirror ceph-rbd-mirror-b
Add relations between application endpoints. Notice how ``ceph-mon`` in one
site gets related to ``ceph-rbd-mirror`` in the other site (the "inter-site"
For site 'a',
.. code::
juju add-relation ceph-mon-a ceph-osd-a
juju add-relation ceph-mon-a ceph-rbd-mirror-a:ceph-local
juju add-relation ceph-mon-a ceph-rbd-mirror-b:ceph-remote
For site 'b',
.. code::
juju add-relation ceph-mon-b ceph-osd-b
juju add-relation ceph-mon-b ceph-rbd-mirror-b:ceph-local
juju add-relation ceph-mon-b ceph-rbd-mirror-a:ceph-remote
Verify the output of ``juju status`` for the model (only partial output is shown):
.. code::
juju status -m sites-ab
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ceph-mon-a/0* active idle 3 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-a/1 active idle 4 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-a/2 active idle 5 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-b/0* active idle 10 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-b/1 active idle 11 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-b/2 active idle 12 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd-a/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-a/1 active idle 1 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-a/2 active idle 2 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-b/0* active idle 7 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-b/1 active idle 8 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-b/2 active idle 9 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-rbd-mirror-a/0* waiting idle 6 Waiting for pools to be created
ceph-rbd-mirror-b/0* waiting idle 13 Waiting for pools to be created
You're done.
Note that Ceph pools have not yet been initialised. This can be done by other
charms or directly within Ceph.
Using two models
For this scenario we use model names ``site-a`` and ``site-b``.
For site 'a',
.. code::
juju add-model site-a
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-osd ceph-osd-a --config osd-devices=/dev/vdd
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon ceph-mon-a
juju deploy ceph-rbd-mirror ceph-rbd-mirror-a
For site 'b',
.. code::
juju add-model site-b
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-osd ceph-osd-b --config osd-devices=/dev/vdd
juju deploy -n 3 ceph-mon ceph-mon-b
juju deploy ceph-rbd-mirror ceph-rbd-mirror-b
Add relations between local application endpoints as before:
.. code::
juju add-relation -m site-a ceph-mon-a ceph-osd-a
juju add-relation -m site-a ceph-mon-a ceph-rbd-mirror-a:ceph-local
juju add-relation -m site-b ceph-mon-b ceph-osd-b
juju add-relation -m site-b ceph-mon-b ceph-rbd-mirror-b:ceph-local
To create the inter-site relations one must export one of the application
endpoints from each model by means of an "offer". Here, we make offers for
``ceph-rbd-mirror`` in each model:
.. code::
juju switch site-a
juju offer ceph-rbd-mirror-a:ceph-remote
Application "ceph-rbd-mirror-a" endpoints [ceph-remote] available at "admin/site-a.ceph-rbd-mirror-a"
juju switch site-b
juju offer ceph-rbd-mirror-b:ceph-remote
application "ceph-rbd-mirror-b" endpoints [ceph-remote] available at "admin/site-b.ceph-rbd-mirror-b"
These *cross model relations* can now be made by referring to the offer URLs
(included in the output above) as if they were applications in the local model:
.. code::
juju add-relation -m site-a ceph-mon-a admin/site-b.ceph-rbd-mirror-b
juju add-relation -m site-b ceph-mon-b admin/site-a.ceph-rbd-mirror-a
Verify the output of ``juju status`` for both models (only partial output is shown):
.. code::
juju status -m site-a
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ceph-mon-a/0* active idle 3 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-a/1 active idle 4 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-a/2 active idle 5 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd-a/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-a/1 active idle 1 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-a/2 active idle 2 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-rbd-mirror-a/0* waiting idle 6 Waiting for pools to be created
juju status -m site-b
Unit Workload Agent Machine Public address Ports Message
ceph-mon-b/0* active idle 3 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-b/1 active idle 4 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-mon-b/2 active idle 5 Unit is ready and clustered
ceph-osd-b/0* active idle 0 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-b/1 active idle 1 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
ceph-osd-b/2 active idle 2 Unit is ready (1 OSD)
Ceph-rbd-mirror-b/0* waiting idle 6 Waiting for pools to be created
You're done.
.. note::
Example bundles with a minimal test configuration can be found
in the ``tests/bundles`` subdirectory of the ``ceph-rbd-mirror`` charm.
Both examples of two Ceph clusters deployed in one model and Ceph clusters
deployed in separate models are available.
To make use of cross model relations you must first set up an offer to export
a application endpoint from a model. In this example we use the model names
``site-a`` and ``site-b``.
.. code::
juju switch site-a
juju offer ceph-mon:rbd-mirror site-a-rbd-mirror
juju switch site-b
juju offer ceph-mon:rbd-mirror site-b-rbd-mirror
After creating the offers we can import the remote offer to a model and add
a relation between applications just like we normally would do in a
single-model deployment.
.. code::
juju switch site-a
juju consume admin/
juju add-relation ceph-rbd-mirror:ceph-remote site-b-rbd-mirror
juju switch site-b
juju consume admin/
juju add-relation ceph-rbd-mirror:ceph-remote site-a-rbd-mirror
Minimal two-cluster test bundles can be found in the ``ceph-rbd-mirror``
charm's ``src/tests/bundles`` subdirectory. Examples include both clusters
deployed in one model as well as in separate models.