:orphan: =========================================== placement charm: OpenStack upgrade to Train =========================================== As of OpenStack Train, the Placement API is managed by the new `placement`_ charm and is no longer managed by the nova-cloud-controller charm. The upgrade to Train therefore involves some coordination to transition to the new API endpoints. Prior to upgrading nova-cloud-controller services to Train, the placement charm must be deployed for Train and related to the Stein-based nova-cloud-controller application. It is important that the nova-cloud-controller unit leader is paused while the API transition occurs (paused prior to adding relations for the placement charm) as the placement charm will migrate existing placement tables from the nova_api database to a new placement database. Once the new placement endpoints are registered, nova-cloud-controller can be resumed. Here are example commands for the process just described: .. code-block:: none juju deploy --series bionic --config openstack-origin=cloud:bionic-train placement juju run-action --wait nova-cloud-controller/leader pause juju add-relation placement percona-cluster juju add-relation placement keystone juju add-relation placement nova-cloud-controller List endpoints and ensure placement endpoints are now listening on the new placment IP address. Follow this up by resuming nova-cloud-controller: .. code-block:: none openstack endpoint list juju run-action --wait nova-cloud-controller/leader resume Finally, upgrade the nova-cloud-controller services. Below all units are upgraded simultaneously but see the `paused-single-unit`_ service upgrade method for a more controlled approach: .. code-block:: none juju config nova-cloud-controller openstack-origin=cloud:bionic-train .. LINKS .. _placement: https://jaas.ai/placement .. _paused-single-unit: upgrade-openstack.html#paused-single-unit